Sparkasse Meißen

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Logo of the savings banks  Sparkasse Meißen
Sparkasse Meißen in Riesa
Country GermanyGermany Germany
Seat Riesa , Saxony
legal form Institute of public right
Bank code 850 550 00
founding January 1, 2007
Association East German Savings Bank Association
Business data 2019
Total assets 2.933 billion euros
insoles 2.506 billion euros
Customer credit 1.288 billion euros
Employee 360
Offices 34
Board of Directors District Administrator Arndt Steinbach , Chairman
Board Rainer Schikatzki (Chairman of the Board of Directors)

Daniel Höhn (member of the board)

List of savings banks in Germany

The Sparkasse Meißen is a public savings bank with headquarters in Riesa in Saxony . Your business area includes the district of Meissen .

organization structure

The Sparkasse Meißen is an institution under public law . She is a member of the East German Savings Bank Association . The legal basis of the credit institute is the Savings Bank Act of the Free State of Saxony and the articles of association of the savings bank. The district of Meissen is responsible for this. Its organs are the administrative board and the executive board .


The Sparkasse Meißen operates the universal banking business . In the network business, the credit institute works with the Ostdeutsche Landesbausparkasse, DekaBank , Sparkassen-Versicherung Sachsen and Deutsche Leasing , among others .

In autumn 2012 the Stiftung Warentest für Finanztest checked the interest rates on the overdraft facilities from over 1,500 banks. Sparkasse Meißen, with 12.24 percent interest, was slightly above the average of 11.76 percent of all banks tested. The interest rate adjustment clause continued to be criticized .


From 1993 to 2010, the bank maintained the subsidiary Immobilien-Verwaltungs-GmbH of Sparkasse Meißen for the acquisition, management and sale of developed and undeveloped properties . In July 2001 the service and payment company of the Kreissparkasse Meißen was founded. At the end of 2009 it was renamed the PeB Personalentwicklungs- und Arbeitsgesellschaft mbH and its headquarters moved to Großenhain .

From 2003 to January 2012, Sparkasse Meißen also had a subsidiary called Meissen Capital AG with the purpose of providing venture capital for small and medium-sized companies and providing related advice .


19th century

The beginnings of the credit institution go back to the early 19th century. After the end of medieval economic forms and the dissolution of the guilds , the first consultations took place in Meißen in 1822 with the aim of enabling less financially strong population groups to create financial assets following the example of other savings banks such as the Hamburger Sparkasse . In 1828 the first branch was founded on Heinrichsplatz. In 1834 the bank was placed under city supervision and administration. With this legal form, it was the first public savings bank in the region. The statutes of the Sparkasse Meißen regulated their clientele to customers in the surrounding villages, so that in 1839 a decree by the King of Saxony also founded a savings bank in Großenhain . In 1853 the Sparkasse Riesa ( Sparcasse zu Riesa ) was established, which was placed under public administration in 1869 after the death of the cashier .

20th century until the political change in the GDR

The further development is woven into the increasing networking of the economy around the turn of the century and the associated introduction of cashless payment transactions , which was largely promoted in Saxony in 1908 by Johann Christian Eberle , the establishment of Germany's first giro center in Dresden in 1909 and the emergence of Universal banks .

In 1914, Sparkasse Meißen joined the Association of Public Life Insurance Institutions of the Savings Banks in the Free State of Saxony , of which the other two credit institutions later became members. This gave them the opportunity to offer additional insurance .

During the First World War , the securities business also developed , as the war bonds in Germany were also sold by the savings banks. The inflation and the economic crisis of the early 1920s years led to a devaluation of customer deposits of financial institutions and thus to a decline in growth. Only the currency reform and the introduction of the Reichsmark in November 1923 brought about a change here.

Another setback was triggered in 1931 with the German banking crisis. After the war, the banks in Meißen, Riesa and Grossenhain were reestablished as district savings banks and in the GDR's banking system had to limit themselves to business with private customers .

Development since 1990

In the course of the currency reform accompanying German reunification on July 1, 1990, the Kreissparkassen Meißen, Riesa and Grossenhain received the status of a public credit institution. They were integrated into the existing payment system in the Federal Republic of Germany and thus became members of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe . The adjustment of the different systems required restructuring measures with the help of West German partner institutes, whereby the core structure was retained until 1994. After the district reform of the Free State of Saxony , in which the Riesa district was combined with the Großenhain district to form the new Riesa-Großenhain district , the two institutes concerned were also converted into the Riesa-Großenhain district savings bank. Because of the dissolution of the district of Dresden , the Kreissparkasse Meißen took over the three Radebeul branches of the dissolved Kreissparkasse Dresden-Land in 1997 .

When the old district of Meißen was merged with the district of Riesa-Großenhain , the district of Meißen was created in its current form on August 1, 2008 . In advance, the respective district councils decided in November 2006 to form a joint credit institute from the two district savings banks. In the course of the merger of the two banks on January 1, 2007, Rolf Schlagloth, who was previously a member of the board of directors of Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien, was appointed new chairman of the board. In the course of the technical integration of both banks, the uniform bank sort code 850 550 00 was generated, whereby the respective account numbers of both institutions remained with the exception of 40 individual cases.

The financial crisis that began in 2007 only had a marginal impact on the Sparkasse's operating result .

Since 2010, the bank has been dealing with the euro crisis , some of which is directly related to the banking crisis . The CEO Schlagloth passed away on February 27, 2018.

Social Commitment

The Sparkasse Meißen Foundation, established in 1998 on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of the Kreissparkasse Meißen, is an independent foundation under civil law and, according to its own statements, aims to support social life in the business area. It is one of a total of 760 foundations in the savings bank finance group . It supports various projects, including the Meißen Literature Festival , since 2010, in cooperation with the Ostdeutsche Sparkassenstiftung, the restoration of all wall coverings in the Moritzburg Pheasant Castle , the Käthe-Kollwitz-Haus Moritzburg , visual artists through the possibility of exhibitions and the establishment of an art gallery in the Radebeul branch -Kötzschenbroda .

In November 2012, the big Emma of the Sparkasse Meißen and the East German Savings Bank Association was awarded the winner of the 2nd ideas competition of the German Savings Banks and Giro Association. The concept envisages the establishment of small centers in which several companies from the commercial and service sectors share fixed premises at a fixed rhythm.


In 2010 the bank came under fire. The consumer center Saxony sued the Sparkasse Meißen and won in the last instance with reference to the duty of protection and fiduciary duty before the Federal Court of Justice , because it charged customers a fee for the notification of unpaid direct debits .


  • Arthur Thessel: 100 years of the Städtische Sparkasse zu Meissen. Klinkicht, Meißen 1928.
  • Georg Andreas Handschuh: The public order of the Saxon savings banks . From the obligation of private persons to regulation as a public task to business activities according to owner-defined overall goals. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2010, ISBN 978-3-8329-5193-1 .
  • Josef Wysocki, Hans-Georg Günther: History of the savings banks in the GDR (1945–1990) . Deutscher Sparkassenverlag, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-09-303922-3 .
  • Kreissparkasse Meißen (Ed.): Commemorative publication on the occasion of the anniversary (1823–2003). 175 years for a strong region. Meissen 2003.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Master data of the credit institute at the Deutsche Bundesbank
  2. Sparkasse Ranking List 2019 (PDF; 199 kB, 9 pages) In: Finanzgruppe Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband., May 4, 2020, accessed on May 4, 2020 .
  3. ^ Law on the public credit institutions in the Free State of Saxony and the Saxony Finance Group. (PDF; 150 kB) Accessed May 5, 2013 .
  4. Articles of Association of Sparkasse Meißen. (PDF; 12 kB) Retrieved May 5, 2013 .
  5. Overdrafts: banks refuse to provide information. In: Finanztest . Stiftung Warentest , October 16, 2012, accessed on December 4, 2012 .
  6. Joint register portal of the federal states. North Rhine-Westphalia , accessed on December 7, 2012 (HRB 7915 at Dresden District Court ).
  7. Joint register portal of the federal states. North Rhine-Westphalia , accessed on December 7, 2012 (HRB 21465 at Dresden District Court ).
  8. 2006 annual financial statements. Federal Gazette , June 26, 2008, accessed on December 7, 2012 (HRB 21465 at Dresden District Court ).
  9. ^ This is how the GDR cash registers learned to compete. In: Financial Times Germany . July 5, 2009, archived from the original on July 6, 2009 ; Retrieved December 10, 2012 .
  10. Savings Banks. In: Frank Andert (Red.): Stadtlexikon Radebeul . Historical manual for the Loessnitz . Published by the Radebeul City Archives. 2nd, slightly changed edition. City archive, Radebeul 2006, ISBN 3-938460-05-9 , p. 185 f .
  11. District council advises on Sparkasse and Elbland clinics. In: Saxon newspaper . November 6, 2006, accessed December 10, 2012 .
  12. Ulf Mallek: The new boss of the Sparkasse. In: Saxon newspaper . January 3, 2007, accessed December 7, 2012 .
  13. Ulf Mallek: United, but still separated. In: Saxon newspaper . December 29, 2006, accessed December 6, 2012 .
  14. Annual financial statements 2007. Federal Gazette , July 14, 2008, accessed on December 12, 2012 (HRA 4040 at Dresden District Court ).
  15. Annual financial statements 2010. Federal Gazette , August 2, 2011, accessed on December 4, 2012 (HRA 4040 at Dresden District Court ).
  17. Facts & Figures. Foundations Financial Group, accessed December 4, 2012 .
  18. Articles of Association of the Sparkasse Meißen Foundation. (PDF; 1.2 MB) (No longer available online.) June 17, 2011, archived from the original on June 6, 2014 ; Retrieved December 4, 2012 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  19. Partner 2013: main sponsors. (No longer available online.) In: Homepage of the Meißen Literature Festival. Archived from the original on June 28, 2012 ; Retrieved May 2, 2013 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  20. ^ Little Pheasant Castle in Moritzburg. Ostdeutsche Sparkassenstiftung, accessed on December 7, 2012 .
  21. ^ Website of the Käthe-Kollwitz-Haus: Imprint. Retrieved May 4, 2013 .
  22. ^ Gallery in the Sparkasse. Sparkasse Meißen, accessed on December 7, 2012 .
  23. ↑ Doctor 's office, bank and shop alternate. In: Saxon newspaper . November 28, 2012, accessed December 7, 2012 .
  24. OSV and Sparkasse Meißen win initiative award from DSGV. Ostdeutscher Sparkassenverband , November 26, 2012, accessed on December 7, 2012 .
  25. Fee for unredeemed direct debit not permitted. (No longer available online.) Consumer Center Saxony, May 24, 2012, archived from the original on November 29, 2013 ; Retrieved December 6, 2012 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.verbü
  26. BGH ends the savings bank rip-off. In: Chemnitzer Morgenpost . June 13, 2012, accessed December 7, 2012 .
  27. Information on the judgment. Legal Information Service, May 22, 2012, accessed on December 6, 2012 (Az. XI ZR 290/11).

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