Vinho Verde

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Vinho Verde growing area

Vinho Verde is the name of a Portuguese wine .

The green wine , as the literal translation (but rather young wine is meant ), comes from the growing area between the Douro and Minho rivers in the north of the country. It essentially includes the districts of Viana do Castelo , Braga and Porto . In this very humid region (up to 2000 mm of precipitation falls annually) about 25% of Portuguese wine is produced. The DOC area for red and white wines, which was legally defined as early as 1908, is therefore the largest growing area for quality wines. The almost 60,000 hectares of vineyards are cultivated by around 30,000 winemakers, mostly as a sideline.

The grape varieties used include Alvarinho , Avesso , Loureiro and Treixadura . Occasionally the Sercial grape variety is also used. Usually the vines grow as pergolas a good two meters high . This protects the vines from the moisture in the soil and from too much heat. Usually vegetables still grow under this roof of the vine leaves.

The green does not refer to the color - Vinho Verde is available as a red and white wine as well as a rosé, although mainly the white Vinho Verde is exported - but to the Minho region in northern Portugal, which is due to the higher rainfall has greener landscapes than the rest of the country. The wine has a light, tangy character and has a slight sparkle . The natural carbonic acid is created when the malic acid contained in the grape juice breaks down . There are relatively large differences in quality, as the vinification of this wine requires a lot of feeling and experience. In the case of poor hygiene, for example, the wine is heavily sulphurized for fear of incorrect fermentation. However, the sulphurisation prevents the formation of natural carbonic acid, so that it is added artificially. Most of the wine is made dry. Only export qualities of a simple design have a little residual sweetness to cushion the strong acidity.

In addition to the white Vinho Verde, there is now only local, red Vinho Verde (Vinho Verde Tinto). This is extremely intense in color and very tannic . Rosé wines also exist.

The wines are very light with an alcohol content of 8.5 to 11.5%. Vinho Verde is mostly located in the lowest wine price segment.


  • Casal Garcia
  • Gatão
  • Quinta de Aveleda
  • Quinta de Azevedo
  • Casa de Sezim
  • Gazela ( Sogrape )
  • Muralhas
  • Quinta da Lixa
  • Casa do Valle

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eric Asimov: Vinho Verde - Portuguese for 'Cheap and Cheerful' . In: New York Times . June 27, 2013. Retrieved February 16, 2017.