West bypass to Landshut

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The West Tangent Landshut is an urban connection road that has been planned since the 1960s, on the one hand to better connect the west of Landshut and on the other hand to relieve the inner-city traffic in Landshut . It will also bypass Landshut West , linking West , access road West , Quartier connection or clasp or West connection called. A wide variety of forms of connection and routes have been discussed and planned since the 1960s. A decision of the city council to build such a connecting road was stopped in 2012 by a referendum. A plan approval procedure has not yet been initiated.


The first plans and discussions about a western bypass to Landshut date back to the 1960s. During the tenure of Mayor Josef Deimer it was a regular topic. In a special plenary session on March 27, 1998, the city council decided in favor of realizing an inner west bypass and keeping an outer route free. On October 9, 2008, the Building and Transport Senate commissioned the administration to carry out further planning steps. The following investigations were carried out by several engineering offices:

  • a feasibility study,
  • a traffic investigation,
  • an acoustic report,
  • a room sensitivity test and
  • an air hygiene report.

Under Mayor Hans Rampf , the city council wanted to implement the project of a western bypass, but failed in a referendum. At the end of March 2009, an engineering office submitted a feasibility study for one inner and seven outer variants of a western bypass to the building senate of the city of Landshut . This was discussed several times in the building senate. In 2010, further investigations followed on these route proposals with regard to route guidance and effects on people, nature and the respective traffic effectiveness. A year later the result of a feasibility study with room sensitivity study was presented.

Citizens' meeting places
with Lord Mayor Rampf
date theme
2009 West bypass
June 28, 2011 Show different variants

In June 2011 a citizens' meeting followed with Mayor Rampf to present the various routes to the citizens. Around 400 interested citizens took part in the meeting on June 28th. At the city council meeting that followed a few days later, several speakers should explain further details and initial decisions should be made by the committee. The main points of the draft resolution were:

  • Variant 7 (outer western bypass) is used as the basis for further planning.
  • The necessary steps for a plan approval procedure are initiated.
  • The route of variant 1 (inner western bypass) will continue to be kept free.

At the request of the CSU parliamentary group, the item on the agenda was postponed and sent to a second reading. There was resistance to this project from the population and a citizens' initiative “Pro Habitat Landshut - contra Westtangente” was founded, which immediately collected signatures for a referendum.

Mid July 2011 signaled the CSU agreement with a referendum as a Council request to the following questions:

  • "Are you in favor of the city of Landshut taking the next steps to implement variant 7 of the outer western connection?"
  • "Are you in favor of the city of Landshut taking the further steps to implement variant 1 (inner west connection)?"

At its meeting on July 29, 2011, the city council then decided:

  • no follow-up of an inner west rod (with 23:17 votes);
  • Initiation of a plan approval procedure for variant 7 explicitly without the connection to Klötzlmüllerstraße (with 25:16 votes) and
  • the provision of the necessary funds for a plan approval procedure with the 2012 budget (with 24:14 votes).

The demand of the CSU and FDP to carry out a referendum as a council request was rejected (with 18:23 votes). On October 14, 2012, a referendum initiated by the citizens' initiative took place, which resulted in a rejection of the project.

On December 1, 2014, the agenda of the Environment Senate included the city of Landshut's noise action plan. A western bypass should be included as a noise-reducing measure.

In June 2015, the East-South Landshut bypass dialogue forum started its work as part of the B15neu , at its first two meetings (June 22, 2015 and October 5, 2015) different route variants for an East-South bypass Landshut, including and in combination with different variants of a western bypass Landshut were discussed. At the third and fourth session, however, the routes to be examined were limited to variants without a western bypass of Landshut.

In March 2016, some city councils made efforts to include a corridor for a western bypass in the regional plan for green corridors.

Even before he officially took office on January 1, 2017, the new Lord Mayor of Landshut, Alexander Putz , had initial discussions in this regard for a new start in the west bypass, in order to then quickly initiate a new petition in office. On November 14, 2016, this was already the subject of a meeting with the Free Voters parliamentary group. A conversation with Landshut Mitte followed in mid-November. During his first visit to District Administrator Peter Dreier at the end of January 2017, he brought up a western bypass up to the B 15. At the end of December 2016, the latter had shown himself to be open to such a bypass, since “an efficient district also needs efficient traffic arteries”.

In a new version of a referendum on the western bypass on September 24, 2017, the supporters of a building were able to prevail with 61.59% (20,533 votes), which corresponds to 37.68% of the eligible voters.

Citizens' decision 2012

There was strong resistance to the plans of the city administration and a citizens' initiative called “Pro Habitat Landshut Contra Westtangente” was formed. This began in July 2011 to collect signatures for a referendum. She justified the referendum as follows:

  • massive impairment of the local recreation area in the Isar floodplain,
  • Lack of plausibility of the underlying expectations for population growth,
  • high noise and fine dust pollution from the fragmentation of a residential area in the case of an inner western bypass,
  • Devaluation of the nearby properties due to the spread of noise in the case of an outer western bypass,
  • poor cost-benefit ratio ,
  • No relief from through traffic due to a lack of connections to the north and south,
  • high costs for construction and maintenance.

For a successful referendum, 6 percent of the electorate must sign. In order for the subsequent referendum to lead to a valid result, 15 percent of those eligible to vote must then vote.

On January 23, 2012, the representatives of the citizens' initiative handed over 3500 signatures to Mayor Rampf. On February 3 and 6, another 72 valid signatures were submitted. In total, there were 3037 valid signatures. In mid-February 2012, the city council (with 23:17 votes) rejected the referendum as inadmissible ( prohibition of linking two issues in the question and obtaining the collected signatures). In addition, it was decided to carry out a request for a council (with 29:11 votes). On March 6, the citizens' initiative filed a legal action against the rejection of the referendum by filing a lawsuit at the Regensburg Administrative Court .

At the city council meeting in mid-March 2012, it was initially disputed whether an information sheet should be prepared by the city administration on the project of a western bypass. This was then passed with 23:14 votes. It was created independently by the city of Landshut without the involvement of the citizens' initiative. The citizens' initiative had not taken any legal action against this approach.

On July 11, 2012, the Regensburg Administrative Court ruled that the referendum with the question "Are you in favor of the preservation of the Isarauen recreation area west of Landshut and against the construction of a connection to the west?" The city declared that it accepted the verdict. With the city council meeting on July 20, the subject of a request for a council was off the table.

On October 14th, the referendum on the western bypass was coupled with a referendum on a castle elevator in Landshut. For a decision in line with the question asked, the approval of 15 percent of the then 50,444 eligible voters was necessary, which corresponds to at least 7,566 inhabitants. 46 percent voted for and 54 percent against the construction of a western bypass. In the case of the referendum at that time, no agreement could be reached with the district. However, in 2017 this no longer has any legally binding effect.

Citizens' decision 2017

About 3,270 signatures were required for each of the two referendums to be approved. These took place on September 24, 2017 together with the general election. This is not legally stipulated, but is possible through an exemption from the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Transport . There is the possibility of a contradicting result during implementation. According to Article 18, Paragraph 12 of the Municipal Code, a key question is necessary in such a case.

The questions related to the two referendums are as follows:

  • Citizens' petition “Pro Westtangente”: Are you in favor of the city of Landshut immediately taking all legally permissible measures to implement the construction of a relief road on the western outskirts of Landshut? Yes No
  • Citizens' petition “Contra Westtangente”: Are you in favor of the preservation of the Isar floodplain and flood basin in the west of Landshut and against the construction of a connection to the west through this area? Yes No
  • Key question in the event that the answers from both referendums cannot be combined: Which decision should apply? "Construction of the western bypass" / "No construction of the western bypass"

Around 54,500 people (German nationals as well as those from other EU member states) were entitled to vote. The deadline for determining eligibility to vote was August 20, 2017. In order for the result of the referendum to be valid, a quorum of at least 15 percent of those eligible to vote is required, which corresponds to 8,229 people. Even before the vote, there was great interest in this, as 12,385 postal votes were submitted for the three referendums.

The city administration presented data on the planned western bypass to the Holiday Senate on August 18, 2017. A special plenum requested by the Greens on August 8 was therefore not considered.

According to the quick notification of the city of Landshut on the referendums on September 24, 2017, the eligible voters voted as follows:

  • Citizens' initiative 1 per western bypass: Yes 66.95% (22,059 votes) / No 33.05% (10,889 votes)
  • Citizens' petition 2 against western bypass: yes 53.37% (15,328 votes) / no 46.63% (13,394 votes)
  • Key question: for a building 61.59% (20,533 votes) / against a building 38.41% (12,804 votes)

The necessary quorum was achieved in each case. Majorities were found for both petitions. The decision to build a western bypass was made by a key question.

In ten of the eleven districts of Landshut, the key question was decided for the construction of a western bypass. Only in the West district did the opponents prevail with a narrow result of 50.75%. The supporters in Münchnerau also just won (50.5%). Line 7 begins in the Münchnerau district and then essentially runs through the West district. The largest proportion of supporters was in the Frauenberg district with 69.92%.

"Stop the traffic jam"

At the initiative of the Landshut Free Voters, an alliance of several city council groups came together on January 28, 2017 to seek another referendum on a western bypass to Landshut. This initiative includes city councils of:

  • Free voter,
  • CSU,
  • FDP,
  • Landshut center,
  • BfL / UL (Citizens for Landshut / Independent List),
  • the Bavarian party and
  • the Young List Landshut.

The collection of signatures for the referendum was started in January 2017 under the title "Outer western bypass to improve the traffic situation in the city of Landshut". In a leaflet and on the homepage of the initiative, the sponsor of the citizens' initiative, it is justified as follows:

  • increasing population and thus also an increase in the number of cars in the city of Landshut,
  • existing bridges over the Isar are not sufficient for the increasing traffic load,
  • Reduction of pollution, noise and the number of traffic accidents
  • Extension of an east-south bypass Landshut by a west bypass Landshut and
  • a significant improvement in the traffic situation in Landshut z. B. with regard to the construction of the secondary school, travel time savings, getting through for emergency services and the connection to the West of Landshut (new commercial and residential area in Münchnerau)

A Landshut western bypass is also supported by the new Lord Mayor of Landshut, Alexander Putz . The SPD is positive about a western bypass with a connection to Bundesstraße 15 , but does not want to actively support the citizens' initiative.

Other organizations that support the referendum are:

  • Citizens' Initiative Free Travel (BIFF)

The required minimum number of signatures had been collected by mid-May 2017. On June 19, 2017, 4,442 signatures - 4,030 of them valid - were handed over to Mayor Putz. The quorum on this date was 3264 signatures. On July 7, 2017, the city council found the referendum to be admissible.

On July 11th, the parliamentary groups of CSU and Junge Liste - Bürger für Landshut specified their ideas for the construction of a western bypass to the effect that for an extension of the same by the municipalities of Tiefenbach and Kumhausen for a ring closure around Landshut, the district should participate in the planning and financing A prerequisite for a realization.

"For the Isarau habitat and the flood basin - against the western bypass"

As a counterpoint to the initiative to build a west bypass to Landshut, a citizens' initiative called “Pro Habitat Isarau and Flutmulde - contra Westtangente” was founded in March, which also wants to bring about a referendum with the aim of preventing the construction of a west bypass.

This referendum is justified as follows:

  • Protection of the alluvial forest with its flora and fauna,
  • Preservation of the local recreation area "Obere Isarau and Flutmulde",
  • no noticeable relief of inner-city traffic
  • Increase in traffic from the west,
  • new traffic jams caused by shifting traffic e.g. B. at junctions with Luitpoldstrasse and on Kupefereck,
  • low cost / benefit ratio,
  • Commitment of budget funds required for other measures,
  • high follow-up costs as well
  • Devaluation of the affected property due to increased noise.

The city of Landshut is calling for a climate-friendly overall transport concept to be drawn up, including the surrounding communities, with equal consideration of public transport, cyclists and pedestrians (city of short distances!).

She also collects the necessary signatures for a corresponding petition. This initiative is supported by citizens and the Bund Naturschutz (BN). By mid-May, she had half of the required signatures together. More than 3,500 signatures had been collected by the end of June. The collection will run until the beginning of July. The handover of the 4,260 signatures to Mayor Putz took place on July 11, 2017. On July 28, 2017, the city council found the referendum to be admissible.

Course and junctions

The West Tangent Landshut is often related to two other transport projects: East-South bypass Landshut / Bundesstraße 15n and Osttangente Landshut .

In the run-up to the referendum of 2012, a total of eight route variants were examined (7 outer bypasses and 1 inner bypass). The room sensitivity study classified “the expected total exposure” in relation to the protected assets “people, animals and plants, soil, water, landscape and recreation” as “high” - in five cases even as “very high”. All seven routes had their starting point at Theodor-Heuss-Strasse and ended at the Bundesstrasse 11. The costs are estimates.

Variant 1 (inner bypass)

Length: 870 m
Location: Starts at the Klötzlmüllerstraße / Obere Liebenau intersection, connection to the B 11 at the level of the Klausenberg (half in the residential area)
Bridges: over Hammerbach and Isar

Variant 2 (external bypass)

Length: 2.7 km
Location: Start near Prof.-Scholl-Straße
bridges; Flood basin (300 m), Isar (675 m), Hammerbach

Variant 3 (external bypass)

Length: 2.5 km
Location: route recorded in the land use plan, beginning near Fuggerstrasse
Bridges: elevated above flood basin

Variant 4 (external bypass)

Length:? km
Location: Start near the Münchnerau industrial area; Straight connection via flood basin and Isar to the B 11

Variant 5 (external bypass)

Length: 2.7 km
Location: Starts at the intersection with Prof.-Scholl-Straße, most direct connection between the state and federal highway
Bridges: flood basin, Isar

Variant 6 (external bypass)

Length:? km
Location: start near Fuggerstrasse; because it is led in the flood basin and cannot be passed during high water

Variant 7 (external bypass)

Length: 2.46 km
Land use: 6.3 hectares (1.6 hectares of contiguous forest areas)
Location: Start near Fuggerstraße
Bridges: Flood basin (680 m), Isar (280 m), Klötzlmühlbach (15 m)

Variant 8 (external bypass)

Length:? km
Location: Start at the Fragnerstrasse intersection

The room sensitivity study had shown that "variants 1, 7 and 8 should be pursued in terms of planning".

Route of the referendum 2012

The referendum was based on "Variant 7", which had been passed by the city council. On the part of the district, the communities of Tiefenbach and Kumhausen were affected at that time.

Dialogue forum east-south bypass Landshut

In 2015, various route variants were discussed in the dialogue forum, in which both a western bypass near and far from the city played a role. The following variants were discussed in detail:

Elevation profile of the west bypass Landshut with continuation as a ring closure to the B 15neu (east-south bypass Landshut) based on variant 5a of the dialogue forum
  • 3: Here the B 15new is continued from the motorway junction with the A 92 at Ohu in an offset over the A 92. An additional Münchnerau junction must be set up south of the Landshut-West junction. From there it is led to the south as a three-lane west-east bypass. After building a bridge over the Isar, a tunnel through the Isarhangleite leads west past Tiefenbach. At the height of Hachstuhl, it crosses the B 15, continues through the Vilstal and connects to the B 299 at Asbach / Kreuzfeld near Geisenhausen , in order to continue to Geisenhausen via the spatial planning road of the B 15 new. To implement this offset solution, a 16.8 km long six-lane expansion of the A 92 is considered necessary because of the ascent on the A 92 near Altdorf. Depending on the direction of travel, this is 2.3 to 2.4 percent (for comparison: in the area of ​​the planned tunnel near Eisgrub, an increase in the terrain of around 4 percent has to be overcome).
  • 4: This variant corresponds to 3 supplemented by a two-lane east bypass.
  • 5a: Here the B 15new from the motorway junction with the A 92 at Ohu im Versatz continues over the A 92 and traffic from the Landshut-West junction is initially directed on the St 2045 towards Landshut. Before Landshut, it is directed south as a two-lane west bypass. After building a bridge over the flood basin and over the Isar, it goes east past Tiefenbach. At the height of Hachstuhl, it connects to the B 15, on which it continues south.
  • 5b: This variant corresponds to 5a supplemented by a two-lane east bypass.
  • 8: This is a combination of variants 1a and 5a. From Hachelstuhl, a western (connection to the A 92 at Landshut-West) and a southeast (connection to the A 92 via the motorway junction with the B 15 new) bypass of Landshut would be possible.

Variants 3 and 4 envisaged a 730 m long Isar bridge. Variants 5a, 5b and 8 were based on a 275 m long crossing of the flood basin and a 720 m long Isar crossing. The ring closure variant 8 was proposed by Alexander Putz as a representative of ProB15neu.

At the third meeting of the dialogue forum on May 4, 2016, plan case 3 (western bypass away from the city) was assigned to the projects that are “least compatible with nature conservation law”. “It would affect the FFH area west of Landshut so significantly that, according to nature conservation law, more environmentally friendly variants must be preferred”. The other planned cases were also rejected. The town council of Altfraunhofen considers a west bypass in combination with a bypass close to the city (1a) to be useful, but not in connection with bypasses far from the city (1b or 1c).

Along the route of variant 5a, there are a large number of farmsteads and places within a radius of one kilometer. Which includes:

  • Schlossberg
  • Aign
  • Tiefenbach
  • Upper holding
  • Mittergolding
  • Undergolding
  • Rauhpfann
  • Binsham
  • Prices mountain
  • Two churches
  • Urlasbühl
  • Rammelkam
  • Grammel comb
  • Stachersdorf
  • Winds
  • Local mountain
  • Barbed chair

Starting from the B 11, the first approx. 2 km up the Isarhangleiten, there is an altitude difference of approx. 100 meters to overcome. Mathematically, this results in a value of around 5 percent for the slope (longitudinal slope) in the terrain (for comparison: in the section of the A 92 between the Altdorf and Landshut-Nord motorway exits, the height difference is between 2.3 and 2.4 percent).

Route of the referendum 2017

The desired referendum is based on "Variant 7", which was voted on in 2012. This is a so-called outer western bypass Landshut and would have a length of 2.5 km. It begins in the west of Landshut at the intersection of State Road 2045 (Theodor-Heuss-Straße) with Fuggerstraße. In front of the Siebensee development, it branches off in a south-easterly direction. After crossing the flood basin, it runs parallel to it in a southerly direction to the eastern flood basin. Then it crosses the Klötzlmühlbach, then continues in a straight line. Before it connects to the B 11, it crosses the Hammerbach and Isar by bridge.

Closure of the ring with the east-south bypass Landshut

Altitude course of the west bypass Landshut to the B 11 and a possible continuation as a ring closure to the B 15 new (east-south bypass Landshut).

According to the initiators of the collection of signatures, a continuation to the B 15 would be desirable in order to relieve the Veldener Strasse with the Achdorf district. A possible variant of this would be a connection from Schlossberg via the area of ​​the communities of Kumhausen and Tiefenbach to the B 15 to Hachlstuhl. The end point of an east-south bypass Landshut is also planned there. For a continuation, however, the involvement of the communities of Kumhausen and Tiefenbach or the district of Landshut is necessary.

In its statement on the regional planning procedure for the east-south bypass in Landshut, the district committee of the Landshut district pleaded for a connection point near Niederkam to a south bypass from the B 299 to the B 15 near the city there is no concrete plan.

With the completion of the regional planning procedure for an east-south bypass Landshut on February 8, 2018, route 1a close to the city was completed as a planned case. Compared to variant 1a, the remaining variants 1b and 1c mean a bypass route that is around 10 km longer, starting from a western tangent connection on the B 11 to LA 14 in the east of Landshut.


The respective building contractor bears the costs for construction and maintenance. While the construction load for a western bypass lies in the urban area near the city of Landshut, this would lie with the district or with the district communities for the additional section if it were to continue through the district, provided that it was not implemented as a state road. Then the construction load would lie with the Landshut State Building Authority. However, the Landshut State Building Authority considered the chances of this to be low in December 2016, because in the application documents for the regional planning procedure for an east-south bypass Landshut it stated: "Due to the lack of extensive traffic effect", the west bypass with extension to the B 15 " can only be implemented in municipal building work ".

Bypass without continuing

In 2000 it was assumed that the cost would be 29 million euros. In 2012 it was assumed that the costs would be eligible for funding of up to 80 percent.

At the beginning of 2017, city councilor and MdL Jutta Widmann assumed that the project would be funded by 80 percent. The portion to be financed by the city of Landshut would then be 6 million euros. This is also the sum that the alliance is assuming for the 2017 referendum. In an interview in mid-January, the CSU city council group said that the city of Landshut currently had no money for this. As a candidate for the office of Lord Mayor in Landshut, Alexander Putz expected a funding level of 65 percent in October 2016.

A current cost estimate for planning, land acquisition and noise protection measures was not available at the beginning of February 2017. On February 15, Jutta Widmann spoke of total costs of 30 million euros and 15 million euros that would have to be financed by the city of Landshut with 50 percent funding. According to statements from the Landshut state building authority, the subsidy rates will be up to 50 percent at the beginning of 2017. In the past few years, 80 percent was granted in exceptional cases for projects with “special state interest”. Since the project is not ready for construction, no funding commitments can be made. The opponents assume costs of 40 million euros.

From the Landshut Building Department, the funding opportunities were named as follows:

  • If classified as a state road up to 80%
  • When classified as a local road up to 60%

In 2018, on behalf of the city of Landshut, an expert opinion was drawn up on the classification of the western bypass. Because of its supra-regional importance, it advocates classification as a district road. The funding opportunities here are between 65 and 80%.

In the event that the referendum takes place in September 2017 together with the federal elections and is approved, Mayor Putz assumes that planning costs could be included in the budget of the city of Landshut as early as 2018.

For the referendum of 2012, the following cost estimates were made for the eight examined variants:

variant Costs
in million euros
1 6.5 part of the road to be built
2 20th
3 25th
4th ?
5 ?
6th 16.6 plus costs to raise the Isar dam
7th 29
8th ?

In November, the city of Landshut announced that the city of Landshut's draft budget for 2018/2019 had set a total of 500,000 euros for planning work. In the approved budget for 2018 this is € 200,000. For the budget year 2019, there is also a commitment authorization for 300,000 euros.

Bypass with continuation

At the end of March 2017, the head of the Landshut civil engineering department, at a meeting of the building committee of the city of Landshut, named costs of 124 million euros for a west bypass with continuation to Altfraunhofen and referred to calculations from the dialogue forum East-South bypass Landshut during Mayor Putz von 70 to 80 million euros ran out.

If one takes the cost estimate of 30 million euros for the urban part from the chapter bypass without continuation , then a cost share of approx. 40 to 94 million euros remains for the district or the affected district communities.

Traffic volume

Opportunities for motor vehicles to cross the Isar in the Landshut area.

Landshut is an important hub for national road traffic. North of the urban area runs the federal highway A 92, which crosses the federal highways B 15 and B 299, which run through the urban area. In addition, the B 11 connects Landshut with Munich.

For regional road traffic, Landshut serves as a crossing point for State Road 2045 and as a connecting point for State Road 2143 to Ergolding and the district roads LA 26 to Altdorf , LA 52 to Altdorf or Ergolding and LA 14 near Auloh to Niederaichbach . As an enclave , Landshut is located in the middle of the district of the same name and divides it into a north and a south half.

Commuter flows from the municipalities of the Landshut district to the city of Landshut and vice versa. As of June 30, 2016

Road traffic crosses the Isar in three places in Landshut :

  • once in the west from Luitpoldstrasse to Wittstrasse
  • twice in the center on Podewilsstraße and
  • twice in the east over the Piflaser bridge and the Konrad-Adenauer-Brücke in the area of ​​Konrad-Adenauer-Straße.

These bridges are not sufficient to accommodate both inner-city traffic and traffic from neighboring communities. As a result, the existing connections are heavily loaded. The source and destination traffic also make a significant contribution to this (see the illustration of commuter flows to and from Landshut on the right).

Outside of Landshut, there are only 17 km to the west (Volkmannsdorferau) and about 14 km east (Niederaichbach) to cross the Isar.

Traffic development

Freight traffic flows in the Landshut area according to traffic censuses 2000/2010
Vehicle traffic flows in the Landshut area according to traffic censuses 2000/2010/2015

Around 1980 the number of cars in Landshut was 19,379. From 2000 to 2007, the number had grown from 30,460 to 35,039, fell to 30,835 in the course of the financial and economic crisis in 2008, and then rose again to 33,788 vehicles by 2014. In 2014, the total number of motor vehicles (cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, tractors and other vehicles) was 39,542. Since 2012, the number of registered cars, motorcycles and trucks in Landshut has risen continuously.

Development of the DTV values ​​2005, 2010 and 2015 in the area between Moosburg and Landshut

This contrasts with a significant decrease in the number of people transported in local public transport . After 9.188 million in 1999, the number of passengers carried in 2014 was 6.664 million, 27.5 percent fewer. From 2013 to 2014, passenger numbers fell by 4.4 percent.

B 15 : According to the traffic census 2015 (2010) in the Hofmark-Aich-Straße / Luitpoldstraße area, the traffic load was 20,500 (24,500) to 20,000 (26,500) vehicles per day. In the direction of Kumhausen it decreased to 13,300 (13,500) vehicles per day and in the direction of Ergolding it increased to just under 29,000 (21,000) vehicles per day. After Ergolding at the junction with the A 92 there are only around 16,600 (13,200) vehicles per day.

B 11 : According to the 2015 traffic census (2010), the traffic load in thedirection of Tiefenbach was around 16,100 (17,600) vehicles per day.

Traffic reports / feasibility studies

On December 30, 2009, a traffic report for the Landshut western bypass was presented. It attests that such a bypass will noticeably reduce traffic congestion for Kumhausen. A feasibility study was also presented in 2010.

Forecast figures from an expert report from August 2017 for the city of Landshut
Area Traffic
on working days in 2014
for 2030
with zero solution
Forecast for 2030
when the
Landshut east-south bypass is implemented
Forecast for 2030
when the
Landshut western bypass is implemented
Forecast for 2030
if a ring closure is realized
(between Rennweg and Schwimmschulstrasse)
27,500 28,500 25,800 25,600 24,000
(from Schwimmschulstraße to Isar)
22,500 24,100 20,400 18,100 16,400
Run away 12,600 13,600 12,700 11,200 11,500
(between the tunnel and Kupfereck)
34,000 36,000 31,100 29,900 27,500
Veldener Strasse 15,900 17,300 11,600 15,300 10,800
Klötzlmüllerstrasse 11,300 14,000 11,100 7,700 8,000


  • The forecast range of fluctuation is 500 vehicles in each case.
  • Coming from Veldener Strasse (B 15), Luitpoldstrasse but also the B 11 and the Josef-Deimer-Tunnel (neither mentioned in the figures above) one reaches Wittstrasse along which various parking lots and multi-storey car parks can be found Walking downtown; including z. B. the Grieserwiese with 1,300 parking spaces alone. The two parking garages in Wittstrasse offer space for a total of 543 vehicles.
  • The 2010 traffic volume map of the state building authority (created on March 5, 2012) shows an average daily traffic volume (DTV value) of 24,530 vehicles for the measuring point 74389102 (Luitpoldstrasse in the area of ​​Schwimmschulstrasse and Isar). On the B 15 in the urban area of ​​Landshut, these were 21,709 and 13,518 vehicles, respectively, at the measuring points in the area of ​​Alten Bergstrasse (74389142) and Veldener Strasse (74389141). On the B 11, a DTV value of 17,592 vehicles was determined at the measuring point 74389300 in the amount of the branch to the B 15.

Relief effect

At the East-South Bypass Dialogue in Landshut in October 2015, a combination of the East-South Bypass and the Landshut West Bypass performed best in terms of traffic relief in relation to the large-scale traffic. A west bypass with an extension to the B 15 (route 5a) alone or a combination of a west and east bypass (route 5b), however, was deemed to be "lacking large-scale traffic effectiveness". For the B 15 traffic, the route of route 5a was characterized as "extremely detour and unattractive".

Citizens' decision 2012

variant Traffic volume Relief effect
number of vehicles
1 ? Luitpoldstrasse: 5000 Expected distribution of a large part of the traffic
from Klötzlmüllerstrasse and Schwimmschulstrasse
into Sylvensteinstrasse, Obere Liebenau and Querstrasse
2 ? ?
3 ? ?
4th ? ?
5 ? ?
6th ? ?
7th Luitpoldstrasse: 26000 Luitpoldstrasse: 3900
Klötzlmüllerstrasse: 3500
Sylvensteinstrasse: 1300
Achdorfer Isarsteig: 1000
Podewillstrasse: 1700
Veldener Strasse 1500
Expected traffic volume on route 7: 7500
8th ? ?

Citizens' decision 2017

Lord Mayor Alexander Putz sees a western bypass in particular to relieve Wittstrasse and Luitpoldstrasse from through traffic. The city council decided to build another almost 40 hectare industrial area near the already existing industrial area "Landshut Park", with a net construction area of ​​20 hectares. The Free Voters in Landshut expect the land to be allocated from the end of 2017 and, as a result, the designation of further building areas in Münchnerau and thus the increase in traffic in the west of Landshut. Mayor Putz assumes that around 12,000 vehicles will drive on the west bypass after completion.

A further construction of the western bypass to the south of Kumhausen should have a relief effect of 6,800 vehicles on Veldener Straße. Until the referendum in September 2017, information about the relief effect of a western bypass will be worked out by the city administration.

At the meeting of the Holiday Senate on August 18, 2017, the following relief effects were mentioned: 48 percent on Veldener Straße, 43 percent on Watzmannstraße, 36 percent on Klötzlmüllerstraße, 27 percent on Luitpoldstraße and 28 percent on Konrad-Adenauer-Straße. The prerequisite is a ring closure with the east-south bypass Landshut (continuation of the B 15 new from the A 92 to the B 15). In detail, there is talk of relieving the Watzmannstrasse by up to 3500, the Schwimmschulstrasse by 2400, the Klötzlmüllerstrasse by 3700, the Luitpoldstrasse south of the Rennweg around 1900 and the Schwimmschulstrasse by 4300 vehicles per day.

Accessibility for source and destination traffic from the city and district of Landshut
Starting point Routing over End point Route length with west bypass ( WT ) Route length without west bypass
Tiefenbach B 11, Wittstrasse, Luitpold-Strasse, Hofmark-Aich-Strasse, Äußere Regensburger Strasse Transition from Siemensstrasse to Industriestrasse - approx. 9 km
B 11, WT , Rennweg, Luitpold-Strasse, Hofmark-Aich-Strasse, Äußere Regensburger Strasse approx. 9.75 km -
Kumhausen Veldener Strasse, Wittstrasse, B 11 AS Moosburg Nord (A 92) - approx. 14.5 km
LA 21, Tiefenbach, B 11 - approx. 15 km
Veldener Strasse, Wittstrasse, B 11, WT , Theodor-Heuss-Strasse, AS Landshut-West (A 92), A 92 approx. 19 km -
Roundabout at Arth B 299, Altdorf bypass, Altdorfer Strasse, Luitpoldstrasse, Wittstrasse Grieserwiese Landshut - approx. 10.75 km
B 299, Rottenburger Strasse, Opalstrasse, Weiherbachstrasse, Theodor-Heuss-Strasse, WT , B 11 approx. 15.25 km -
B 299, Rottenburger Strasse, Äußere Parkstrasse, Kurt-Schuhmacher-Strasse, WT , B 11 approx. 13.5 km -
B 299, AS Altdorf (A 92), A 92, AS Landshut-Nord (A 92), B 299, Altdorfer Straße, Luitpold-Straße, Wittstraße - approx. 12 km
AS Landshut-Nord (A 92) Altdorfer Strasse, Luitpold Strasse, Wittstrasse Grieserwiese Landshut - approx. 5.75 km
A 92, AS Altdorf (A 92), Rottenburger Straße, Äußere Parkstraße, Kurt-Schuhmacher-Straße, WT , B 11 approx. 14.25 km -
A 92, AS Altdorf (A 92), Rottenburger Strasse, Opalstrasse, Weiherbachstrasse, Theodor-Heuss-Strasse, WT , B 11 approx. 12.5 km -
A 92, AS Landshut-West (A 92),
Theodor-Heuss-Straße, WT , B 11
approx. 15.5 km -
AS Moosburg Nord (A 92) A 92, AS Landshut-Nord, B 299 Transition from Siemensstrasse to Industriestrasse - approx. 18.85 km
A 92, AS Landshut-West (A 92), Theodor-Heuss-Straße, Rennweg, Äußere Regensburger Straße - approx 16.85 km
B 11, WT , Rennweg, Äußere Regensburger Straße approx. 17.75 km -

Construction progress

Since the 1960s, various engineering offices have carried out various studies and investigations into the most varied of routes and connection options; The last time this happened was towards the end of the 2000s. Variant 1 (inner west connection) was specified in a development plan in 2008. As a result of a referendum in 2012, all further planning had to be stopped. A signature campaign launched in Landshut at the beginning of 2017 paved the way for the planning of a western bypass.

Bypass without continuing

After the Landshuter had voted in the referendum on September 24, 2017 in favor of building the west bypass, OB Putz pleaded "that we start with the concrete planning as soon as possible and then with the construction." Budget proposals for the hiring of Planning funds were submitted two days after the referendum by the parliamentary groups of Free Voters and the CSU and were included in the draft budget for 2018/2019 in November, which was approved by the city council in December. A concrete route had not yet been defined; Its course and connection points to the B 11 and State Road 2045 should first be examined.

In 2018, an appraisal for the classification of the western bypass was carried out and a planning area analysis is in preparation. For a subsequent study on environmental and nature conservation issues, it was initially estimated that it would take one year to map flora and fauna. The planning objective is to create the basis for a plan approval procedure based on route 7. In December 2018, the city administration informed the city council that a “faunistic and floristic planning area analysis” had been commissioned, which would start in January 2019 and take two years to complete. The first results from this analysis are expected after a year. The commissioning of the necessary planning services for the preparation of a planning ready for approval are planned for the second and third quarter of 2019. In September 2019 it was announced that the preliminary surveys of the examinations under species protection law will continue until 2020. The feasibility study from 2010 must also be updated with regard to the choice of variant.

In August 2018, Lord Mayor Putz assumed that if a plan approval procedure was carried out in 2019, construction could start at the end of 2020 or beginning of 2021 and that a construction period of two to three years would be expected. In December 2018, the city administration announced that the plan approval procedure could be applied for in 2021. Without legal action against a plan approval decision, construction could then start as early as possible in 2022. In September 2019, the earliest possible completion date was assumed to be 2025. But a date that is a few years later cannot be ruled out.

Bypass with continuation

OB Putz saw "the west bypass as the ideal complement to the east-south bypass Landshut (continuation of the B 15 new) included in the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan 2030. " This combination of west bypass and route variant 1a of the east-south bypass is known as the ring closure. However, this route variant was rejected in the regional planning procedure for the east-south bypass. As part of a continuation of a western bypass, the connection to federal highway 15 remains.

If the mayor of Tiefenbach, Birgit Gatz, was still skeptical in November 2016, at the beginning of 2017 she signaled her readiness for “constructive cooperation” with regard to such a project. The Tiefenbach community had not officially been involved in such a project until February 25, 2017, but discussions between it and the Lord Mayor of Landshut were planned for the first quarter of 2017. From the political side, the implementation of an expert opinion was discussed to determine the effects on the city of Landshut and the communities of Tiefenbach and Kumhausen. During his inaugural visit to Tiefenbach's mayor Gatz, the subject was addressed by Mayor Putz, but there were no further discussions with either her or Kumhausen's mayor Thomas Huber until mid-2017.

A resolution on the subject of “via the Landshut bypass west bypass - continuation by the community” was on the agenda of the meeting of the Tiefenbach community council on July 11, 2017. The community council decided almost unanimously that “based on the current state of knowledge, a continuation is rejected”. On the part of the municipality of Kumhausen there was no decision in this regard until September.


May 2012 election in Landshut

The OB candidate of the Greens, Thomas Keyßner, started with the aim of preventing a western bypass through the Isar floodplains as a natural space and local recreation area.

May 2016 election in Landshut

Since a city council majority was in favor of building a western bypass in 2012, it was already assumed in 2014 that a western bypass could be one of the topics in the upcoming mayoral election campaign in 2016. During the mayor's election campaign in Landshut, Alexander Putz made the construction of a western bypass a key issue in his election campaign. and presented a concept for a west bypass at an election campaign in early August 2016, which should not end at the B 11, but should continue to Hachelstuhl to the B 15, in order to form a ring closure together with the east-south bypass Landshut.

Of the opposing candidates, Helmut Radlmeier and Patricia Steinberger spoke out in favor of a western bypass, while Stephan Gruber rejected one.


The free voters in Landshut are among the long-time supporters of a western bypass. The same applies to city councils of the CSU. In the 2014 local election campaign, the SPD and the citizens of Kumhausen (BfK) spoke out in favor of a western bypass. In July 2017, the SPD specified its position in such a way that it only supports a western bypass if it does not end at Schlossberg but is led all around Landshut.

Other proponents are:

  • the Confederation of Self-Employed (BDS) Landshut,
  • the citizens of Landshut (BfL),
  • the citizens' initiative Free Travel (BIFF),
  • Landshut center (LM),
  • the Lower Bavaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
  • the industry and trade committee Landshut and
  • the Liberal Mittelstand Niederbayern.

In a survey by the Landshuter Zeitung on the OB election campaign, 70.75 percent of those surveyed vote in favor of building a western bypass.

The action alliance "Stop the traffic jam - for an outer western bypass Landshut" (initiated by MdL Jutta Widmann) handed over 3000 signatures collected from the district citizens for a continuation of a western bypass through the district Landshut.


The citizens' initiative “Pro Habitat Landshut - contra Westtangente” does not see the Westtangente as a road to relieve traffic, but as a “feeder for Landshut Park and any commercial and residential areas there”.

In 2012 the Greens supported the referendum against a western bypass. At the end of 2014, the faction of the Greens criticized the idea of ​​including a western bypass in the city of Landshut's noise action plan. She also criticized a “revitalization of the project of a western bypass”. An undetectable traffic effect on the source-destination traffic is criticized and, in contrast, a rapid expansion of local public transport is called for, since a period of more than 10 years is to be expected in the event of implementation. Costs are also expected to be significantly higher than 30 million euros.

In February 2017, after the start of the signature collection for a second referendum in the city of Landshut, the ÖDP city council group criticized the fact that a western bypass with sole connection to the B 11 without a continuation to the B 15 was questionable in terms of its traffic effect. The encroachment on a local recreation area through the construction is considerable and it is unclear who is responsible for the construction of the project. The lack of a current cost estimate is also complained about, which has increased considerably since the last referendum in 2012. In addition, the ÖDP anticipates considerable follow-up costs for such a road, primarily due to the maintenance of the bridge structures.

The BUND with its district group Landshut, which has been critical of this topic for decades and was already against the construction of a western bypass in the referendum in 2012, remains with its negative stance and calls for the expansion of public transport and, in addition to a western bypass, the establishment of an eastern bypass Landshut . In the event of a referendum, a panel discussion organized by a neutral body to form an opinion is required. The Tiefenbach-Ast Nature Conservation Group also rejects a western bypass, as it is feared that the Tiefenbach municipal area will be fragmented if it continues through the district, with negative effects on the quality of life for humans, animals and plants.

In 2012 the Landshut district was also negative about the project, but in 2017 it was open to such a project.

The citizens' initiative “Pro Habitat Isar and Flood Basin - Contra West Tangent”, founded in March 2017, criticizes the “noise” of the Isarau from a western bypass, as well as its high costs and low traffic impact.


Parallel to the two citizens 'requests for a bypass to the west, or against it, a traffic project which, from the point of view of the respective organizers, either contributes to improving the traffic situation in Landshut or not, a further collection of signatures for a third citizens' request took place with the aim of the traffic situation to improve in Landshut by expanding local public transport. On July 14, 2017, the representatives of the citizens' initiative "More public transport - good against traffic jams" presented around 4400 signatures to Mayor Putz. At its meeting on July 28th, the city council found the referendum to be admissible.

According to the quick notification of the city of Landshut on the referendums on September 24, 2017, the eligible voters voted as follows:

  • Petition for an expansion of local public transport: Yes 67.93% (23,620 votes) / No 32.07% (11,149 votes)

The necessary quorum was achieved, so the referendum was decided positively.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Landshuter Wochenblatt: West connection: Tiefenbach promises cooperation , February 8, 2017.
  2. a b c d e f g h BUND Kreisgruppe Landshut: The planning history of a street with the following names: West connection, West access road, neighborhood connection, West tangent, Spange, West connection , online at landshut.bund-naturschutz.de, accessed on February 11 2017.
  3. a b Landshuter Wochenblatt: “Landshut cannot afford that” , January 18, 2012, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  4. a b c Landshuter Wochenblatt: City council buries the inner variant - and decides on the outer one , July 29, 2011, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  5. a b c d e f g h i j Bavarian Administrative Court Regensburg: Judgment of the 3rd Chamber of July 11, 2012 . File number RN 3 K 12.424, subject area 140 99, PDF, online at www.vgh.bayern.de, accessed on February 19, 2017.
  6. a b Landshuter Zeitung: This is how the people of Landshuter chose October 18, 2012, PDF, online at www.westtangente.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  7. a b Landshuter Zeitung: The Paths of the Tangents , March 30, 2009.
  8. Landshuter Wochenblatt: Citizens' meeting point for the Westtangente , June 9, 2011, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  9. Landshuter Wochenblatt: Tumult-like scenes in the town hall , July 1, 2011, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  10. Landshuter Wochenblatt: Westtangente: Double referendum? , July 20, 2011, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  11. City of Landshut: Resolutions in the matter of Westtangente (n) , July 29, 2011, online at www.landshut.de, accessed on February 19, 2017.
  12. a b Landshuter Rundschau: Greens criticize the noise action plan fiercely / Against new demands for western bypass, November 28, 2014, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017
  13. Landshuter Rundschau: The dialogue forum on the east-south bypass around Landshut started successfully today: June 22, 2015, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  14. a b Dialogue forum east-south bypass Landshut: overview of variants for a bypass around Landshut . October 5, 2015, PDF, online at www.ou-landshut.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  15. a b Landshuter Rundschau: Dialog Forum B 15 new: 14 route options presented and assessed, including the costs , October 7, 2015, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  16. Landshuter Rundschau: For the Greens, the “blockade in the city council on regional green spaces is not understandable” , March 16, 2016, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  17. a b c Landshuter Zeitung: New attempt to connect to the west , 23 November 2016.
  18. a b Landshuter Zeitung: Westtangente top goal of Putz , January 14, 2017.
  19. Landshuter Rundschau: “Free” also support the new Mayor Alexander Putz. He attended ( November 14th ) a FW parliamentary group meeting , November 16, 2016, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 12, 2017.
  20. Landshuter Rundschau: Prof. Dr. Küffner: Landshuter Mitte wants a strategic partnership with the new Mayor Alexander Putz - Realize common goals with the “Grand Coalition” , November 15, 2016, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 12, 2017.
  21. Landshuter Zeitung: Together further for the region , January 20, 2017.
  22. a b c Landshuter Zeitung: West bypass to the second? , November 23, 2016.
  23. a b Citizens' initiative “Pro Habitat Landshut Contra Westtangente”: 10 arguments against the Westtangente . PDF, online at www.westtangente.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  24. Landshuter Wochenblatt: 7,500 have to vote against it , August 3, 2011, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  25. Landshuter Wochenblatt: "Lord Mayor, it's your turn" , January 24, 2012, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017. The subsequent check showed that 18 signatures were missing for the referendum to be successful. There were 2967 valid signatures; 2985 were required.
  26. Landshuter Wochenblatt: BI submits missing signatures later, February 3, 2012, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  27. Landshuter Wochenblatt: Full braking for citizens' petitions, February 17, 2012, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  28. Landshuter Wochenblatt: The “half-knowledge” of some city councilors , February 27, 2012, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  29. Landshuter Wochenblatt: Ring free for round two in the plenum , March 19, 2012, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  30. Landshuter Wochenblatt: "How to use a vacuum cleaner" , August 14, 2012, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  31. Landshuter Wochenblatt: BI does not want to take legal action against the city , August 29, 2012, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  32. City of Landshut: Citizens' petitions and council requests on October 14 , July 20, 2012, online at www.landshut.de, accessed on February 19, 2017.
  33. Landshuter Wochenblatt: City wants to accept judge's verdict , July 11, 2012, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  34. Landshuter Wochenblatt: “I have to think about the future” , July 18, 2012, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  35. a b c d Landshuter Wochenblatt: Citizens' decision: Around 4,000 vote in advance, October 10, 2012, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  36. a b c Landshuter Zeitung: An overview of the most important of the week , February 4, 2017.
  37. City of Landshut: General information on petitions and referendums , online at www.landshut.de, accessed on February 24, 2017.
  38. a b c d e f Landshuter Zeitung: "New road for new traffic jams" , February 7, 2017.
  39. a b c d e Landshuter Zeitung: Westtangente: Resistance from Greens and ÖDP , January 31, 2017.
  40. a b Landshuter Zeitung: Broad Alliance for the West Tangent , January 28, 2017.
  41. a b Landshuter Zeitung: September 24th will be Super Election Sunday , August 17th 2017.
  42. a b c Landshuter Zeitung: The next OB election will take place in 2020 , July 8, 2017.
  43. a b c d Landshuter Zeitung: The special case is looming on May 16, 2017.
  44. Landshuter Rundschau: Yes or no to the western bypass and more public bus transport - the federal election will be voted on , July 29, 2017, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on August 4, 2017.
  45. ^ BR: September 24th will be Super Election Sunday , online at www.br.de, accessed on September 2nd, 2017.
  46. Landshuter Zeitung: The Ballot , September 22, 2017.
  47. Landshuter Zeitung: Live ticker on election Sunday , September 23, 2017.
  48. Landshuter Zeitung: The Holiday Senate meets on Friday, August 15, 2017.
  49. a b City of Landshut: quick report on the referendums on September 24th , 2017 ( memento of the original of September 25th, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , online at www.landshut-wahl.de, accessed on September 25, 2017 at 00:58 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.landshut-wahl.de
  50. Landshuter Zeitung: West Bypass - this is how the districts chose West Bypass - this is how the districts chose , September 26, 2017.
  51. a b c d e f Landshuter Zeitung: "Long-running" Westtangente is back on January 30, 2017.
  52. Landshuter Zeitung: "We are clearly on the Westtangente" , July 29, 2017.
  53. a b For the Landshut-West bypass: Stop the traffic jam! - Sign it too! , PDF, online at www.fw-static.de, accessed on February 19, 2017.
  54. Initiators of the signature collection: Title of the signature collection form, February 10, 2017.
  55. Landshuter Zeitung: "Exemplary Citizen Engagement" , February 7, 2017.
  56. ^ Citizens' initiative Freie Fahrt: Current issues - traffic relief for Landshut and the entire region . Online at www.bi-frei-fahrt.de, accessed on February 10, 2017.
  57. Landshuter Zeitung: “Transport policy liberation” , June 20, 2017.
  58. Landshuter Zeitung: Citizens' decision on the bypass approaching , June 21, 2017.
  59. Landshuter Zeitung: Plenum on Friday , July 6, 2017
  60. a b c Landshuter Zeitung: An explosive twist on the Westtangente , July 12, 2017.
  61. a b BI Pro Isarau + Flutmulde / Contra Westtangente: Citizens 'initiative by the citizens' initiative . PDF, online at landshut.bund-naturschutz.de, accessed on June 18, 2017.
  62. a b BUND district group Landshut: Handover of the signatures in the citizens' petition "Pro Habitat Isarau and flood basin - Contra Westtangente" . PDF, online at landshut.bund-naturschutz.de, accessed on August 8, 2017.
  63. Landshuter Zeitung: "High costs, little relief" , March 21, 2017.
  64. a b Landshuter Zeitung: "Protect the Isarau from superfluous overbuilding" , March 21, 2017.
  65. Landshuter Zeitung: Opponents of the Westtangente collect votes , June 29, 2017.
  66. a b c Landshuter Zeitung: BN calls for public debate on western bypass , June 30, 2017.
  67. a b Landshuter Zeitung: "Everything important is in the nebulous" , July 29, 2017.
  68. Landshuter Rundschau: The Rudi Schnur CSU speech lacked real highlights and then the final applause , December 5, 2014, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  69. Landshuter Rundschau: ÖDP councilors Ackerman & März-Granda against the new citizens' decision for the western bypass: "No initiative from the population and not affordable!" , January 29, 2017, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on 12 February 2017.
  70. Friends of Nature Johannes Eichinger and Stefan Drexler: The eight 7 variants of the outer western connection , online at www.westtangente.de, accessed on February 12, 2017.
  71. a b c d e f g h i Landshuter Zeitung: Between Münchnerau and Isar , March 30, 2009.
  72. a b Landshuter Zeitung: Clarification of facts , June 17, 2017.
  73. Landshut aktuell: BI speaks of “sham packaging” , September 20, 2017.
  74. a b c d Landshuter Zeitung: High costs - hardly any benefit , September 4, 2017.
  75. ^ Dialog forum: East-South bypass Landshut: Comparison matrix . October 5, 2015, PDF, online at www.ou-landshut.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  76. Landshuter Zeitung: Das Duell , October 15, 2017.
  77. a b Landshuter Rundschau: Dialog forum B 15 new decided today: Only 3 long-distance eastern variants in the race - East and west bypasses close to the city have no chance , May 4, 2016, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on 11 February 2017.
  78. Landshuter Zeitung: West bypass not rejected , March 13, 2017.
  79. Landshuter Zeitung: Otho heads CSU in the West , March 14, 2017.
  80. Landshuter Zeitung: Tunnel and "cover" required, May 9, 2017.
  81. Landshuter Zeitung: Yes to "Deckel", tunnel and route combination, May 9, 2017.
  82. a b c d Landshuter Zeitung: All or not at all? , July 15, 2017.
  83. Government of Lower Bavaria: Regional planning procedure B 15 new, East-South bypass Landshut, completed , press release 61/2018 of February 8, 2018, online at www.regierung.niederbayern.bayern.de, accessed on February 8, 2018.
  84. Landshuter Zeitung: "Citizens' petition Pro Westtangente is in a coma" , July 15, 2017.
  85. a b Staatliches Baumamt Landshut: Spatial planning procedure - large-scale comparison of routes (dialogue forum) with questionnaire . PDF, online at www.regierung.niederbayern.bayern.de, accessed on October 1, 2017.
  86. a b Landshuter Rundschu: On Saturday, the start at the information stand for a new referendum pro Westtangente / MdL Widmann at the head of a new Pro-Westtangente group , January 27, 2017, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 12, 2017.
  87. ILG Fonds GmbH: Immobilien-Fonds Nr.36, report on the business year 2011, investment fund 36 Landshut GmbH & Co. KG . PDF, online at www.ilg-gruppe.de, accessed on September 2, 2017.
  88. Landshuter Rundschau: CSU parliamentary group & JL completely in agreement before discussions on the 2017 budget: three new schools, city theater, only minimal renovation of the ice rink, city museum 2nd phase, teaching pool, public transport cooperation with the district, € 64 million 1st building clinic- Bettenhausbau , January 17, 2017, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 12, 2017.
  89. a b Landshuter Zeitung: “Closing the road ring would be the liberation” , October 5th.
  90. Landshuter Zeitung: Letter to the Editor - Yes or No , February 15, 2017.
  91. Landshuter Zeitung: Flowing traffic versus nature conservation , September 22, 2017.
  92. a b c Landshuter Zeitung: Expert opinion evaluates the west bypass as a district road, July 14, 2018.
  93. a b Landshuter Zeitung: Re-election? “I'm not really worried about that”, August 11, 2018.
  94. Landshuter Zeitung: "It will get really serious" , February 17, 2017.
  95. a b Landshuter Zeitung: How are things going on with the west bypass and airfield ?, November 8, 2017.
  96. Landshuter Zeitung: City council adopts record budget 2018 , December 9, 2017.
  97. Landshuter Zeitung: Brief fundamental debate on the western bypass , April 1, 2017.
  98. Bavarian State Parliament: Inquiries about the plenary . Printed matter 17/4683. December 4, 2014. PDF. Online at www.bayern.landtag.de. Retrieved September 13, 2015.
  99. Markt Ergolding: bypass and Isar crossing / Osttangente ( Memento from December 10, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  100. a b Supreme Building Authority in the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Transport: data query (road traffic counts) . Online at www.baysis.bayern.de. Retrieved April 22, 2015.
  101. Landshuter Zeitung: LZ reference: Comment of the week - car? No alternative in sight , February 4, 2017.
  102. City of Landshut: Annual Statistical Reports 2003 to 2013 . Online at www.landshut.de, accessed on March 15, 2016.
  103. Supreme building authority in the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for construction and transport: data retrieval (road traffic counts) B 15 . Online at www.baysis.bayern.de, accessed on October 21, 2017.
  104. Supreme building authority in the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for construction and traffic: data retrieval (road traffic counts) B 11 . Online at www.baysis.bayern.de, accessed on October 21, 2017.
  105. a b Landshuter Rundschau: Two municipal councilors oppose Oßner-Trasse: “Kumhausen is sacrificed” , January 15, 2015, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  106. Landshuter Zeitung: Westtangente: Further figures on the relief effect , letter to the editor, July 22, 2017.
  107. a b Landshuter Zeitung: Landshut with and without western bypass - figures from the Kurzak report , September 22, 2017.
  108. Landshut aktuell: Appeal "Pro-Westtangente" , September 20, 2017.
  109. Parking List: Car park Grieserwiese - Landshut , online at www.parkinglist.de, accessed on September 23, 2017.
  110. Parking List: Parkhaus Karstadt - Landshut , online at www.parkinglist.de, accessed on September 23, 2017.
  111. Parkhaus Wittstraße GmbH: Parking in the heart of Landshut - right in the center , online at www.parkhaus-wittstrasse.de, accessed on September 23, 2017.
  112. Landshuter Wochenblatt: West Bypass: Widmann defends himself against allegations , June 14, 2017
  113. a b Landshuter Zeitung: "6200 fewer cars on Veldener Straße" , July 19, 2017.
  114. Landshuter Zeitung: Westtangente: FW build on the Free State , February 24, 2017.
  115. Süddeutsche Zeitung: Westumendung, die Zwei , June 12, 2017, online at www.sueddeutsche.de, accessed on September 24, 2017.
  116. Landshuter Zeitung: More roads = more traffic? , August 19, 2017.
  117. Landshuter Zeitung: Expert opinion on the west bypass , 23 August 2017.
  118. a b City of Landshut: Landshut votes for the construction of a western bypass , September 24 online at www.landshut.de, accessed on September 25, 2017.
  119. Landshuter Zeitung: Key question brings the Westtangente , September 25, 2017.
  120. Landshuter Zeitung: Applications from the CSU and FW to the west bypass , September 27, 2017.
  121. Landshuter Zeitung: Streets for Commerce and Housing, January 10, 2018.
  122. Landshuter Zeitung: Die Schlingnatter und die Westtangente, December 15, 2018.
  123. a b c Landshuter Zeitung: What's going on in the west bypass ?, September 27, 2019.
  124. rundschau24.de: Westtangente, that will take time - threat with a new referendum , December 16, 2018, online at rundschau24.de, accessed on March 9, 2019.
  125. Landshuter Zeitung: Commentary - Roads alone are not enough , September 25, 2017.
  126. Government of Lower Bavaria: Regional planning procedure B 15 new, East-South bypass Landshut, completed , press release 61/2018 of February 8, 2018, online at www.regierung.niederbayern.bayern.de, accessed on February 8, 2018.
  127. Landshuter Zeitung: Dialogue with municipalities is crucial, February 25, 2017.
  128. Landshuter Zeitung: Health, Transport, Economic Development , March 11, 2017.
  129. Landshuter Zeitung: Local council meets on Tuesday , July 7, 2017.
  130. Landshuter Zeitung: “No personal interest in the road”, September 22, 2017.
  131. Landshuter Zeitung: “Currently a difficult discussion”, September 22, 2017.
  132. Landshuter Wochenblatt: Picnic on the Westtangente , 23 August 2010, online at www.wochenblatt.de, 13 February 2017.
  133. Landshuter Rundschau: How up-to-date in Würzburg: Is there also a new debate about the castle elevator and tangent in LA? , June 23, 2014, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  134. Landshuter Rundschau: "FDP board: unanimously for Alexander Putz (52) as OB candidate. Election in January for the new citizens' decision 'Westtangente' ” , December 10, 2015, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  135. Landshuter Rundschau: FDP-OB candidate Putz criticizes the lack of site coordination. For a new referendum on the west bypass. Relocate police. Martin School ??? , August 11, 2016, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2016.
  136. Landshuter Zeitung: “We play and bet on victory!” , October 6, 2016.
  137. Landshuter Rundschau: Lively 80-minute TV talk by the four OB candidates. A. Putz wants another OB election in 2020, the other three want to bring forward the next but one OB election. Loud applause for Radlmeier & Putz , August 24, 2016, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  138. Landshuter Zeitung: “Completely unencumbered and free” , October 7, 2016.
  139. Landshuter Rundschau: Tuesday & Wednesday final election campaign events. All OB candidates invite to election parties on Sunday. The OB election results could be shocking , October 3, 2016, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  140. Landshuter Zeitung: “We don't have a cash cow in the cellar!” , September 30, 2016.
  141. Landshuter Zeitung: Greens mourn the runoff afterwards , October 13, 2016.
  142. Landshuter Rundschau: The differences became clear at the entrepreneur breakfast : Gruber wants to reform the city administration, Putz recruits new companies, Radlmeier does not allow the clinics to merge, build Steinberger apartments , September 15, 2016, accessed online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de on February 11, 2017.
  143. Landshuter Wochenblatt: BVWP: Widmann criticizes “Wünsch-Dir-Was-Liste” , March 17, 2016, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  144. Landshuter Zeitung, “Isar passages necessary” , October 17, 2016
  145. Landshuter Zeitung: Free voters commit to Westtangente , September 21, 2016.
  146. Landshuter Rundschau: The CSU majority was broken 25 years ago / That still pleases the “free voters” today . November 22, 2014, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  147. Landshuter Rundschau: The Rudi Schnur CSU speech lacked real highlights and then the final applause , December 5, 2014, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  148. Landshuter Wochenblatt: SPD and CSU attack Putz: West bypass - and what then? , July 12, 2017.
  149. Landshuter Rundschau: BDS President Altinger met Interior Minister BDS President Altinger met Interior Minister Herrmann Topics: B15 new and western bypass, mobile network , July 19, 2016, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  150. Landshuter Rundschau: General assembly of citizens for General assembly of citizens for Landshut: unanimously for the election of OB candidate Alexander Putz. Also LM wish: prevent Radlmeier! , September 27, 2017, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 11, 2017.
  151. Landshuter Zeitung: "Adapting future transport policy to reality" , January 26, 2017.
  152. Landshuter Zeitung: LM disagreed about choice recommendation for plaster , September 17, 2016.
  153. a b Landshuter Wochenblatt: Yes to the B 15 new, bring the West Tangente and more parking spaces! , January 20, 2012, online at www.wochenblatt.de, accessed on February 13, 2017.
  154. Landshuter Zeitung: “Actively Shaping the Future” , February 23, 2017.
  155. Landshuter Rundschau: Advocate Alliance of an outer western bypass handed around 3,000 signatures to District Administrator Dreier , July 25, 2017, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on August 4, 2017.
  156. Landshuter Zeitung: A "present" with an order , July 26, 2017.
  157. Landshuter Zeitung: Greens call for special new debt , February 2, 2017.
  158. Landshuter Rundschau: Member of the Bundestag Dr. Th. Gambke: “Digitization and the Internet are revolutionizing mobility.” / Against the western bypass! City councilor Sigi Hagl on this: “Nonsensical, priceless!” , February 11, 2017, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on February 12, 2017.
  159. Landshuter Rundschau: ÖDP wants more detailed information on the western bypass meaningfulness without continuation to the B 15 questionable , 6 February 2017, online at www.rundschau24.werner-goetz.de, accessed on 12 February 2017.
  160. Landshuter Zeitung: "Security is not guaranteed" , January 31, 2017.
  161. Landshuter Zeitung: No to the western bypass , July 26, 2017.
  162. Landshuter Zeitung: "Clear vote for attractive public transport" , July 15, 2017.
  163. Landshuter Wochenblatt: 4,400 signatures for modern public transport , July 19, 2017.