Wilhelm von Thumbshirn

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Wilhelm von Thumbshirn († September 3, 1551 in Zwickau ) was a colonel from Electoral Saxony and an actor in the Schmalkaldic War .



Wilhelm was a member of the Saxon noble family of the Lords of Thumbshirn . His parents were Paul von Thumbshirn, heir to Rolla and Denitz , Count Schlickscher Rat and captain of Elbogen , and Margarethe von Königsfeld. He married Margaretha von Könneritz and had a son with her, Abraham von Thumbshirn (1535–1593). This was the hereditary lord of Frankenhausen , since 1568 also of Ponitz with Hainichen , Schönhain , Kauritz , Rausdorf, Tautenhain, Gieba, Köthel , Gablenz and Waldsachsen , finally also of Kaufungen near Glauchau and Bräunsdorf , advice of Elector August von Sachsen and court master of Electress Anna of Saxony . He had numerous offspring from three marriages with Eva von Ende, Barbara von Breitenbach and Christine von Pflug . Wolfgang Conrad von Thumbshirn (1604–1667), princely chancellor of Saxony-Altenburg , was a grandson of Abraham von Thumbshirn and great-grandson of Wilhelm von Thumbshirn.


Thumbshirn was initially in imperial military service under Charles V and took part as a captain in the Italian campaign , in 1525 in the Battle of Pavia and in 1527 in the conquest of Rome .

After the founding of the Narrow Kaldic League , Thumbshirn switched to the service of Elector Johann Friedrich von Sachsen . With his new employer-in-law, Duke Wilhelm von Jülich and Geldern , he took part as a colonel in the campaign against Charles V and the victorious battle of Sittard in 1543.

Also in 1543, after he had returned to Electoral Saxony, Thumbshirn acquired the Frankenhausen monastery property of the local nunnery as a result of the secularization and in 1545 was bailiff at Werdau . 1547 he participated in the unsuccessful siege of Leipzig in part, where he almost was captured, but did it in April that year, Chemnitz take for his electors and finally triumphed in May before Drakenburg where he allow for unification of its troops from Johann von Heydeck supplied who defeated the imperial under the Duke of Brunswick . In the battle of Mühlberg, however, he was defeated and taken prisoner with his elector. In contrast to his employer, however, he was excluded from the subsequent amnesty . He then spent a few years in exile , but later reconciled with the emperor and returned to Electoral Saxony.

Both after his success at Sittard and after Drakenburg, he had coins minted immediately :

  1. Sittard → a gold commemorative coin in the shape of a triangle , on the front the coat of arms of Electoral Saxony, on the back the words: On Easter Eve 1543 the Burgundians were defeated by Wilhelm Thumbshirn, the Geldrian colonel, before Sittard, and the field was conquered here, laus deo .
  2. Drakenburg → a gold coin, the battle on the front, the words on the back: The enemies at Drachenburg are defeated by the power of the Lamb of God, on Mondays after Exaudi 1547. Glory to God alone! When Wilhelm Thumbshirn was colonel at the same time


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Individual evidence

  1. a b Gertrud Schröder-Lembke (ed.): Two early German agricultural publications , Stuttgart 1965, p. 6
  2. ^ Ernst Heinrich Kneschke : New general German Adels-Lexicon , Volume 9, Leipzig 1870, pp. 210-211
  3. Johann Ludolph Walther : Universal Register on the six parts of the Westphalian Peace Acts and History , Göttingen 1740, p. 55
  4. Irene Dingel (ed.): Reactions to the Augsburger Interim: Der Interimistische Streit (1548-1549) , Göttingen 2001, p. 630, FN 581