Wilhelm von Tietzen and Hennig

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Wilhelm Ferdinand Joseph von Tietzen and Hennig (born April 11, 1787 in Roitz , † October 4, 1869 in Fürstenwalde / Spree ) was a Prussian cavalry general and commanding general of the 5th Army Corps .



Wilhelm was the son of the heir to Roitz Christian Joseph von Tietzen and Hennig (1729-1793) and his wife Henriette Charlotte, born von Diepow (* March 17, 1760, † April 4, 1806).

Military career

Tietzen joined in 1800 as a cadet in the Garde du Corps of the Saxon army and was promoted by the end of May 1806 to first lieutenant . He fought in the Fourth Coalition War in the battle near Jauer against the French. After the defeat, Saxony sided with France and participated in the Fifth Coalition War against Austria . Tietzen fought near Linz and was wounded in the battle near Wagram . On October 11, 1810 he was promoted to Rittmeister . In the Russian campaign he was able to prove himself in the battle of Borodino in 1812 and was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Military Order of St. Henry and the Legion of Honor. Furthermore, Tietzen fought in the battle of Malojaroslawez and in the skirmishes at Kaluga, Romanow and Voronow Winkowow, where he was wounded. During the Wars of Liberation he fought at the blockade of Mainz and rose to major on August 9, 1814.

On September 15, 1815, Tietzen switched to Prussian service and, with his previous patent as a major, was entrusted with the command of the Thuringian Landwehr Cavalry Regiment. In mid-March of the following year he joined the salaried tribe of the 2nd Merseburg Landwehr Regiment and on May 19, 1818 was aggregated into the Guard Hussar Regiment . From February 17, 1822, he was employed as a regular staff officer in the 2nd Leib-Hussar Regiment . In this position Tietzen was promoted to lieutenant colonel on June 18, 1825 and was awarded the service cross . On March 30, 1828 he was initially assigned to lead the 1st Dragoon Regiment , before Tietzen was appointed regiment commander on March 30, 1829, and in this capacity was promoted to colonel a year later . On March 30, 1836, he was transferred to Torgau as commander of the 6th Cavalry Brigade . Shortly afterwards, Tietzen received permission to continue wearing his previous regimental uniform. He was also aggregated into the regiment. On March 30, 1837 he was promoted to major general and on June 8, 1838 he was awarded the Russian Order of Saint Stanislaus I Class and on September 26, 1843 with the Order of St. Anne I Class.

On March 30, 1844, Tietzen was appointed commander of the 13th Division in Münster . In this position he rose to lieutenant general on March 22, 1845 and acted as deputy commanding general of the VII Army Corps from June 12, 1849 . On November 4, 1851, he was commissioned to lead the V Army Corps in Posen , until Tietzen was finally appointed General Command of the Corps on March 23, 1852. On the occasion of his 50th anniversary in service, King Friedrich Wilhelm IV paid tribute to him by awarding him the Order of the Red Eagle 1st class with oak leaves and diamonds. On July 12, 1855, Tietzen was promoted to general of the cavalry, before being put up for disposal on August 5, 1856 with the statutory pension .

He died on October 4, 1869 in Fürstenwalde / Spree and was buried in the Komptendorf .


Tietzen married Charlotte Luise Henriette Amalie Countess von Reichenbach on February 5, 1817 in Thommendorf (* February 27, 1798; † August 30, 1852). She was a daughter of Karl Heinrich Ludwig Graf von Reichenbach-Goßlau (* May 24, 1775, † May 8, 1804). The couple had several children:

  • Bernhard Ernst Joseph (born September 15, 1818 - † August 3, 1843), second lieutenant in the 3rd Hussar Regiment
  • Hugo Ernst Joseph (March 15, 1820 - March 19, 1873), Colonel and Commandant of Nancy
  • Ernst Joseph Oskar (1821–1823)
  • Ernst Joseph Konrad (born January 23, 1823 - † June 25, 1905), Major a. D. ∞ Anna Elisabeth von Abendroth (born June 30, 1833)
  • August Ernst Joseph Siegfried (1825–1896), Prussian Lieutenant General ∞ Marie (Minna) Antoinette von Hausen
  • Arthur († July 10, 1894), Major a. D.
  • Heinrich, emigrated
  • two daughters

After the death of his first wife, Tietzen married Luise Pauline Johann Wanda von Werder (* September 24, 1819 - July 30, 1879), a daughter of Lieutenant General Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand von Werder (1786-1854) on May 11, 1854 .


Individual evidence

  1. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the count's houses for the year 1847. P. 501.
  2. Grave in Preville