Timeline Somalia

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Map of present-day Somalia

The Somalia Timeline lists events in the history of Somalia in chronological order.

Accurate dates are difficult to obtain for earlier history.


  • 9000-8000 BC Until 3000 BC Chr .: Between these periods the dating suggestions for the cave paintings found in Laas Geel near Hargeysa in northern Somalia vary .
  • From 3000 BC There are trade relations between ancient Egypt and the country of Punt , which is believed to be in what is now Somalia or Eritrea .
  • Around 500 BC The ancestors of the Somali separated from related groups between the rivers Omo and Tana ; by 100 AD they settled the entire Horn of Africa .



  • 11-13 Century: The arrival of Muslim patriarchs ( sheikhs ) leads to a further spread of Islam. A southward migration movement of the Somali that continued into the 19th century began.
  • 12th century: In Ethiopia ( Shewa ) and northern Somalia, the Sultanate Ifat is established , the forerunner of the Sultanate of Adal, led by the Muslim Somali and Afar .
  • 1327–1330: The traveler Ibn Battuta visits the region. He describes Saylac and Mogadishu.
  • Early 15th century: the Chinese admiral Zheng He visits Somalia.
  • 1415: Worsening relations with the neighboring Christian Empire Ethiopia ; Negus Isaak conquers Ifat. In the hymn that he had written to celebrate his victory, the word Somali appeared for the first time in written form.
  • 16th century: Portuguese sailors arrive in the region, Portuguese raids / attacks begin, cities like Baraawe come under Portuguese control at times.
    The fall of Saylacs and the rise of Berbera , both cities become the possessions of the Yemeni city of Mocha .
  • 1528–1535: War of the Sultanate of Adal under Ahmed Gurey against Ethiopia. The latter averts the conquest with the help of a Portuguese expedition.
  • 1550–1650: State of the Ajuran- Hawiye with Kalafo in the Ogaden as capital, from Hobyo to the coast near Mogadishu. After the decline of the Ajuran state, a smaller Geledi-Digil ( Rahanweyn ) sultanate was formed with Afgooye as its capital ; Hobyo became independent.
  • From the middle of the 18th century, two sultanates of the Majerteen- Darod emerged in Bari .


  • 19th century: Mogadishu, Merka, Baraawe, Kismaayo and Warsheikh come under the control of the Sultanate of Zanzibar .
    The maritime trade with Zanzibar brings tens of thousands of slaves from East Africa into the country, the ancestors of the Somali Bantu .
    Rise of the Majerteen Sultanates, one of which is led by Boqor Ismaan Mahamuud, the other by his cousin Sultan Yuusuf Ali Keenadiid von Hobyo. At times power struggle and civil war between the two.
    Colonization begins in the Somali-inhabited area.
  • 1875: Egypt tries to expand into Ethiopia, parts of Somalia briefly come under Egyptian control.
  • 1884: Great Britain signs treaties with various clans in Northern Somalia , creation of British Somaliland .
  • 1885–1890: Representatives of the German-East African Society attempt to secure claims on the Somali coast. The efforts fail.
  • 1887–1897: Menelik II of Ethiopia conquered Ogaden , which has been under Ethiopian control ever since.
  • 1888: Sultan Keenadiid of Hobyo agrees to an Italian protectorate, as does Ismaan Mahamuud in 1889. This is how Italian Somaliland is created .
  • 1899–1920: War of the dervish movement under Mohammed Abdullah Hassan against the British, Italians and Ethiopians


  • At the beginning of the 20th century, the colonial rulers forbade slavery.
  • 1905: Mogadishu becomes the capital of Italian Somaliland.
  • 1924/1925: Jubaland / Southwest Somalia , which previously belonged to the British colony of Kenya , is transferred to Italy. It existed until 1926 as a separate colony of Oltre Giuba with Kismayo as the capital, after which it was annexed as a province to Italian Somaliland.
  • 1935–1936: Italo-Ethiopian War : The now fascist Italy takes Ethiopia.
  • 1940: Italy ousts the British from British Somaliland.
  • In 1941 Great Britain conquered Italian Somaliland during World War II and administered it in addition to its own Somaliland colony until 1950.
  • 1943: Establishment of the Somali Youth League (SYL), the first Somali political party
  • 1948: Introduction of women's suffrage in Italian Somaliland.
  • 1949: The UN General Assembly makes the former Italian Somaliland for 1950–1960 a trust territory under Italian administration. In the following decade, the country benefited from abundant UN development aid.
  • 1960
    • June 26: British Somaliland independence
    • July 1st: Independence of Italian Somaliland, the two colonies unite to form Somalia. Aden Abdullah Osman Daar becomes the first president .
  • 1963: Kenya becomes independent; Somalia had pushed in vain for the autonomy of the Somali-populated north-east Kenya . Somali rebels were active on the Kenyan border until 1964.
    Introduction of women's suffrage in the former British Somaliland.
  • February to April 1964: Border war between Ethiopia and Somalia.
  • 1967: Abdirashid Ali Shermarke becomes the new president. His Prime Minister Mohammed Haji Ibrahim Egal achieved a relaxation of relations with neighboring countries.
  • 1969
    • October 15: Shermark is murdered by a bodyguard
    • October 21: Pro-Soviet military under Siad Barre take power. A " scientific socialism " is introduced.
  • 1972: Standardization and writing of the Somali language
  • 1976: Power formally passes from the military to the Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party .
  • 1977–1978: Ogadenkrieg ; Barre breaks with the Soviet Union, as it supports the opposing, communist Derg regime in Ethiopia.
  • 1977: The hijacked Lufthansa Landshut plane lands at Mogadishu Airport .
    The last natural case of smallpox in the world occurs in Merka .
  • 1978: Officers, mainly from the Majerteen-Darod clan, attempt to overthrow the government, which reacts with retaliatory measures against the Majerteen.
  • 1980: Somalia grants the USA rights of use for airfields and port facilities (including Berbera ), in return US support for Barre.
  • 1981: Founding of the Somali National Movement (SNM), which fights against the Barre regime in Northern Somalia.
  • 1982: Ethiopia's military offensive and the Somali Democratic Redemption Front opposition group in central Somalia
  • 1988: advance of the SNM; the government army bombs Burao and Hargeysa to fight the rebels.
  • 1989: The United Somali Congress (USC) leads a Hawiye rebellion. After the end of the Cold War , Siad Barre lost its importance as an ally of the USA and with it their support.
    • July 9: Assassination of the Bishop of Mogadishu Salvatore Colombo , who was considered a critic of the regime
  • 1991
    • January 26: Barre is deposed under the leadership of the USC and leaves Somalia. The various rebel groups cannot agree on a follow-up government, the Somali civil war begins
    • May 18: Somaliland unilaterally declares its independence.
Famine especially in southwest Somalia around Baidoa due to war and drought, hundreds of thousands dead.

2001 – today

  • 2001: After the terrorist attacks on September 11th, Somalia comes again increasingly into the focus of the USA as a potential refuge for terrorists.
  • 2002: The Rahanweyn Resistance Army proclaims the independence of Southwest Somalia .
  • 2003: Puntland troops occupy parts of the disputed border area between Puntland and Somaliland .
  • 2004: The Somali parliament in exile elects Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed as new president. End of the secession of Puntland, which is now striving for autonomy within Somalia.
  • 2005: Baidoa and Jawhar are occupied by the interim government as the provisional seat of government.
  • 2006
    • June: The Union of Islamic Courts ousts the warlords from Mogadishu, who are loosely united in the ARPCT . As a result, it brought large parts of the country under its control and militarily harassed the transitional government.
    • August 14: Galmudug unilaterally declares its independence from Somalia and Puntland.
    • December 24: Ethiopia, with the support of the USA, declares war on the Union of Islamic Courts and invades Somalia. The Union is largely ousted in the days that follow.
  • 2007: Ethiopia's continued military presence. From March 1, around 1,700 soldiers from the African peacekeeping force AMISOM will arrive . Especially in March / April, July / August ( National Reconciliation Conference ) and November, heavy fighting in Mogadishu between troops of Ethiopia and the transitional government on the one hand, Islamists and other government opponents on the other hand, causing hundreds of thousands to flee the city. The number of internally displaced persons rises to over a million.
    Fight for Las Anod between Puntland and Somaliland.
  • 2008: Fighting continues in Mogadishu. Advance of government opponents in large parts of southern and central Somalia. Deterioration of the humanitarian situation as a result of fighting, drought, high inflation and global food price increases . Riots in Mogadishu over rising food prices.
    In April and May the situation in Somaliland was at times tense after the controversial postponement of the planned elections and the extension of the term of office of Dahir Riyale Kahin .
    Various pirate attacks are attracting international attention.
    • October 28: Simultaneous suicide bombings in Hargeisa (Somaliland) and Boosaaso (Puntland)
    • December 29: Interim President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed resigns
  • 2009: Withdrawal of Ethiopian troops begins