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View from Šibeničník in south direction: in the foreground the grass steppe with limestone cliffs, in the background the pond Šibeník and the Schweinbarther mountain

The Šibeničník (German: Galgenberg ) south of Mikulov (German: Nikolsburg) in the Jihomoravský kraj in the Czech Republic is a limestone cliff belonging to the Waschberg zone , which houses an important nature reserve. This is where the only occurrence of the steppe herbaceous oat ( Helictotrichon desertorum subsp. Basalticum ) in Moravia is found .


The Šibeničník consists of two hills and is located around two kilometers south of the center of Mikulov and around half a kilometer from the state border with Austria that runs along the Niklasgraben . The northern hill Šibeniční vrch is 238  m nm high and rises around 40 meters from its flat surrounding area. The southern hill is just over 200  m nm meters high. The peaks of the cliffs and the upper part of their slopes are unforested and host a steppe of lawn with interspersed limestone cliffs. At the foot of the hill the hills are wooded. Brno Street (Silnice 52 / E 461) runs around 400 meters east of the Šibeničník in a north-south direction . The Drasenhofen border crossing used to be located there , and the terminal buildings are still there. To the southwest at the foot of the Gallows Hill is a large fish farm , the Šibeník ( Gallows Pond ).


The Šibeničník is part of the Waschbergzone, a geological strip that stretches from the Waschberg ( 388  m above sea level ) and Michelberg ( 409  m above sea level ) near Stockerau over the Leiser Berge ( 491  m above sea level ), the Staatzer Cliff ( 332  m above sea level ), the Schweinbarther mountain ( 337  m above sea level ) and even the Šibeničník up to the Pollau mountains ( 554  m nm ). The zone was created when two geological units - the Molasse Zone and the Vienna Basin - were pushed together around 17 million years ago in the course of the Alpidian mountain formation in the Lower Miocene . Autochthonous rocks were scraped from the subsoil, brought to the surface and now “swim”, so to speak, in the surrounding marly cliff shell without having a connection to the crystalline subsoil ( pierced cliffs ). Since the limestone is harder than the shell, it was exposed by weathering and form distinctive landscape elements.

The western part of the Šibeničník consists of marl limestone of the Klentnitz Formation, which was formed in the Oxfordian to Tithonian . The eastern part, on the other hand, is made of organodetritic limestone of the Ernstbrunn Formation, which comes from the Tithonium.


The occurrence of the steppe herbaceous oat ( Helictotrichon desertorum subsp. Basalticum , Syn: Avenastrum desertorum ) on Galgenberg was discovered on May 28, 1912 by the Czech botanist Josef Podpěra . The deposit is located on the western slope of the northern hill, which is most exposed to the drying winds. The subspecies of the steppe herbaceous oat occurring here has its main distribution area in Eastern Europe ( Belarus , Western Siberia , Turkestan , Southern Russia to Eastern Galicia ). Further deposits to the west are located in Lower Austria - not far from the Šibeničník - in the Kaller Heide and south of the Danube in the Hainburg Mountains . The distribution area of ​​the entire species , which is also cultivated as an ornamental plant, extends to Central Asia .

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Galgenberg began to be reforested with red pines and ash trees , which almost destroyed the rare occurrence of the steppe herbaceous oat. The Austrian botanists August Ginzberger and Alois Teyber succeeded in convincing the mayor of Nikolsburg at the time, Alois Winter, of the nature conservation value of the area. On November 21, 1912, the Nikolsburg municipal council decided to stop afforestation and to cut down or move the trees that had already been planted on the hill. Afforestation remained only at the foot of the summit, but this did not affect the steppe perennial oat. In 1946 the Czech state established a 3.38 hectare nature reserve at Šibeničník . This is part of the Pálava Protected Landscape Area .

The Šibeničník is covered by a Pannonian grass steppe , which is part of the Astragalo-Stipetum Association. As vascular plant species one meets in addition to the very rare steppe herbaceous oats u. a. Meadow anemone ( Pulsatilla pratensis ), steppes spurge ( Euphorbia seguieriana ), Baden-panicle ( Poa badensis ) mountain alyssum ( Alyssum montanum ), Spring Adonis ( Adonis vernalis ), way branching-thesium ( Thesium ramosum ) Hochstiel- ball flower ( Globularia bisnagarica ), soft silver-lip ( Jurinea mollis ), small burnet ( Sanguisorba minor ), ear spoon-campion ( Silene otites ), bristle chickweed ( Minuartia setacea ), mountain germander ( Teucrium montanum ) and sea Green Sesel ( Seseli elatum agg.). Ginzberger also reported an occurrence of the rare bulbous brandweed ( Phlomis tuberosa ). Tree pipit , wryneck and oriole can be observed on bird species . In addition, 17 terrestrial snail species were found, including the bulging cylinder diaper snail , which is known from only three sites in the Czech Republic.


Individual evidence

  1. Godfrid Wessely : Geology of the Austrian Federal States, Lower Austria , Vienna 2006, ISBN 3-85316-239-8 , p. 16, 69ff
  2. Geologische Bundesanstalt (Ed.): Geological Map of Lower Austria 1: 200,000, Lower Austria North , Vienna 2002
  3. Josef Podpěra: About the occurrence of the Avenastrum desertorum (Less.) Podp. in Moravia , in: Austrian Botanical Journal , July 1912, Volume 62, Issue 7, pp. 249–252
  4. F. Pohl and K. Price: A third occurrence of Avenastrum desertorum (Less.) Podp. in the Sudetenland , in: Lotos , 88, 1941/1942, pp. 194ff [1] (PDF; 378 kB)
  5. ^ Manfred A. Fischer, Karl Oswald, Wolfgang Adler: Excursion flora for Austria, Liechtenstein and South Tyrol . 3rd, improved edition. Province of Upper Austria, Biology Center of the Upper Austrian State Museums, Linz 2008, ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9 , p. 1178 .
  6. a b c August Ginzberger: Report of the Section for Botany - Talk evening on June 27, 1913 - Dr. August Ginzberger gave the following report on the excursion to the plant geographical reservations near Nikolsburg and Ottenthal (on May 22, 1913) , in: Negotiations of the Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna , 63, 1913, pp. (143) - (149) [2 ] (PDF; 24.3 MB)
  7. Helictotrichon desertorum subsp. basalticum (Podp.) Holub, entry at The Euro + Med PlantBase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity
  8. a b c Nature reserves in and around Mikulov
  9. Gustav Wendelberger: From the beginnings of nature conservation in Lower Austria: The early leasehold areas of the Zoological-Botanical Society, A Review in the European Year of Nature Conservation 1970 , in: Negotiation of the Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna , Vol. 110/111 (1971/1972), P. 128ff [3] (PDF; 1.24 MB)
  10. ^ Novák J. & Novák M. (2013). "Nález drobničky žebernaté Truncatellina costulata (Nilsson, 1822) v PR Šibeničník u Mikulova. [New find of Truncatellina costulata (Nilsson, 1822) in the Šibeničník Natural Reserve near Mikulov (South Moravia, Czech Republic)]". Malacologica Bohemoslovaca 12: 14-16. (PDF; 5.09 MB) .

Web links

Commons : Šibeničník  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 48 ° 47 '  N , 16 ° 38'  E