November 9 (Germany)

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On 9 November a number falls of events for German history as political are turning points with partly international impact. The anniversaries of the fall of the Wall in 1989, the beginning of the November pogroms in 1938, the Hitler-Ludendorff putsch in 1923 and the November revolution in 1918 ( proclamation of a German republic ) are particularly serious for contemporary public discussion in retrospect - starting in the more recent past. in the then imperial capital Berlin . These historical “highlights” of the German nation-state since 1871 in different contexts, when viewed together and viewed in relation to one another, form contradicting and polarizing climaxes in terms of content and ideology in the historical-political confrontation with the history of Germany, especially that of the 20th century .

After the end of the Second World War , various historians and journalists coined the term fateful day for this date , but it only became more widespread after the events of autumn 1989 .

In remembrance of the November pogroms of the Nazi regime against German Jews in 1938, November 9 is also a day of remembrance in Germany for the victims of National Socialism - in addition to the official national Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27 , the anniversary of the liberation of the extermination camp Auschwitz (1945). January 27 is also the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism proclaimed by the UN General Assembly .


50th anniversary of the Reichspogromnacht (November 9, 1938): Postage stamp of the German Federal Post Office , 1988


  • Eckart Conze : A difficult day of remembrance. November 9th in history and memory. In: Hessisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte 69 (2019), p. 1 ff.
  • Anke Hilbrenner , Charlotte Jahnz: On November 9th: Interior Views of a Century 1918, 1923, 1938, 1969, 1974, 1989 . Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 2019, ISBN 978-3-462-05144-5 .
  • Jörg Koch: November 9th in German history 1918 - 1923 - 1938 - 1989. 3rd edition. Rombach, Freiburg im Breisgau et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-7930-9596-5 .

Web links

Commons : November 9th  - Collection of images, videos and audio files