A-Tec Industries

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A-Tec Industries

legal form Aktiengesellschaft (Austria)
founding 2001
Seat Vienna , Austria
management Board member
Mirko Kovats (chairman), Franz Fehringer, until February 4, 2012: Christian Schmidt
Number of employees 5573 (late 2010)
sales € 1.4 billion (2010)
Branch Conglomerate
Website www.a-tecindustries.com

The A-Tec Industries AG (proper spelling A-TEC Industries ) is a former international industrial holding company headquartered in Vienna , the majority of the Austrian industrialist Mirko Kovats belongs. A-Tec had been listed on the stock exchange since a capital increase at the end of 2006 until February 2014. In 2007, the group's companies had almost fourteen thousand employees and generated sales of well over 2 billion euros. A-Tec's business areas were plant construction, drive technology, machine tool construction and Minerals & Metals.

A-Tec went bankrupt in October 2010 and all assets were liquidated by a trustee (with regard to the main operational investments, the liquidation was completed by mid-2012, but the process lasted until February 2016).

At the time, this was the third largest bankruptcy in Austria.

The liquidation process has been running since October 2018.

History until 2010

A-Tec, whose history is closely interwoven with that of its founder and director Mirko Kovats, has grown since it was founded in 2001 through several company acquisitions.

The company was founded in 2001 as ATB Beteiligungs GmbH and renamed A-Tec Industries GmbH in 2004. In the same year the legal form was changed from a GmbH to an AG.

Before the IPO in 2006, the ownership structure was as follows:

  • 79.5% MUST private foundation (in the area of ​​influence of Mirko Kovats)
  • 9.5% JE Loidold Privatstiftung (in the sphere of influence of Christian Schmidt)
  • 11.0% RPR private foundation (in the sphere of influence of Ronny Pecik )

After the IPO, the shareholder structure as of December 31, 2006 was as follows:

  • 55% MUST private foundation (in the area of ​​influence of Mirko Kovats)
  • 32% free float
  • 7% JE Loidold Private Foundation (under the influence of Christian Schmidt)
  • 6% RPR private foundation (in the sphere of influence of Ronny Pecik)

In 2007 Ronny Pecik sold his A-Tec shares, so that the shareholder structure as of December 31, 2007 was as follows:

  • 55.2% MUST private foundation (under the influence of Mirko Kovats)
  • 33.0% free float
  • 5.0% Capital Research and Management Company
  • 6.8% JE Loidold Privatstiftung (under the influence of Christian Schmidt)


Via A-Tec, Mirko Kovats often took over companies that had economic problems at favorable terms and then restructured them. The main acquisitions were:

Drive technology division

  • 2001 ATB Group from the Federal Association for Industrial Policy Measures (GBI), the "bankruptcy holding" (drive technology). ATB is a manufacturer of electric motors and was then specialized in motors for "home and garden" as well as for industry. At that time the company had around 1200 employees and had a consolidated turnover of around 142 million euros. The motivation of the GBI was to hand it over to an investor with an industrial background. At that time Kovats was involved in the machine tool manufacturer Emco .
  • 2003 ATB Technologies GmbH, Austria
  • 2004 ATB Morley Limited, UK - purchase price EUR 8.3 million
Morley had 115 employees at the time and manufactures engines for the mining industry. In the 2003/2004 financial year, sales amounted to 12 million euros.
  • 2004 ATB Selni, France - purchase price EUR 3.2 million. The company manufactured electric motors for white goods . Since the value of the assets minus the debts of this company was higher than the purchase price, A-Tec recorded negative goodwill of EUR 433 thousand.
  • 2005 ATB Sever, Serbia - purchase price EUR 4.1 million
The A-Tec division ATB acquired 63% of the shares in the electric motor manufacturer SEVER held by the Serbian state, the rest remained in free float. With the acquisition, ATB expanded its product portfolio to include motors of large sizes, standard motors and high-voltage motors. Sever had 2000 employees and achieved a turnover of 26 million euros. ATB agreed the assumption of debts in the amount of 7 million euros, the financing of a social plan and investments in the amount of 16 million euros.
  • 2005/2006 Lindeteves-Jacoberg , Singapore - purchase price EUR 21.8 million ATB thereby acquired factories for electric motors in Great Britain, Germany, Poland and China as well as the brands Schorch, Brook, Tamel Crompton and Western Electric. As noted in the prospectus, the Lindeteves Group had made a loss since 2003; the company therefore had a need for restructuring. A debt restructuring was carried out.
  • 2007 David McClure, UK - purchase price EUR 0.8 million
  • 2007 Laurence Scott, UK - purchase price EUR 4.7 million Laurence Scott is a supplier of electric motors specializing in the oil and gas industry (sales EUR 19.4 million). Due to cash flow problems, he found himself in bankruptcy proceedings in 2007 despite sufficient orders. The takeover was carried out by the also British ATB subsidiary Morley.

Plant construction division

A-Tec took over the plant manufacturer Austrian Energy and Environment from the bankruptcy estate of the German Babcock group .
  • 2003 Von Roll Inova Group, Switzerland
  • 2004 Babcock Power Espana, Spain - purchase price EUR 3.7 million
Since the value of the company's assets minus the debts of this company was higher than the purchase price, A-Tec recorded negative goodwill of EUR 30.6 million.

The boiler construction company belonged to Babcock Borsig and employed 400 people in Bilbao. The takeover was carried out by the Spanish state holding company SEPI . SEPI financed the renovation with around EUR 110 million, of which EUR 12 million were profitable. However, a restructuring provision for Babcock Espana in the amount of EUR 14.4 million was recognized in the 2004 annual financial statements.

  • 2004 AE&E Chennai Works Ltd. and IDEA Private Ltd., India - purchase price EUR 6.3 million
Both companies belonged to the Babcock Borsig Group. Chennai Works is active in boiler construction and IDEA in engineering.
  • 2005 Alstom's boiler and power plant business in Asia and the Pacific: this was incorporated into Austrian Energy & Environment (Australia) Pty. Ltd. brought in - purchase price EUR 7.8 million

Due to EU requirements, the French Alstom group had to sell the Industrial Boilers and Plants division, a large part of which was acquired by AE&E. The acquired area comprised 450 employees and a sales volume of around EUR 400 million. While the Sydney (Australia) location was taken over in 2005, the remaining Cologne and Nuremberg (both Germany) and Brno (Czech Republic) locations were not taken over until 2006 (see later entry). According to the then AE&E CEO Christian Schmidt, the German locations complemented Von Roll's activities, while he saw the Czech and Australian locations as complementary to AE&E Austria.

  • 2006 Alstom business in Germany and the Czech Republic - this was incorporated into AE&E Inova (Germany) and AE&E CZ - purchase price EUR 1 million
  • 2007 Global Power Asia / AE & E Nanjing Boiler Co. - purchase price EUR 18.2 million. The Chinese company AE&E Nanjing Boiler Co. manufactures industrial and waste heat boilers and should represent a cost-efficient production location for A-Tec. The company's annual sales were $ 20 million.
  • 2007 Lentjes GmbH, Germany from GEA - purchase price EUR 1.2 million A-Tec acquired Lentjes for just one euro (the rest are incidental acquisition costs). Lentjes builds plants for generating energy from fossil fuels, biomass and waste.

It was agreed that A-Tec would strengthen its capital in the low double-digit million range, whereas the seller would take on the risks for projects that were largely completed. The takeover was only approved by the EU Commission after an in-depth examination.

  • 2008 KRB, Switzerland - purchase price EUR 2 million
  • 2008 Mechanical Installations International, UK - purchase price EUR 8 million
The British company deals with the installation, construction, maintenance and servicing of machinery and industrial plants and is also active in the pipe and steel construction. In 2007 it had 110 employees and a turnover of EUR 21 million. The reason for the takeover was AE & E's existing contracts in the field of thermal waste treatment in the United Kingdom.

Machine tool construction division

  • 2004 EMCO, Austria (machine tool construction)

Emco is a mechanical engineering company with headquarters in Hallein , in the Austrian state of Salzburg, and had 870 employees in 2006.

Mirko Kovats initially acquired 50% of EMCO in 1997 and restructured the company. He also had to use 120 million schillings (around 9 million euros) out of pocket. In 2003 it increased to 100%. In 2004, A-Tec acquired a 25% share and a majority of the votes for a purchase price of EUR 20 million from its private foundation MUST

Dörries Scharmann manufactures special machine tools for vehicle technology, mechanical engineering as well as aerospace and was owned by Deutsche Beteiligungs AG at the time .

Minerals & Metals Division

The company is a recycling company for copper and has a history of over 500 years.

  • 2007 Gindre , France - purchase price EUR 29.5 million
Gindre (seat: Lyon / France) produces semi-finished copper products and components for the electrical industry. In 2006 the company had 450 employees and had a turnover of 300 million euros. Works existed in France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain and the USA. A-Tec expanded its Minerals & Metals division with the copper smelter Montanwerke Brixlegg through forward integration .

"Other" division

The Voitsberg lignite power station was shut down in 2006 and was destined for demolition. In a bidding process, A-Tec prevailed against originally 49 competitors. The A-Tec concept envisaged converting the power plant to other energy sources, with the cooperation of AE&E.

Failed acquisitions

However, some projects were unsuccessful:

  • In 2007, A-Tec wanted to strengthen the copper sector and take over the Belgian copper group Cumerio instead of the Norddeutsche Affinerie (NA) . A-Tec also got into the Norddeutsche Affinerie. However, the German Federal Cartel Office prohibited the takeover of NA. The Bundeskartellamt was of the opinion that the merger would create a dominant position in the field of oxygen-free continuous cast copper shapes.

The events were referred to in the media as "copper thriller". At the beginning of 2008, the Cumerio shares were then sold again. In the summer of 2008, A-Tec also gave up its shares in NA.

  • In 2008 the purchase of the Serbian copper smelter RTB Bor failed because A-Tec did not pay the full purchase price on time.
  • In the same year, A-Tec became interested in buying the Ugandan copper mine Kilembe. A-Tec acquired a copper smelter in Uganda .

Company sales and liquidations as well as restructuring measures

  • ATB Components sro, Czech Republic was shut down in 2007.
  • ATB Sever, Serbia, was able to obtain debt rebates and tax rebates of more than EUR 8 million in 2005.

A social plan was planned for this company in 2005, for which EUR 6 million was set aside. However, this plan was not implemented as there were increasing orders and, in addition, production was relocated from ATB Components sro, Czech Republic to ATB Sever in 2006. Thus, 4.8 million euros of the provision could be released.

When acquiring ATB Sever, ATB Austria AG committed to invest 16.1 million euros within five years.

In 2007 the negative equity at ATB Sever was around 26 million euros and in the following year 37 million euros.

In February 2009, the capital was reduced in order to reduce the loss carried forward. In addition, the stake in ATB Sever was increased to 78.44% by taking over shares from minority shareholders. At the end of 2009, the negative equity was 50 million euros.

Between April and June 2010, two capital increases took place at ATB Sever, which increased the participation of ATB Austria Antriebstechnik AG to 98.06%. This made a takeover offer binding for the remaining shareholders, who were paid EUR 390 thousand. As a result, ATB Sever was converted from an ad (corresponds to a stock corporation) to a doo (corresponds to a GmbH). At the end of 2010, the negative equity at ATB Sever was around 33 million euros and the investment obligation of 16.1 million euros was met.

  • In 2006, Lindeteves Marketing Services and Lindeteves-Jacoberg Trading (ATB Group) were liquidated.
  • Brook Crompton Western Electric Motor (Dalian) Corporation Ltd., which was also acquired as part of the takeover of Lindeteves-Jacoberg (part of ATB). (BCWED, based in Dalian, China) was scheduled for sale from 2006. In 2006 the capital of this company was increased by EUR 700 thousand. Since the sale was unsuccessful, operations were stopped in January 2008. At the end of 2007 BCWED had more than 900 employees.

In May 2008, an application was made to liquidate the company, which meant that it was deconsolidated due to the loss of control. Since the company's debts were higher than its assets, this resulted in a profit of 6 million euros. However, in February 2009 BCWED sued its owner Lindeteves-Jacoberg for payment of an outstanding contribution of 13.8 million euros. Lindeteves-Jacoberg objected to counterclaims, but posted a provision of 8.5 million euros.

  • At Babcock Power Espana, Spain, acquired cheaply in 2004 (negative goodwill, see under “Takeovers”), 77 employees were laid off in 2006. Since 2004 there has been a provision of 14.4 million euros for the corresponding social plan (training courses and severance payments).
  • In 2007 Babcock Isotron, Spain was sold to Isastur Servicios SL. The company was part of Babcock Power Espana (Plant Construction Division), which was acquired in 2004, and A-Tec had already planned the sale at the time of purchase.
  • Essentially the same applies to Babcock Montajes SA, Spain, which was sold a year later. The gain from the sale amounted to EUR 3.4 million.
  • In 2008, Lindeteves Engineering Pte Ltd and Linberg Philippines were sold to Nuovo Capital PTE Ltd for $ 1 each. The companies belonged to the Lindeteves-Jacoberg Group (part of ATB) and operated a power plant. This resulted in a loss of EUR 6.7 million. The redemption of the bonds issued by Lindeteves Engineering Pte Ltd (face value USD 13.5 million) was made by paying USD 10.6 million.
  • The French subsidiary ATB Selni was acquired in 2004 and in 2005 had an average of 289 employees. In 2005 and 2006, a total of 39 jobs were cut and over 3 million euros in restructuring costs were reported. Nevertheless, the company got into economic difficulties and went through a "procedure de redressement judiciaire" under French law. This procedure resulted in the appointment of a judicial settlement administrator (administrateur judiciaire), which resulted in A-Tec losing control. Selni therefore had to be deconsolidated in the annual financial statements , which resulted in an expense of EUR 797 thousand.

In January 2010 it was sold as part of a management buy-out.

  • In 2009 the operating divisions of the sales companies Western Electric New Zealand, New Zealand and Western Electric Australia Pte Ltd, Australia were sold. As mentioned above, Western Electric is a brand that A-Tec co-acquired when it acquired Lindeteves-Jacoberg.
  • In 2009 the Lindeteves Jacoberg Group's 51% of the Indian company Brook Crompton Greaves, Ltd, Maharashtra , was sold to the minority owner Crompton Greaves .
  • In August 2010, ATB Austria Antriebstechnik AG acquired the production companies Schorch (Germany), Tamel (Poland) and Brook Motors (Great Britain) from the Lindeteves Jacoberg Group (LJ Group). ATB Austria's consideration was the contribution of credit claims in the amount of 111 million euros to the LJ Group, which largely discharged the latter. Due to this sale, the LJ Group is only active in the sale of electric motors.

Letter of comfort

In 2007, A-Tec Industries AG took on letters of comfort for ATB Austria Antriebstechnik AG and Lindeteves-Jacoberg Limited, which ran until December 31, 2009. These letters of comfort were extended in 2009 to 2011.

The financial development

Sales and consolidated net income / deficit developed as follows (in EUR million):

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
sales 282 723 1,084 1,594 2,361 3,257 2,995 1,438
Consolidated net income / loss for the year 8th 26th 37 80 28 −34 54 −585

The breakdown among the divisions was as follows (in million EUR):

Plant construction

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
sales 131 431 443 613 1,046 1,631 1,812
Annual result 8th 18th 19th 15th 74 67 60 −339

Drive technology

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
sales 151 181 211 304 417 392 307 314
Annual result 4th 4th 2 0 −53 −41 −24 −106

Machine tool manufacturing

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
sales 125 171 212 370 262 97
Annual result 2 7th 6th 11 1 −29

Minerals & Metals

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
sales 111 307 506 687 865 615 1,053
Annual result 2 15th 32 11 −60 41 29

The number of employees developed as follows:

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Plant construction 1,076 1,718 2,091 2,726 4,595 5,005 5,204
Drive technology 1.406 1,774 3.711 6,511 6.339 5,174 4.179 4,066
Machine tools 842 891 942 1,735 1,749 1,498 483
Minerals & Metals 496 502 523 1,039 1,039 977 1,000
Others 0 0 4th 18th 22nd 25th 24
total 2,483 4,830 7.199 10,720 13,708 12,989 11,883 5,573

Financial market transactions

On November 2, 2005, A-Tec issued a bond (ISIN AT0000499272) with a volume of 100 million euros at 5.75%. The redemption of this bond was due on November 2, 2010.

The A-Tec INDUSTRIES AG share ( ISIN AT00000ATEC9) has been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since December 2006 . The share peaked in the summer of 2007 at 48 euros per share, after an issue price of 26 euros in December 2006. In the following years, the security fell continuously and was quoted in mid-July 2009 with a value of just under 9 euros.

On May 3, 2007, a convertible bond (ISIN AT0000A05CS2) with a volume of 180 million euros at 2.75% was issued. The redemption of this bond would have been due in 2014. The conversion right, which ran until April 18, 2014, allowed every creditor to convert the bonds into shares at the conversion price of EUR 56.25 per share. In the second half of 2009, A-Tec bought back part of this convertible bond. As a result, the outstanding volume was only around 92 million euros.

On October 27, 2009, a convertible bond (ISIN AT0000A0F795) was issued with a nominal value of 110 million euros at 8.75%. The redemption of this bond would have been due in 2014. The conversion right, which runs until October 7, 2014, allows every creditor to convert the bonds into shares at the conversion price of EUR 14.76 per share.

In June 2010 A-Tec wanted to issue another bond, but failed. However, A-Tec did not publish an ad hoc announcement about the failure of the issue. In 2012 the Financial Market Authority imposed a fine of EUR 130,000 on Mirko Kovats and Christian Schmidt.

On October 5, 2010, A-Tec announced in an ad hoc announcement that major orders with a volume of almost one billion were in prospect. Since, in the opinion of the Financial Market Authority, it was already known at the time that the financing was not guaranteed, there was a further fine of EUR 200,000 for Mirko Kovats, Christian Schmid and Franz Fehringer in 2012.

A-Tec's insolvency proceedings - Part 1

On October 20, 2010, A-Tec announced the start of insolvency proceedings. According to the company, the registration of the "restructuring procedure with self-administration" is due to difficulties in connection with the refinancing of a bond and the worsening of the economic situation of the Australian subsidiary of the AE&E Group. With a debt of over 350 million euros, it was the third largest bankruptcy in Austrian economic history as of 2010. Due to this circumstance and the consequent good documentation in the media, its process is described in detail below.

An article in the industry magazine accuses the board of the A-Tec subgroup AE&E of deception using accounting tricks. In addition to the public and banks, Mirko Kovats were also affected.

Stock trading on the Vienna Stock Exchange was suspended. When trading resumed on October 22nd, the stock slipped 65%. The share is no longer traded on the prime market, but only on the standard market continuous.

Insolvency of the Plant Construction Division (AE&E Group)

As the banks subsequently reduced the loans and a sale was not possible either, the A-Tec subsidiary AE & E Group GmbH, the holding company of the subgroup AE & E, had to file for bankruptcy on November 23, 2010 in Vienna ( restructuring without self-administration ) Sign in. 50 people were employed in the holding company; The AE&E Group had 600 employees throughout Austria and 5200 employees worldwide. The AE&E Group GmbH was closed on December 3, 2010. A little later the proceedings turned into bankruptcy proceedings, whereby A-Tec lost control of the AE&E group.

On November 26, 2010, the operating company AE&E Austria GmbH & Co. KG also had to file for bankruptcy.

On December 3, the purchase of AE & E Austria by Andritz AG was confirmed. This was achieved by the newly founded Andritz Energy & Environment GmbH taking over projects and most of the employees as a rescue company.

For AE&E Austria GmbH & Co. KG, a restructuring plan as follows was decided in July 2011. According to this, the non-preferred creditors receive a quota of 20%. In addition, there is a chance of a super quota from the realization of the assets handed over to the trustee, namely, among other things, claims for damages against organs of the company, against A-Tec Industries AG and its organs, against the MUST private foundation and the Loidold private foundation and their companies and organs . The assets also include claims against A-Tec Beteiligungs GmbH due to the Voitsberg power plant.

In February 2013, it was planned to pay out a (partial) super quota of 15% to the creditors. In June 2013, the deadline for the trustee to monitor AE&E Austria GmbH & Co. KG was extended to July 18, 2016. A further extension to July 18, 2019 followed in July 2016.

The Swiss intermediate holding company AE&E Inova Holding AG had to apply for a debt restructuring moratorium in December 2010 because a loan to AE&E Group GmbH had to be written off.

As a result, other subsidiaries of the AE&E Group were also sold:

  • AE&E Von Roll Inova, Switzerland to Hitachi Zosen, Japan
  • AE&E KRB AG, to Hitachi Zosen, Japan
  • AE&E Inc., USA to Hitachi Zosen, USA
  • AE&E Inova France SA, AE&E Maintenance France SAS, AE&E Inova France Operations SAS to Altawest SAS
  • Đuro Đaković TEP, Croatia to EM Alliance, Russia
  • Lentjes , Germany to Doosan , Korea
  • AE&E Inova GmbH, Germany had to file for bankruptcy in November 2010. The Japanese IHI Corporation acquired the plant and boiler construction division, Keppel Seghers acquired the know-how relating to waste incineration plants and enpros acquired the engineering division.
  • AE&E CZ, sro, Czech Republic went to Bilfinger Berger in 2011
  • AE&E Chennai Works Ltd. and IDEA Private Ltd. to Doosan (South Korea) and Dodsal (India) - sales price EUR 20 million
  • AE&E Australia also had to file for bankruptcy and was then sold to RCR Tomlinson. Physical assets, intellectual property and technology were acquired, but no liabilities for projects that arose before the company was sold.

RCR Tomlinson paid approximately 2.5 million Australian dollars (AUD) fixed. In addition, a performance-based payment of a maximum of AUD 5 million was agreed. RCR Tomlinson posted a 2011 gain on this acquisition of A $ 3.7 million.

  • The Spanish subsidiary Babcock Power Espana had to file for bankruptcy in 2011. The Spanish state holding company SEPI made claims for damages for breach of contract against A-Tec, AE&E Group GmbH and AE&E Austria GmbH & Co KG. In July 2011, SEPI received EUR 10.6 million from the AE&E Austria quota.
  • AE&E Mechanical Installations International Ltd. had to file for bankruptcy in November 2011.
  • AE&E Financial Services GmbH (founded to process payment transactions within the AE&E Group) went into liquidation on February 22, 2012 and was deleted after its termination on January 15, 2013.

In January 2013, the bankrupt AE&E Group GmbH made an interim distribution of 7%. As of December 2015, there was another quota distribution of 7%. As of January 2020, a further 3.3% was distributed.

A-Tec's insolvency proceedings - Part 2

The redevelopment plan

At the end of December 2010, the creditors of A-Tec accepted a restructuring plan that an investor had to be found for the A-Tec Group by June 30, 2011, with payment of the quota of 47% by the end of September 2011. In absolute figures, the investor was expected to invest 250 million euros.

According to a valuation report, the remaining subgroups ATB, Emco including Dörries Scharmann and Montanwerke Brixlegg were to be valued as follows: ATB with between −7.1 and +15.4 million euros and the rest together with between 147 and 212 million euros.

Insolvency proceedings were opened against the Dörries Scharmann Group's holding company, A-Tec Mechanical Engineering Investment GmbH (AMEI), at the request of two banks in mid-December 2010.

On January 17, 2011, the German-Swiss StarragHeckert Holding AG announced the acquisition of the Dörries Scharmann Group. The purchase agreement was signed on January 19th for an amount of 70 million euros. The insolvency proceedings against the AMEI were then ended. As can be seen from the published 2011 annual financial statements of this company, A-Tec Mechanical Engineering Investment GmbH achieved a profit of approx. 2.8 million EUR through the sale of the investment.

On June 15, 2011, A-Tec boss Mirko Kovats presented A-Tec's 2010 annual balance sheet with a record loss of 584.5 million euros.

In June 2011, the annual financial statements of the A-Tec subgroup ATB were also presented: ATB showed a profit for the period of EUR -107 million. The strong negative result was mainly caused by high depreciation on intangible assets and property, plant and equipment, which amounted to 91 million euros (previous year: 2 million euros). ATB was badly affected by the restructuring process of A-Tec: the loss of trust with banks, credit insurers, suppliers and customers made financing more difficult. A-Tec came to the aid of ATB to the extent that A-Tec Industries AG and its subsidiary AE&E Energy AG converted loan receivables in the amount of 80 million including interest into hybrid capital: the repayment only has to be made when the general meeting of ATB Austria Antriebstechnik AG this decides. In addition, A-Tec made a shareholder contribution in December 2010 of 25 million euros. However, A-Tec's options for financing ATB have been very limited since the start of the restructuring process.

Credit deferrals have been agreed with some banks.

At the beginning of 2011, capital increases were carried out at the ATB subsidiary ATB Sever. The balance sheet restructuring was completed through the collection of claims, capital contributions and debt waivers totaling around 38 million euros. In April 2011, the loss-making industrial motors division of ATB Sever was closed, which led to the cancellation of 283 jobs.

Towards the end of June 2011 it was announced that A-Tec was still negotiating with five interested parties, including the British-French financial investor Astorg, the Indian steel company Essar and the Czech-Slovak investor Penta .

In July 2011 the public prosecutor's office in Vienna carried out a house search at A-Tec, as investigations were being carried out against several board members due to a complaint, including fraudulent crime and falsification of accounts .

In the same month, the report of the restructuring administrator became known, in which he stated, among other things, that the reasons for bankruptcy

  • the group had grown rapidly through the purchase of economically weak industrial companies
  • the group had a low equity ratio
  • the liquidity planning did not take the unforeseen into account
  • USD 93 million was invested in company jets and EUR 40 million in the Voitsberg power plant and property

In September 2011 it was planned to raise the quota of 200 million euros as follows: ATB was to go to the Chinese Wolong Group via Contor Industries GmbH, Minerals & Metals to Solstice International and the Voitsberg power plant to Palmsquare. Emco would have stayed with A-Tec. Contor Industries GmbH was founded in June 2011, the managing director and sole shareholder was the former A-Tec employee Thomas Schätti. The business address of this company was that of A-Tec Industries AG and the share capital was only 35,000 EUR. However, Mirko Kovats denied that it was a straw company. According to the report of the A-Tec board, the role of Contor Industries GmbH was only to coordinate the offers, the contracts would be concluded directly with the individual bidders.

According to the report of the board of directors, there were two counter-offers, which were rejected:
a) Investor Springwater Capital LLC: loan of up to EUR 100 million and a bond of EUR 110 million - price stability was required in the copper division which could not be guaranteed .
b) Investor Penta: Here a special purpose vehicle ( Vysehrad Holding BV, Netherlands) would have taken over the entire assets of A-Tec and paid the quota for them. A-Tec would have had a 20% stake in this special-purpose vehicle, but could hardly have received any returns because the special-purpose vehicle was heavily financed by outside capital: Vysehrad would only have had equity of 20 million euros, while Penta Vysehrad would have had the additional 190 million euros required at an interest rate of 20% borrowed.

In addition, extensive guarantees would have to be assumed.

Penta, however, sued the sale via Contor. This led to the Pakistani investor behind Solstice, Alshair Fiyaz, withdrawing its offer.

Realization by the trustee

The sale then failed and the companies are now being sold individually. After the reorganization and takeover failed by new investors, the share fell in October 2011 to EUR 0.84. The Vienna Stock Exchange suspended the share from trading. The trustee, lawyer Dr. Matthias Schmidt, carries out the realization of the assets of A-Tec.

Realization of the other divisions

  • The trustee sold the Drive Technology Division (ATB Group) to the Chinese Wolong Group on October 19, 2011, with proceeds of around 53 million euros.
  • The sale of the EMCO Group to the Salzburger Kuhn Holding for around 34 million euros took place on December 20, 2011. The buyer has an additional liability retention amounting to 4 million euros, of which he claims 2.4 million euros. This means that 1.6 million are still open (as of June 2013).
  • The Minerals & Metals division (Montanwerke Brixlegg and Gindre) was sold to Umcor from Switzerland on February 10, 2012 for around EUR 86 million . For the buyer there is an additional liability retention in the amount of 11 million EUR, which the buyer claims in full. The trustee accepted 3 million of this, the rest are still being negotiated. (As of June 2013).

Realization of the other assets and investments outside the divisions

The assets and participations outside the divisions developed as follows:

  • In February 2012, the subsidiary A-Jet, which operated the company's own jets, had to file for bankruptcy. It was part of a series of bankruptcies among Austrian airline companies, the other victims of which were MAIN Aviation Project GmbH & Co Falcon KG, Comtel Air and MAP Management + Planning GmbH .

Due to the A-Tec insolvency, A-Jet also got into trouble. Their former managing director Peter Tutschek had also found investors, but their entry was allegedly not possible because Kovats had asked for too high a price. 15 employees had to be cut.

According to Tutschek, A-Jet would have been insolvent at the end of 2010 and he also wanted to file for bankruptcy. However, Mirko Kovats did not jeopardize the restructuring of A-Tec. That is why A-Tec CFO Franz Fehringer took over management in mid-January 2011. In December 2011, the trustee appointed Gert Bergmann as managing director instead of Fehringer. Tutschek argued with the A-Jet before the labor court.

Shortly before the bankruptcy, the Ministry of Transport withdrew the company's air operator certificate . However, this license would have been essential for an investor. The background to the license withdrawal was that Franz Fehringer, as A-Jet managing director, had not given the ministry the relevant information about the financial situation.

According to Kovats, Tutschek's statements are incorrect; Bergmann was to blame for the bankruptcy, because due to open salaries employees A-Jet had badly done to the authorities.

It was also revealed that there should have been strange flows of money to Bahrain during the Fehringer era.

A-Jet's bankruptcy rate is 11.8917%.

  • A company jet (leased from A-Tec subsidiary Challenger Anlagenvermietung GmbH) was sold to the USA in April 2012 for $ 15.5 million. It was a Bombardier Challenger 300 . The lessor received $ 14.9 million of the sales proceeds.
  • A bankruptcy petition was filed for i.Dream Media Services GmbH, which also belongs to A-Tec, in May 2012, but this was rejected due to lack of funds.
  • A-Tec's stake in Drum Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH, Brunn am Gebirge (1%) was transferred to the majority shareholder, Dr. Reinhardt Salusek, transferred
  • A-Tec PETRO GmbH, Vienna was officially deleted from the commercial register in May 2013 due to lack of assets.

90% of this company belonged to E-TEC Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH, a subsidiary of A-Tec Industries AG (which took it over in November 2011 from A-Tec Minerals & Metals Management GmbH, also a subsidiary of A-Tec Industries AG). The remaining 10% belonged to Sergey Ilin, who was also the managing director. The legal basis for the deletion was Section 40 of the Commercial Register Act, which provides that a company that does not obviously have assets can be deleted if it does not submit the annual financial statements for two consecutive financial years and the existence of assets is not proven. The company had not disclosed the annual financial statements for 2010 and 2011 until May 2013.

In May 2014, however, a formal liquidation procedure was decided and Gert Bergmann was appointed as liquidator. The annual financial statements for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 have now been submitted.

Another deletion took place in March 2015, but this time due to the termination of the liquidation.

  • The Voitsberg power plant (owned by A-Tec Beteiligungs GmbH) was sold to Porr Umwelttechnik GmbH in January 2013. Porr demolishes the power plant and recycles the materials (non-ferrous metals, scrap, etc.). After the dismantling of Blocks I and II, Porr sold Block III to Romanian investors in March 2014. After the work is completed, Porr will sell the property. Porr paid four million euros and expects a substantial profit from the recycling of the materials. For the creditors only a small amount of proceeds remained, as the conservation costs of the power station and the claims of the insolvent AE&E Austria GmbH & Co. KG (see above) had to be paid first.
  • The tenancy rights for a plot of land at Vienna Airport were also up for sale. It was a 60-year lease. The A-Tec corporate headquarters should have been built on the property, but because of the bankruptcy, it did not happen. In the end, the matter was settled by the fact that Vienna Airport received EUR 500,000 from the restructuring administrator and the contract was terminated in July 2013.
  • Energy Investment Kraftwerkerrichtung AG was deleted from the commercial register in August 2013 due to lack of assets.

The company was founded in 2009. Mirko Kovats and Christian Schmidt were appointed as board members. Christian Schmidt was now the sole director after Mirko Kovats became a member of the board in September 2012. To date (June 2013) the company has not disclosed any annual financial statements. A-Tec Industries AG held a 99.99% stake in this company, while Mirko Kovats held 0.01%. According to the information in the statement of holdings in the 2012 annual financial statements of A-Tec Industries AG, Energy Investment Kraftwerkerrichtung AG had negative equity of around EUR 3,000 as of December 31, 2012.

  • A-Tec Beteiligungs GmbH, Mönchengladbach, Germany went into liquidation in June 2014. Franz Fehringer is the liquidator. The company's last published balance sheet dates from 2006. It was deleted from the commercial register in June 2019.

Some mergers occurred:

society Merged on date source comment
AE&E Energy AG E-TEC Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH June 2012 Despite the name, AE&E Energy AG was not part of the AE&E Group and therefore not directly involved in its bankruptcy, see organizational chart.
A-Tec Mechanical Engineering Investment GmbH, Mönchengladbach, Germany E-TEC Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH February 2013 see below
A-Tec Minerals & Metals Management GmbH A-Tec Minerals & Metals Holding GmbH July 2012
A-Tec Minerals & Metals Holding GmbH E-TEC Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH July 2013 Since November 2011, Thomas Jungreithmeir has been the managing director of this company instead of Mirko Kovats. He was appointed by the trustee.
Crown Investment GmbH A-Tec Investment GmbH 2nd August 2012 see below
Metals Investment GmbH A-Tec Investment GmbH 2nd August 2012 see below
A-Tec Investment GmbH E-TEC Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH October 2013 A merger plan for this cross-border merger was submitted in June 2013, the implementation of the merger was registered in October 2013 and A-Tec Investment GmbH was deleted from the commercial register.
A-Tec Beteiligungs GmbH, Vienna E-TEC Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH September 2013 . This company was the owner of the Voitsberg power plant until it was sold to Porr. Thomas Jungreithmeir has been managing director since November 2011.
  • A-Tec Mechanical Engineering Investment GmbH, Mönchengladbach, Germany was merged with E-TEC Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH.

For this cross-border merger, a merger plan was submitted in November 2012, the merger was entered in the commercial register in February 2013 and A-Tec Mechanical Engineering Investment GmbH was deleted from the commercial register in March 2013. According to the last available balance sheet from 2011, after the sale of the stake in the Dörries Scharmann Group (in January 2011, see above) and the repayment of all debts, the company had assets of around EUR 13.7 million. There were only provisions in the amount of approx. EUR 80,000.

  • Crown Investment GmbH, Mönchengladbach and Metals Investment GmbH, Mönchengladbach were merged into A-Tec Investment GmbH, Mönchengladbach on August 2, 2012. Since December 2011, Gert Bergmann has been the managing director of A-Tec Investment GmbH instead of Mirko Kovats. According to the most recently disclosed balance sheet from 2011, the company had assets worth approx. 84,000 EUR and debts and provisions worth approx. 801,000 EUR, resulting in negative equity of approx. 717,000 EUR. The debts are almost exclusively due to affiliated companies. A-Tec Investment GmbH stated that A-Tec Industries AG has declared a subordination of its claims, which is intended to avoid consequences under bankruptcy law. In the end, A-Tec Investment went under through the merger with E-TEC Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH in October 2013.

A number of companies were liquidated:

company liquidation deletion source comment
Challenger Anlagenvermietung GmbH January 2013 March 2014 after the leased aircraft has been sold (see above)
Jet-Express Anlagenvermietungs GmbH January 2013 March 2014
CII Transport Investment GmbH August 2012 April 2013 49% of the shares are owned by the A-Tec subsidiary E-TEC Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH
RTB Minerals & Metals doo, Belgrade January 2013 May 2013 This company should have taken over the Serbian copper smelter RTB Bor in 2008 (the merger failed).
Denmeij Financiering BV, Amsterdam December 2012 January 2014 In January 2014 it appeared in the Dutch commercial register as deleted.
C&C Tankers Holding BV, Amsterdam December 2012 December 2012 Subsidiary of Denmeij Financering BV, Netherlands
A-Tec Liegenschaftsverwaltungs GmbH July 9, 2013 December 2014 Managing director since November 2011: Thomas Jungreithmeir (instead of Mirko Kovats)
A-Tec used machine trade Germany GmbH (until August 2012: Mexpol Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH) November 2014 formerly part of the machine tool construction division
E-TEC Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH November 2014 November 2015 Thomas Jungreithmeir has been the managing director of this company since November 2011. The company was liquidated after several other companies had been merged into it (see table above).
A-Tec Industries ooo, Moscow 2015 (?) Exit from the company has begun
  • Therefore, the following companies are still to be sold / liquidated:
    • A-Tec Middle East FZE, Dubai
    • A-Tec's share in Sil-TEC Industries AD, Bulgaria

Overall, however, the trustee did not expect any significant income from the sale of the other investments.

Until August 2013, the bankruptcy resulted in costs of around 20 million euros.

In January 2013 it became known that A-Tec 600,000 EUR should have been withdrawn. In an interview with the Wirtschaftsblatt, Mirko Kovats confirmed a lawsuit by the insolvency trustee. A settlement was agreed with CII AG, which belongs to his foundation. A discount and a longer payment period were agreed.

The civil lawsuits that the trustee has led or that have been brought against him should result in proceeds of EUR 500,000 to 680,000. Capital- und Industrie Investment AG (which belongs to Mirko Kovats Private Foundation) and Airo Tower Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH (97.73% owned by MUST Private Foundation, the rest belongs to Mirko Kovats and Airo Handelsgesellschaft mbH) had until the end of March 2015 to pay 580,000 euros from the title of the challenge; this payment was also made.

A-Tec Industries AG was subjected to a tax audit by the tax office . The years up to 2010 have been dealt with, but the important years 2011 and 2012 are still open. These years are important because the quota was distributed in 2012 and a profit from the restructuring was associated with it. The open question now is whether this restructuring profit can be offset against the loss carryforwards. If not, tax payments would have to be made from the bankruptcy estate.

The exploitation and thus the trust procedure ended in February 2016.

Distribution of quotas

Since the conversion right of the convertible debtors still existed, they had to waive this right in order to receive a quota payment. The first quota for all creditors was 39 percent and was distributed on November 14, 2012. The trustee expected the distribution of a further quota in the amount of approx. 1-3%, but could not initially specify a time. In any case, the period of monitoring by the trustee was initially extended to December 29, 2013, then to December 29, 2014 and then to December 29, 2015. As of December 2015, the last quota distribution should be "imminent" and the final report of the curator should be available on January 15, 2016. In the end, on December 21, 2015, a remaining quota of 17.58 million euros was distributed to the creditors (this corresponds to 4.44 percent). In October 2016, a subsequent quota of 0.03751% was paid.

Due to the high quota, Kovats received praise in the press for filing for bankruptcy on time.

Balance sheets 2011 to 2017

For 2011, A-Tec Industries AG reported a balance sheet loss of 344 million euros.

This is the individual financial statement. The annual profit for 2011 amounts to 53 million euros, as income from the disposal of investments in the amount of 50 million euros was achieved. The balance sheet total was 214 million euros. As a result of the sale of the Dörries Scharmann Group and the ATB Group, liquid funds rose from just 2.8 million euros in the previous year to 81.4 million euros (+2909%). The company had an average of 16.0 employees (including board members).

After the rest of the assets have been sold or liquidated by the restructuring administrator, A-Tec could continue to exist as a debt-free company and start new activities. Namely, if a quota of at least 30% can be distributed to the creditors by December 28, 2012.

In the 2012 annual balance sheet, the balance sheet loss was reduced to around EUR 41 million. This was due to the quota distribution, as there is a residual debt discharge from a quota of at least 30%. The annual profit was EUR 304 million. Of this, EUR 298 million was caused by the discontinuation of liabilities, while the income from the disposal of investments amounted to around EUR 6 million. The balance sheet total fell by 74% from 214 million euros to 55.6 million euros. The liquid funds were reduced to 39 million euros, because on the one hand investments (Emco, Minerals and Metals) had been sold, but on the other hand the quota was distributed. The number of employees fell by 62% to 6.1.

In 2013, the balance sheet loss was further reduced to 31 million euros. As a result of the sale of participations and the liquidation of companies, the balance sheet total fell by 55% from 55.5 million euros in 2012 to only 25 million. The liquid funds were reduced by 38% to 24.3 million euros. As soon as all outstanding liabilities have been serviced, the cash will be distributed to the creditors. The number of employees fell by 75% to 1.5. These are the board members Mirko Kovats and Franz Fehringer. Neither of them received any payments in 2013. The Supervisory Board also received no remuneration.

In 2014, the balance sheet loss fell to 28.7 million euros. The balance sheet total and the liquid funds remained largely constant.

In the following year, the balance sheet loss rose slightly to EUR 28.8 million. The balance sheet total was only 3.7 million euros and the liquid funds were zero. This is due to the payment of the quota and the payment of the remaining liabilities by the trustee. The main shareholder of A-TEC, the MUST Privatstiftung, pays ongoing administrative costs against the liabilities of around 237,000 euros. There are liabilities to the tax office, which are, however, covered by a deposit of 3.6 million euros shown in the receivables. Equity as of December 31, 2015 was EUR −497 thousand.

In 2016, the accumulated loss rose slightly to EUR 28.9 million. The deposit and the liabilities to the tax office are unchanged compared to the previous year. Equity stands at −544 thousand euros.

In 2018, A-TEC achieved the repayment of a down payment for systems from the time before the bankruptcy was opened.

This led to other operating income and improved equity to EUR −436 thousand.

Assets in millions of EUR 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Property, plant and equipment 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Financial assets 171.9 128.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
requirements 9.3 4.2 2.9 0.5 0.7 3.6 3.6 3.5
Securities 0.0 0.0 13.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Liquid funds 2.8 81.4 39 24.3 24.2 0.0 0.0 0.1
Total assets 183.9 214.0 55.4 24.9 24.9 3.7 3.7 3.8


Attorney Eric Breiteneder, who represents some subscribers to A-Tec bonds, is considering civil law suits against the board of directors of A-Tec and against the auditor. Starting points are the alleged deprivation of assets, possibly incorrect annual financial statements and dubious investments.

On the part of the shareholders, lawyer Michael Poduschka sees starting points for lawsuits based on the allegedly incorrect ad hoc reports punished by the FMA. (However, an appeal was lodged against the penalties imposed by the FMA.) Even advisors and banks would not have made investors aware of existing risks and could be held responsible. In October 2013 it became known that the investigations against Mirko Kovats and other former managers had been extended beyond suspicion of breach of trust to include suspicion of investor fraud. By joining an injured shareholder in criminal proceedings, he can counteract the statute of limitations for any claims for damages. The criminal act should be 5000 pages long.

As of February 2013, 20 shareholders had already joined the criminal proceedings as private parties; in October 2013 their number had grown to 80.

In October 2013, attorney Michael Poduschka brought seven lawsuits against Mirko Kovats for misleading ad-hoc reports and failure to publish reportable information. Kovats is also accused of having incorrect 2005 results. In addition, Kovats is said to have reduced the company's liquidity through an unjustified dividend distribution in 2007 (which benefited his private foundation to a large extent): the net profit came only through a revaluation gain due to a merger and not, as Kovats allegedly alleged, through the good business situation. Michael Poduschka represents 200 victims. Kovats' attorney, Michael Herzer, denies the allegations.

After bankruptcy

According to an article in the business magazine "Format" in November 2012, Mirko Kovats announced that he wanted to reorganize A-Tec as an investment company for industrial companies in cooperation with investors. We are talking about activities in the oil, gas and copper sectors, among other things.

Kovats reaffirmed this intention in January 2013. A prerequisite, however, is the resumption of trading in the A-Tec share, which is discussed with the stock exchange. The Financial Market Authority announced, however, that it had commissioned the Vienna Stock Exchange to investigate the reasons for revoking the admission to trading of A-Tec securities. The decision to resume trading should be made by the end of October 2013. On February 11, 2014, the revocation of the admission of the shares to official trading took place due to breaches of transparency obligations.

A-Tec was originally based in Wächtergasse in Vienna 's first district ; however, this office was closed in 2011.

The official company headquarters of A-Tec has been located at Kurbadstrasse 8, 1100 Vienna, since January 4th, 2012. This is the location of the Airo Tower Hotel, which was indirectly owned by Mirko Kovats' TOSE private foundation. With this move, the headquarters of A-Tec was now in the Vienna working-class district of Favoriten instead of in the heart of Vienna .

After the TOSE private foundation had sold the hotel in 2015, A-TEC relocated the company headquarters to a villa in Schwechat near Vienna in July 2016 , but moved back to Vienna, in the third district , in September 2016 .

According to A-Tec's ad hoc announcement of February 4, 2013, the Management Board and Supervisory Board are working free of charge until further notice. The costs of the company are currently (as of February 2013) borne by the MUST private foundation (main shareholders of A-Tec and Mirko Kovats), but are to be reimbursed. As soon as A-Tec becomes active again as a holding company, it should move to a central office and take on employees. An information event for shareholders took place on February 15, 2013 in the Airo Tower Hotel. At this event, Kovats announced that he was planning to acquire companies in order to take advantage of A-Tec's high loss carryforwards. The financing could take place through mezzanine capital, convertible bonds or a capital increase. The MUST private foundation, which is attributable to Kovats, and the CII could also give up their majority. According to the 2012 annual financial statements, the main shareholder of A-Tec (the MUST private foundation) has issued a guarantee for the costs of ongoing operations until December 31, 2014. This guarantee has been extended several times, most recently until the end of 2019.

The tax advantage from the loss carryforwards of A-Tec Industries AG should amount to around EUR 52 million (as of August 2013).

An ordinary general meeting took place on November 27, 2015, at which, among other things, the 2013 annual financial statements were adopted and the conversion of shares to registered shares was resolved. Since 2011, the Stock Corporation Act has stipulated that unlisted stock corporations must switch to registered shares (Sections 9 and 10 of the Stock Corporation Act).

In January 2013, all shares in Contor Industries GmbH were transferred from Thomas Schätti to A-Tec Industries AG, the business address was relocated to Kurbadstrasse 8, 1100 Vienna, and Mirko Kovats was appointed as managing director. In November 2014, all shares in Contor Industries GmbH were transferred from A-Tec Industries to Viacheslav Telegin and Franz Fehringer was appointed as managing director instead of Mirko Kovats. In July 2019, however, Contor Industries GmbH was deleted from the commercial register due to lack of assets.

The Austrian interest association for investors advises against investing in A-Tec. The IVA already had concerns about security when A-Tec issued bonds in November 2005. The IVA was also skeptical about the IPO in 2006 and said prophetically that “the A-Tec share at the rumored price range (100 to 115 euros) can very likely be a disappointment for private investors who are concerned about security."

A general meeting should have taken place on December 30, 2016, at which the capital of A-TEC is to be reduced (combined with a capital increase). The MUST private foundation would like to take over newly subscribed shares. This general meeting took place on March 24, 2017. A capital cut of 1000 to one was decided. The problem, however, is that A-TEC currently has no assets on the one hand and negative equity of half a million euros on the other. The usability of the tax loss carryforward in the amount of 250 million euros is said to be questionable.

According to the 2016 balance sheet, US $ 250,000 of liquidity should be available in the year. These should come from the repayment of a down payment for an aircraft that was not claimed in the bankruptcy proceedings. However, the tax office demands an advance tax payment [out of date] in the amount of 3.6 million euros. Since the main shareholder's guarantee declaration is not sufficient, the future of A-TEC is unclear.

The capital increase, which was resolved in the general meeting of March 2017, was not accepted by the commercial court. Therefore, another took place in November 2017; the capital reduction and increase decided there became effective in March 2018.

In September 2018 it was announced that the general meeting on October 8, 2018 would decide on the liquidation of the company. The start of the liquidation in October 2018 was entered in the commercial register in February 2019.

Former group structure

A-Tec consisted of four divisions
Plant construction
(AE & E-Holding insolvent 2010)
Drive technology mechanical engineering metal
Systems for thermal energy generation and environmental technology Electric motors and electric drive systems Machine tools Metal extraction and refining, in particular copper
AE&E Austria sold to Andritz (December 2010)
  • various other national companies
  • Von Roll Inova, Switzerland
sold to Hitachi Zosen, Japan
  • various national companies
sold to EM Alliance, Russia
sold to Doosan, Korea
  • various national companies
  • AE&E Power Plant Systems

(liquidated as of January 2018)

the entire ATB group was sold to the Chinese WOLONG group in October 2011
sold to Kuhn Holding in December 2011
  • Magdeburg machine tools
  • INTOS, Czech Republic
  • FAMUP, Italy
sold to StarragHeckert in January 2011
  • MECOF, Italy
2012 sold to UMCOR, Switzerland
  • Kovohuty as, Slovakia
  • (2 hydropower plants)
2012 sold to UMCOR, Switzerland

Shares in:

(formerly Norddeutsche Affinerie AG)
was sold again in 2008


A-Tec Industries as of December 31, 2010
Share capital € 26,400,000
shares 26,400,000 pcs.
shareholder proportion of
MUST Private Foundation (K) 55.2%
Capital- und Industrie Investment AG, Vienna 11.3%
JE Loidold Private Foundation (S) 6.9%
Free float 26.6%
(K) assigned to the sphere of influence of the CEO Mirko Kovats
(S) to be assigned to the sphere of influence of the Executive Board Christian Schmidt

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Company monitor / A-TEC Industries AG. Firmenmonitor.at, accessed on July 20, 2012 .
  2. a b Shareholder information. (PDF; 46 kB) A-TEC Industries AG presents results for the 2010 financial year. (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, June 15, 2011, archived from the original on October 3, 2015 ; Retrieved June 30, 2012 .
  3. Deletions 2014. Vienna Stock Exchange, accessed on March 7, 2015 .
  4. a b A-Tec loses admission to the Vienna Stock Exchange. Der Standard, February 6, 2014, accessed February 11, 2014 .
  5. Annual Financial Report 2007. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, June 6, 2008, formerly in the original ; Retrieved June 30, 2012 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  6. Half-yearly financial report 2012. (PDF; 1.7 MB) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, August 31, 2012, p. 2 , archived from the original on October 4, 2015 ; Retrieved November 3, 2012 .
  7. a b A-TEC Industries AG. Firmenmonitor, February 12, 2016, accessed on February 13, 2016 .
  8. A-Tec: Kovats has to contribute money to the renovation. But it will be difficult | trend.at. In: trend.at. October 29, 2010, accessed March 11, 2016 .
  9. a b stock exchange prospectus. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, November 17, 2006, pp. 67, 70, 75,, formerly in the original ; accessed on June 30, 2012 (English).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  10. ↑ Stock exchange prospectus. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, p. 96 , formerly in the original ; accessed on January 12, 2014 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  11. Annual Report 2006. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, p. 11 , formerly in the original ; accessed on January 12, 2014 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  12. Ronny Pecik sells A-Tec shares. Boerse-Express.com, May 16, 2007, accessed January 12, 2014 .
  13. Annual Report 2007. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, p. 13 , formerly in the original ; accessed on January 12, 2014 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  14. Ursula Schwarzer: A-TEC boss Kovats: Much enemy, little honor. 4th part: "This is the true economy". Manager Magazin, February 6, 2008, accessed May 10, 2014 .
  15. up to and including 2006 see stock market prospectus. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, formerly in the original ; accessed on June 30, 2012 (English).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at P. 34 and 67 then the annual financial reports 2007–2009. (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, archived from the original on October 4, 2015 ; Retrieved June 30, 2012 .
  16. a b Mister "Top Deal" Mirko Kovats. Austria “industrial patriot” is now going to Slovakia. derStandard.at , September 19, 2005, accessed June 30, 2012 .
  17. a b GBI sells ATB Group to a bidding consortium around Mirko Kovats. GBI Society of the Federal Government for Industrial Policy Measures GmbH (press release via OTS), December 28, 2001, accessed on June 30, 2013 .
  18. ↑ Stock exchange prospectus. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, pp. F100-F101 , formerly in the original ; accessed on October 20, 2012 (English).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  19. ATB - Kovats purchases in Great Britain. (PDF) (No longer available online.) Börse-Express, October 20, 2004, archived from the original on September 23, 2015 ; accessed on September 13, 2015 .
  20. a b stock exchange prospectus. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, S. F99 , formerly in the original ; accessed on October 20, 2012 (English).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  21. ATB's French engine stutters. (No longer available online.) Wirtschaftsblatt, March 5, 2009, archived from the original on July 15, 2014 ; accessed on May 10, 2014 .
  22. ↑ Stock exchange prospectus. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, p. F101 , formerly in the original ; accessed on October 20, 2012 (English).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  23. ATB Austria Antriebstechnik AG acquires the Serbian electric motor manufacturer SEVER. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, January 3, 2005, archived from the original on October 4, 2015 ; Retrieved April 26, 2014 .
  24. ATB takes over Serbian Sever. In: derStandard.at. January 17, 2005, accessed February 27, 2016 .
  25. a b c Annual Report 2006. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, formerly in the original ; Retrieved August 18, 2012 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  26. Austrian ATB Austria Antriebstechnik is catching up with Lindeteves-Jacoberg to become the world's best in the field of motors. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, August 29, 2005, archived from the original on October 4, 2015 ; Retrieved April 12, 2014 .
  27. ↑ Stock exchange prospectus. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, pp. 17–18 , formerly in the original ; accessed on May 3, 2014 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  28. a b c d e f Annual Financial Report 2008. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, formerly in the original ; Retrieved August 18, 2012 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  29. ATB Austria Antriebstechnik AG continues to grow: Takeover of the British Laurence Scott & Electromotors. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, May 23, 2006, archived from the original on October 4, 2015 ; Retrieved April 26, 2014 .
  30. a b stock exchange prospectus. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, S. F98 , formerly in the original ; accessed on October 20, 2012 (English).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  31. Austrian Energy & Environment takes over Spanish Babcock-Borsig. (No longer available online.) Börseexpress, January 22, 2004, archived from the original on May 2, 2014 ; accessed on May 2, 2014 .
  32. A-Tec provides a look behind the scenes. Der Standard, October 12, 2005, accessed May 10, 2014 .
  33. a b A-TEC Industries AG / Annual Financial Report 2006. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries AG, p. 98 , formerly in the original ; accessed on May 10, 2014 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  34. ↑ Stock exchange prospectus. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, p. F27 , formerly in the original ; accessed on October 20, 2012 (English).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  35. Austrian Energy acquires two companies in India. (No longer available online.) Börseexpress, December 27, 2004, archived from the original on May 2, 2014 ; accessed on May 2, 2014 .
  36. ↑ Stock exchange prospectus. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, p. F148 , formerly in the original ; accessed on October 20, 2012 (English).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  37. Kovats AE&E buys industrial boiler business from Alstom. (No longer available online.) Börse Express, October 25, 2005, archived from the original on April 27, 2014 ; Retrieved April 27, 2014 .
  38. A-TEC Industries completes two acquisitions: Antitrust authorities approve acquisitions of Dörries Scharmann Technologies GmbH and Deltak Power Equipment China Co. Ltd. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, October 19, 2007, archived from the original on October 3, 2015 ; Retrieved April 26, 2014 .
  39. Annual Financial Report 2007. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, pp. 114–115 , formerly in the original ; Retrieved October 20, 2012 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  40. A-TEC INDUSTRIES AG acquires German large plant manufacturer Lentjes. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, May 2, 2007, archived from the original on October 3, 2015 ; Retrieved April 26, 2014 .
  41. Mergers: Commission approves proposed acquisition of Lentjes by A-Tec Group. European Commission, December 4, 2007, accessed April 26, 2014 .
  42. A-TEC INDUSTRIES takes over British service and assembly company. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, February 26, 2008, archived from the original on October 3, 2015 ; Retrieved April 27, 2014 .
  43. ↑ Stock exchange prospectus. (PDF) (No longer available online.) A-TEC Industries, p. 83 , formerly in the original ; accessed on October 20, 2012 (English).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.a-tecindustries.at
  44. Only Semperit and Grundig are missing from the empire. (No longer available online.) Wirtschaftsblatt, May 16, 2003, archived from the original on September 27, 2015 ; accessed on September 26, 2015 (English).
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