Alexander Dmitrievich Sheremetev

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Count Alexander Dmitrievich Sheremetev in firefighter uniform

Count Alexander Dmitrievich Sheremetev ( Russian Граф Александр Дмитриевич Шереметев * February 27 jul. / 11. March  1859 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † 18th May 1931 in Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois (Essonne) ) was a Russian music lovers , Conductor and patron .


Alexander Sheremetev was the son of Count Dmitri Sheremetev and his second wife Alexandra nee. Melnikova, Count Sergei Sheremetev's half-brother and grandson of Count Nikolai Sheremetev and his wife Praskovia .

Sheremetev finished his training in the St. Petersburg Page Corps in 1881, and then took up his service as Cornet in the Chevalier Guard. In 1884 he left the service. In 1889 he became adjutant to the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard and the Moscow Military District , in 1894 court stableman , in 1899 officer for special tasks at the Ministry of War, in 1902 wing adjutant and in 1909 Major General of His Imperial Highness. During the First World War in 1915 he became chief of the aircraft and car troops of the 6th Army . After the February Revolution of 1917 , he resigned from the army on April 14, 1917 due to illness.

Sheremetev was very wealthy from his inheritance. He owned the mansions Ostankino and Voronowo near Moscow, the Sheremetev court in Moscow on Vozdwischenka Street and the manor Ulyanka near St. Petersburg. In 1905 he owned 29 estates in 25 villages with a total area of ​​226,000 dessiatines .

Ilya Salov's comedy Darmodka 1894 in Count AD Sheremetev's house

Sheremetev had studied music with Theodor Leschetizky ( piano ), Iwan Melnikow ( vocals ) and Wassili Wurm ( cornet ). In 1882 he founded his own orchestra . 1892-1894 he was the first chairman of the Russian Fire Brigade Society and in 1892 took part in organizing the All-Russian Fire Brigade Exhibition . From 1898 his orchestra gave popular symphonic concerts . In 1908 he donated 20,000 rubles for Rimsky-Korsakov - scholarships to study at the St. Petersburg Conservatory . From 1910 to 1916 he headed the Musical-Historical Society , whose concerts significantly enriched St. Petersburg musical life by making Jean Sibelius and Richard Strauss known. On December 21, 1913, on Sheremetev's initiative, Jul. / January 3,  1914 greg. with him as conductor for the Russian premiere of Richard Wagner's opera Parsifal in the St. Petersburg Hermitage Theater with Félia Litvinne from Paris as Kundry in the presence of the imperial family, the diplomatic corps and the heads of the government and the State Duma . Sheremetev had already presented the opera in three concerts in 1906, with the press describing his conducting as "primitive".

Sheremetev arranged for memorial plaques in St. Petersburg for Alexander Dargomyschski , Mili Balakirew , Alexander Serow and Modest Mussorgsky , and he carried out an all-Russian fundraising campaign for a Tchaikovsky monument. 1901–1917 he led the court choir .

After the October Revolution , Sheremetev lived in his dacha in Tytisevä in now independent Finland (now a suburb of St. Petersburg as Ushkowo) until 1928 and then emigrated to Paris .

Since 1883 Sheremetev was married to Countess Marie Fjodorowna Heiden from Reval (1863–1939), daughter of the Governor General of the Grand Duchy of Finland Friedrich Moritz Reichsgraf van Heyden and his wife Jelisaweta Nikolajewna nee. Countess Subova, and had four children.


Individual evidence

  1. Brockhaus-Efron : Шереметев, Александр Дмитриевич.
  2. граф Шереметев Александр Дмитриевич (accessed September 14, 2016).
  3. С. В. Волков: Офицеры российской гвардии: Опыт мартиролога . Русский путь, Moscow 2002.
  4. А. И. Алексеева, М. Д. Ковалёва: Шереметевы в истории России: Воспоминания. Дневники. Письма. Издательский дом Звонница, 2001.
  5. С. Беккер: Миф о русском дворянстве . Новое литературное обозрение, Moscow 2004, p. 59, 67 .
  6. Ю. Н. Кружнов: Пожарное общество Российское (accessed September 14, 2016).
  7. Марина Малкиель: Парсифаль в Петербурге (accessed September 13, 2016).
  8. ^ Rosamund Bartlett: Wagner & Russia . Cambridge University Press, 1995, ISBN 0-521-03582-1 , pp. 88, 112-113 .
  9. А. Л. Порфирьева: Музыкальные общества и кружки (accessed September 13, 2016).
  10. Дача графа А. Д. Шереметева (accessed September 14, 2016).
  11. ^ Marie, * Reval 1863 VIII. 11. (accessed on September 14, 2016).
  12. ^ Friedrich Moritz van Heyden (accessed on September 14, 2016).