Belle Vue Zoological Gardens

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Belle Vue Zoological Gardens
place Gorton , Manchester , England
surface 66.7 hectares
opening 1836
Belle Vue Zoological Gardens (England)
Belle Vue Zoological Gardens

Coordinates: 53 ° 27 ′ 49 ″  N , 2 ° 11 ′ 15 ″  W.

The Belle Vue Zoological Gardens was a large zoo , amusement park , complex of exhibition halls and speedway stadium in Belle Vue a district of Manchester , England . The park opened in 1836 and was used until 1987. As the brainchild of John Jennison, the park was originally designed as an amusement park for the genteel middle classes with ornamental gardens and dance events on open-air dance floors during the summer, but it soon became one of the most popular attractions in Northern England . Before moving to Belle Vue, Jennison already had an aviary in his home. From that small start, the third largest zoo in the UK grew .

Jennison designed a small recreational area in Belle Vue in the 1870s, which developed into the "showground of the world" by the beginning of the 20th century. Amusement attractions included a roller coaster , which at that time already reached 60 mi / h (97 km / h) and the Scenic Railway (park railway). In addition, other attractions were offered such as fireworks (from 1852) and Christmas Circus (from 1922). There was music and dance in several ballrooms. The Kings Hall , opened in 1910, housed the Hallé Orchestra and served as the venue for concerts with artists such as Jimi Hendrix , The Who , The Rolling Stones , Leonard Cohen , Johnny Cash and Led Zeppelin .

The catering for visitors was carried out on an industrial scale and provided a wide variety of offers, from the hot water rooms of the 19th century, in which up to 3,000 people could consume their self-brought food with provided dishes and hot water, to more sophisticated restaurants. Belle Vue became part of the business empire of caterer and hotelier Charles Forte in the 1960s . Although he made some improvements in the zoo area, he focused on expanding the restaurant and exhibition grounds. Kings Hall was the largest exhibition hall outside of London at the time , but competition from the G-Mex Exhibition and Conference Center in Manchester led to its immediate closure in 1987.

During weddings, Belle Vue covered an area of ​​67 hectares (165 acres ) and was frequented by more than 2 million visitors a year, with up to 250,000 visitors often coming at Easter alone . The zoo closed in September 1977 after owners refused to bear the £ 100,000 annual losses  . The theme park stayed open on the summer weekends until 1980. The land was sold in 1982 and the site cleared in 1987. The only remnants of Belle Vue today are the Belle Vue Stadium ( greyhound racetrack ) and a snooker hall in the former parking garage.


Belle Vue Zoological Gardens was the brainchild of entrepreneur and recreational gardener John Jennison. He had made the area around his home in Adswood , Stockport , open to the public as early as 1826, where he and his wife Maria were selling fruit and vegetables. He named this plant Strawberry Gardens and later Jennison's Gardens . Manchester's growing population encouraged the development of a leisure industry and public parks became popular. In 1828 or 1829 Jennison bought a piece of land that bordered his property and built an aviary on the 0.5 acre that could be visited for an entrance fee. The first animal was a captured thrush . Jennison opened his home as a public house , The Adam and Eve , and ran it with his wife.

John Jennison, founder of the Belle Vue Zoological Gardens.

In 1835 businessman George Gill approached Jennison and suggested leasing Belle Vue, an open hall pub with 35.75 acres between Kirkmanshulme Lane and Hyde Road . Jennison took out a mortgage loan of £ 300 to pay off another £ 80 mortgage on Strawberry Gardens and the rest to pay a tentative six month lease on the Belle Vue property. That was in June 1836. In December Jennison signed a 99 year lease with an annual lease of £ 135. For an additional £ 100 a year he also leased land to move the western border up to Redgate Lane , near Stockport Road , where he built a second entrance. Jennison took out a new mortgage on the site for £ 800 to make further investment.

In addition to their belongings, which at that time all had their place in a handcart, the Jennisons only took several bird cages with parrots and other birds to Belle Vue. When it opened in 1836, Belle Vue had an Italian Garden , lakes, mazes and greenhouses, as well as an aviary. The family decided that their zoological collection should be expanded first. and as early as 1839 they had acquired elephants , lions and other African species. Gradually, various other attractions were added, including a racing track in 1847. The gardens were an instant hit, only the neighboring parish of St James's Church was upset that the gardens were open on Sundays. They told Jennison to close the gardens while services were being held; he refused "politely but firmly".

Entry to the park, which was open until 9 p.m. in the summer, was available for 10  shillings for families and 5 shillings for individuals, which was unthinkable with the income of most workers at the time. There were concerts for “genteel music” and there were dance events with various bands on a large wooden open-air platform. Originally the only public transport to Belle Vue was a horse-drawn omnibus from what is now Piccadilly in Manchester, but the last departure time at 6:00 p.m. coincided with the end of work for most workers. The first train station nearby opened in 1842, which made it easier for workers to visit the park, and in 1848 there were complaints in the press that "roughs" in ordinary clothes were indignant to middle-class ladies because they were made advances to them on the dance floor . There were also complaints of working-class men dancing together, and increasing demands from workers' spokesmen for Belle Vue "imposing prohibited dress codes, restricted opening hours and uninviting entrance fees." Jennison was in a crisis: either he got the park as an elite, class-oriented posh retreat for the upper classes, or it opened the park to the masses. At times Jennison sent carriages to the train station to pick up first-class passengers, but soon gave up and then gave up on issuing subscription tickets . He set the entry price at 4d (schilling) and increased it to 6d in 1851.

Financial difficulties

Although the park was a great success in the early years, Jennison ran into financial difficulties as early as 1842 and bankruptcy proceedings were initiated on December 13th . Jennison's problems arose because he could not sell the Strawberry Gardens area, because he was facing competition from the newly opened Manchester Zoological Gardens and because the Manchester and Birmingham Railway's route cut through the area that Jennison had leased in 1836. This prevented access to the park. Jennison tried twice to sell Belle Vue without success. Only then did the creditors allow him to make the park a success, and by the end of 1843 Jennison was able to pay his debts. The railway line, which was initially a nuisance , turned into an advantage because the Longsight Railway Station was moved closer to the Belle Vue site in 1842. This made it easier for visitors to reach the park.


In 1843, 13 acres of farmland were added to the western edge of the park. One of the ponds was enlarged to allow boat trips. This pond later became Firework Lake . An island in the middle of the lake was given a museum of natural history. In 1858 another 8 acres were leased in the triangle between Kirkmanshulme Lane and Hyde Road, where clay was mined to make bricks for the park's buildings. Jennison filled the large clay pit with water, creating the Great Lake in 1858 . Two paddle steamers , the Little Eastern and the Little Britain , each with 100 passenger seats, offered trips around the lake for 1 d (penny) . In 1905, Belle Vue comprised 68 acres (28 hectares) of fenced property and an additional 97 acres (39 hectares) outside its walls.

War years

During the First World War , the area was used by the Manchester regiment for drill exercises and an ammunition factory with sidings was built.

At the outbreak of the Second World War , the gardens closed at noon after the declaration of war on Germany on Sunday, September 3, 1939, whereby a rehearsal ("open rehearsal") of the Gorton Philharmonic Orchestra was forcibly ended. The military immediately requisitioned the Exhibition Hall, the restaurants and a large part of the upper floor of the administration building. They also took over the sports field as a base for the use of blocking balloons and dug several air raid shelters . The gardens were given permission to open on September 15, 1939 and remained open throughout the war, even though part of the site was requisitioned by the Manchester Corporation and converted into allotments .

The Second World War often forced the cancellation of events and brought problems with feeding all the animals; however, it turned out to be lucrative for the park. Profits grew steadily and the company was able to receive several compensation payments for requisitions. The company received £ 4,000 in 1941 and another £ 7,242 in 1942 (the equivalent of around EUR 300,000 today); In gratitude for the latter payment, the company donated a new mobile canteen to the Civil Defense Service .

Change of ownership

The Jennisons had been considering starting a limited company since 1895 . The family agreed, with the exception of Richard, John Jennison's youngest son. After his death in 1919, the remaining family members founded John Jennison & Co Ltd with a capital of £ 253,000 (today comparable to EUR 11.5 million), including investments and loans amounting to £ 63,000. George Jennison became Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Joint Managing Director along with John Jennison Jnr, John Jennison Snr's great-grandchildren. John, William, Angelo, and Richard Jennison Jnr were appointed to the board of directors, which is said to have been "a very cheerful board with few meetings and a complete absence of disputes."

On November 27, 1924, the Jennisons agreed to sell it to Harry George Skipp for £ 250,000 , but he acted only as a middleman and on March 6, 1925 another contract was signed by the Jennisons, Skipp and a new company, Belle Vue (Manchester) Ltd . signed. In 1925 the company took over the park and under the managing director, John Henry Iles , the park developed into the world-famous amusement park.

Later years

Belle Vue experienced a brief post-war boom. Up to 150,000 visitors came on Easter Monday in the early 1960s, but by the end of the decade the number of visitors dropped to around 30,000 as competition from other amusement parks increased. Sir Leslie Joseph and Charles Forte bought Belle Vue in 1956, but by 1963 Forte was the sole owner. Although he made some improvements to the zoo, Forte's interests were in expanding the park's restaurants and exhibition space. Fire became an "ever present hazard" in the later years. The most devastating fire occurred in 1958 and destroyed many buildings, including the Coronation Ballroom. Although the zoo was spared, the fire almost got as far as the Lion House, panicking an elderly lioness so badly that she had to be shot. Vandalism and theft became permanent problems; Invaders killed 38 of the birds in 1960, including 9 penguins.


Cover of the official guidebook 1906.

Belle Vue was the first privately funded zoo in England and grew to become the third largest in the UK. Jennison's original idea was to design the garden as a "Botanical Excursion," but it quickly became clear that visitors were more interested in animals. The first animals were pet birds and some parrots, but Jennison arguably also acquired those animals that could not be sold when the Manchester Zoological Gardens closed in 1842. In 1856 the Jennisons had also acquired kangaroos , rhinos , lions , bears and gazelles .

In 1871 the zoo acquired four giraffes ; the following year an elephant , Maharajah, was added, bought at Wombwell's Menagerie No.1 in Edinburgh for £ 680. The plan to move Maharajah from Edinburgh to Manchester by train was abandoned after the elephant devastated the train compartment in which it was supposed to travel. It was decided that Maharajah should run to Manchester with his coach, Lorenzo Lawrence , a trip they made in 10 days with few incidents. Lorenzo became the zoo's chief elephant carer and stayed at Belle Vue for over 40 years. Elephant rides were offered with Maharajah until he died of pneumonia after ten years (1882). His skeleton has been preserved and exhibited in the park's Natural History Museum. When the museum was closed in 1941, the skeleton was moved to the Manchester Museum along with other exhibits .

Consul in his obituary 1894.

In 1893 a chimpanzee was acquired by another Wombwell's Traveling Menageries in London. The four-year-old chimpanzee, Consul , was tucked into a tuxedo , given a hat, and pulled on a cob pipe ; he often accompanied James Jennison to business meetings. Consul was extremely popular and after his death on November 24, 1894 an obituary was printed to which Ben Brierley contributed the poem:

"" Hadst thou a soul? I've pondered o'er thy fate
Full many a time ... Thou hadst ways
In many things like ours. Then who says
Thou'rt not immortal? ...
'Tis God alone who knows where the "Missing Link"
Is hidden from our sight; but, on the brink
Of that Eternal line where we must part
For ever, sundering heart from heart
The truth shall be revealed ...

German translation: "Did you have a soul?" I have often thought about your fate / Often ... YOU had behaviors / in many things like us. Then who says / that YOU are not immortal? ... / It is God alone who knows where the “ Missing Link ” / is hidden from our eyes; but at the border / this Eternal Line, where we have to part / forever, separating heart from heart / the truth will be revealed ... "

The Jennisons immediately acquired a replacement, Consul II , who played a violin while riding a tricycle through the park, and later even on a bicycle.

Food for the animals was difficult to get during the First World War, but by and large the operation in the park continued as usual. After the peace agreement, several monkeys were acquired, which were originally intended to be used for government experiments with poison gas , as well as a hippopotamus , a dromedary and a zebra . In 1921 and 1922, the zoo acquired two animals that became great public favorites. Lil, a female Indian elephant who was accompanied by her British-Malay guide, Phil Fernandez . Phil and Lil provided entertainment, advertising space, and offered elephant rides for 35 years. Frank, a brown bear , came to the zoo in 1922. When he died 40 years later, he was known as the "Father of the Zoo".

The open-air enclosure in the monkey house ensured that the life expectancy of the animals increased enormously, but the possibilities for expansion and improvement after the First World War were limited by the economic situation in the post-war years. Rising labor costs and minimal profits caused the park to deteriorate. The zoo became increasingly neglected after its 1925 sale, but it was revitalized with the appointment of Gerald Iles as zoo superintendent in 1933. A new gibbon cage and a monkey rock (Monkey Mountain) were built and the reptile house was expanded.

When the Second World War broke out in 1939, the zookeepers were equipped with rifles in order to be prepared for dangerous animals in the event of a bombing of the zoo after a possible outbreak. A night watch was introduced to watch over the animals 24 hours a day. A list of dangerous animals included 13 lions, 6 tigers, 2 leopards, 1 cheetah, 2  tigons , 3 other small cats and several bears. Although the zoo administrators successfully convinced the authorities that the danger posed by the animals was minimal - mainly because the zoo's perimeter walls were so high - the keepers in their role as snipers were replaced by soldiers armed with Tommy Guns patrolled.

The animal populations were increased by animals acquired from other zoos that were forced to close. Initially, the zoo received preferential rationing, but some types of food became unavailable and the prices of others rose dramatically. Bananas were no longer available and getting fish was problematic. The nurses were forced to experiment. The sea ​​lions fell victim to the food shortage when the keepers tried to offer them strips of beef soaked in cod liver oil . Although they seemed to be coping well with the new diet at first, their digestion could not cope with the unfamiliar food and they soon died of stomach ulcers. The new lion feed consisted of horse meat dyed green and the monkeys received boiled potatoes. The birds of paradise (lack of millet ) and the penguins could not get used to the improvised food and starved to death. There were enough vegetables, however, as the employees also grew lettuce, cabbage and carrots in their own kitchen gardens.

Interruptions in the gas supply and the failure of the heating for the aquariums led to the loss of all tropical fish and various other animals, including the lioness Pearl and her litter pups. Although Manchester was heavily bombed during the Manchester Blitz , the park suffered only minor damage. The Scenic Railway was hit by an incendiary bomb and the reptile house was hit by fragments from ack-ack gun , which also caused the death of a bull bison .

Iles remained superintendent until 1957, proving himself a skilled public relations worker for the zoo. Among other things, he participated in radio and television programs such as Children's Hour . A new attraction was created in 1963, a Chimps' Tea Party (Chimpansen-Teaparty), which was particularly popular. The zoo's last superintendent, Peter Grayson, took over in 1971, but by that time the owners of Belle Vue had lost interest in the zoo and a closure was becoming more likely.

The news that Belle Vue Zoological Gardens would close on September 11, 1977 was broadcast on BBC Radio on August 4, 1977 at 10:00 am. The 24 nurses were informed one hour before the radio message was broadcast. The reason given was that the company could no longer bear the losses of around £ 100,000 annually. Shortly before the closure, some non-toxic reptiles were stolen from the reptile house, only one 10 ft (3.3 m) long python was recovered.

A 15 year old female elephant, Ellie May , had unfortunately developed a reputation for being aggressive, which made her extremely difficult to sell. Her feed costs could hardly be approved, but Grayson refused to have her euthanized. Although he left the zoo in January 1978, Grayson came regularly to care for Ellie May, the last animal still living in the zoo. Ultimately, Diergaarde Blijdorp in Rotterdam agreed to take them over and plans were made for their transport. However, Ellie May refused to move and developed pneumonia and heart failure overnight . Grayson and the vet, David Taylor , realized she was not going to recover and decided to call a sniper to give her the coup de grace.

The public reaction to the closure of the zoo was "relatively indifferent" and there were few weak protests. The park stayed open to visitors at a discounted rate until early November. At that point, most of the animals had also been sold for an estimated £ 100,000.

amusement park

Plan of the park from the official park guide from 1892.

Under the direction of the Jennisons, the main priorities at Belle Vue were the zoological and botanical gardens; Rides were seen as pure entertainment for them. Between 1836 and 1898, the Jennisons laid out ornamental gardens in different styles, including labyrinths, grottos, an Italian garden, "billiard table lawns" and built tropical greenhouses. Exotic buildings, such as an Indian temple and grottoes, were designed by George Danson , the Belle Vue landscape artist. The temple was supposed to represent a crumbling temple and housed snakes and crocodiles as well as plant showcases. At the end of the 19th century, the park relied almost entirely on its beautiful gardens as an attraction. But by 1931 the formalism had completely disappeared. Large political rallies for various parties were also held in the park, such as the Great Liberal Demonstration of 1924, at which David Lloyd George addressed approximately 50,000 demonstrators - the first political event to use loudspeakers. The British Union of Fascists , known as the Blackshirts , also held a rally there in September 1934. As a contemporary commentator commented, "Perhaps one day the Ku Klux Klan will have an event there because Belle Vue is nothing but non-Catholic." The Jennisons created a small amusement park near the main entrance on Hyde Road in the 1870s. There were some steam powered rides there like the Ocean Wave , which was built in 1894 and which simulated a sea storm.

John Henry Iles, who in 1925 took over responsibility in Belle Vue, saw the expansion of the rides and entertainment the future and led activities such as bumper cars (dodgems), the Caterpillar (caterpillar), the Ghost Train , Jack & Jill , and the Flying Sea Planes (plane carousel). The Scenic Railway , which was purchased in 1925 but not used until two years later, became one of Belle Vue's most popular journeys and remained in use until 1975.

The Bobs Rollercoaster , however, was the most popular roller coaster. It got its name because it cost an additional shilling (colloquial: "bob"). It had a height of fall of 24 m at an angle of 45 °. The trains there reached a speed of 60 mi / h (97 km / h). The track was built by Harry Traver and planned by Fredrick Church, who had invented a number of technical innovations for this roller coaster. The striking white wooden structure became a landmark on the Belle Vue skyline.

In the 1960s and 70s, "Professor" Len Tomlinson ran one of the last flea circuses in Great Britain in a small kiosk at Amusement Park. The flea circus closed in the late 1970s as the improved hygienic conditions made it increasingly difficult to get human fleas.

When the zoo closed in 1977, it was announced that the Amusement Park should be expanded with "new active offers". In 1978 the site was renamed Belle Vue Leisure Park and the Tropical River House was converted into a skateboard arena in an unsuccessful attempt to capitalize on the new fashions from America. In 1977 London Festival Gardens closed in Battersea , London, and Belle Vue was able to purchase the Jetstream Ride from there.

Other attractions that closed around the same time as the zoo were the boats on Firework Lake and the park railroad . In 1979 the Amusement Park was leased to the main concessionaire, Alf Wadbrooke . At that time, however, it was only open on weekends in the summer season. In August 1980, Wadbrooke was ordered to close the park completely on October 26, 1980 and dismantle its facilities by February 1981.

music and dance

In 1853, Belle Vue hosted the first British Open Brass Band Championship (brass music competition). 16,000 spectators attended and a tradition developed that would last until 1981. The brass band contests revived in the 1970s and derbies between local bands could attract up to 5,000 visitors.

Belle Vue also had several ballrooms, the first of which was built in 1851, above a hotel at the longsight entrance. A larger hall, the Music Hall, was built in 1856, under the fireworks grandstand. There 10,000 people could be accommodated on the 27,000 sqft (2,500 m²) parquet. A wooden open-air dance platform was opened in 1852 and in 1855 it was expanded to an area of ​​0.2 hectares. During the summer, music was made by bands such as Belle Vue Military , Belle Vue Quadrille and Cheetham Hill Brass Band . Open-air dancing continued until the 1940s, when the platform was converted into a roller skating rink. It burned down in 1958. The same fire destroyed the Coronation Ballroom , which was replaced in 1959 by a "large hall complex", the New Elizabethan Ballroom . This complex had space for 4,000 dancers on two stalls and the largest Wurlitzer organ in Europe (1967). The location was considered unsurpassed in size, comfort and elegance in Great Britain. Many well-known bands of the time played regularly to dance, including Geraldo and his Orchestra and the Joe Loss Orchestra . In the 1960s and 70s, discotheque was also played in the ballroom, such as Jimmy Savile's Top Ten Club .

Kings Hall

The Kings Hall was opened in 1910 as a conversion of a tea room , enlarged in 1928 and refurbished as a "saucer like arena" (saucer-shaped) arena with 7,000 seats. The name "Kings" was chosen to refer to the two kings who ruled during the six-week construction phase: George V and Edward VII. The hall was intended for events such as “demonstrations, exhibitions, social events, etc. ä. “Up until the 1970s, it served as a popular venue for concerts and performed by artists such as Jimi Hendrix , The Who , The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin . The Kings Hall became a temporary location for the Hallé Orchestra in 1942 when the previous location, the Free Trade Hall , was damaged during the bombing of the Manchester Blitz; the orchestra gave concerts at Belle Vue over the next 30 years.

From 1961 to 1966, bingo events were held. With a capacity of up to 3,500 players, the events were touted as “the largest bingo club in the world”. In addition, many exhibitions were shown in the hall. With 100,000 square feet (9,300 m²) of exhibition space, the hall was one of the largest venues outside of London. The hall was divided into three separate halls in 1956.

The last live music event on February 14, 1982 was a concert by the Glossop School Band , who were participating in the North West Amateur Brass Band Championship . Still 1,700 spectators were present. The hall had already been sold to a construction company, Espley Tyas Development Group , 18 months earlier and was cleared for demolition at the time. News of the sale had caused local action groups to be set up and they organized a petition with 50,000 signatures that tried unsuccessfully to save the hall. The exhibition halls were sold to Mullet Ltd. in 1983 . sold, but competition from the newly opened G-Mex Exhibition and Conference Center in central Manchester resulted in its permanent closure. The site was given to the British Car Auction Group in 1987 and the buildings demolished to make way for a large car auction house.


The park was open between 10:00 am and 10:30 pm. Kiosks offered snacks and ice cream and the park had its own ice cream production. Families could use the hot water rooms, each of which could accommodate up to 3,000 guests. In these rooms there was hot water for drinks and dishes for the guests who brought their own picnic. In 1892, 2 pence per person was charged for this, and cakes and fruit spreads were also available in the park's own bakery, as well as on-site kitchens (cooking areas) for an extra charge. "One shilling tea rooms" , in the immediate vicinity of the Hot Water Rooms, offered lunchtime deals such as a pot of tea, bread and butter, green salad and fruit biscuits for a shilling. The more expensive restaurants usually didn't open until the evening. Alcohol could be purchased in many licensed premises (kiosks) in the park, as well as, until 1928, beer from Belle Vue's own brewery. Many pubs had also settled in the immediate vicinity of the park.

Licensed hotels were built at each of the three entrances. The Longsight Hotel (built 1851, demolished 1985) was even part of the entrance. The Lake Hotel (1876) had spaces for storing horses belonging to Belle Vue's visitors. It was expanded in 1929 and again in 1960 when a concert hall was built to offer late-night entertainment. After it closed in the 1980s, the hotel was demolished. The Hyde Road Hotel and Restaurant at the main entrance, better known as Belle Vue House , was renamed Palm Court Restaurant in 1942 and Caesar's Palace in 1969 . It housed a cabaret bar and a restaurant that was converted into an amusement arcade in 1976 and renamed Jennison's Ale House again. The building was closed in 1980 after a partial collapse.


After a trip to London for The Great Exhibition in 1851, Dennison's plans for Belle Vue became even more ambitious. He decided to put on large, “fantastic” fireworks and hired a scenic artist, George Danson , who had to design and manufacture a 30,000 sq. Ft. (2,800 m²) set. The fireworks shows were held on an island in the middle of Firework Lake, where there was also a small natural history museum. In keeping with Jenni's principle of self-sufficiency, the fireworks were also made in Belle Vue.

The first show was shown on May 2, 1852, it was put together by "Signor Pietro". Topics for the early shows were often "battle enactments", which were very well received by the audience. Only then did Belle Vue become an all-day excursion destination. The fireworks shows also used real people and real weapons, and some of them, 1866 vintage Snyder Rifles , were even given to members of the local Home Guard during World War II . The first show, a reenactment of the Bombardment of Algiers , put 25 men, 300 rockets, 25 "large shells" (bombs) and 50  Roman candles . 18,000 spectators came to the performance.

The shows continued during the First World War, with the peculiarity that missiles were banned due to the Defense of the Realm Act . Contemporary events were processed, such as 1915 when the theme was " The Battle of the Marne "; 1916 "The War in Flanders" was (The war in Flanders shown). Meanwhile, a spectator was so carried away by the performances that he waded through the lake to take part in the "fights". In the run-up to the Second World War, the theme for the 1933 show was "Air Raid on London".

The last big fireworks display was held in 1956 with the theme " Robin Hood and His Merrie Men".


The first Belle Vue Circus took place in 1922, but was initially a flop. The next one wasn't held until 1929 after the Company negotiated a deal with the Blackpool Tower Company , whereupon Blackpool supplied show numbers and equipment and the circus became a regular Christmas event at Kings Hall. One of Blackpool's first additions was ring master George Claude Lockhart , who was also known as "the prince of ringmasters". Lockhart became synonymous with the Belle Vue Circus and his face graced many advertising posters. Zoo Superintendent Gerald Iles also had some of the zoo animals perform at the circus in a circus act that became known as Noah's Ark .

In the 1967-68 season on the occasion of its 39th performance in a row, the circus was temporarily renamed "George Lockhart Celebration Circus". Lockhart was the ringmaster for 43 years until he retired in 1970 at the age of 90. His successor, Denmark-born Nelly Jane , only held the position for two years before Norman Barrett , the final ringmaster, took the role. Another circus veteran was the band leader and Belle Vue Musical Director Fred Bonelli , whose career began as a trumpeter with the Barnum and Bailey's circus band and who then led the changing Belle Vue Circus bands for 40 years.

Many circus acts featured animals, such as Eugene Weidmann's mixed group of tigers and bears, Thorson Kohrmann and his “Farmyard Friends”, Willi Mullen's “Caucasian Cavalry & Ponies”, Miss Wendy's “Performing Pigeons” and Harry Belli's “Horse Riding Tiger - to say nothing of the Dog!” In addition to the animal numbers, there were also the usual acrobats, strongmen and clowns, two of which, Robert George John Francis Fossett (Jacko the Clown) and his partner William Alfred Merchant ( "Little Billy"), appeared in Belle Vue for thirty years.

The last circus performance at Kings Hall was in 1981. For a few years the circus continued in the parking garage, then in a tent on the wasteland opposite the main entrance on Hyde Road.

Sports facilities

An “Athletics Stadium” was built in 1887 and sporting events became a permanent institution as a result.

Greyhound Racing

Greyhound Racing was introduced at Belle Vue in 1926, on the UK's first dedicated race track ( Belle Vue Stadium ). The track cost £ 22,000 and was built on land that Belle Vue leased to the Greyhound Racing Association (GRA). The club was then headed by Sir William Gentle , who was also chairman of Belle Vue (Manchester) Ltd. was. The site was sold to the GRA in 1937 on the condition that it would only be used for greyhound races.


Speedway Racing, 1963.

One of the activities that Belle Vue became synonymous with was motorcycle speedway racing (also known as "dirt track racing" at the time). This began on July 28, 1928, in the recently built Greyhound Racing Arena. The races were very popular and it was decided to convert the 1887 track and field field into a speedway stadium. It was opened on March 23, 1929. In its day it was the largest speedway stadium in the country and possibly even in the world. It became the home for the Belle Vue Aces , but was also used for other sports (football, cricket, rugby league, baseball, stock car racing , tennis). The stadium had covered seats for 40,000 spectators. Since the speedway motorcycles were run on wood alcohol ("dope"), they were not affected by the fuel rationing during World War II and the races could continue as if nothing was happening.

Belle Vue sold the stadium in 1982. Speedway races continued there until 1987. The last event was a stock car race on November 14, 1987, just before the stadium was demolished. The Belle Vue Aces returned to their first location, Greyhound Stadium, where they started in 1929.

Boxing and wrestling

From the late 1920s until the outbreak of World War II, Belle Vue was “the boxing Mecca of Europe”. Competitions (bouts) were held at Kings Hall and although popularity fell in the post-war years, Belle Vue hosted a 1964 World Championship Fight between Terry Downes and Willie Pastrano which was televised.

The first wrestling contest took place on December 15, 1930 at Kings Hall. These events were held until 1981, except for a break in World War II, and attracted up to 5,000 visitors. The most popular fighters included Jack Pye , Shirley Crabtree (Big Daddy) and Martin Ruane (Giant Haystacks).

Rugby league

Speedway Stadium was also home to rugby league club, Broughton Rangers (Belle Vue Rangers), who also signed international players such as Frank Whitcombe (who also worked as a zoo keeper), Billy Stott and James Cumberbatch . When the club was bought by Belle Vue in 1933, Broughton was given a 21-year lease to use the stadium, a lease that would depend on the number of visitors. The first Anglo-Australian Test Match of the 1933-34 Kangaroo tour of Great Britain was played in Belle Vue. The home team won and there were around 34,000 spectators.

The games were suspended during World War II, and when the games resumed in 1945, the club was renamed Belle Vue Rangers. Belle Vue refused to extend the lease when the contract expired in 1955 because the arrangement was a "financial burden" and the team was dissolved.


After a fire on the grounds of Manchester City's Hyde Road Football Stadium in 1920, the club considered moving to the Belle Vue Athletics Stadium, but there was not enough space. At the behest of Belle Vue director John Henry Iles and John Ayrton, Manchester Central FC was founded and played its home games at Speedway Stadium. One of Manchester Central's first games at Belle Vue was visited by the defending champions of the FA Cup , the Blackburn Rovers in September 1928. The club sought unsuccessfully for inclusion in The Football League in 1930 and 1931; but since this also lost its purpose, the club was closed and in 1934 it was filed.


“When it closed, Belle Vue left a gaping void in the heart of the region that could never be completely closed. It gave people a destination point, something to be proud of, a place to take their families to and be sure they would enjoy a great day out, at an affordable cost. "

In 1963, Top Lake (Great Lake) was filled in and a 32-lane bowling facility was built on the site. It was known as the Belle Vue Granada Bowl and opened in 1965, advertised as "the north's leading luxury center". In 1983, after the remains of Belle Vue closed, it was sold to the First Leisure Group and bowling continued for some time. A snooker club was set up in 1985 in a corner of the car park. All that was left of Belle Vue 2010 is the Greyhound Stadium and the Snooker Club; the original park is now an industrial and residential area. One street in the residential area, Lockhart Close , was named after Circus Ringmaster George Lockhart.

In the aftermath of Manchester's unsuccessful bid for the Regional Casino (supercasino) in 2008, local initiatives began to promote the construction of a Linear Park in the area, referring to the "legacy of Belle Vue". This park should include a new zoo, wildlife park and amusement park.


  1. "the resort relied almost entirely for its attraction on its delightful gardens"
  2. "perhaps the Ku Klux Klan will be found in session there one day, for Belle Vue is nothing if not catholic". Pussard 2003: 119-120.
  3. ^ "A circular platform, equipped like the bridge of a ship, [the ocean wave] is set among scenery painted to represent the waves of an ocean during a high wind. Round the edge of the platform is a line of small yachts. Powerful machinery makes the platform revolve, and at the same time rise and fall, giving the yachts a motion not unlike the ones they have at sea. "Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 23.
  4. "new active leisure pursuits"

Individual evidence

  1. Cronin Rhodes 1999: 17.
  2. Cronin Rhodes 1999: 8.
  3. Stackhouse Hyams 2005: 5.
  4. Hylton 2003: 118-119.
  5. Nicholls 1992: 3.
  6. ^ Kidd 2006: 46.
  7. Nicholls 1992: 3
  8. Hylton 2003: 118-119.
  9. Nicholls 1992: 3-4
  10. Nicholls 1992: 4-5.
  11. Nicholls 1992: 5
  12. Mayer 1992: 180.
  13. "politely but Firmly refused". Vue from the past. BBC April 7th 2008.
  14. “for bidding dress requirements, its restricted opening hours, [and] its unwelcoming admission price”.
  15. “Either keep Belle Vue Gardens an exclusive, class-specific, genteel preserve for the gentry and the middle class - who would arrive and depart in their own carriages through the Hyde Road gate - or open the gardens to a popular crowd who would arrive by train at the Stockport Road (Longsight) gate ”. Mayer 1992: 180-181.
  16. ^ Stackhouse Hyams 2005: 3.
  17. Nicholls 1992: 7.
  18. ^ Cronin Rhodes 1999: 21.
  19. Cronin Rhodes 1999: 22.
  20. Cronin Rhodes 1999: 7.
  21. Nicholls 1992: 28-29.
  22. Nicholls 1992: 43-44.
  23. Nicholls 1992: 45.
  24. Nicholls 1992: 45.
  25. "very happy board with few meetings and an entire absence of quarrels". Nicholls 1992: 29.
  26. Nicholls 1992: 30.
  27. Cronin Rhodes 1999: 8.
  28. Stackhouse Hyams 2005: 5.
  29. ^ Cronin Rhodes 1999: 125.
  30. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 45.
  31. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 22.
  32. Schomberg 1957: 64.
  33. Belle Vue Rendezvous. BBC July 26, 2010.
  34. Nicholls 1992: 7.
  35. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 11.
  36. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 11
  37. There was a story of an incident on the walk where it seems there was an argument at a tollgate. The crux of the argument was the question of what was the appropriate charge for the elephant when there was no entry for elephants on the toll rates chart. Maharajah's answer to the problem was to lift the gate off its hinges. Although the incident is probably apocryphal, it was the subject of a painting called "The Disputed Toll" by Heywood Hardy , and a book entitled The Elephant Who Walked to Manchester . The Moth, the Mummy and Maharajah. BBC July 28, 2010.
  38. Heywood Hardy: The Disputed Toll, Heywood Hardy. Manchester Art Gallery January 12th 2010.
  39. Nicholls 1992: 82.
  40. Nicholls 1992: 23.
  41. Nicholls 1992: 38.
  42. ^ Walker, Shipman 2005: 2-3.
  43. Nicholls 1992: 22-24.
  44. Nichols: Jan.
  45. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 12, 18.
  46. Nicholls 1992: 43-44.
  47. Nicholls 1992: 43-44.
  48. Nicholls 1992: 43-44.
  49. Nicholls 1992: 44-45.
  50. Nicholls 1992: 44-45.
  51. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 12, 18.
  52. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 12-13.
  53. a b Nicholls 1992: 74.
  54. Nicholls 1992: 75.
  55. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 20.
  56. ^ Pussard 2003: 118.
  57. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 49.
  58. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 35-36.
  59. a b Bobs, Belle Vue Park . In: Rollercoaster Database . Retrieved August 23, 2018.
  60. ^ A b Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 36.
  61. Andrews 1976: 93.
  62. Nicholls 1992: 76.
  63. a b Nicholls 1992: 77.
  64. Nicholls 1992: 78.
  65. ^ British Open Brass Band Championships . British Open Brass Band Championships. Archived from the original on August 13, 2010. Retrieved on August 23, 2018.
  66. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 84-85.
  67. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 71.
  68. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 29.
  69. huge ballroom complex
  70. unsurpassed in Great Britain for size, comfort and elegance
  71. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 31.
  72. a b Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 38.
  73. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 32.
  74. a b Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 122.
  75. Tyrwhitt-Drake 1946: 60.
  76. ^ "Demonstrations, Exhibitions, Social Gatherings, etc", Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 73.
  77. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 72
  78. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 36.
  79. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 124.
  80. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 86.
  81. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 72
  82. ^ A b Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 124.
  83. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 82.
  84. ^ Pussard 2005: 200–201.
  85. a b Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 96.
  86. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 95.
  87. ^ Cronin Rhodes 1999: 94.
  88. a b Nicholls 1992: 12.
  89. ^ Cronin Rhodes: 1999: 22.
  90. Stackhouse Hyams 2005: 4.
  91. Nicholls 1992: 43-44.
  92. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 98.
  93. Nicholls 1992: 28-29.
  94. Nicholls 1992: 43-44.
  95. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 5.
  96. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 55.
  97. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 12.
  98. a b Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 39.
  99. a b Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 30
  100. Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 56-63.
  101. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 56.
  102. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 87.
  103. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 118.
  104. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 114.
  105. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 114.
  106. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 117.
  107. Nicholls 1992: 43-44.
  108. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 117.
  109. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 106.
  110. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 123.
  111. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 123.
  112. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 89-95.
  113. ^ Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 89-95.
  114. Kangaroos. The second test. Prospects Discussed. . In: The Sydney Morning Herald , Fairfax, November 10, 1933. Retrieved August 23, 2018. 
  115. 1933 Ashes series, Game 1 . Shawn Dollin, Andrew Ferguson and Bill Bates. Retrieved May 23, 2016.
  116. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 120.
  117. James 2008: 150.
  118. James 2008: 381.
  119. James 2008: 155.
  120. James 2008: 157.
  121. James 2008: 165.
  122. When it closed, Belle Vue left a gaping hole in the heart of the region that has never been completely replaced. It gave people a focal point, something to be proud of, a place where they could take their families and be sure of a great day out at a reasonable cost. Stackhouse, Hyams 2005: 125
  123. ^ Cronin, Rhodes 1999: 119.
  124. Nicholls 1992: 78.
  125. Chris Osuh: Bring Back Belle Vue. In: Manchester Evening News April 7, 2008.


  • Michael Andrews: The life that lives on man. Arrow books 1976. ISBN 0-09-916500-7
  • Jill Cronin, Frank Rhodes: Belle Vue. Tempus 1999. ISBN 0-7524-1571-9
  • Stuart Hylton: A History of Manchester. Phillimore and Co 2003. ISBN 1-86077-240-4
  • Gary James: Manchester - A Football History. James Ward 2008. ISBN 978-0-9558127-0-5
  • Alan Kidd: Manchester: A History. Keele University Press 2006 (1993). ISBN 1-85331-028-X
  • David Mayer: The World on Fire ... Pyrodramas at Belle Vue, Manchester, c. 1850-1950. In: John M. MacKenzie: Popular Imperialism and the Military: 1850-1950. Manchester University Press 1992: 179-197. ISBN 978-0-7190-3358-2
  • Robert Nicholls: The Belle Vue Story. Neil Richardson 1992. ISBN 978-1-85936-128-3
  • Helen Pussard, Julie V. Gottlieb, Linehan: The Blackshirts at Belle Vue: Fascist Theater at a North-West Pleasure Ground. In: The Culture of Fascism: Visions of the Far Right in Britain. IB Tauris & Co 2003. ISBN 978-1-86064-798-7
  • Helen Pussard: 50 Places Rolled into 1: The Development of Domestic Tourism at Pleasure Grounds in Inter-war England. In: John K. Walton: Histories of Tourism: Representation, Identity and Conflict (Tourism and Cultural Change). Channel View Publications 2005: 195-210. ISBN 978-1-84541-031-5
  • Geoffrey Schomberg: British Zoos: A Study of Animals in Captivity. Allen Wingate 1957.
  • Heather Stackhouse, Daniel Hyams: Belle Vue - Manchester's Playground. In: Manchester at Heart First Edition Limited ( Manchester Evening News ) 2005. ISBN 1-84547-092-3
  • Sir Garrard Tyrwhitt-Drake: The English Circus and Fair Ground. Methuen 1946.
  • Alan Walker, Pat Shipman: The Ape in the Tree: An Intellectual & Natural History of Proconsul. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2005. ISBN 978-0-674-01675-0
  • Simon Inglis: Played in Manchester: The architectural heritage of a city at play. In: Played in Britain. English Heritage 2004. ISBN 978-1-873592-78-6

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