Rock crystal (film)

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Original title Rock crystal
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2004
length 92 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Joseph Vilsmaier
script Klaus Richter
production Markus Zimmer
music Stefan Busch
Christian Heyne
Regensburger Domspatzen
camera Joseph Vilsmaier
cut Norbert Herzner

Bergkristall is a film by the German director Joseph Vilsmaier from 2004 based on the story of the same name by Adalbert Stifter from 1845.


A pastor tells a family from the city the story of the rock crystal at Christmas. It is about the old enmity between the two (fictional) Vorarlberg mountain villages Millsdorf and Gschaid. Despite this feud, Sebastian from Gschaid and Susanne from Millsdorf fall in love and marry, for which they are cut by the respective village community. The family's situation becomes more and more unbearable and Susanne returns to her home village, leaving the children Sanna and Konrad with their father. They now have to make the long trip to Millsdorf every weekend if they want to see their mother. Both have a longing to bring their families together. The old fairy tale of the rock crystal helps them to reunite lovers. So the children start looking for it and finally find it after much agony. Meanwhile search parties from each of the villages set out to find the children. When they did it, the centuries-old enmity was over.


“Atmospheric and soulful mountain drama based on the story by Adalbert Stifter, which impresses above all with the fascinating natural backdrop. The depressing exclusion scenario is transformed into a conciliatory Christmas family film under the impression of the 'sublime' nature. "

“[…] Unlike, for example, in 'Herbstmilch' or 'Rama Dama', when he succeeded in creating great portraits of people in their time, 'Bergkristall' always has the feeling of being stuck in a 'second-hand story'. The figures often look like a woodcut in their speeches and actions. Everything has too much the atmosphere of a storybook. Incidentally, the people who lose themselves in the snow of the Vorarlberg valleys and find themselves there don't even speak the local dialect. But only by the way. In the end, the feeling remains that you have seen a solidly told Christmas story. "


François Goeske and Josefina Vilsmaier received a White Elephant at the Munich Film Festival in 2005 for their acting performance and were nominated for the Undine Award 2005 .

Source of the plot

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for rock crystal . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , October 2004 (PDF; test number: 100 044 K).
  2. Age rating for rock crystal . Youth Media Commission .
  3. rock crystal. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed February 27, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. (Web link broken) BR-online, October 19, 2004, archived from the original on November 29, 2004 ; accessed on November 10, 2017 .