Bernd Kebelmann

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Bernd Kebelmann (born October 31, 1947 in Rüdersdorf near Berlin ) is a German chemist , poet and storyteller , project and radio author. Progressive blindness led him from working in the chemical industry to literary writing. Only after the peaceful revolution did Kebelmann's first books appear, he developed his own literary art projects, and began radio work and stage appearances.


Kebelmann studied chemistry at the University of Greifswald from 1966 to 1971 until he graduated. He got involved in the student community. Before graduating, he married a chemistry student. They started a family and moved into their empty parental home in Rüdersdorf. Three sons were born in the course of a decade. As a graduate chemist, Kebelmann worked in research and environmental protection at the Rüdersdorfer chemical plant until his illness forced him to give up his job in 1982. Critical comments on the air pollution caused by the company attracted the attention of the company and party management as well as the state security . From 1975 to 1978 he was a council member and discussion group leader in the Ev. Hope Church Alt-Rüdersdorf .

Until the mid-1980s, the author took part in church activities for the Peace Decade in East Berlin.

From 1983 he worked on a voluntary basis in self-help for the blind in the Fürstenwalde / Spree district. Later, the parents and the adult son applied for an exit permit for five people from the GDR. The family lived in Westphalia ever since. After completing their studies, the sons founded their own families in Berlin. As of 2010, the parents will also be living there again.

Writing work

Kebelmann wrote his first poems and reports as a high school student and chemistry student. In 1983 he was an up-and- coming author at Aufbau-Verlag Berlin, and since 1984 guest author at the Frankfurt / Oder Writers' Association. During his social work in the blind self-help he wrote journalistic texts, poems and first prose. He published in the blind yearbook "Die Brücke" and in the magazine "Die Gegenwart". Poems, reports and prose sketches appeared in the Ev. Monthly magazine "The signs of the times", in anthologies of the Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin and smaller GDR publishers. After the peaceful revolution and the founding of numerous small publishers, the author published mainly in the Bonsai-type Art Verlag Berlin, first poems in the anthology Zug (in der) Luft 1991, then the volumes of poetry Menschliche Landschaft 1993 and Ein-Stein 1997, plus short prose Requiem for Gran Partita 1996. The article on professional experience in the GDR, Buridan's donkey in environmental protection , appeared in 1996 in the magazine "Universitas".

The extensive story Silent Film for a Friend , Kebelmann's first book in the dahlemer Verlagsanstalt Berlin, takes up the environmental problems in the GDR using an extreme example and reports on lost illusions.

In addition to poems, the author writes short stories and glosses on the subjects of "blindness" and "blindness of the sighted"; most of these texts appeared in the yearbooks of self-help for the blind until 2010. Some can be found in "Jesus in der Samariterstraße" or are taken over by magazines. Short texts can also be found in anthologies by Pop Verlag Ludwigsburg or its literary magazine Matrix . The author is editor of the anthologies Lyrikbrücken (2008), Strandgut (2009) and Kaperfahrten (2019), together with Małgorzata Płoszewska.

Lyric works. Poems set to music

The collaboration with A-Cantor G. Blum in Westphalia led to church readings with organ music, poems and meditations. Kebelmann's libretto based on Grimm's fairy tale Die neue Bremer Stadtmusikanten , for which G. Blum composed, was performed as a Singspiel from 1991 and was published in 1992 by ASINUS-Verlag Oer-Erkenschwiek (Ed. Heinz Gregel). Pastor Gottfried Winter, Groß Breese (Prignitz), translated the text into Prignitzer Platt; it was published in 2009 by Hinstorff Verlag Rostock. Cantor Blum also set the poems from Kebelmann's first Hiddensee book to music in 1991. Text and music appeared in 1993 as an audio book in Marburg / Lahn.

Several artist books with Kebelmann's poems, supplemented by etchings , prints and paintings were published in the 1990s. For example, the long poem Silicon Beach 1998 in the "Edition Augenweide", an internationally renowned artist's book, previously Hommage à Caspar David Friedrich and the artist folder Jazz. In 2014 Florian Söll published an artist book that reflects on Kebelmann's way of looking with his own pictures and texts.

The composer Burghardt Söll ( Leiden / Netherlands ) set the poems Die Sonne and Stechlin from the collection of poems "Human Landscapes" to music for soprano, cello and piano. In 1993 Kebelmann and Svend Pedersen (Copenhagen) wrote the poetry book "Atelier Ma (h) lzeit", they accompanied visual artists from 17 European countries.

The author's membership in the "European Authors' Association Die Kogge eV Minden" led to Europe-wide contacts with foreign-language authors, to reading trips with Kebelmann's Lyrikbrücken project and to participation in the festival "Poets without Borders" in Glaz / Poland. Later, German-Polish volumes of poetry appeared on reading trips by the artist group "QUADART". Numerous poems by Kebelmann have been reprinted in anthologies, yearbooks and calendars, since 2005 mainly by Verlag am Eschbach. The author likes to use the concise form of the Japanese haiku . In the travel novel "Blind Date with Egypt", for example, each of the more than 100 chapters begins with such a verse; for the author it symbolizes Egyptian hieroglyphs .

An expanded edition of the New Bremen Town Musicians with color graphics by the Potsdam artist Tanja Neljubina was published in Berlin in 2018.

Prose works

Kebelmann's early stories celebrated the Baltic Sea landscape. The author wrote his first lyrical prose about the island of Hiddensee after a Whitsun visit with his family in 1987; the audio book was published in 1993. After the island trip in 1991 with the Dortmund photographer Thomas Strenge, an in-depth book was created about the place where the family longs: "Island where dreams are anchored". Twelve years later, Kebelmann wrote "Hiddensee mon amour. A double love story". "Störtebeker's fly", an erotic summer story, is set in Ralswiek on Rügen . Since 1995 the author has been on stage with the German-Cambodian solo cellist Sonny Thet. He wrote two scenic biographies about his life story. The first was published in 2009 as "Sonny Thet - my musical double life in Cambodia and Germany" by Agenda-Verlag Münster, later a second, revised version as "Sonny Thet - My song from the mango tree".

In 2014 the dahlemer Verlagsanstalt Berlin published the volume "Jesus in the Samariterstraße. 17 stories". In this prose, the author treats the experiences of illness and old age as well as real and fictional contemporary history. Some texts tell of people and the landscape. The main topics are the conditions threatened by power politics and environmental destruction, is the absurd, predictable fate of aging contemporaries. Kebelmann's most extensive prose work so far is the profoundly retold travel and religious story "Blind Date with Egypt", the result of a trip by visually impaired German women with the Egyptian travel guide, the author and his wife, from Cairo up the Nile to Abu Simbel . The student novel "Trunkene Formuleln bei Boddenlicht" leads back to the Baltic Sea coast, to Greifswald in the 1960s.

Essays. Essays

After his TASTWEGE exhibition in Dresden in 1997, the German Hygiene Museum invited the author in 2000 to participate in the exhibition, conference and catalog "The (im-) perfect man". Kebelmann's essay "Performance as the Art of Living - Body Consciousness in the Eye-Shining Society" appeared later.

In the context of self-help for the blind in the Fürstenwalde district and in Westphalia, the author gave lectures on the blind and the "blind being". From 2003 to 2005, Kebelmann's essay on the disabled and their role as social partners was published in magazines and on the Internet.

In 2007, Kebelmann wrote "Chemistry and Literature, in Memoriam Walter E. Richartz " for "die horen ". In his "risky considerations" the chemist applied analytical methods to the language of literature and reflected on the relationship between the humanities and the natural sciences.

Again and again today, Kebelmann takes a stand with readings and lectures, also together with other blind poets, on the subject of blindness or the disabled in society, so in 2018 with Pilar Baumeister .

Project work

In the mid-1980s, the author visited the first "tactile exhibitions" for the blind in Germany, in the Petri Chapel near Brandenburg Cathedral ; the Protestant Art Service, headed by Heinz Hoffmann, had organized it; the idea came from the Netherlands. Dresden artists followed with a tactile exhibition in the Albrechtsburg Castle in Meißen . In the spring of 1989 Kebelmann began working closely on the tactile exhibition "Hands that can see" (Andreas Weiß, Günther Messer-Ladwig) in West Berlin in the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church . In 1992, Kebelmann worked briefly with the Dialogue in the Dark at the Frankfurt asylums for the blind. He was in charge of a "Tastmuseum" in Soest , Hamburg and Dresden , in Munich and Salzburg . In the Reemtsma Museum in Hamburg, the author Ernst Barlach's "Frieze of the Listener" felt and meditated on it.

Soon Kebelmann developed his first own literature and art project "Sculpture & Literature", dark exhibitions of contemporary sculpture. From 1992 (Datteln) to 2006 (Neumünster, Braunschweig) they took him to art museums, studios and churches between Duisburg, Dresden and Kiel. He curated and opened 17 original art exhibitions, read poetry in the dark exhibition room to the accompanying music by musician friends: Norbert Klein (Spanish guitar), Sonny Thet (cello), Andreas Heuser (guitar). The author presented his project in 1993 on WDR regional television in Cologne (KUK). First articles and catalogs for project exhibitions appeared. Kebelmann's dark exhibition in the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum in Duisburg led to a volume of poetry with texts by four guest authors. In the catalog for the Krefeld dark exhibition with sculptures by the Krefeld Artists' Association (GKK), Kebelmann's project was named "TASTWEGE".

In the 1990s, the author taught social pedagogues (with Thomas Strenge, Dortmund) and art students (with Andreas Theurer , Dessau / Anhalt University of Applied Sciences) about tactile experiences and the phenomenon of "interior images". Visual artists inspired Kebelmann's work to create their own tactile works. After a Tastwege exhibition in Kiel Town Hall, the sculptor Jörg Plickat developed his "Tastmal" for Kiel Central Station.

Kebelmann's volume of poems "Auf dem Tastweg", a collection of the lyrical texts for the project, was published in Berlin in 2007. Since 2004 the author has presented his project Tastwege on its own website.

Kebelmann's art project "Lyrikbrücken", a Europe-wide audio art project by blind lyricists, thrives on the best texts by the poets. Groups of blind poets traveled with musicians through Europe for readings in German and in the respective mother tongues. In 2009, at the Leipzig Book Fair, a three-day reading marathon followed. A "Lyrikbrücken" reading book in ten languages ​​was published in Berlin. In 2013 more Lyrikbrücken evenings followed in the Kleisthaus Berlin.

As early as 2006, the dahlem publishing house published audio books for the first six audio art programs. Cross-sections through twelve multilingual poetry programs with music that were created in Leipzig for the 2009 book fair are also available as audio books.

Since 2004 the author has presented the website lyrikbrücken for his audio art project. His project remains open to blind poets.

Stage work. Moderation

Since 1995 the author has been on stage with musicians who set his lyrical texts or prose to music. The readings often take place as "dark readings". For the lecture, the author does not use Braille for the blind, as usual, but an auditory reading technique he developed himself.

2000 to 2003 Kebelmann moderated jazz concerts in the "dark tent" at the Moers Festival and read his poems. Since then, the solo musicians who accompany Kebelmann have also included the saxophonist Frank Gratkowski . With Kebelmann as speaker, the soloists each form a sonorous duo.

Since 2014 the author has been organizing and moderating monthly reading evenings with invited authors, primarily from Berlin, in the "Schmitz Katzen" beer pub in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Broadcast work. Audio samples

Kebelmann wrote audio images and literary features for radio about Johannes Bobrowski , Günter Eich , Erich Fried and the blind sculptor Dario Malkowski . A feature about the sense of touch was also created.

There are numerous audio samples on the website with their subdomains about the author's poetry and prose, his project work, the audio images and features, and Kebelmann's readings with music.

Kebelmann's audio image "Nightmares on the Organ Bench", written for radio, will be set to music in 2019 by composer and cantor Dietmar Gräf, Bad Wörishofen, and will be premiered at the annual meeting of the Artists' Guild in Esslingen.

Awards and grants

Kebelmann received sponsorship awards and grants for his literary work and his project work. In 1991 he was nominated for the NRW / Brandenburg environmental award. In 1995, his Tastwege dark exhibition staged with Krefeld artists was entered in the Golden Book of the city of Krefeld. The author received a grant from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in 2001 for his story "Silent film for a friend". In 2006 Kebelmann received the sponsorship award from the German Blind Aid Association Duisburg e. V. for its Europe-wide project "Lyrikbrücken". In 2017 the author received the first prize for short prose from the Künstlergilde Esslingen e. V.


The author has been a member of the Association of German Writers in ver.di (VS NRW, since 2018 Berlin-Brandenburg) since 1990 , of the European authors' association Die Kogge in Minden since 1998 , and of the German-Polish poetry group QuadArt Reutlingen / Gdańsk since 2008 , since 2013 in the Society for New Literature Berlin, since 2016 in the Danziger Poetenclub, since 2017 in the Artists' Guild Esslingen, Landesverband Berlin-Brandenburg.

Works (selection)

  • Bernd Kebelmann "Art for hand and head, double head, resurrection, life and death" four reflections in Andreas Weiß (ed.): Hands that can see. Plastic and sculpture exhibition for the blind and sighted. Catalog for the tactile exhibition of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, Berlin 1989.
  • Human landscapes . BONsai-typART Wilfried M. Bonsack, Berlin 1993, ISBN 978-3-910183-06-3 .
  • HOMAGE A CASPAR DAVID FRIEDRICH; six prints from the handset by Karl Heinz Heming, Mönchengladbach; six lyrical texts by Bernd Kebelmann; 99th edition; Janszen publishing house, Viersen 1993.
  • Jazz; Graphic portfolio with three poems from “Human Landscapes” and three aquatint etchings by Ingo Duderstedt, Leipzig; Edition of 12, 60 × 100 cm, in a slipcase; University of Graphics and Book Art, Leipzig 1994.
  • Island where dreams anchor. Love story, travel report and dreams of the "sweet country" near Rügen , Ed .: Book Lodge eV Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Altstadt Verlag, Rostock 1999, ISBN 978-3-930845-47-7 .
  • Silent film for a friend. Tragic comedy in the village cinema hall. dahlemer Verlagsanstalt, Berlin 2001, ISBN 978-3-928832-11-3 .
  • On the tactile path. Poems for the literary art project Tastwege 1992–2006. dahlemer Verlagsanstalt, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-928832-31-1 .
  • Sonny Thet. My musical double life in Cambodia and Germany. Agenda Verlag, Münster 2009, ISBN 978-3-89688-394-0 .
  • Hiddensee mon amour. A double love story. BS-Verlag, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-86785-173-2 .
  • Jesus in the Samaritan Street. 17 stories. dahlemer Verlagsanstalt, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-928832-51-9 .
  • Blind date with Egypt. A travel novel. Pop Verlag, Ludwigsburg 2017, ISBN 978-3-86356-153-6 .
  • together with Tanja Nejlubina: The new Bremen Town Musicians . Freely told and rhymed after the Brothers Grimm, with colored graphics by the Berlin artist; Verlag, Berlin 2018.
  • Drunken formulas by Boddenlicht. A student novel. Greifswald 1966–1971. trafo Literaturverlag, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86465-111-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Bernd Kebelmann's curriculum vitae.
  2. Selection '84 : Neue Lyrik, neue Namen Aufbau Verlag, Verlag Neues Leben, Verlag Volk und Welt Photo of the author and poem "On your own track" (pp. 60–63) © Verlag Neues Leben Berlin 1984 License number: 303 (305 / 15/84)
  3. ^ BSV Zentralvorstand Berlin (ed.) Die Brücke. About blindness and seeing. Calendar 1985 Yearbook of the BSV 1985, Verlag Deutsche Zentralbücherei für Blinde (DZB) Leipzig, ISSN  0521-2316 in it: Bernd Kebelmann: "Interior view - as a patient in the Ziegelstrasse" (from p. 32). In the following year: "Die Brücke" for 1986, 978-3-7465-0000-3 therein: Bernd Kebelmann: "Disabilities, an Essay" (pp. 70–73), "Die Gegenwart" issue 9/1985; Organ of the BSV of the GDR, Verlag DZB Leipzig 1985, ISSN  0016-5859 Bernd Kebelmann: "A small beginning; on the history of the BSV in the Fürstenwalde / Spree district" in the same issue: "Plastik 1985 Berlin - Meißen - Brandenburg". Further articles in almost all years "Die Brücke" up to 2006, as well as in "Die Gegenwart".
  4. ^ The Signs of the Times, issue 8/1988, monthly of the Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin, in it: Bernd Kebelmann "Understandable Art in Brandenburg", article on the 10th anniversary of the exhibition in the Petri Chapel at the Brandenburg Cathedral. Leopold Esselbach (Ed.) Church on Brandenburg sand in it: Bernd Kebelmann "Understandable Art in Brandenburg" (p. 97 104), Evangelische Verlagsanstalt GmbH, Leipzig 1991, ISBN 978-3-374-01385-2 .
  5. Ursula Wyrwisch and Christiane Treder (eds.) Anzeichen 6: New prose and poetry by 30 authors Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Berlin 1988, ISBN 978-3-374-00565-9 . Three poems: "Speech to a grass" (p. 169), "Piece of relief Bode-Museum" (p. 171), "Career choice" (p. 171). Gabriele Stoerk and Manfred Wolter (Eds.) Being different. From Jesus to Janka. Anthology Berliner Verlagsanstalt Union GmbH, Berlin 1990, ISBN 978-3-372-00386-2 . Poem: "Blind" (p. 104).
  6. Christian Rotta (ed.) Universitas - magazine for interdisciplinary science Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Stuttgart, issue 7 / July 1996 51st vol. # 601 "Buridan's donkey in environmental protection" - about environmental protection work in the GDR "
  7. dahlem publishing house
  8. ^ Asylum in Thailand . In: Traian Pop (Ed.): Matrix. Journal of Literature and Art. 17th edition, Pop Verlag, Ludwigsburg No. 2009, ISBN 978-3-937139-79-1 .
  9. ^ Hugo Ernst Buyer, Bernd Kebelmann, Małgorzata Płoszewska and Friedrich-Wilhelm Steffen (eds.) Strandgut - New stories from person to person, collected in Himmerod Himmerod prints, Himmerod 2009, ISBN 3-921632-44-7 .
  10. Bernd Kebelmann and Małgorzata Płoszewska (eds.) New stories from person to person, captured on literary raids for ten years in the Eifel, invented, noted, entered in the logbook from 2009 to 2018 POP-Verlag, Ludwigsburg 2019, ISBN 978- 3-86356-259-5 .
  11. Małgorzata Płoszewska - NEWS. In: May 13, 2018, accessed May 19, 2019 .
  12. Bernd Kebelmann NEIEN BREMESCHEN STADTMUSKANTEN Märchenspoel in veer Biller free naoh de Bröörer Grimm, translated into Prignitzer Low German by Gottfried Winter, published in: "Year book of the Johannes Gillhoff Society (ed. By Hartmut Brun) Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 2009
  13. a b Hiddensee - Island where dreams anchor Audiobook (1 audio cassette) German Study Institute for the Blind Marburg / Lahn, register number: 8322.
  14. Ullrich Tarlatt (Ed.) Edition Augenweide - Painting and Objects Galerie Marktschlößchen, Halle / Saale 1998 Poem: "Silicon Beach"
  15. Hommage á Caspar David Friedrich : 6 lyrical texts by Kebelmann, 6 prints with special characters from hand typesetting, by Karl-Heinz Heming, Mönchengladbach: Verlag Horst Janszen, Viersen 1994. French hand-made paper, Japanese thread stitching, enclosed linocut; Edition: 48 pieces, numbered and signed by hand. Jazz , three aquatint etchings by Ingo Duderstedt, Leipzig, three lyrical texts by Kebelmann from “Human Landscapes” Cover: dark blue with gilt edging, handmade Format: 50 x 70 cm Edition: 12 copies
  16. Florian Söll
  17. Florian Söll The invisible pictures of Mr. Kebelmann Books on Demand 2015, ISBN 978-3-7347-7417-1 .
  18. das kunst (ed.) Atelier europa Bergstr . 13 A, 45731 Waltrop, print: Fa. Buschhausen, Herten 1993, Bernd Kebelmann and Svend Pedersen "Atelier Ma (h) lzeit".
  19. a b Andrzei Bartynski (Ed.) Poeci bez granic - Poets without borders Poems German - Polish (Translation: M. Płoszewska) "Sprachhaut / Skora mowy", "From learning to fly / O nauce latania", "Exorzitien / Cwiczenia i egzorcyzmy" , II. International Poetry Festival Polanica Zdroj, November 2005, WORD – PRESS Wrocław 2006, ISBN 83-88605-05-4 . M. Płoszewska (Ed.) Contact - Dotyk - 15 touch poems German / Polish, artist book with leather application, japan. Binding, Neue Cranach Presse, Kronach 2008. Małgorzata Płoszewska and Władysław Janusz Obara (eds.) DON'T DISCLAIM ME BUT / NEVER WIERZ MI, ZAPRZEC three poems in German / Polish from the series "POETRY POETRY POEZJA, Poland" ARS per MEMORY POEZJA 2010, ISBN 978-83-62359-02-8 . In the same row: Im Zigzag der Zeit / W zygzaku czasu three poems ISBN 978-83-62359-40-0 . The Little Book of Touch / mała Księga dotyku 32 poems in German / Polish (M. Płoszewska) ISBN 978-83-62359-32-5 . In the same publisher: Series "Poetry Programs" International Poetry Group QuadArt If there is nothing that surprises us what is then what we lose / Jeśli nie to jest tym co zachwyca to czym jest to co tracimy 2010, including seven poems in German / Polish (Ü. M. Płoszewska) ISBN 978-83-62359-14-1 . MENSCHLICHE LANDSCHAFTEN / LUDZKIE KRAJOBRAZY 2012, including twelve poems in German / Polish (Ü. M. Płoszewska) ISBN 978-83-62359-44-8 . Open the hand / Otwórz dłoń 2013, in it ten poems in German / Polish (Ü. M. Płoszewska) ISBN 978-83-62359-46-2 . flight from mirrors / ucieczka przed lustrami 2015, including nine poems (Ü. M.Płoszewska) ISBN 978-83-62359-74-5 . What is around us is in us / To, co jest wokół nas, jest w nas 2016, nine poems (M. Płoszewska) ISBN 978-83-62359-77-6 . word for word / słowo w słowo 2016 ten poems (M. Płoszewska) ISBN 978-83-62359-76-9 . Culture and literature magazine ARS pro MEMORIA for the Świętokrzyskie region (Polish) ISSN  2299-0240 . A window to the horizon / Okno po horyzont in it five poems, German / Polish (Ü. M. Płoszewska), series "LYRIK DER GEGENWART 10", Volume 2 (Ed .: Małgorzata Płoszewska) EDITION ART SCIENCE, Vienna - St. Wolfgang 2011, ISBN 978-3-902157-89-8 . "Störtebekers Fliege" German in WortOrt 2005 (Ed. Kulturkreis Altes Rathaus Ortenberg) Polish (Ü. M. Płoszewska) in: Culture magazine Zarys 4, German-Polish Cultural Association eV SALONik, Darmstadt 2005; ISSN  1613-0375
  20. ^ Verlag am Eschbach
  21. Bernd Kebelmann "Snow Winter" in A light for every moment. Words like stars for every day of the year Verlag am Eschbach 2018 ISBN 978-3-86917-635-2 .
  22. Gerd Herholz (Ed.) Voices - Poetry along the Ruhr , p. 65: "Sprachhaut" Klartext Verlag, Essen 2010, ISBN 978-3-8375-0292-3 .
  23. Blind date with Egypt. A travel novel Pop Verlag, Ludwigsburg 2017, ISBN 978-3-86356-153-6 .
  24. Tanja Neljubina
  25. Sonny Thet
  26. Sonny Thet - My song from the mango tree , ARS pro MEMORIA, Starachowice, Poland 2016, ISBN 978-83-62359-73-8 .
  27. Petra Lutz et al. (Ed.) The imperfect human being - the right to imperfection Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit 2001, ISBN 978-3-7757-0997-2 . Petra Lutz et al. (Ed.) The (im-) perfect human being, metamorphoses of normality and deviation Böhlau-Verlag, Cologne 2003, "Performance as the art of living - body awareness in the eye-shining society" ISBN 978-3-412-08403-5 .
  28. Ideas on the strategy of an idiosyncratic life, the handicapped and their role as a social partner , magazine of the Association of Therapeutic Pedagogues , issue 3/2003: Albers Druckerei Rendsburg, ISSN 1433-0660 ; Sozialmagazin, Issue 9, 2003 (year 46); Retina aktuell (online edition) 2004; Horus, Marburger Contributions to Integration, Issue 3 and 4/2005; Publisher DVBS Marburg, ISSN 0724-7389 2005.   
  29. Johan P. Tammen (Ed.) Die horen magazine for literature, art and criticism Wirtschaftsverlag NW Verlag für neue Wissenschaft, Bremerhaven 2007, Volume 227 "Chemistry and literature. Risky considerations from a literary-chemical thought laboratory ", ISBN 978-3- 86509-637-1 .
  30. Pilar Baumeister and Bernd Kebelmann: Lecture in the Church of the Resurrection (Cologne-Buchforst)
  31. Andreas Weiß (Ed.) Hands that can see Evangelical Kaiser Wilhelm Kirchengemeinde Berlin, Reiter Druck Berlin 1989, "Art for Hand and Head" (p. 12–16), the art contemplations "Life and Death" (p. 62– 65), "Resurrection" (pp. 84–87) and "Doppelkopf" (pp. 94–96)
  32. Evangelical Academics in Germany, F. Grotjahn (Ed.) Evangelical Aspects Volume 3, 5th year 1995, "Silence on the Frieze of Listeners" ISSN  0939-3455 .
  33. ^ Andreas Heuser
  34. Klaus Körner (Ed.) Third Way, Journal for a world of solidarity, Reese & Chaskel publishing house 1993, text on the bronze sculpture by Josef Marek, Kraków, Haltern am See, "Das Boot". Gerd Sonntag et al. (Ed.) Janus Reson Edition, Heinsberg 1995, "Sculpture and Literature" ISSN  0947-5443 .
  35. "Tastspuren zur Bildhauerkunst" (preface) in: Skulptur im Dunkeln Gilles & Francke Verlag, Duisburg 1994, ISBN 978-3-925348-38-9 .
  36. ^ GKK Association of Krefeld Artists eV
  37. Willi Irmen (Ed.) Tastwege catalog of the Kunst-Spektrum Krefeld GKK 1995.
  38. Bernd Kebelmann, Małgorzata Płoszewska (Ed.) Lyrikbrücken, reader in ten languages ​​by the dahlemer verlagsanstalt, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-928832-30-4 .
  39. Bernd Kebelmann audio samples
  40. VS in ver.di - Association of German Writers
  41. ^ Society for New Literature Berlin
  42. Publishing