Christa Meves

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Christa Meves (born Mittelstaedt ; born March 4, 1925 in Neumünster ) is a German child and adolescent psychotherapist and writer .


After studying geography , German and philosophy at the Universities of Breslau and Kiel , she completed her state examination in Hamburg , where she also studied psychology . In 1962 she completed her additional training as a child and adolescent psychotherapist (psychagogue) at the psychotherapeutic institute in Göttingen. In 1992 she received state recognition. She is a member of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Psychotherapists.

Christa Meves works in Uelzen . She has authored more than 100 books that have been translated into up to 13 languages. From 1978 to 2006 she was co-editor of the weekly newspaper Rheinischer Merkur . Meves is also the author of the Catholic newspaper Die Tagespost .

Since 1946 she was married to the ophthalmologist Harald Meves († 2003). From 1973 she was an appointed member of the Synod of the Evangelical Church in Germany , from which she left in 1984 at her own request. In 1987 she converted to the Roman Catholic Church .


Christa Meves developed her own concept on the basis of the neo-analytical drive theory and the instinct theory of Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen , developmental psychology and knowledge of their child psychotherapeutic practical experience. This was later supported by results from brain and hormone research, which she then put down in the book Secret Brains . Meves developed a theory of personality types, which she divided into presentation, order, recluse, and devotion types.

On the question of psychotherapeutic treatment in the penal system, Meves warned against carelessly overestimating the “reversibility of established criminal behavior disorders.” Repeat offenders are often not in a position to assess their actions at the time of the offense, so that a deliberate act often does not exist and thus a criminal charge cannot be made.

In her book Manipulated Excessiveness , the books The Enlightened Eros (1964) by Alex Comfort and Sexualedagogue (1970) by Helmut Kentler were severely criticized. With Kentler's book, one gets the impression “that real demagogy is being practiced here” “very clearly”. This is supposed to be politically incited and at the same time promote anarchy. The instructions from Mr. Kentler "on sex education are comparable to diabolical" strategies for the corruption of man ". In her essay Der verkopfte Mensch she blamed the philosophy of the Enlightenment and especially Kant's for an overestimation of thinking and a devaluation of feelings. Religion assigns it here one-sidedly to the area of ​​feeling.

Political and religious engagement

In 1981 Herder-Verlag founded the Friends of Christa Meves , which was expanded in 1996 to become the Association Responsibility for the Family (VFA eV). From this, under the direction of Christa Meves, the ECCM (Parents College Christa Meves) , a continuing education parents school, emerged. Affiliated to the ECCM are the Fathers College Christa Meves and the Parents College Christa Meves , which offer their courses as events of the Engelwerk and its Order of the Cross .

In 1978 Meves wrote for Herbert Gruhl and his newly founded environmental party Green Action Future (GAZ) on some programmatic points. Later Meves became active as a member of the small party AUF - Party for Work, Environment and Family . For the 2014 European elections , she was the top candidate of the AUF party. She also campaigned for the family network , which represents Christian-conservative positions.

Christa Meves works for the national conservative newspaper Schweizerzeit .

She is openly committed to Catholicism and criticizes the Evangelical Lutheran Church .

Fonts (selection)

  • I want to live. Letters to Martina. Problems of adolescence. Weißes Kreuz, Kassel 1974, ISBN 3-87893-005-4 (many editions).
  • The way to a meaningful life. Orientation and help. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1980, ISBN 3-451-07931-3 .
  • Little ABC for soul helpers. Basic rules for meeting those seeking advice and patients. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1980, ISBN 3-451-07810-4 .
  • Truth frees. Arguments for the Catholic faith against the accusations of modernity from a psychological point of view. 3rd edition, Christiana, Stein am Rhein 1995, ISBN 3-7171-0971-5 .
  • Manipulated excess: psychological dangers in a technical life; the difficulty of being happy in prosperity; “Liberation to Sex” - 30 Years Later; Ideology of equality in the end. 42nd edition (405th – 407th thousand), Christiana, Stein am Rhein 2000, ISBN 3-7171-1031-4 (first edition: Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1971).
  • Seduced, manipulated, perverted: society caught in the trap of fashionable heresies; Causes - consequences - ways out. Resch, Graefelfing 2003, ISBN 978-3-935197-29-8 .

Reception and criticism

In 1976, Klaus Reblin, senior pastor at St. Katharinen in Hamburg and general secretary of the German Evangelical Church Congress , published a critical article about Meves in the weekly newspaper Die Zeit . Reblin asked, “Who is this evangelical woman writing for? Who reads the hundreds of thousands of books that appear under their names in the Catholic Herder publishing house? From what I've read from Meves, it can only be people full of resentment towards the modern age. People who need confirmation of their prejudices about everything new - in black and white. ”In 1978 Christian Schultz-Gerstein published a critical article about Meves in Spiegel magazine . The educational scientist Micha Brumlik claims that Meves is "taken as little seriously by academic educational advisors as by academic psychology". In one of her books from 2000, she crossed "the boundaries of committed, conservative life counseling in the direction of inflammatory Weltanschauung tracts".

One of the most cited sentences by her critics comes from her “marriage alphabet” (1973): “The woman has a natural need for submission from her biological task, the man for conquest and domination.” Critics also accuse her that she In 1977 in an interview with the then right-wing extremist magazine Mut admitted that “thanks to accomplishments for Führer, Volk and Vaterland” she “learned more practical psychology and pedagogy in the last years of the war than later at university”. Meves was also accused of publishing in right-wing media. The political scientist Wolfgang Gessenharter pointed out in 1989 that she was not only a “welcome guest” at the Weikersheim Study Center , but also a woman “who is not afraid to appear in an interview in the press of the right-wing extremist publisher Gerhard Frey (DVU) and is meanwhile also to write in Schönhuber's magazine 'Republikaner' ”. In 1997 the federal government drew attention to the fact that it was a member of the board of trustees of the “Ludwig-Frank Foundation for a Liberal Europe”, which maintained contacts with groups belonging to the right-wing extremist spectrum.

It is also criticized that Meves presents sexual education as completely superfluous when she writes: “The goal of sex education can therefore not possibly be to acquire knowledge and practices about sexual processes. ... sexuality, like the animals, an engine event, whose functioning is absolutely no need for enlightenment. "The Protestant pastor Helmut Schütz has Meves' criticism of the issued by the National Center for Health Promotion in Rhineland-Palatinate educational brochure Let's Talk About Sex decidedly . Meves is "ideologically blinded".

The writer Richard Wagner counts Meves as one of the “fundamentalist ladies” who expected the spiritual and moral turnaround in 1982, but are today “remarkably powerless”. Meves' interpretation of Harry Potter as a “sign of our ungodly times” did not go unchallenged by Catholic theologians either.

The Catholic writer Luise Rinser was outraged by a report from a meeting of homosexuals in which Meves wrote: “You want clean, upright young men again.” Rinser commented: “So homosexuals are not clean, upright people? [Men.] So are they dirty and crouched and cowardly? So they don't match the image of the clean German that Hitler wanted him to be? How small is the step towards Hitler's demand for ideal SS figures? ” In their“ standard work ” Rosa Winkel, Rosa Listen (1981), Hans-Georg Stümke and Rudi Finkler described Meves as“ Germany's leading homophobes ”because they“ have been one for years ideological crusade against homosexuals ”.



  • Christina Mundlos : The traditional role of mother as a promise of salvation. Argumentation analysis using the example of Eva Herman and Christa Meves. Tectum Verlag, Marburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-8288-2251-1 .
  • Volker Kempf : Christa Meves. Criticism of the emancipation movement - New Femininity - The Future of Children . Gerhard Hess Verlag, 2008, ISBN 978-3-87336-348-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Christa Meves: Character Types - Who Goes With Whom? 2000, ISBN 3-930039-74-5 .
  2. Rheinischer Merkur . No. 40, October 4, 1996.
  3. Ibid. 112.
  4. Ibid. 131.
  5. Ibid. 133.
  6. Engelwerk: Spiritual Program on Winterberg 2015. PDF in the Internet Archive accessed on December 17, 2019
  7. Work of the Holy Angels: Events 2019 in Austria, South Tyrol and Switzerland. Accessed April 22, 2020
  8. Sanitaswerk e. V .: Spiritual program on Winterberg. Accessed April 22, 2020
  10. “We need a new party!” - Message from Christa Meves. ( Memento from August 4, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) on: , May 16, 2009.
  11. Christa Meves was the top candidate of the UP party. In: Evangelical News Agency Idea , November 28, 2013.
  12. European elections: UP party with Christa Meves and Prince of Prussia. In: peculiarly free , November 27, 2013.
  13. Conference of the Family Network 2009 ( Memento of February 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 116 kB)
  15. Joy of being Catholic in: From the lust to be Catholic , 15 articles, ed. by Michael Müller , MM Verlag Aachen 1993, pages 231-252
  16. In: The time . No. 46/1976. See also the letters to the editor for this article (by Heinz-Dietrich Ortlieb, Ludwig Muth and others): Caller in the desert . In: The time. No. 51 / 1976.1976 //
  17. C. Schultz-Gerstein: All are somehow worth repugnant . In: Der Spiegel . No. 8 , 1978 ( online ).
  18. M. Brumlik: Antidote contra Antichrist . In: The world . February 10, 2001. Best-selling educator Christa Meves explains why Marxists paved the way for pedophilia.
  19. Ibid.
  20. ^ A b Peter Niggli, Jürg Frischknecht : Right rope teams. How the "creepy patriots" mastered the collapse of communism . Zurich 1998, p. 587.
  21. Jutta Ditfurth : Fire in the hearts. Plea for an ecological left opposition . Düsseldorf 1994, p. 249.
  22. ^ W. Gessenharter: Conservatism and Right-Wing Extremism - Sewing and Distances . (PDF; 140 kB) Friedrich Ebert Foundation
  24. Quotation from Karl Abraham: Psychoanalytische Studien . Giessen 1999, p. 75.
  25. Helmut Schütz: Abused Trust. Sexual abuse as a challenge to pastoral care, the church and biblical interpretation. Giessen 2008, p. 77.
  26. Ibid. P. 155.
  27. ^ Richard Wagner: The metaphysics of the change of power. In: Berliner Zeitung , July 5, 2005.
  28. The Catholic priest and dogmatics professor Axel Schmid thinks that there is more to "Harry Potter" than "Meves discovered". Cf. Axel Schmid: Theological Notes on Harry Potter . The Catholic priest and theology professor Norbert Clemens Baumgart wrote that he did not share Meves' pessimism about Harry Potter. Cf. N. C. Baumgart: The Bible a (sch) muggeln? The search for mythological, religious and theological traces in the Harry Potter novels . In: Harry Potter - A literary and media event in the focus of interdisciplinary research . Münster 2006, pp. 75–102, here 96.
  29. ^ Luise Rinser : Winter Spring 1979–1982 . Frankfurt a. M. 1982, p. 207.
  30. Stefan Bajohr u. a .: The injustice state. Vol. 2. Baden-Baden 1984, p. 288.
  31. Hans-Georg Stümke , Rudi Finkler: Pink angles, pink lists. Homosexuals and “Healthy People's Feeling” from Auschwitz to the present day . Reinbek near Hamburg 1981, p. 386f.
  32. Christa Meves
  33. ^ Foundation Yes to Life ( Memento from March 6, 2016 in the Internet Archive ). Foundation website. Retrieved March 6, 2016.