Jutta Ditfurth

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Jutta Ditfurth at the ARD talk show Maischberger (2017)

Ditfurth (* 29. September 1951 in Würzburg as Jutta Gerta ARMGARD of Ditfurth ) is a German social scientist , politician and activist for feminism , eco-socialism and anti-racism . As a journalist and author of politically active non-fiction and fiction , she is also active as a journalist .

From the late 1970s, Ditfurth was a key member of the Green List Hessen (GLH) involved in the creation process of the Green Party and at the beginning of 1980 as a participant in the nationwide founding assembly one of its co-founders. In the 1980s she was one of the best-known representatives of the party's left wing as a “radical ecologist”. From 1984 to the end of 1988 she was a member of the three-person federal chairman committee of the Greens, together with Rainer Trampert and Lukas Beckmann (1984–1987) as well as Regina Michalik and Christian Schmidt (1987–1988) .

As a result of immediately after the German reunification made electoral defeat of the party in the general election in 1990 it came to the "real political change" in the countryside. In protest against it, Ditfurth left the party in 1991, as did many other members of the left wing. She initiated the ecological left , from which in 2000 the voter association ÖkoLinX - Antiracist List emerged . From 2001 to 2008 she was a member of the city ​​council assembly in Frankfurt am Main for ÖkoLinX ; it has been again since 2011.

In the 2019 European elections , Ditfurth was the top candidate on the ÖkoLinX electoral list, which will be running for the first time in a European election in Germany , but was ultimately unable to achieve a seat in the EU Parliament .


Jutta Ditfurth comes from the two noble families von Ditfurth and von Raven . She is the daughter of the psychiatrist and neurologist, university professor and science journalist Hoimar von Ditfurth and the photographer Heilwig von Raven. Her brother is the historian and novelist Christian von Ditfurth . In 1978 she tried to have the nobility predicate "von" deleted from her name. According to her own statements, at the age of 18 she also refused to join the aristocratic association because she was repelled by elitist thinking. In her book "The Baron, the Jews and the Nazis - Journey into a Family History" she describes anti-Semitism and the contribution of some of her ancestors to National Socialism , including her great-great-uncle Börries Freiherr von Münchhausen , her great-grandmother Gertrud Elisabeth von Raven (1850 –1936) and her great-grandfather Wilhelm von Ditfurth .

Education and employment

Ditfurth first grew up in Würzburg, where she started school in the second half of the 1950s. In 1960 she moved with her family to Hohensachsen an der Bergstrasse. It was the family's fifth move. She went to school first in Hohensachsen and later in Weinheim . In 1964 the family moved to Oberflockenbach in the Odenwald into a bungalow designed by their mother. In April 1966, Ditfurth was accepted into the Protestant girls ' high school Elisabeth-von-Thadden-Schule in Heidelberg-Wieblingen. There she passed the Abitur examination in 1969. Then she visited a “higher daughter's home” in Garmisch-Partenkirchen until March 1970 .

In 1969 Jutta Ditfurth began to study art history at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . She also studied sociology, politics, economic history and philosophy in Heidelberg, Hamburg, Freiburg, Glasgow, Detroit and Bielefeld, graduating in 1977 as a sociologist. According to her own account, she worked as a social scientist at the universities of Freiburg, Bielefeld and Marburg. In the winter of 1977 she moved to Frankfurt am Main and worked there for two years in different companies and functions. In parallel, she worked as a journalist and author for print media and radio, full-time from 1980.

Political activities

Since around 1970 Ditfurth has been politically active as an undogmatic left . After the military coup in Chile in 1973, she became involved in the internationalist solidarity movement for the persecuted supporters of the overthrown and killed in the coup, former President Salvador Allende and his electoral alliance, the Unidad Popular , and later for the Sandinista in Nicaragua and the left opposition from the surrounding area the FMLN in El Salvador, founded in 1980 . She is also involved in the women's movement (for example against the ban on abortion according to the old § 218), since around 1975 in the anti-nuclear power movement and since the late 1970s in the peace movement , including between 1979 and the mid-1980s against the NATO double decision .

From 1977, in response to massive police measures against anti-nuclear protests, she was involved in setting up colorful alternative electoral lists in order to also exert parliamentary influence. In 1978 she co-founded the "Green List - Voters' Initiative for Democracy and Environmental Protection" (GLW) and the Green List Hesse (GLH). As their delegate, she was involved in the founding of the federal party "The Greens" in Karlsruhe in January 1980. In the 1980s she represented the “eco-socialists” alongside Thomas Ebermann and Rainer Trampert . She describes herself as a radical ecologist and feminist. Their internal party opponents around the later Federal Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer counted them among the " Fundis ", as they called the left wing of the party since around 1982.

Jutta Ditfurth at the Green Party election in 1987

In 1984 and 1986 she was elected to the party's federal executive committee and survived several motions for voting out by large majorities. At the Federal Assembly in December 1988, the then wing of the Realos party demanded the resignation of the board of directors because of already refuted media reports on alleged misappropriation of party funds and denied board members the right to speak . Their vote of confidence just missed the majority. Thereupon Ditfurth, the board spokesman Christian Schmidt and Regina Michalik resigned from their offices on December 2, 1988. In the 1990 Bundestag election , the West Greens did not win any seats in the Bundestag because they remained below the five percent threshold. Many also attributed this to party structures such as the rotation principle . When a majority repealed these and other principles in April 1991, Ditfurth resigned from the party in protest against the “right-wing development”. In December 1991, the district executive of the Frankfurt Greens formally excluded her because of a lack of contributions.

Ditfurth has been a member of the German Union of Journalists (DJU) since 1989 . From 1992 to 1995 she was their national chairman and member of the main board of IG Medien .

In 1991 she founded the small ecological left party in Hesse with her partner Manfred Zieran (born November 7, 1951 in Lübeck) and other political friends . From 1991 to 1999 she published their magazine ÖkoLinx . In the European elections in 1999 , she ran for the European Parliament on the list of the Greek NAR (“New Left Movement”) to express her protest against the NATO war against Yugoslavia with German participation . At the end of 2000 she co-founded the “ÖkoLinX-Antiracist List” electoral association , for which she entered the city parliament of Frankfurt am Main in April 2001 as the only representative. In May 2008, she resigned her mandate as a Frankfurt city ​​councilor because changes to the rules of procedure had severely worsened her working conditions. In 2011 and 2016 she was re-elected to the Frankfurt city council. Ditfurth was a candidate for ÖkoLinX's list number 1 for the 2019 European elections . However, with a nationwide result of 0.1% (35,794 votes), the party missed the target of a seat in the EU Parliament.

Political positions

Jutta Ditfurth strived for ecological socialism as a global political goal. For her, "the social question cannot be separated from the ecological question [...] because the root of the exploitation of man and nature is the same: the capitalist mode of production with its profit logic and its compulsory exploitation." She points out that Karl Marx ( since 1844) and Friedrich Engels (1883) had repeatedly pointed out the destructive consequences of capitalism and some Marxist and anarchist leftists such as Friedrich Wolf and Murray Bookchin contradicted the belief of most of the traditional left in value-neutral technological progress . From the historical experiences of the workers, women, anti-nuclear weapons and anti-nuclear power movements, she concludes: “Anyone who claims that capitalism can be 'converted' into a humane, ecological society is naive or lies.” Social and ecological Catastrophes should be mitigated under the pressure of social countervailing power in the centers of capital, but the consequences would then be shifted all the more to other parts of the world. That is why a nature compatible with humans can only be saved through a social countervailing power to capitalism and can only be preserved in a socialist society.

From the beginning, Ditfurth was a staunch opponent of the Realo wing and of allegedly nationalist and racist tendencies among the Greens. Jutta Ditfurth rejected reunification in 1990 and organized demonstrations under the motto "Never again Germany". Since leaving the party, she has dealt with the political development of the Greens in various publications. She criticizes the fact that the Greens have completely given up their original goals and in many cases turned them into the opposite. Instead of a fundamental change in society, their representatives are interested in positions of power and the distribution of state funding ( nepotism ). The group of former Frankfurter Spontis around Joschka Fischer and Daniel Cohn-Bendit have systematically worked towards government participation, a ministerial office for Fischer and the disempowerment of the left among the Greens, and targeted intrigues for this purpose. Green politicians like Oswald Metzger , Matthias Berninger or Cem Özdemir could also have made a career in the FDP or CDU .

Since the founding phase of the Greens, she has dealt with directions that she classifies as eco-fascism : including views of Herbert Gruhl , Baldur Springmann , Max Otto Bruker , the ecological-democratic party founded by Gruhl and the independent ecologists of Germany , right esotericism , anthroposophy , Scientology , the free economy of Silvio Gesell , and views the Rudolf Bahro represented since 1984th

Ditfurth criticized the approval of 39 of the then 48 green members of the Bundestag on October 16, 1998 for the NATO war against Yugoslavia as "crossing the last frontier in the complete system integration". The Greens would have finally turned their back on the program demands that have been in effect since 1980 (exit from NATO , dismantling of the Bundeswehr , dissolution of military alliances in Europe, also unilateral disarmament , social defense ). They had "helped to militarize human rights, to enforce them as a means and justification for warfare", also for further wars of intervention without a UN mandate . A CDU / FDP government could not possibly have achieved that. By linguistically comparing the Srebrenica massacre and the alleged Racak massacre with the Holocaust , Joschka Fischer initiated “a new German Auschwitz lie ”. As the ruling party, the Greens were “needed to help with the complete integration of the formerly critical alternative potential to the state, capital and NATO” and to justify the first German war of aggression since 1945 “not despite, but because of Auschwitz”.

Ditfurth had dealt with the Red Army Faction (RAF) and the state's reactions to it since 1977, always rejecting the "armed struggle", but advocating property damage such as sawing down electricity pylons and cutting barbed wire at nuclear power plant fences. In 1987 she wrongly named the RAF's path, but advocated an amnesty for former RAF members and criticized the state measures to enforce nuclear power plants and the census of the time as far worse, terrorist violence. Instead, they portrayed some politicians and the media as “sympathizers” of the RAF. In 2007, after six years of research, she published a biography about Ulrike Meinhof , in which she corrected some misinformation about Meinhof with new evidence and Meinhof's turn to the RAF from political, not just individual psychological reasons Motives explained.

On December 12, 2013, a memorial plaque for the Auschwitz Trial was inaugurated in Frankfurt City Hall . In addition, Ditfurth pasted the name of Hermann Josef Abs on the plaque of the Frankfurt honorary citizens with a labeled note: “Abs was the chief banker of the Nazis and jointly responsible for war, concentration camps, mass murder, robbery and slavery. Max Horkheimer and Fritz Bauer should not be offended by their proximity to his name. ”The note was removed, but she was allowed to justify her action.

In spring 2014, Ditfurth came out with sharp criticism of the vigils for peace , especially of their organizers and main speakers. She accused them of a targeted cross-front strategy and a shortened anti-capitalism with folk, anti-Semitic and racist motives, which was compatible with neo-Nazis . In this context, she described the vigil speaker Jürgen Elsässer in a television interview as "ardent anti-Semites". This led to the publicly noted Elsässer-Ditfurth trial : In response to Elsässer's lawsuit, the Munich District Court I prohibited Ditfurth's testimony. It classified them as an insult by defining anti-Semitism as an explicit affirmation of the Nazi era, including the Holocaust. The verdict was criticized in German and foreign newspaper reports. Ditfurth's appeal was dismissed by the Munich Higher Regional Court. On the other hand, she filed a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court in November 2015 ; this did not accept the constitutional complaint for decision in June 2016.

Ditfurth is a critic of Extinction Rebellion and calls this group a. a. as doomsday cult.

On May 24, 2018 , Ditfurth tweeted, one day after a bomb disposal in Dresden, “The bomb knows where it is”. An article about the defusing of the bomb, in which there was a partial sound and almost 9,000 residents had to leave their apartment, was linked in the tweet. Dresden is the venue of the right-wing populist organization Pegida . This Dresden tweet was mainly followed by outraged reactions on the Internet, and she was also accused of “voting aid for the right-wing populist AfD ”. Dresden city councilor and Green Party politician Michael Schmelich commented on the Dresden tweet as follows: "Even a supposedly 'left' position can be extremely inhumane." Ditfurth responded to the criticism of her tweet as follows: "It was my intention to do a small one absurd joke to find out where the political consciousness in Dresden and elsewhere is right now. It worked."


  • Attitude and resistance: an epic battle for values ​​and worldviews. Osburg Verlag, Hamburg 2019, ISBN 978-3-95510-203-6
  • Rudi Dutschke and Ulrike Meinhof. Story of a political friendship. (2008). 2nd, expanded edition. Konkret, Hamburg 2018, ISBN 978-3-930786-83-1 .
  • with Thomas Ebermann: Modern anti-Semitism, lateral front and national movement: the lectures at the solidarity event on February 27, 2015 in Kafe Marat, Munich. A film from ÖkoLinX-Antiracist List. ÖkoLinX, 2015, ISBN 978-3-9817558-0-0 .
  • Shut up until you can think, Sigmar Gabriel! In: Markus Liske, Manja Präkels (Ed.): Caution people! Or: movements in madness? Verbrecher Verlag, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-95732-121-3 , pp. 128–130.
  • The baron, the Jews and the Nazis. Journey into a family story. 2nd edition, Hoffmann & Campe, Hamburg 2013, ISBN 978-3-455-50394-4
  • What it's about - pamphlet. Rotbuch, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-86789-154-7 .
  • War, atomic, poverty. What they talk, what they do: The Greens. Rotbuch, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-86789-125-7 .
  • Time of anger. Polemic for a Just Society. Droemer, Frankfurt am Main 2012, ISBN 978-3-426-55855-3 .
  • The sky climber. Novel. (1998). Revised new edition. Rotbuch, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-426-55855-3 .
  • Communism and nature. The solved riddle of history. About belief in science and technology, ignorance of the natural question and the racist and eugenic image of man in the social democratic and Leninist left and the workers' movement. In: Yvonne Boenke (Ed.): "Better a kink in the biography than one in the backbone". Festschrift for the 70th birthday of Horst Herrmann. Telos, Münster 2010, ISBN 978-3-933060-31-0 , pp. 97-113.
  • Ulrike Meinhof. The biography. Ullstein, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-550-08728-8 .
  • Through invisible walls. How is one like that left? Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 2002, ISBN 3-462-03083-3 .
  • It was the Greens. Farewell to a hope. Econ, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-548-75027-3 .
  • Fire in the heart. Against the devaluation of people. (1992). Extended and updated new edition. Konkret-Literatur-Verlag, Hamburg 1997, ISBN 3-89458-159-X .
  • Relaxed into barbarism. Esotericism, (eco) fascism and biocentrism. Konkret-Literatur-Verlag, Hamburg 1996, ISBN 3-89458-148-4 .
  • What I think. Goldmann, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-442-12606-1 .
  • Blavatzky's children. Lübbe, Bergisch Gladbach 1995, ISBN 3-404-12380-8 .
  • Live wild and dangerous. Radical ecological perspectives. Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 1991, ISBN 3-462-02106-0 .
  • with Manfred Zieran: dreaming, fighting, realizing. Political texts up to 1987. Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 1988, ISBN 3-462-01903-1 .
  • with Robert Jungk , Peter Rogge and Hans Ruh : Calculating the future - an illusion? With an afterword by Jürg Altwegg. Unisys, Sulzbach 1988.
  • with Rose Glaser: The daily legal pollution of our rivers and how we can defend ourselves against it. A manual with an action part. Rasch and Röhring, Hamburg / Zurich 1987, ISBN 3-89136-163-7 .

Web links

Commons : Jutta Ditfurth  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Biographies, portraits
Texts by Jutta Ditfurth

Individual evidence

  1. Hoimar von Ditfurth: Interior views of a conspecific. My balance sheet. (1989). Geest-Verlag, Vechta 2013, ISBN 978-3-86685-421-5 , p. 230 ff.
  2. Tilman Gerwien: What is actually ... Jutta Ditfurth? In: Stern . April 25, 1999.
  3. On the history of the manor and castle. In: Heimatgeschichten from the Orlatal. No. 3, 2000, p. 1, p. 15.
  4. Jutta Ditfurth: The Baron, the Jews and the Nazis. Journey into a family story: Synopsis.
  5. Jutta Ditfurth: Through invisible walls. Cologne 2002, p. 51.
  6. Jutta Ditfurth: Through invisible walls. Cologne 2002, p. 68.
  7. Jutta Ditfurth: Through invisible walls. Cologne 2002, p. 89.
  8. Jutta Ditfurth: Through invisible walls. Cologne 2002, p. 102 ff.
  9. Jutta Ditfurth: Through invisible walls. Cologne 2002, p. 151 f.
  10. Jutta Ditfurth: Through invisible walls. Cologne 2002, p. 157.
  11. Jutta Ditfurth: The situation of the doctors employed at the outpatient clinics: On the politics and argumentation of the medical associations in the Weimar Republic. Bielefeld University, 1977
  12. Jutta Ditfurth: They were the Greens. Farewell to a hope. Econ, Munich 2000, pp. 44-53.
  13. Claus-Jürgen Göpfert: Hope was once green: Rise of a party: The Frankfurt model. Westend, Frankfurt am Main 2016, pp. 64–66; Jutta Ditfurth: It was the Greens. Farewell to a hope. Econ, Munich 2000, pp. 63-79.
  14. Jutta Ditfurth: They were the Greens. Farewell to a hope. Econ, Munich 2000, pp. 154-173.
  15. Jutta Ditfurth: They were the Greens. Farewell to a hope. Econ, Munich 2000, p. 2.
  16. Domestic: Greens excluded Jutta Ditfurth. In: New Germany . 4th December 1991.
  17. ^ City of Frankfurt am Main: Jutta Ditfurth ÖkoLinX-ARL.
  18. ^ ÖkoLinx-ARL: Short biography of Manfred Zieran.
  19. Short biography of Jutta Ditfurth , ÖkoLinX-ARL im Römer
  20. Jutta Ditfurth: Letter to the Electoral Office of the City of Frankfurt / Main , May 26, 2008 (PDF; 174 kB)
  21. ^ City of Frankfurt am Main: City council election 2011 in Frankfurt am Main: A first analysis (PDF; 1.5 MB); Jutta Ditfurth: Press release, September 6, 2011 (PDF; 67 kB)
  22. Ecological Left: Everything about the European elections May 26, 2019.
  23. European elections 2019: Results Germany. Federal Returning Officer , May 27, 2019.
  24. Jutta Ditfurth: Relaxed into barbarism. Konkret-Literatur-Verlag, Hamburg 1996, p. 157.
  25. Jutta Ditfurth: They were the Greens. Farewell to a hope. Econ, Munich 2000, pp. 240-249.
  26. Jutta Ditfurth: They were the Greens. Farewell to a hope. Econ, Munich 2000, pp. 86-111.
  27. Jutta Ditfurth: They were the Greens. Farewell to a hope. Econ, Munich 2000, pp. 80-85 and 183-220; Jutta Ditfurth: Fire in the heart. Plea for an ecological left opposition. 1992, pp. 206-211.
  28. Jutta Ditfurth: They were the Greens. Farewell to a hope. Econ, Munich 2000, pp. 281-306.
  29. Jutta Ditfurth: They were the Greens. Farewell to a hope. Econ, Munich 2000, pp. 149-154.
  30. Arno Luik : Ditfurth about Meinhof: "She was the big sister of the 68er". In: Stern , November 18, 2007.
  31. Georg Leppert: Frankfurt Römer: Jutta Ditfurth causes a scandal. In: Frankfurter Rundschau (FR), December 13, 2013; Georg Leppert: Jutta Ditfurth: “Abs was the chief banker of the Nazis”. FR, December 13, 2013
  32. The new right Monday demos. Conversation with Jutta Ditfurth. 3sat media library, April 16, 2014, accessed on May 30, 2019.
  33. ^ Regional Court Munich I: Judgment of December 10, 2014, Az. 25 O 14197/14
  34. Benjamin Weinthal : German judge sparks outrage, says anti-Semitism which only limited to the Nazi period. In: The Jerusalem Post . 17th October 2014.
  35. Katja Thorwarth: Climate Change: Jutta Ditfurth: "Extinction Rebellion is a doomsday cult." FR, October 16, 2019.
  36. "The bomb knows where it is": Jutta Ditfurth's tweet in Dresden triggers outrage. on: Zeit Online . May 24, 2018.
  37. Airspace blocked - Ditfurth triggers outrage with tweet. on: The world . online, May 24, 2018.
  38. Dresden tweet from Ditfurth causes outrage on the Internet. on: Dresdner Latest News . online, May 24, 2018.
  39. Dresden tweet from Ditfurth causes outrage on the Internet. on: Leipziger Volkszeitung . online, May 24, 2018.
  40. Reviews: Anja Röhl: Aristokratischer Antisemitismus. New Germany, October 19, 2013
    Claus-Jürgen Göpfert: Jutta Ditfurth's message about the nobility. FRI, January 15, 2014
    Hans Riebsamen: A gathering of Jew haters. FAZ, January 15, 2014
    Rudolf Walther: The visit of the ugly ballad poet. Falter.at, January 17, 2014
    Hannes Schwenger: German pools. Tagesspiegel, January 22, 2014
    Rafael Arto-Haumacher: Family ties. Literaturkritik.de, May 2, 2014
    Gerhard Sauder: Nobleman, poet and anti-Semite. Saarbrücker Zeitung, August 29, 2014
    Jutta Ditfurth: The Baron, the Jews and the Nazis - an army of vampires. Berliner Zeitung, November 10, 2014
    Ulf Morgenstern: Das Historisch-Politische Buch , 62nd year 2014, Issue 5, pp. 552–554
    Beat Metzler: Disgusted by “von”. Tagesanzeiger.ch, November 27, 2019
    Helga König: Review: “The Baron, the Jews and the Nazis” - Jutta Ditfurth. (undated)