Canon Regulars of the Holy Cross

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The Order of Canon Regulars of the Holy Cross , short Order of the Cross ( Order abbreviation : ORC ), Portuguese Cónegos Regrantes da Santa Cruz , was founded in Coimbra ( Portugal ) in 1131 . Its members also refer to themselves as the Brothers of the Holy Cross and are also known colloquially in Portugal as Crúzios . It was a foundation within the religious regular canon family . Since 1979 the order has been an institution within the Engelwerk .



As early as 1135, the re-establishment of Pope Innocent II was recognized. The Order played a major role in the Reconquista of Portugal, and when it was granted royal privileges by King Alfonso I in gratitude for his prayers and the first house of the Order was opened in Lisbon in 1147 with the conclusion of the Reconquista , he rose to the most important order of Portugal. One of the founding members, St. Theotonius , was an advisor to King Alfonso and the Santa Cruz Monastery , in whose church King Alfonso I and King Sancho I are buried, is now considered one of the most outstanding cultural assets of Portugal. The scriptorium of the monastery and the attached library, which was added to the library of Porto at the time of secularization , are primary sources of medieval historiography in Portugal.

The best- known member of the order was Anthony of Padua , who later became a Franciscan and there, probably also because of the theological formation he had received from the regular canons, became one of their leading preachers.

In the course of the Tridentine reforms in 1557, all Portuguese canon monasteries were merged into a congregation. 1573 were this congregation by Gregory XIII. granted the privileges of the Augustinian Canons of the Lateran .


The government of Portugal banned all orders in the course of secularization in 1834 , which was never accepted by the Catholic Church . With the death of the last living member Joaquím da Boa Morte ("Joachim of the Good Death"), the order found its actual temporary end in 1903, but was never canceled under canon law , so that it was extinct on paper , but not yet finally extinct Community continued to exist.

In Innsbruck, the spiritual movement of the work of the holy angels arose in the years after the Second World War. Some priests of the diocese led this group to promote the worship of the holy angels and Bishop Paulus Rusch established this church movement in 1961 as the Guardian Angel Brotherhood. From 1971, the monastic life of the meanwhile grown community began to consolidate in St. Petersberg Castle . Young men entered the monastery and the community of sisters who lived in a section of the monastery reserved for them also grew.

Since 1976

The castle St. Petersberg in Silz (Tirol) , seat of Order of the Cross and Engelwerk

In this situation, in 1976 tried a group of priests to that of Gabriele bitterly founded Mission of Holy Angels ( Engelwerk belonged) to revive the Order again, which in 1979 by the Holy See by Decree Perantiquus Ordo ( lat . "Very ancient order “) Was finally confirmed. The decree of May 29, 1979 named Georg Blaskó, Michael Prader, Jean-Marc Bonvin, Carl-Theodor Coester, Harald Eder, Edgar Frank, Arwed Hummer, Wolfgang Knupfer, Hermann and Rupert Precht, Joseph Feiter, Wolfgang Knupfer, Franziskus Färber and Hubert van Dijk. Coester left the Engelwerk several years later. Blaskó and Knupfer had fatal accidents on September 29, 1990 and June 9, 1991, respectively, in motorway accidents in northern Italy .

In May 1988 there was a robbery on the branch of the Order of the Cross in Anápolis , in which the robbers stole large amounts of cash and gold as well as a pistol from the connected Order of the Cross monastery . Engelwerk admitted that the attack had taken place, but stated that the amount of loot stated in a report by journalist Margit Pieber was completely wrong. The priests Norbert Tscholl and Reinhard Knittel were incardinated in the diocese of Anápolis despite their membership in the order . There are also donations in the Order of the Cross who deny their membership in the Engelwerk and are listed there as "old Angelus" ( Latin for "other angel").

Since 2000

The Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross in charge of the members and associations of the "work of the Holy Angels" on behalf of the Holy See and directs the University Institutum Sapientiae in Brazil Anápolis . Internal church criticism of the Engelwerk after its papal recognition in 2008 also concerned the order of the cross in its new form.

Donate status

Like the Maltese and Carthusians , members of the restored Order of the Cross can also be listed in the Donaten category. Those donations in the Order of the Cross, which are internally called old Angelus ( Latin : other angel ), remain full members of the order, but camouflage their membership. They can be used inside as well as outside of the angel work and the order of the cross. The activity as an old Angelus is individually agreed and discussed with the respective donors. The other donations of the order confess their membership. In practice, their role differs greatly from that of the Maltese or Carthusian donations.

Superior general

Known members

As of 2014, the Order of the Cross had 134 members, including 84 priests in 11 parishes. In 2015 it still had 130 members in 12 branches.

After the restoration

Designated branches

According to information on its website , the Order of the Cross, to which the Sisterhood of the Holy Cross and the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Cross are affiliated, had over 130 members in these branches as of 2019:

  1. Anápolis , in the state of Goiás , Brazil
  2. Bogotá , capital of Colombia
  3. Braga , in the Norte region , Portugal
  4. Candelaria , in Quezon Province , Philippines
  5. Detroit , in the state of Michigan , United States
  6. Fátima , in the Centro Região , Portugal
  7. Guaratinguetá , in the state of São Paulo , Brazil
  8. Kochi (formerly Cochin) , in the state of Kerala , India
  9. León , in the state of Guanajuato in Mexico
  10. Karaganda , in the Kazakhstan area of the same name
  11. Rome , Italy
  12. Sankt Petersberg bei Silz , in the state of Tyrol , Austria and
  13. Schondorf am Ammersee in the Upper Bavarian district of Landsberg am Lech , Germany

as well as the branches of the Sisterhood of the Holy Cross:

  1. Motherhouse of the Sisterhood of the Holy Cross in Sankt Petersberg near Silz,
  2. Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser in the Austrian state of Tyrol,
  3. Schondorf am Ammersee and
  4. Flüeli-Ranft in the canton of Obwalden , Switzerland .

The following former branches are no longer mentioned:

  1. Aparecida do Norte , a place of pilgrimage in the state of São Paulo , Brazil
  2. Caniçal , Madeira Island , Portugal
  3. Coimbra , in the Centro Region, founding place of the Order of the Cross, Portugal

However, the Aparecida branch is still mentioned on the Engelwerk's international website.

The Helferwerk im Kreuzorden e. V. is based in Cologne .

Definition of terms

The Sisters of the Holy Cross aggregated to the Order of the Cross are to be distinguished from the Franciscan women's order of the same name, founded in Menzingen in 1844 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ José Eduardo Franco: Dicionário histórico the order . ISBN 978-989-616-378-5 , pp. 266-276 .
  2. José Eduardo Franco: O Esplendor da Austeridade . INCM, ISBN 978-972-27-2005-2 , pp. 167-173 .
  3. ^ Johann Zauner: Silz. Nature, HOME, culture, past and present . Ed .: Municipality of Silz. Widumgasse 1 2015, p. 188-189 .
  4. Heiner Boberski : The angel work. Theory and Practice of Opus Angelorum. Otto Müller Verlag Salzburg 1993, page 75. ISBN 3701308543
  5. Heiner Boberski: The angel work. Theory and Practice of Opus Angelorum. Otto Müller Verlag Salzburg 1993, page 299.
  6. Heiner Boberski : The angel work. Theory and Practice of Opus Angelorum . Otto Müller Verlag, Salzburg 1993, p. 97
  7. Heiner Boberski: The angel work. Theory and Practice of Opus Angelorum. Otto Müller Verlag Salzburg 1993, pp. 80 and 228 f.
  8. See Constitutions of the Order of the Cross, Section A 12.2–12.4 and Statute for Donates (X, 10.6). Quoted in Heiner Boberski: Das Engelwerk. Theory and Practice of Opus Angelorum. , Otto Müller Verlag, Salzburg 1993. P. 80 f
  9. Hermann-Josef Frisch : Not church sheep, but courageous Christians. Patmos Publishing Group , August 26, 2014. ISBN 978-3-8436-0547-2
  10. Heiner Boberski: The angel work. Theory and Practice of Opus Angelorum. , Otto Müller Verlag, Salzburg 1993. P. 80 f
  11. Order of Canon Regulars of the Holy Cross: The History of the Order of the Cross ( Memento from December 29, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  12. ^ Catholic Hierarchy: Order of the Holy Cross. Retrieved September 13, 2017
  13. ^ Two primices in one year. Augsburger Allgemeine from June 12, 2015
  14. ^ Ribeiro Cardoso: Jardim, a grande fraude. Editorial Caminho 2011, ISBN 9789722124065 . Chapter from Pornografia e homossexualidade on Google Books
  15. Walter Axtmann: Engelwerk: Murder on Madeira. In: Kirche intern , May 1995, p. 41 f.
  16. Manuel Catarino: Os pecados mortais do Padre Frederico ( Memento of December 12, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), in Correio da Manhã
  17. Ricardo Soares: Terceiro Escándalo sexual na Igreja da Madeira . ( Memento of April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Tribuna da Madeira of April 9, 2014
  18. Miguel Silva: Padre Frederico: “Não penso regressar, mas podia voltar e rezar missa”. Diário de Notícias of February 13, 2016
  19. ^ Carlos Diogo Santos: A nova vida do padre Frederico. . Revista Sol from July 24, 2015
  20. ^ Pope brings secret society back to church , tz , October 11, 2010; Accessed May 12, 2014
  21. Archdiocese of Munich and Freising : Ordinariat rejects report by “Spiegel” ( Memento from May 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), press release from October 11, 2010, accessed on May 12, 2014
  22. ^ The history of the Order of the Cross on the website of the Order of the Cross Monastery of St. Petersberg, accessed on December 29, 2019
  23. ^ Website of the Sisterhood of the Holy Cross , accessed December 29, 2019
  24. Benoît Duroux: OA Information Letter of August 18, 1997
  25. Petra Bleisch: Engelwerk. Evangelical Information Center Churches - Sects - Religions , 1988
  26. Helferwerk i. Cross Order eV on
  27. Heiner Boberski: The angel work. Theory and Practice of Opus Angelorum. Otto Müller Verlag Salzburg 1993, page 84