Christian Gottlieb von Zschock

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Christian Gottlieb von Zschock (born July 29, 1694 in Soldin ; † December 15, 1766 ) was an imperial sergeant-general .



Christian Gottlieb was the eldest son of the mayor of Soldin Johann George Zschock († 1715) and Martha Euphrosyne Ursinus.


He completed his schooling in his hometown and in nearby Königsberg and attended the University of Wittenberg from 1715 and that in Halle from 1717 , where he took part in lectures in theology and law . After graduating, he became the personal secretary of the Polish-Saxon field marshal and cabinet minister Jacob Heinrich von Flemming (1667–1728). After the death of his employer, he joined the imperial army . As a lieutenant in the 8th Infantry Regiment, he moved out to the Italian theater of war . After the peace treaty, he first went to Vienna in 1731, but followed his regiment to Transylvania in 1732 . As early as 1733, as a result of the war with France that had just broken out, he moved back to Italy , meanwhile advanced to captain and company commander , and took part in the battle of Parma . Here he suffered a life-threatening gunshot wound and, after half recovery, served as an adjutant on horseback as the war continued . In 1736 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and took part in the Turkish war the following year . From Emperor Charles VI. he was raised to the knighthood of the Holy Roman Empire in Vienna in 1738 with the predicate Edler von . Also in 1738 he took over the commandant position in his regiment in Pisa . This was followed by his participation in the War of the Austrian Succession in 1741 , where he suffered further injuries during the siege of Straubingen in 1743 . In 1744 he was promoted to colonel and, after moving to winter quarters in Bavaria, moved to the Rhine and Alsace , but had to move to Bohemia in autumn to oppose the Prussians . He was taken prisoner of war in Burghausen in 1744 . After the release he took part in the coronation celebrations of Franz I in Frankfurt in 1745 and was promoted to sergeant-general in November of the same year. He went back to the Italian theater of war and took part in the Battle of Piacenza . After the peace treaty he took over the direction of advertising in the empire on imperial instructions . He spent his old age with his family.


In 1750, Zschock married Justina Rosina von Langenmantel , widow of Baron Gottfried Schnurbein von und zu Meitingen (1700–1749), who bore him a stepson, Marcus Freiherr von Schnurbein, and gave birth to two other children.

The Prussian major general Christian Gottlieb Georg von Zschock (1737–1809) was his nephew, the imperial major general Otto von Zschock (1792–1866) his grandson.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der Briefadeligen houses , 1st year, Justus Perthes , Gotha 1907, p. 838.
  2. ^ Constant von Wurzbach : Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich , 60th part, Vienna 1891, p. 272.