Christophe Darbellay

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Christophe Darbellay (2007)

Christophe Darbellay (born March 7, 1971 in Martigny ) is a Swiss politician ( CVP ). He has been a State Councilor for the Canton of Valais since 2017 . From 2003 to 2015 he was a member of the National Council. Between September 2006 and April 2016 he was President of CVP Switzerland.


Darbellay grew up in Martigny. After successfully completing his degree in agricultural science at the ETH Zurich , Darbellay first worked in the private sector in Bern and Lausanne before spending three and a half years in Bern as Vice Director of the Federal Office for Agriculture .

Christophe Darbellay began his political career with the Christian Social Party (CSP) in the Lower Valais section. He ran several times for political office on their electoral lists. In the Swiss parliamentary elections in 1999 he ran for the Christian Social Party Lower Valais as a Council of States, where he was not elected, but achieved a surprising number of votes. Shortly afterwards he switched to the much larger CVP. In the 2003 elections he was elected to the National Council as the youngest member of his parliamentary group at the time. From 2004 to 2008 he was the managing director of the Swiss Veterinary Society . After Doris Leuthard , the party president at the time, was elected to the Federal Council , his party elected him as her successor on September 2, 2006. From 2012 to 2017 Darbellay was President of the Swiss Casino Association.

In March 2017, Darbellay was elected to the Valais government with 54,338 votes.

Political positions

According to Smartvote , Darbellay is a moderate, cautiously conservative politician. In the parliamentary mirror, based on the voting behavior of the parliamentarians during the 48th legislature , he was in the middle of his party.

Later on, Darbellay became increasingly committed to green issues. He called for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and investments in renewable energies . In economic policy, he marked distance from neoliberalism and defended state intervention in the economy.


Darbellay is married and has four children, three of whom are with his wife Florence Carron Darbellay, who is the mayor of Martigny-Combe . He lives in Martigny-Combe and is the nephew of former National Councilor Vital Darbellay (CVP).

Web links

Commons : Christophe Darbellay  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Christophe Darbellay: I'm already hitting the table. In: NZZ. online from February 2, 2016.
  2. a b Interview: Without the CVP we would still be in the atomic era. In: The Bund . June 11, 2011.
  3. Single candidate for the CVP Presidium , Swissinfo , accessed on August 5, 2013.
  4. The player in: NZZ . Retrieved August 5, 2013.
  5. Vonlanthen succeeds Darbellay. In: 1815ch of May 17, 2017.
  7. see reporting in 20 minutes online from March 31, 2009
  8. see report by Radio DRS on the CVP party congress on February 14, 2009
  9. Darbellay becomes a father after an affair. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . 11th September 2016.
  10. Darbellay and Couchepin become presidents. In: look. November 13, 2016.