Eberbach (Sulm)

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sub-name: Weißenhofbach
View northeast from the air to Eberstadt in the Eberbachtal.  In the background the forest plateau of the Sulmer mountain range with the vineyards on this side on the southern slope and on the other side the gullies of Dahenbach, Limbach and Sulzbach

View northeast from the air to Eberstadt in the Eberbachtal. In the background the forest plateau of the Sulmer mountain range with the vineyards on this side on the southern slope and on the other side the valley gullies of Dahenbach , Limbach and Sulzbach

Water code DE : 238586
location Swabian-Franconian forest mountains


River system Rhine
Drain over Sulm  → Neckar  → Rhine  → North Sea
source in the long blade next to the L 1036 between Bretzfeld- Schwabbach and Eberstadt- Holz
49 ° 10 ′ 43 ″  N , 9 ° 21 ′ 52 ″  E
Source height approx.  250  m above sea level NHN
muzzle In the retention area of ​​the flood retention basin Weißenhof, which is not permanently dammed, below Weinsberg- Weißenhof and shortly before the outskirts of Erlenbach from the right into the Sulm coordinates: 49 ° 9 '52 "  N , 9 ° 16' 52"  E 49 ° 9 '52 "  N , 9 ° 16 ′ 52 ″  E
Mouth height approx.  165  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 85 m
Bottom slope approx. 12 ‰
length 7 km
Catchment area 18.609 km²

The Eberbach is a seven kilometer long stream, initially just on its edge, then in the Heilbronn district in central Baden-Württemberg , which flows from the right to the lower Sulm before the village of Erlenbach . On the lower reaches it is also called Weißenhofbach .



The Eberbach arises in the hill forest between the village of Schwabbach in the municipality of Bretzfeld in the Hohenlohe district and the Holz part of the Eberstadt district of Heilbronn after the Steinerner Tisch forest car park in a long blade adjacent to the road and accompanying it at around 250  m above sea level. NHN . Initially it meanders over sandy ground with a width of up to two meters towards the west. After a good half a kilometer, the stream, previously the border between the municipalities of Bretzfeld on the left and Eberstadt on the right, leaves the forest at two small ponds into the Eberstadt district and flows under the vineyards on the right on the slope of the Schnabelsberg towards wood.

View to the southeast on woods

It changes to the right side of the state road and takes on its other upper course, Klingenbach, from the northwest about one and a half kilometers below its origin, opposite the town, which is largely on the left bank . This stream, also known as Eberbach , runs in the open corridor from the start , is about two kilometers long and has a sub-catchment area that is almost exactly the same size as the official upper course.

Below Holz, the Eberbach flows in a broad floodplain approximately to the west-southwest and crosses under the A 81 , which entered the Klingenbachtal from the Hölzern tunnel and then follows the Eberbach on the left slope of the valley.

Looking south from the spur Eberfürst to Eberstadt
View up the valley to the northeast into the lower Eberbachtal on Eberstadt

After almost half of its course, the Schmalbach flows into the village of Eberstadt from the north, its largest tributary in terms of length and catchment area. On the now south-westerly course it is fed one after the other from the north-west by the Gellmer and the brook from the bottom. He then turns right near the Weinsberger Kreuz around the Weinsberg district of Weißenhof standing on the low right-hand valley spur . There, now called Weißenhofbach , it flows for almost a kilometer in the wide right floodplain of the river westwards and finally flows into the storage area of ​​the usually waterless retention basin Weißenhof and already in the district of Erlenbach , at about 165  m above sea level. NHN from the right into the lower reaches of the Sulm .

After a 7.0 km long run with a mean bottom gradient of about 12 ‰, the Eberbach flows into the Sulm about 85 meters below its origin.

Catchment area

The Eberbach has a catchment area of ​​18.6 km², making it the largest of all tributaries of the Sulm. It is, naturally spatially seen in the northern, lower outgoing part of the Franconian-Swabian Forest Mountains counting Löwenstein Mountains . Its widely cleared valley bay next to the actual Sulmtal is counted as part of its sub-area Weinsberger Tal , the ring of the peripheral mountains around it, with the exception of their lower section in the south, is part of the sub-area Sulmer Bergebene . The 338.1  m above sea level. NHN highest point is on a flat crest of the mountain range north of Buchhorn ; In the southern part, however, the maximum height is only 317.7  m above sea level. NHN on the Herrenberg.

The catchment areas of the following neighboring waters border in turn:

  • Beyond the highest point mentioned, the Brettach tributary Dahenbach begins its course very near ;
  • A little further east and beyond the northern watershed, the Limbach competes , on the northeastern the Sulzbach (!), in the east the Schwabbach and its tributary Dimbach continuously up to the Brettach;
  • behind the narrower and deeper ridge from Herrenberg and Wildenberg in the south the smaller water bodies Sülzbach (!) and Wetterischbach arise , which flow into the Sulm from the right before the Eberbach;
  • the outflow on the opposite side of the western watershed back to the corner with the northern one is taken up by the next Sulm tributary, Erlenbach .

The northern and eastern watershed is hydrologically more important, as it separates it from the catchment area of ​​the large Brettach receiving water, Kocher , which flows into the Neckar below the Sulm .

On the south-facing slopes of the valley bay and its right side bays, viticulture is carried out on land- cleared areas. In the remaining, hilly to flat valley bay, agriculture dominates above the valley basin. Forest stands on the ring of plateaus around the bay and on the north-facing slopes to the left of the Eberbach.

The area mainly belongs to the municipality of Eberstadt , whose places

  • the formerly independent wood at the confluence of the two source branches Eberbach and Klingenbach,
  • the hamlet of Klingenhof on the upper reaches of the Klingenbach,
  • the hamlet of Buchhorn in the side bay of the left Schmalbach upper course Buchhorner Bach,
  • the hamlet of Lennach on the right-hand side of the Schmalbach-Oberlauf Lennacher Bach
  • and Eberstadt itself at the tributary of the Schmalbach to the Eberbach

all lie in the catchment area of ​​the Eberbach.

In addition, the city of Weinsberg has a not small area in the west

  • the Gellmersbach district on the upper Gellmer or Gellmersbach,
  • the Weißenhof residential area on the low right-hand valley spur of the Eberbachtal to the Sulmtal and
  • the newer Aussiedlerhof group Blaßhalden in the upper reason .

Other consistently uninhabited small marginal strips are mostly in the high forest and belong

Tributaries and lakes

List of tributaries and RiverIcon-SmallLake.svglakes from source to mouth. Length of water, lake area, catchment area and altitude according to the corresponding layers on the LUBW online map. Other sources for the information are noted.

Origin of the Eberbach at about 250  m above sea level. NHN in the Long Blade next to the L 1036 between Bretzfeld - Schwabbach and Eberstadt - Holz . The stream initially flows west.

  • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgPassed at about 220  m above sea level. NHN two ponds after the forest emerges, together 0.1 ha.
  • Klingenbach , partly also Eberbach , from the right and northwest to about 195  m above sea level. NHN across from Eberstadt - Holz , 1.8 km and approx. 2.2 km². Flows at about 227  m above sea level. NHN the recycling yard at the Klingenwald below the plateau north of Eberstadt- Klingenhof .
    The Eberbach itself is only 1.5 km long at this tributary, but also has a catchment area of ​​around 2.2 km².
    • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgDrains a pond at over 230  m above sea level. NHN between the recycling center and the landfill above, less than 0.1 ha.
    • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgPasses at about 211  m above sea level. NHN immediately after crossing under the federal highway 81 the permanently dammed basin of the flood retention basin Holz, 0.5 ha.
    • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svg Passes a small pond in the corner of the mouth directly at the mouth, under 0.1 ha.
  • Schmalbach , from the right and north to about 181  m above sea level. NHN in Eberstadt, 1.2 km from the confluence of the upper courses and 3.1 km with the left upper course Buchhorner Bach and about 5.1 km². Flows to about 196.5  m above sea level. NHN on a dirt road bridge near the sports fields north of Eberstadt from its two upper reaches
    • Buchhorner Bach , left and northern main line upper course, 1.9 km and approx. 2.0 km². Arises at about 285  m above sea level. NHN east-northeast of Eberstadt- Buchhorn in the forest between the Gewannen Winter- and Sommerhalde . Initially runs west in a left curve and later south-east.
    • Lennacher Bach , right and northwest side branch upper course, 2.0 km and approx. 1.4 km². Rises at almost 280  m above sea level. NHN the Pfitzbrünnele in the Pfitzhofwald northwest of Eberstadt- Lennach .
      • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgHappened at a little over 220  m above sea level. NHN slope foot a pond to the left of the run, under 0.1 ha.
      • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgFlows through to about 210  m above sea level. NHN approximately a quarter kilometers from the edge of the basin of the Lennach flood retention basin Lennach, ha 0.5.
      • Langgraben , from the right and west to about 205  m above sea level. NHN at the end of Lennach, 0.5 km and approx. 0.2 km². Arises at about 235  m above sea level. NHN on the lower edge of the vineyards. Inconsistent water-bearing ditch in a natural hollow.
  • Gellmer or Gellmersbach , from the right and northwest to about 178  m above sea level. NHN to Eberstadt, 1.1 km and approx. 2.1 km². Arises at about 198  m above sea level. NHN on the lower outskirts of Weinsberg - Gellmersbach .
    • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgIn the catchment area is above to something below 230  m above sea level. NHN a pond under the vineyards in the Krähloch and in front of the Gellmersbach sports fields, under 0.1 ha.
  • (Dig from the ground ), from the right and west-northwest to about 174  m above sea level. NHN to Eberbach and before Weinsberg- Weißenhof , 1.9 km and approx. 1.3 km². Arises at about 265  m above sea level. NHN on the forest slope Ghäu west of the Weinsberg settlement area Blaßhalden.

Mouth of the Eberbach from LR and NESW at 165  m above sea level. NHN in the retention area of ​​the flood retention basin Weißenhof, which is not permanently dammed, below Weinsberg- Weißenhof and just before the outskirts of Erlenbach . The brook is 7.0 km long with the left source branch from the Long Blade and has a catchment area of ​​18.6 km².

Flood retention basin

In the catchment area there are two flood retention basins (HRB), the confluence of the Eberbach in the Sulm lies in the backwater area of ​​a third. All pools belong to the Sulm water association, which was founded in 1973 and is based in Weinsberg, they have earth dams and the water from which they are supposed to protect against flooding is routed permanently through the pool ( main circuit ). On the third and largest, through which the Sulm flows, the outflow is controlled, on the other hand not on the other two, which belong to the early built and small basins of the association.

Flood retention basin of the Sulm water association
Surname location Dammed water and drainage Storage space in m 3 EZG Storage space Dam height Construction year
      place   Maximum Duration   Max Duration    
HRB woods in front Holz (Gde. Eberstadt ) Klingenbach → Eberbach 0.015,000 0.008,000 001.9 km 2 ? 00.5 ha 07 , 00 m 1978
HRB Lennach in front Lennach (Gde. Eberstadt) Lennacher Bach →  Schmalbach → Eberbach 0.016,000 0.006,000 001.0 km 2 ? 00.5 ha 06.2 0 m 1978
HRB Weissenhof in front Erlenbach Sulm 0.571,000 - 082.4 km 2 ? - 06.8 0 m 1989
Information on storage space, dam height and year of construction and the usual area of ​​the permanently dammed basins according to the official waterway map. Retention basins with the entry "-" in the column for the permanent storage space are usually waterless. The catchment areas were measured on it, taking as far as possible the area values ​​for the sub-catchment areas that were not to be cut up for this purpose.


The catchment area is in the Middle Keuper . Its highest layer there is the reed sandstone ( Stuttgart formation ), which is the structure of the ring of the rather flat edge mountains around the Eberbachtal. Below on the slope is Gipskeuper ( Grabfeld formation ). On the southern edge of the catchment area, a large reed sandstone block with a recognizable crack edge has slipped from the western Wildenberg to the Gipskeuper in the area of ​​the motorway route. There are also smaller such landslides on the eastern Wildenberg southwest of Holz and a little north of Eberstadt on a southern slope of the valley basin.

The older layers mentioned are largely covered by loess sediment from Quaternary deposits, on the plateau as well as in the valley, there often also in the form of loess- containing floating earth . The larger streams run in holocene floodplain sediment bands. Almost all south-facing slopes are vineyards that have been tidied up, which is why the natural layer structure is disturbed there.

In a few places on the plateau there are abandoned small quarries up high to twelve meters dismantling walls of the at least there places in flood facies dickbankig deposited Schilfsandstein well there and on the slopes of some former marl quarries with some small ponds.

Nature and protected areas

The entire length of the Eberbach is classified as a carbonate low mountain range rich in fine material . After its origin, the stream meanders through the forest of the Lange Klinge . After changing to the open corridor in front of wood, it flows away from the forest, not very winding and mostly accompanied by a gallery on the bank through a populated meadow landscape.

In some places on the plateau to the right above the Eberbachtal there are small lakes and wetlands, some in former marl pits, some of which are protected as natural monuments. Elsewhere, old quarries and natural rocks in the reed sandstone are under this protection, as is the Pfitzbrünnele , the origin of the Lennacher Bach.

On the western side of Wildenberg, an approximately half a square kilometer large forest reserve and an almost equally large nature reserve have been established under this name, strongly overlapping. A water protection area of ​​the Eberbach Group special purpose association covers almost the entire catchment area of ​​the Schmalbach tributary, a noticeably smaller one with the name Erlenbach in the south is around the Weißenhof, it extends a little down the Sulm and across it into other catchment areas.


The lower section of the Eberbach, known today as Weißenhofbach , from the Weißenhof in the Sulmaue, used to be a right branch of the estuary. The much shorter left one no longer exists today. It flowed into the Sulm a little below the Weinsberger Hasenmühle and thus almost a kilometer above the Weißenhofbach.

Individual evidence


Official online waterway map with a suitable section and the layers used here: Course and catchment area of ​​the Eberbach
General introduction without default settings and layers: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( notes )

  1. a b c Height according to the contour line image on the background layer topographic map .
  2. a b c Length according to the waterway network layer ( AWGN ) .
  3. a b c Catchment area according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  4. Name Weißenhofbach after blue lettering on the background layer topographic map . There, however, noted as Wei ss enhofbach , just as the Weißenhof and the Gewann Weißenhofwiesen are entered there with -ss- on some scales . The measuring table sheet 6821 Heilbronn from 1902 in the Deutsche Fotothek writes consistently and in accordance with the usual spelling with -ß- .
  5. a b Height according to black lettering on the background layer topographic map .
  6. a b Lake area according to the layer standing waters .
  7. a b Catchment area measured on the background layer topographic map .
  8. Dams according to the relevant layer.
  9. Former sandstone quarries and marl pits after the Geitop layer .
  10. River type according to the relevant layer.
  11. Protected areas according to the relevant layers, nature partly according to the biotope layer .

Other evidence

  1. Josef Schmithüsen : Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 161 Karlsruhe. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1952. →  Online map (PDF; 5.1 MB)
  2. Wolf-Dieter Sick : Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 162 Rothenburg o. D. Deaf. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1962. →  Online map (PDF; 4.7 MB)
  3. Height after black lettering on the measuring table sheet 6822 Willsbach from 1932 in the Deutsche Fotothek .
  4. Height according to black lettering on the measuring table sheet 6821 Heilbronn from 1902 in the Deutsche Fotothek.
  5. Geology according to the layers for Geological Map 1: 50,000 on: Map server of the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining (LGRB) ( notes ). The geological map listed under → Literature only shows the eastern and central part of the catchment area  .
  6. Former left muzzle arm according to the measuring table sheet 6821 Heilbronn from 1902 in the Deutsche Fotothek


  • Topographic map 1: 25,000 Baden-Württemberg, as a single sheet No. 6721 Bad Friedrichshall, No. 6821 Heilbronn and No. 6822 Obersulm
  • Geological map of the Swabian-Franconian Forest Nature Park 1: 50,000, published by the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg i. Br. 2001. (Does not show the western part of the catchment area)

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