Edgar Herschler

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Governor Herschler during a ceremony (1977)

Edgar "Ed" Herschler (* 27. October 1918 in Kemmerer , Wyoming ; † 5. February 1990 ) was an American politician of the Democratic Party and three terms as Governor of the State of Wyoming.


Herschler, who grew up on a ranch , graduated from the University of Colorado with an undergraduate degree in law after attending public schools . During World War II he served as a sergeant in the United States Marine Corps in the South Pacific and was awarded the Purple Heart and Silver Star . After the Second World War Herschler continued his studies, earning 1949 graduation in law at the University of Wyoming . He then became a public prosecutor in his hometown Kemmerer.

Soon after, Herschler also began a political career and was a member of the Democratic Party from 1959 to 1969 as a member of the Wyoming House of Representatives five times . After that, he was not only Attorney ( Prosecutor ) of Lincoln County , but also President of the Bar Association of Wyoming ( Wyoming Bar Association ) and Executive Secretary of the Central Committee of the Democratic Party in the state.

In 1974 Herschler was elected Governor of Wyoming for the first time and held this office after two re-elections from January 2, 1975 to January 2, 1987. This made the very popular politician the only governor of the predominantly republican state with three terms in office. As governor, he was also Chairman of the Conference and Political Bureau of Governors of the Western United States and the Interstate Oil Compact Commission .

Afterwards, Herschler worked as a lawyer in Wyoming's capital Cheyenne until his death .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ TA Larson: History Of Wyoming . Nebraska 1990, p. 566 ff. (English).
  2. ^ Results of the gubernatorial elections from 1890 to 2002 ( Memento from November 27, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) (English).