Eduard Ploier Prize

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The Eduard Ploier Prize and the Eduard Ploier Journalist Prize are cash prizes for special achievements in development cooperation abroad and in development education in Austria .


The prizes named after Eduard Ploier have been advertised and awarded every two years by a board of trustees since 1999 and 2001 and are endowed with a total of 22,000 euros.

The sponsorship of the award is represented by a board of trustees consisting of representatives of the Province of Upper Austria , the Diocese of Linz , the ORF Upper Austria, the Bezirksrundschau GmbH , the Raiffeisenlandesbank Upper Austria , the Bildungshaus Schloss Puchberg , the Catholic Action and HORIZONT3000 . The Board of Trustees announces the award and determines the jury for the selection of the award winners.

Award winners






  • Tina Demmelbauer, One World Circle, Zell an der Pram
  • Johannes Riedl , Upper Austria. Rotary Club and Peter Neuner , Rotary Club Freistadt, Maternal Health in Nigeria
  • Primary Manfred Dichtl sen., Manfred Dichtl jun. and Doris Dichtl, ophthalmologists in Ethiopia
  • Günther Punz, HS Hofkirchen, Altamira project - Brazil
  • Journalist Award: Heidi Riepl, Upper Austria. news




The 2013 Eduard Ploier Prize was awarded on June 24, 2013 by Governor Josef Pühringer and Diocesan Bishop Ludwig Schwarz :


At the award ceremony on June 29, 2015, the following winners were honored:


The following winners were honored at the award ceremony on June 20, 2017:

  • Childrenplanet - Association for international development cooperation, chairman Christian Gsöllradl-Samhaber, for the projects "HopefulWaterProject, Evergreen School, Teachers Incentives Program and wood workshops - training young people in Cambodia"
  • Ingrid Gumpelmaier-Grandl, Eferding, for the project “Fairytale FAIR Fashion - Fair Trade Fashion Project in Nepal”
  • Pro Sudan, Chairman Johann Rauscher, for the project "Helping people to help themselves in South Sudan"
  • Sister Johanna Brandstetter CPS from the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood; for her life's work
  • Journalist Award: Karin Maria Bayr (editor-in-chief at the Rohrbach district broadcast)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ploier Prize 2011 Description Eduard Ploier Prize and Eduard Ploier Journalist Prize PDF
  2. Page no longer available , search in web archives: Eduard Ploier Price PDF@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /
  3. Thomas Winkler: Eduard Ploier Prizes for Development Work, Province of Upper Austria and the Diocese of Linz recognize development cooperation projects , in: Bezirksrundschau Linz Online from June 25, 2013
  4. ^ Eduard Ploier Prize and Eduard Ploier Journalist Prize Upper Austria. Development aid for a just world . Retrieved July 1, 2018.