Emil Mörsch

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Emil Mörsch

Emil Mörsch (born April 30, 1872 in Reutlingen ; † December 29, 1950 in Stuttgart-Weilimdorf ) was an important German civil engineer , researcher and university professor who made a name for himself in the field of reinforced concrete construction . His theories on the dimensioning of reinforced concrete had a lasting influence on standardization in DIN and its predecessors. On the basis of extensive series of tests , he developed nomograms with which reinforced concrete beams could be dimensioned and their reinforcement measured.


Emil Mörsch studied civil engineering at the Technical University of Stuttgart from 1890 to 1894 and then worked until 1898 as a government construction manager at the Württemberg road and hydraulic engineering administration. In 1899 he passed the state examination for government builder and moved to the bridge office of the Württemberg State Railways. From 1901 Mörsch was then chief engineer and head of the technical office of Wayss & Freytag AG in Neustadt an der Haardt .

In 1902 Mörsch wrote the theoretical part of Wayss & Freytag's publication “Reinforced concrete construction, its application and theory”, which is considered to be one of the pioneering achievements in the field of theoretical discussion of reinforced concrete. Two years later he accepted a professorship for statics, bridge construction and iron construction at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich . In 1905 he was appointed an advisory member of the German Concrete Association. In the same year, the second edition of “The reinforced concrete construction, its application and theory” appeared, which has now been published by Mörsch together with Wayss & Freytag. From the third edition, which appeared in 1907, Emil Mörsch acted as the sole editor. Also in 1907 he became a member of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (renamed the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete in 1941). In 1908 Mörsch returned to Wayss & Freytag. In addition to his practical work as director and board member of one of the most important German solid construction companies, Mörsch continued to deal with theoretical questions of reinforced concrete construction, so that in 1912 he was able to publish the fourth, again revised edition of "Reinforced concrete construction, its application and theory".

In 1916 Mörsch switched again to science and accepted the position as full professor for statics of massive structures, arched bridges and reinforced concrete construction at the TH Stuttgart. Until his retirement in 1939, he published numerous publications, including the 5th (1922) and 6th (1933) editions of his book "Der Eisenbetonbau, seineführung und Theory", which has now become a standard work for reinforced concrete construction. At the same time, Mörsch remained closely associated with Wayss & Freytag AG as an influential technical consultant. A significant fruit from the knowledge gained in this activity was his publication "Der Spannbetonträger" published in 1943, which can be considered one of the first German-language monographs on the subject of prestressed concrete .


Mörsch was involved in the following structures as an engineer or inspector:

  • Isar bridge in Grünwald , 1903/04
  • Railway bridge over the Rhone in Chippis, Switzerland, 1906 (with Froté & Westermann, Zurich)
  • Gmündertobel Bridge , 1907/08
  • Grafton Bridge , Auckland , New Zealand, 1908-10 (dimensioning and design of the arch)
  • Neckar railway bridge in Tübingen, 1908/09 (examination and detailed processing of the design by Karl Schaechterle and Anton Jori from the bridge building office of the General Directorate of the Württemberg State Railways)
  • Bridge over the Danube of the Hohenzollerische Landesbahn, 1909 (examination)
  • Lower Neckar Bridge in Rottweil, 1915
  • Reinforced concrete lining of the Spree underpass of the orphan tunnel , 1931
  • Rosenberg Bridge in Heilbronn, 1950 (examination)


  • 1912 Dr.-Ing. E. h. of the TH Stuttgart
  • 1929 Dr. sc. techn. hc from ETH Zurich
  • 1938 Emil Mörsch commemorative coin of the German Concrete Association (see below)
  • 1942 Goethe Medal for Art and Science on his 70th birthday

In Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf a bridge (the Mörschbrücke ) was named after Mörsch. There is an Emil-Mörsch-Weg in Metzingen .

Emil Mörsch commemorative coin

To honor personalities who have distinguished themselves through special achievements in the field of concrete construction and who have promoted this type of construction, the German Concrete Association (since 1999 German Concrete and Construction Technology Association ) donated the Emil Mörsch Memorial Coin in 1938 . It is dedicated to the memory of this outstanding scientist and pioneer in the field of concrete and reinforced concrete construction and to his great contributions to the theoretical development and practical application of this type of construction and was initially awarded annually, from 1957 every two years.

Previous winners of the Emil Mörsch Memorial Coin :

Publications by Mörsch

  • Reinforced concrete construction, its theory and application. 1902
  • Calculation of restrained vaults. In: Schweizerische Bauzeitung, Volume 47, Issue 7, of February 17, 1906, pp. 83–85, doi: 10.5169 / seals-26057 (PDF; 2.6 MB) and Issue 8 of February 24, 1906, p. 89 –91, doi: 10.5169 / seals-26058 (PDF; 2.7 MB)
  • Le nouveau pont sur le Neckar près de Heilbronn. In: Construction et Travaux Publics , September 1933
  • The prescriptions officielles et les règlements pour les constructions en béton armé en France et à l'Étranger. Allemagne. In: Travaux , December 1935
  • Reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges. 6th edition, Stuttgart, 1958


  • Hermann Bay: Emil Mörsch - memories of a great teacher of reinforced concrete and technical mentor of Wayss u. Freytag AG [= Outstanding engineering services in structural engineering. Series of publications by the VDI-Gesellschaft Bautechnik; 3]. Düsseldorf, 1985, also in: Wegbereiter der Bautechnik , series Klassiker der Technik, VDI Gesellschaft für Bautechnik, Düsseldorf 1990
  • Georg Knittel:  Mörsch, Emil. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 17, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-428-00198-2 , p. 682 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Klaus Stiglat : Civil engineers and their work , Ernst & Sohn 2003
  • Achim Hettler and Karl-Eugen Kurrer : Earth pressure . Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-433-03274-9 , pp. 326–327

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Emil Mörsch commemorative coin. In: DEUTSCHER BETON- UND BAUTECHNIK-VEREIN EV March 8, 2019, accessed on March 13, 2019 .