Günter Will

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Günter Will (born January 8, 1916 in Hamburg ; † February 16, 1999 there ) was a German historian and officer, most recently a colonel in the Bundeswehr . He was a close colleague of Wolf Graf von Baudissin and played a key role in the conception of the Inner Tour in the 1950s. From 1966 to 1973 he was the founding commander of the Bundeswehr Staff Academy in Hamburg.


Will came from a Mecklenburg family who lived in Hamburg; his father was naturalized in 1913. He was a member of the German Gymnastics Association and the Boy Scout Association . After graduating from high school in 1935, Will did Reich Labor Service and then military service in the Wehrmacht in Marienburg in West Prussia. In 1938 he was promoted to lieutenant and a professional soldier. During the Second World War it was used in Poland (1939), France (1940) and the Soviet Union, later he was a tactics teacher at the Döberitz infantry school . On the day of the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944 , he was "involuntarily" involved in "securing the radio transmission systems in Berlin for the success of the coup". Most recently he was a captain battalion commander in the infantry. Will was first captured by the Czechs as a prisoner of war in a Prague hospital , which he then served with the British in Hamburg until 1946.

From 1947 he studied history, literary history and German language and literature on state exams at the University of Hamburg . In 1952 he was with the social and regional historian Hermann Aubin at the Philosophical Faculty with the dissertation The end of Dithmarscher freedom. A politico-military study from the middle of the 16th century on Dr. phil. PhD.

As a student in the 1950s, Will heard a lecture from Major i. G. a. D. Wolf Graf von Baudissin at the University of Hamburg, which resulted in contact with Baudissin. From 1953 Will worked under Count von Baudissin in the “Inner Structure” department in the Blank office in Bonn. In 1954 he became head of the "Information" section, which today corresponds to political education . He then joined the Bundeswehr as a major ; from 1955 he worked under Count von Baudissin in subdivision IV B ( internal leadership ) of the armed forces department of the Federal Ministry of Defense ; his successor was frigate captain Walter Flachsenberg . He played a decisive role in the "academic organization of teaching" at the Bundeswehr school for internal leadership and the later staff academy, and his term in office was also associated with the "journalistic beginnings of the subdivision". In the beginning, it was mainly Will who was entrusted with the supervision of the multi-volume handbook of political-historical education Fateful Questions of the Present (1957 ff.). He also made a decisive contribution to the Inner Guidance Manual published in 1957 . It was also he who launched Information for the troop for which he was responsible from 1953 to 1958. According to Freiherr von Rosen , his merit lies above all in "developing the pedagogical characteristics of the concept of Inner Guidance".

Briefly active at the Military History Research Office, in 1958 - meanwhile promoted to lieutenant colonel - he was a lecturer in military and war history at the Army Officer School II in Husum and Hamburg. From 1960 to 1963 he was in command of the 172nd Panzer Grenadier Battalion in Hamburg. This was followed by a position as a lecturer at the Bundeswehr school for internal leadership in Koblenz. From 1966 to 1973 he was the only commander of the Bundeswehr Staff Academy in Hamburg, which he built up from 1965. In 1970/71 he was also a member of the education commission headed by Thomas Ellwein at the Federal Minister of Defense Helmut Schmidt to reform the training system of the Bundeswehr. In 1974 he retired as a colonel . He published in military journals such as Information for the Troops , Wehrwissenschaftliche Rundschau and European Wehrkunde .

In the 1969 Bundestag elections , he ran for the German Bundestag at number 9 on the CDU Hamburg's state list .

Fonts (selection)

  • What happened in the final feud. A contribution to the problem of warfare and politics at the turn of the modern age. In: Dithmarschen. Zeitschrift für Landeskunde und Heimatpflege NF 1959, No. 2, pp. 27–35.
  • The Ursula Night in Lüneburg on October 21, 1371. In: Lüneburger Blätter. 1970/71, issue 21/22, pp. 7-20.
  • Preface. In: Peter Balke: Political education in the Bundeswehr. Presumption or chance (= military science research / Department of the military, state and society. Volume 1). Boldt, Boppard 1970, ISBN 3-7646-1549-4 , p. 7 f.
  • With Wolf Graf von Baudissin : Inner guidance / Inner structure. In: Wilhelm Bierfelder (Hrsg.): Short dictionary of the public service. The human resources . E. Schmidt, Berlin 1976, ISBN 3-503-01424-1 , Sp. 818-827.
  • Freedom and responsibility. The principles of the conception of inner leadership. A politico-military essay (= documenta militaria series ). Edited by Elisabeth Will, Thesis-Verlag, Egg 2002, ISBN 3-908544-99-8 .


  • Detlef Bald : Pioneer of the military reform in the fifties. Wolf Graf von Baudissin and Günter Will. In: Detlef Bald, Andreas Prüfert (ed.): From war to military reform. On the debate about models in the Bundeswehr and the National People's Army (= military and social sciences. Volume 20). Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden 1997, ISBN 3-7890-4911-5 , pp. 57-74.
  • Detlef Bald: Günter Will. In: Detlef Bald, Uwe Hartmann , Claus von Rosen (eds.): Classics of pedagogy in the German military (= Inner Leadership Forum . Volume 5). Nomos, Baden-Baden 1999, ISBN 3-7890-6039-9 , pp. 227-239.
  • Frank Nägler : The wanted soldier and his change. Personnel armament and internal leadership in the years of establishment of the Bundeswehr 1956 to 1964/65 (= Security Policy and Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany , Volume 9). A publication by the Military History Research Office, Oldenbourg, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-486-58815-6 , p. 34, fn. 14. (short biography)
  • Hans-Joachim Reeb , Peter Többicke: Will, Günter. In: Lexicon of Inner Leadership. All aspects of Inner Leadership at a glance . 4th edition, Walhalla Fachverlag, Regensburg 2014, ISBN 978-3-8029-6257-8 , p. 287. f.
  • Claus Freiherr von Rosen : Peace as a motive. Günter Will - creator of information for the troops. In: Information for the Troop No. 8/91, pp. 67–70.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Detlef Bald : Günter Will. In: Detlef Bald, Uwe Hartmann , Claus von Rosen (eds.): Classics of pedagogy in the German military (= Inner Leadership Forum . Volume 5). Nomos, Baden-Baden 1999, ISBN 3-7890-6039-9 , pp. 227-239, here: p. 227.
  2. Frank Nägler : The wanted soldier and his change. Personnel armament and internal leadership in the years of establishment of the Bundeswehr 1956 to 1964/65 (= security policy and armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany. Volume 9). A publication by the Military History Research Office, Oldenbourg, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-486-58815-6 , p. 261, fn. 734.
  3. a b Detlef Bald : Günter Will. In: Detlef Bald, Uwe Hartmann , Claus von Rosen (eds.): Classics of pedagogy in the German military (= Inner Leadership Forum . Volume 5). Nomos, Baden-Baden 1999, ISBN 3-7890-6039-9 , pp. 227-239, here: p. 228.
  4. ^ Christian Hauck: Historical Education - Political Education. Two new ways of education for the Bundeswehr. In: Uwe Hartmann , Claus Freiherr von Rosen (Hrsg.): Sciences and their relevance for the Bundeswehr as an army in action (= yearbook Innereführung 2013). Hartmann, Miles-Verlag, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-937885-67-4 , p. 223.
  5. a b Frank Nägler : The wanted soldier and his change. Personnel armament and internal leadership in the years of establishment of the Bundeswehr 1956 to 1964/65 (= Security Policy and Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany , Volume 9). A publication by the Military History Research Office, Oldenbourg, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-486-58815-6 , p. 240.
  6. ^ A b c Hans-Joachim Reeb , Peter Többicke: Will, Günter. In: Lexicon of Inner Leadership. All aspects of Inner Leadership at a glance . 4th edition, Walhalla Fachverlag, Regensburg 2014, ISBN 978-3-8029-6257-8 , p. 287.
  7. Frank Nägler : The wanted soldier and his change. Personnel armament and internal leadership in the years of establishment of the Bundeswehr 1956 to 1964/65 (= Security Policy and Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany , Volume 9). A publication by the Military History Research Office, Oldenbourg, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-486-58815-6 , p. 247.
  8. Gerd Portugall: The way to the conception of the inner leadership and the essential actors in the design. In: Hans-Christian Beck , Christian Singer: Decide, lead, take responsibility. Being a soldier in the 21st century . Hartmann, Miles-Verlag, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-937885-42-1 , p. 28; see. Frank Nägler : The wanted soldier and his change. Personnel armament and internal leadership in the years of establishment of the Bundeswehr 1956 to 1964/65 (= Security Policy and Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany , Volume 9). A publication by the Military History Research Office, Oldenbourg, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-486-58815-6 , p. 245.
  9. Claus Freiherr von Rosen : Science and military leadership in Baudissin's conception of inner leadership. In: Uwe Hartmann , Claus Freiherr von Rosen (Hrsg.): Sciences and their relevance for the Bundeswehr as an army in action (= yearbook Innereführung 2013). Hartmann, Miles-Verlag, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-937885-67-4 , p. 83.
  10. Frank Nägler : The wanted soldier and his change. Personnel armament and internal leadership in the years of establishment of the Bundeswehr 1956 to 1964/65 (= Security Policy and Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany , Volume 9). A publication by the Military History Research Office, Oldenbourg, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-486-58815-6 , p. 240, fn. 650.
  11. ^ Christian Hauck: Historical Education - Political Education. Two new ways of education for the Bundeswehr. In: Uwe Hartmann , Claus Freiherr von Rosen (Hrsg.): Sciences and their relevance for the Bundeswehr as an army in action (= yearbook Innereführung 2013). Hartmann, Miles-Verlag, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-937885-67-4 , p. 232.
  12. Detlef Bald : Günter Will. In: Detlef Bald, Uwe Hartmann , Claus von Rosen (eds.): Classics of pedagogy in the German military (= Inner Leadership Forum . Volume 5). Nomos, Baden-Baden 1999, ISBN 3-7890-6039-9 , pp. 227-239, here: p. 229.
  13. ^ Detlev Preusse: Formation of groups and intra-party democracy. Using the example of the Hamburg CDU (= studies on the political system of the Federal Republic of Germany. Volume 26). Hain, Königstein 1981, ISBN 3-445-12158-3 , p. 256; Will, Günter, Dr. In: Martin Schumacher (Ed.): MdB - The People's Representation 1946–1972. - [Waas bis Wynands] (=  KGParl online publications ). Commission for the History of Parliamentarism and Political Parties e. V., Berlin 2006, ISBN 978-3-00-020703-7 , pp. 1369 , urn : nbn: de: 101: 1-2014070812574 ( kgparl.de [PDF; 393 kB ; accessed on June 19, 2017]).