Thank God Samuel Mohn

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Gottlob Samuel Mohn (born December 4, 1789 in Weißenfels , † November 2, 1825 in Laxenburg ) was a German glass painter and enameller .

Mug Karlskirche
St Helena mug


Gottlob Samuel Mohn attended high schools in Halle , Berlin and Stettin . In 1805 he was a student of the chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth . He received his artistic training from his father Sigismund Mohn in the period from 1807 to 1808. A painted silhouette cup from that time exists in the Museum of Art and Applied Arts in Halle. Hollow glasses with transparent landscapes and cityscapes were created in his father's workshop. This was followed by lessons in drawing with Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld in Leipzig . In 1810 he graduated from the Dresden Art Academy with Christian August Lindner . In 1811 he moved to Vienna and worked for Emperor Franz , Archduke Ferdinand and the Vienna churches. His travel and maintenance were financially supported by Duke Albert von Sachsen-Teschen .

At the Vienna Polytechnic Institute , he studied further and experimented in the glassworks of Türnitz with different color blends. He was friends with the well-known glass painter Anton Kothgasser. His drinking glasses show painted vedutas of the imperial city, St. Stephen's Cathedral , Karlskirche , Michaelerplatz and Kärntner Straße, but also from the surroundings of Vienna such as Heiligenstadt and Laxenburg . In line with his German tradition , he also created works with motifs from Germany , such as views of the Berlin Palace , the Brandenburg Gate , the skyline of Dresden , the Dresden Zwinger , Moritzburg Castle and others. Around 1816 he painted a cup with the motif of the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig.

In 1824 he was appointed imperial palace painter. The painting of cut glasses complemented his artistic skills. The glasses with rich cut decoration were in great demand at this time. Around 1820 he switched to panel glass painting. This is how heraldic windows, landscapes and cityscapes were created on sheet glass . Popular paintings were also the panorama of the island of St. Helena , Napoleon's place of exile. He also created exact topographical paintings with symbols or animated scenes on glasses such as harvesting crops or deer hunts.


  • 1806: Coat of arms window in the Helenenmausoleum, Ludwigslust .
  • 1813: Window painting in the Franzensburg , Laxenburg.
  • 1815 to 1816: Coat of arms windows and windows at Brandhof Palace .
  • 1815 to 1820: 13 trophies with views of Lower Austrian and Burgenland palaces and fortresses of Wildenstein knighthood
  • 1816: Window painting in the Princely Orsini-Rosenberg'schen crypt chapel in Pfannsdorf in Carinthia
  • 1820: Window painting for the Church of Mary in Stiegen.
  • around 1820: 12 almanac cups with meticulously painted annual calendars on the outer walls. Three copies still preserved.
  • 1822: Window painting for the Ruprechtskirche in Vienna
  • 1824: Window painting with Habsburg portraits and coats of arms in Laxenburg, completed by Wilhelm Vörtel .


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