Thank God Siegmund von Brasch

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Coat of arms of the von Brasch noble family

Gottlob Siegmund von Brasch (born January 14, 1752 in Netzeband , Mecklenburg ; † May 31, 1803 near Libau , Latvia ) was a lawyer who moved from Mecklenburg to Riga around 1770 . There he became the progenitor of the German-Baltic noble family von Brasch . He was a notary , councilor in Dorpat and councilor in Livonia .


Gottlob Siegmund studied in 1769 at the University of Halle , and in 1773 at the University of Konigsberg law . In between he traveled to Western Europe . Around 1770 he took over a position as legal advisor and notary in Riga . He moved to Dorpat and in 1776 became court secretary at the Vogteigericht . From 1776 to 1782 he was General Counsel of the City Council , was elected in 1782 for scholarly alderman and entered 1783 in the civil service one. As secretary of the Livonian Kameralhof he worked in Riga from 1783 to 1793. Then he was appointed Secretary of the Governor General Prince Nikolai Vasilyevich Repnin (1734-1801) and in 1794 raised to the Russian nobility . It was then used as a secretary to the civil governor of Livonia Peter von der Pahlen (1745-1826). From 1795 he was economic director of the Courland Chamber of Commerce in Mitau and was appointed Councilor, in the same year he received the Courland and in 1797 the Livonian indigenous . He and all members of his family were also enrolled in the Livonian Knighthood under registration number 252 . In 1799 he was a deputy member of the Livonian Knighthood in the founding board of trustees of the University of Dorpat . From 1790 to 1796 he was the pawn owner and then the owner of the Rasin estate and, since 1800, the pawnbroker of the Ropkoy and Renningshof estates (both at Dorpat) in Livonia. On a return trip from Königsberg in Prussia to Riga, he died on May 31, 1803 near Libau.

Origin and family

Gottlob Siegmund was the son of Kuno Jakob Brasch, who worked as a bailiff in Hoppenrade . His mother was Katharina Dorothea Georgi. In 1778 Gottlob married Charlotte Amalie Stockenberg (* around 1754 in Teilitz ; † 1802 in Ropkoy), a great-granddaughter of the sculptor Johann Gustav Stockenberg . Her descendants were:

  • Konrad Siegmund von Brasch (* 1779 in Dorpat; † 1835 in Aya ), Herr auf Ropkoy, Renningshof and Aya, court judge, district administrator ∞ Alexandra Katharina Countess von Dücker (1786 - 1846)
  • Dorothea Amalie von Brasch (1781 - 1849) ∞ Karl Gustav von Stackelberg (1780 - 1806)
  • Luise Carlotte von Brasch (1783 - 1861) ∞ Viktor Philipp Volmerange-Helmund († 1835), consul in Riga
  • Karoline Sophie von Brasch (1784 - 1785)
  • Karl Christoph von Brasch (* 1787 in Riga, † 1835 in Rome ) ∞ Anna Bianchini († around 1830)


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Arthur von Lemm: Dorpater Ratslinie 1319–1889 and the Dorpater Stadtamt 1878–1918 (=  scientific contributions to the history and regional studies of East Central Europe . Volume 48 ). Herder Institute, Marburg / Lahn 1960, OCLC 174322691 , p. 47 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00096846-3 ( digitized version ).
  2. Kameralhof was the authority that administered the governorship's crown income . Kameralhof . In: Former Academy of Sciences of the GDR, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 6 , issue 5 (edited by Hans Blesken, Siegfried Reicke ). Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 1965, OCLC 832566941 ( ).
  3. Indrek Jürjo : Enlightenment in the Baltic States: Life and Work of the Livonian scholar August Wilhelm Hupel (1737–1819) (= sources and studies on Baltic history, Volume 19). Böhlau Verlag, Cologne / Weimar, 2006, ISBN 3-412-30805-6 , p. 176;
  4. Dorothee M. Goeze, Ed. Peter Wörster: Universities in Eastern Central Europe: Between Church, State and Nation - Social-historical and political developments (= peoples, states and cultures in East Central Europe , Volume 3). Verlag Walter de Gruyter, 2008, ISBN 3-486-84546-2 , p. 53;
  5. Estonian manors: Rasina / Rasin
  6. Nikolai von Essen : Family Tables - Pedigree - Portraits (=  news about the Ungern-Sternberg family . Addendum III). Publisher of Professor Rolf Freiherr v. Ungern-Sternberg, Tartu 1936, p. 206-208 ( hdl: 10062/33414 ).
  7. Samuel Baur : New historical-biographical-literary handbook: From the creation of the world to the end of the eighteenth century . Stettinische Buchhandlung, Ulm 1816, Sp. 155 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  8. ^ Johann Friedrich von Recke , Karl Eduard Napiersky : General writers and scholars lexicon of the provinces of Livonia, Esthland and Courland . tape 1 . Johann Friedrich Steffenhagen and son, Mitau 1827, p. 237 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).