Hajo Hoffmann (politician)

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Hans-Joachim Hoffmann (born February 12, 1945 in Lichtenfels ) is a German politician ( SPD ).

Job and family

Hajo Hoffmann attended grammar school and graduated from secondary school there. After completing a business apprenticeship, he made up his Abitur at the Saarland College in 1970 and then studied economics and political science at the Saarland University . In 1974 he completed his studies with a degree in economics and then worked as an employee of the adult education center and as a consultant in adult education.

Hoffmann is married.


Hoffmann has been a member of the SPD since 1970. From 1974 he was an economics advisor to the SPD parliamentary group in the Saarland state parliament until he was elected to the Bundestag two years later . He was able to obtain a direct mandate in three elections in the constituency of Saarbrücken-Stadt. On April 11, 1985 he resigned from parliament; Fred Ranker moved up for him . He was also a member of the European Parliament from 1977 to 1979 .

After the change of government in Saarland , he took over the office of Minister of Economics in the cabinet of Oskar Lafontaine in April 1985 , succeeding Horst Rehberger . As Minister of Economic Affairs, who was also responsible for forestry and hunting, Hoffmann appointed the Hessian forestry officer Wilhelm Bode to be his head of forestry in 1987 and actively supported him against the declared resistance of his forest bureaucracy in the Saarland forest reform, namely the nationwide introduction of near-natural forest management ( permanent mixed forest ). This reform was largely aimed at the later nationwide acceptance and expansion of deforestation-free, near-natural forest management in Germany. In 1991, Hoffmann was elected Lord Mayor of Saarbrücken , which is why he gave up his ministerial post to Reinhold Kopp in 1992. From May 1999 Hoffmann was also President of the German Association of Cities .

Impeachment and sentencing

In 1999 Hoffmann came under fire when he was accused of infidelity in connection with construction work on his house . Despite the allegations, he was confirmed in office by the citizens in the mayoral election in February 2001.

The public prosecutor's office brought charges against Hoffmann in April 2001, whereupon the Saarbrücken District Court sentenced him on May 15, 2002 to a fine of 200 daily rates of 125 euros. Hoffmann then resigned from his position as President of the City Council to prevent the City Council from being affected. Her successor was the Lord Mayor of Frankfurt, Petra Roth . However, Hoffmann refused to resign as mayor on the grounds that the judgment was not yet final.

The black-green coalition in the Saarbrücken city council tried to initiate a voting procedure in June, but failed because of the two-thirds majority required for this. The Saarland Ministry of the Interior examined a suspension in the summer and finally removed Hoffmann temporarily on August 27. The decision was confirmed by the Saarland Administrative Court in November . Hoffmann's official business was taken over by Mayor Kajo Breuer (Greens).

In the second instance, the Saarbrücken regional court sentenced Hoffmann to a fine of 90 daily rates of 120 euros each on March 22, 2004, whereupon he announced his resignation as mayor. In the new elections in September 2004, Charlotte Britz (SPD) prevailed against Josef Hecken (CDU). On December 8, 2004, the Saarbrücken Higher Regional Court rejected Hoffmann's appeal for appeal as unfounded, making the judgment legally binding.


  1. ^ Hoffmann new president of the city council. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung of May 7, 1999
  2. Serious allegations against the OB. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung of May 22, 1999
  3. Hoffmann convicted of infidelity. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung from May 16, 2002
  4. ^ Hoffmann: Resignation as city president. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung of May 29, 2002
  5. Hoffmann remains in office. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung from June 12, 2002
  6. Hoffmann suspended as mayor. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung from August 28, 2002
  7. ^ Judge: Hoffmann remains suspended. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung of November 21, 2002
  8. Power is redistributed in the town hall. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung of August 29, 2002
  9. City hall boss is wanted. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung of March 23, 2004
  10. Hoffmann judgment now final. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung from December 9, 2004