Hannover Re

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Hannover Re

legal form European society
ISIN DE0008402215
founding 1966
Seat Hanover , GermanyGermanyGermany 
  • Jean-Jacques Henchoz, CEO
    Sven Althoff
    Claude Chèvre
    Klaus Miller
    Michael Pickel
    Silke Sehm
    Roland Vogel
Number of employees 3,083
sales 22.6 billion euros (gross premiums, 2019)
Branch Reinsurance
Website www.hannover-rueck.de
As of December 31, 2019

The Hannover Rück SE is a publicly listed German reinsurance company headquartered in Hanover and is the majority shareholder Talanx Corporation. It has its origins in the joint stock company for transport and reinsurance (ATR) founded in 1966 and is now one of the three largest reinsurers in the world.


Company headquarters in Hanover

With a premium volume of over EUR 22 billion, Hannover Re is one of the world's leading reinsurance groups. It operates all lines of property and life and health reinsurance and has a network of subsidiaries and affiliated companies, branches and representative offices on all five continents with more than 3,000 employees. The Group's German business is operated by the subsidiary E + S Rück.

The rating agencies important for the insurance industry have awarded both Hannover Re and E + S Rück very good financial strength ratings (Standard & Poor's AA- “Very Strong”, AM Best A + “Superior”).

Hannover Re was founded in 1966 as a "stock corporation for transport and reinsurance". Since then, the gross written premium has grown from EUR 0.05 million to EUR 22.6 billion in 2019.

Share and shareholders

The majority shareholder since February 2006 has been HDI Haftpflichtverband der Deutschen Industrie , which holds 50.2% of the Hannover Re shares through Talanx AG. A share of 43.73% is in free float . The remaining shares are divided between BlackRock, Inc. (3.05%) and Deutsche Asset Management Investment GmbH (3.02%). From March 23, 2009 to September 18, 2009 the company was listed in the DAX . After this period, the share is listed in the MDAX again . Hannover Re is also listed in the Lower Saxony NISAX20 share index .

Financial metrics

Key figures of the Hannover Re Group in a multi-year comparison:

size 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Gross written premiums in € m 17,068.7 16,353.6 17,790.5 19,176.4 22,597.6
Net premiums earned in € million 14,593.0 14,410.3 15,631.7 17,289.1 19,729.7
Underwriting result in € m 488.9 448.1 −253.6 156.9 −9.7
Consolidated net income in € million 1,150.7 1,171.2 958.6 1,059.5 1,284.2
Balance sheet total in € million 63,214.9 63,528.6 61,196.8 64,508.6 71,356.4
Share price at year-end in € 105.65 102.80 104.90 117.70 172.30
Market capitalization at year-end in € million 12,741.1 12,397.4 12,650.6 14,194.3 20,778.9

Web links

Commons : Hannover Re  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b DGAP-News: Hannover Re: Annual General Meeting approves all proposed resolutions (German). Retrieved May 9, 2019 .
  2. a b Annual Report 2019 , accessed on March 11, 2020
  3. Carsten Herz: Hannover Re: Why the reinsurer beats Munich Re In: handelsblatt.com , 7 February 2018, accessed on 14 February 2018.
  4. Hannover Re - Group structure In: hannover-rueck.de , accessed on February 14, 2018.
  5. About Hannover Re. Retrieved March 10, 2015 .
  6. Numbers and facts. In: hannover-rueck.de. Retrieved March 10, 2015 .
  7. Hannover Re share | Company profile | Dates | 840221 | DE0008402215. Retrieved February 14, 2019 .
  8. Christian Kirchner: DAX newcomers hardly benefit. FTD , March 5, 2009; archived from the original on November 6, 2012 ; accessed on March 23, 2013 (Hannover Re and Fresenius im Dax).
  9. Key figures Hannover Re: (2015–2019) ( Memento of April 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) - (2015–2019). hannover-rueck.de, accessed on March 11, 2020 .

Coordinates: 52 ° 23 ′ 31.2 "  N , 9 ° 48 ′ 13.7"  E