Hans Leinberger

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Hans Leinberger: "Christ in misery", around 1525, ( Bode Museum , Berlin )
Hans Leinberger: “St. Anna Selbdritt ”, around 1510, limewood with remains of an older version, Bavarian National Museum , Munich
Hans Leinberger: "Maria with Child", around 1515, limewood with remains of the original paintwork, Bavarian National Museum , Munich
Hans Leinberger: “St. Jakobus or Jodokus ”, around 1525, linden wood, Bavarian National Museum , Munich
An exhibit in Ambras Castle (Austria): skeleton, depicted in strong, dancing counter-post, attributed to Hans Leinberger, in the inventory of 1596, see Memento Mori

Hans Leinberger , also Lemberger (* around 1470/1480; † 1531 or a little later) was a sculptor at the transition from late Gothic and Renaissance in old Bavaria and one of the most important sculptors and carvers of his time. Leinberger worked in wood, metal and stone.

Origin and way of life

His place of birth is not documented, but his artistic origin is recognizable based on stylistic evidence from the Nuremberg art of the 1480s and -90s. The sculptor Simon Lainberger, who was most mentioned and famous there in those years, could not only have been his father or at least a close relative because of the fact that he had the same name. If one accepts the early year of birth around 1470, it could also be identical to a Johannes Laimberger, who came from Augsburg and enrolled at the University of Ingolstadt in 1487 . Relations with Augsburg masters could confirm a stay in Augsburg. Even after his settlement in Landshut around 1510 (first mention), only a few documents are available about Leinberger's artistic work, most of them about his main work, the high altar retable of the Moosburg collegiate church St. Kastulus , donated posthumously by Duke Albrecht the Wise and the Provost Theoderich Maier. Other mentions refer to works for Kaiser Maximilian , for Regensburg , Dingolfing and Polling . Even the exact workshop location is unknown in the last few years of creation.

Since 1516 he has been working for Duke Ludwig X. , who since then resided in Landshut as co-regent of Duke Wilhelm IV in Lower Bavaria. Pay payments in 1529/30 indicate a position comparable to that of a court artist.

It is very likely that Hans Leinberger or "Lemberger" is an older brother or already the father of the painter and graphic artist Georg Lemberger from Landshut.

As Theodor Demmler recognized in 1914, there are no artistic relationships with the picture carver HL ( Master HL ) who was active in the Upper Rhine ( Breisach ) and was also a graphic artist .


Today, Leinberger's fame is mainly linked to the high altar of the Kastulus Minster in Moosburg an der Isar , which was completed in 1514 , the largest preserved altar retable in Old Bavaria , which of course was extensively redesigned by the Landshut sculptor Christian Jorhan the Elder in the late 18th century . Ä. has experienced. Leinberger is here the image concept of Luke Madonna - a painted half-length image of the Virgin and Child, which the Evangelist Luke is said to have created - into three dimensions and full-length to and forms at the same time in resorting to the art of beautiful style a visual language of unparalleled powerful effect.

According to the Anna selbdritt relief dated 1513 in the church of St. Johann im Gnadenthal of the Gnadenthal monastery in Ingolstadt , the sculptor must have handled a large volume of commissions at that time. The entrustment of the bronze statue of Count Albrecht IV of Habsburg on the tomb of Emperor Maximilian in the Innsbruck Court Church in 1514 - the drawing provided by Albrecht Dürer - shows the high reputation of the artist. With the former Rosary Madonna of St. Martin in Landshut (around 1516/18?) And the seated figure of St. Jodok for the second parish church in the city (around 1525?; Today: Munich, Bavarian National Museum , inv. No. 15/114) Leinberger reached the peak of his work at the turn of the third decade. The altar figures of the former high altar of the Church of Our Lady in Polling - only the enthroned Mother of God ( Polling Abbey ) and the Man of Sorrows (Weilheim, City Museum, inv. No.B 165) have been preserved - are the last archival documented works of the sculptor. Also in the baroque St. John's Church in Deutenhausen near Weilheim , a parish church incorporated into Polling Monastery from 1209–1803, there is a standing Virgin and Child on the high altar, which is probably a scaled-down counterpart to the Landshut Rosary Madonna, since the middle of the 18th century. Century is crowned with baroque silver crowns.

Leinberger's work exerted an influence on contemporaries that is still only rudimentary. In the east of Bavaria, the so-called master of the Altötting doors developed a lively workshop activity in his successor. For decades, the sculptor Peter Dell d. Ä. , an apprentice of Tilman Riemenschneider , from the impressions gained in Landshut.

Other works

  • Berlin, Sculpture Collection - State Museums of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Bode Museum): “Bronzemadonna” (Inv.-No. 381); Christ in misery (inv.no.8347); Descent from the Cross and Lamentation of Christ (inv. Nos. 5941 and M 63); Baptism of Christ in the Jordan (Inv.No. 3026)
  • Erding , parish church St. Johann , choir arch crucifix around 1525
  • Furth near Landshut , parish church St. Sebastian : Mother of God with child around 1510/1520
  • Landshut, St. Nikola parish church : Christ at rest, around 1523
  • Munich , Bavarian National Museum: Crucifixion of Christ (Inv.-No. R 171); St. Maria Magdalena (inv. No. 13/303); Mother of God enthroned with child (Inv.-No. 24/311); mourning Maria (Inv.No.MA 4241)
  • Regensburg , Stiftspfarrkirche St. Kassian: Beautiful Maria
  • Ambras Castle near Innsbruck , Chamber of Art and Curiosities: Tödlein
  • Straubing , St. Peter cemetery , Agnes-Bernauer-Chapel: epitaph of Johann Walkheimer († 1529)


  • Georg Lill : Hans Leinberger. The picture carver from Landshut. The artist's world and environment. F. Bruckmann, Munich 1942
  • Hans Thoma: Hans Leinberger. His city, his time, his work. Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg 1979, ISBN 3-7917-0578-4
  • Alfred Schädler:  Leinberger, Hans. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 14, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-428-00195-8 , pp. 140-142 ( digitized version ).
  • Paul M. Arnold: Hans-Leinberger-Heft No. 1 - Hans Leinberger's Moosburger high altar, Landshut 1990, ISBN 3-928356-01-1
  • Paul M. Arnold: Hans-Leinberger-Heft No. 2 - The unknown Hans Leinberger - Unknown and misunderstood works of the Landshut sculptor, Landshut 1991, ISBN 3-928356-00-3
  • Michael Baxandall: The Art of the Picture Carver. Tilman Riemenschneider, Veit Stoss & their contemporaries . Beck, 3rd edition, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-406-09455-4 , especially pp. 211-226 u. 368–373 (German edition of The Limewood Sculpture of Renaissance Germany , 1980)
  • Heinz Dollinger : Hans Leinberger's (submerged) St. Georgs silver shields and his graphic works . In: Oberbayerisches Archiv, ISSN  0342-1686 , Vol. 129, Munich 2005, pp. 189–362
  • Rainer Kahsnitz: The large carved altars. Late Gothic in southern Germany, Austria and South Tyrol. Recordings by Achim Bunz. Hirmer, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-7774-2625-3 , p. ???.
  • Heike Weber: "Mausoleum Stat in medio Chori" . On image use in collegiate collegiate churches in the Middle Ages, shown using the example of the Moosburg high altar by Hans Leinberger. Dissertation University of Bamberg, 2006.
  • To Leinberger. Students and contemporaries. Museums of the City of Landshut, Landshut 2007, ISBN 978-3-924943-50-9
  • Hans Dietl: "The St. George's Church in Kleinbottwar - Master of the Altar: Hans Leinberger:" In: History sheets from the Bottwartal Vol. 11, 2008, ISSN  0948-1532 .
  • Paul M. Arnold: The high altar of the Moosburger Kastulusmünster - a major work of Hans Leinberger. Booklet accompanying a lecture in 2011 on the reopening of the altar in Moosburg. Landshut 2011 and 2017 as download from www.hans-leinberger-verein.de

Web links

Commons : Hans Leinberger  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. pfarrei-weilheim.de: Church chronicle St. Johannes