Heinrich Caspari

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Caspari's grave in the Katharinen Cemetery

Karl Wilhelm Heinrich Caspari (born November 29, 1805 in Braunschweig ; † May 3, 1880 there ) was Lord Mayor of the city of Braunschweig from 1848 to 1879 .

life and work

The doctor's son Caspari attended the Collegium Carolinum in Braunschweig and then studied law at the University of Göttingen , where he joined the Corps Brunsviga . At the beginning of his civil service career he worked as a judicial officer in Blankenburg from 1834 before moving to the ducal district court in Wolfenbüttel in 1841 . In his hometown he became the police director in 1847. After the resignation of the magistrate director Wilhelm Bode , Caspari was elected as his successor in April 1848. He received the title of Lord Mayor from Duke Wilhelm . Since 1848 Caspari belonged to the Braunschweig Landtag , of which he was president for many years.

The Caspari Treaty

Caspari is the namesake of the contract concluded in August 1858 between the city of Braunschweig and the ducal state government, which replaced the "interim" implemented by Bode in 1832 and which lasted until 1934. It provided the city with financial advantages, as the state would in future have to bear the maintenance costs for the Oker and its bridges as well as for the ramparts. The state government also contributed to other costs for maintaining the urban infrastructure, such as paving, cleaning and lighting the streets. The state was awarded the Gewandhaus and Alte Waage , while the city got the old town hall back.

On the way to the industrial city

During Caspari's reign, the city's population increased significantly and in 1867 exceeded the 50,000 mark. The necessary expansion of the infrastructure was achieved through the construction of a gas works (1852; 1864 urban), a water works (1865), the slaughterhouse (1879), the creation of a professional fire brigade (1875) and the establishment of several schools. House numbers were introduced in the city in 1857 and the first Braunschweig building regulations were issued in 1863. The canalization began in 1869. Caspari promoted the establishment of the “municipal collections”, which took place in 1860, consisting of the city ​​archive , city ​​library and city ​​museum .

In the year of his resignation, he was granted honorary citizenship of the city of Braunschweig on February 20, 1879 .

Casparistraße in downtown Braunschweig is named after him. In April 2013, the residents of the northern part of Brunswick voted to name a new building area in their district after him, the Caspari district.


Individual evidence

  1. Joh. Heinr. Meyer Verlag (Hrsg.): Braunschweigisches address book for the year 1879. Joh. Heinr. Meyer Verlag. Braunschweig. 1879. ( Digitized version , page 218)
  2. ↑ City Chronicle Braunschweig - 1879 on braunschweig.de
  3. Jörn Stachura (April 17, 2013): Name dispute - how much Caspari is good for Braunschweig? on braunschweiger-zeitung.de