Heinrich Herrmann (architect)

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Heinrich Herrmann (born August 13, 1821 in Krotoschin , Province of Posen , † September 30, 1889 in Berlin , full name: Heinrich Ludwig Alexander Herrmann ) was a German architect and Prussian construction officer .


Heinrich Herrmann was the son of a Thurn und Taxis official. After attending the elementary school in Krotoschin, he went to the Friedrichsgymnasium in Breslau from 1832 to 1836 and then to the Realschule in Breslau until June 1836. In 1839/40 he did a surveyor apprenticeship with examination in Poznan and then worked in practice until 1841. From 1842 to 1844 he attended the Berlin building academy until he passed the building management exam . In 1843 he became a member of the Berlin Architects' Association . Herrmann was practically active in port construction in Stolpmünde , road construction in Silesia , the church in Rowe and the city court in Wroclaw. In October 1847 he passed the master builder examination and then got a job with the government in Köslin . In June 1852 he was the district builder in Greifenhagen , in 1855 a building inspector in Düsseldorf and in 1856 in Stettin . In May 1862 he became superstructure inspector and technical member of the government in Liegnitz , and in December 1863 construction officer. From November 1864 he worked in the construction department of the Prussian Ministry of Commerce, from May 1865 he was co-director of the ministerial building commission (department artillery building in Spandau , foreign office and banks) as government and building advisor and from August 1866 a member of the technical building deputation. In August 1867 he took a trip to Belgium and France to study bank and parliament buildings. In October 1867 he became a secret building councilor and lecturer in the Ministry of Commerce (department of administrative, post office, court and prison buildings) and in June 1872 a secret senior building councilor. In 1875 he made a trip to southern Germany and the Netherlands . In 1879 he was put in charge of adapting the expansion principles for courthouses based on the new Courts Constitution Act of 1877/1879 . In 1880 he was appointed senior building director. On September 20, 1880 he became a member of the newly established Prussian Academy of civil engineering , where he led from November 1881 to September 1883 and from October 1886, the Department of Building and was from 1886 Vice President.





  • Uwe Kieling: Berlin building officials and state architects in the 19th century. Berlin 1986, p. 42 f.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Regional and District Court II in the Architecture Museum
  2. ^ Regional court in Potsdam in the architecture museum