Heinrich Karl Abraham Imhoff

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Heinrich Karl Abraham Imhoff Pascha (born February 20, 1854 in Kreuznach , † February 27, 1918 in Berlin ) was a Prussian and Ottoman lieutenant general and a military writer .



He was the son of the businessman Louis Imhoff († 1881) and his wife Elise, née Schmidt († 1877).

Military career

After attending elementary school and grammar school in his hometown, Imhoff joined the Prussian army as a one-year volunteer at the beginning of the war against France . He was initially assigned to the replacement battalion of the Rhenish Field Artillery Regiment No. 8 and came into the field on September 5, 1870 with the mobile 5th light battery . Imhoff took part in the battles at Amiens , the Hallue , Bapaume and St. Quentin .

Awarded the Iron Cross II. Class, Imhoff was taken into active service after the peace treaty and was transferred to the newly formed 2nd Rhenish Field Artillery Regiment No. 23 in Koblenz on October 26, 1872 . Promoted to secondary lieutenant on December 12, 1872 , he completed the United Artillery and Engineering School in Berlin from late September 1875 to mid-June 1877 . After his return he was first used as an adjutant of the 2nd division and from the end of December 1878 as a regimental adjutant. In this capacity, promoted to Prime Lieutenant on March 22, 1881 , Imhoff was transferred to the Hauptkadettenanstalt as a military instructor on March 30, 1882 under position à la suite of the regiment . After two years of teaching, he came to the Thuringian Field Artillery Regiment No. 19 in Torgau . From there, Imhoff was transferred to the Upper Silesian Field Artillery Regiment No. 21 on November 13, 1888 as captain and battery chief . He commanded the 6th battery in Grottkau until March 21, 1891 and then worked as a teacher at the Hanover War School until April 3, 1896 . This was followed by a use in the field artillery regiment No. 35 , before Imhoff was appointed as a major on January 27, 1897 to the department commander in the 1st Baden field artillery regiment No. 14 .

Under awarding of the character as a lieutenant colonel Imhoff was the statutory pension for the April 26, 1901 disposition , put into Ottoman service to transgress. First he served as a wing adjutant to Sultan Abdülhamid II and later as an instructor in the artillery . Most recently Imhoff held the rank of lieutenant general. The Sultan awarded him the title of Pasha and also awarded Imhoff the Mecidiye Order I Class and the golden Imtiaz and Liakat medals .

After Imhoff had already received the character of Prussian colonel on May 20, 1906, he was re-employed with this rank in the army on April 20, 1910 and appointed commander of the Lower Saxony Field Artillery Regiment No. 46 in Wolfenbüttel . However, he only commanded this regiment briefly. On November 16, 1910, when he was promoted to major general, he was appointed commander of the 4th Field Artillery Brigade in Bromberg . For his many years of service, Wilhelm II awarded him the Order of the Red Eagle, Second Class with Oak Leaves, on September 13, 1911 . Due to illness, Imhoff had to hand in his departure shortly thereafter , which was granted to him with the statutory pension on November 18, 1911. In a subsequent appreciation, Imhoff was given the character of Lieutenant General on June 16, 1913.

During his active service, he published in the military weekly and, due to his language skills, in the Ottoman army newspaper Cerîde-i Askeriyye .


Imhoff married Frieda Maurer on October 17, 1884 in Berlin. The two daughters Ilse (* 1885) and Ruth (* 1888) emerged from the marriage.


Web links

Wikisource: Heinrich Karl Abraham Imhoff  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Military weekly paper. No. 2 of January 4, 1906, p. 25.
  2. Prussian War Ministry (ed.): Ranking list of the Royal Prussian Army and the XIII. (Royal Württemberg) Army Corps for 1911. ES Mittler & Sohn , Berlin 1911, p. 59.