Heinrich Ullmann

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His summer residence, Schlösschen Inching

Heinrich Ullmann (born April 15, 1872 in Göllheim , Palatinate , † June 12, 1953 in Munich ) was a German architect , Bavarian construction clerk , landscape painter and photographer .


His parents were Fritz Ullmann, a medical professional, and his wife Mine, née. Antz. The artistic talent was a legacy of a great grandfather on his mother's side, the Protestant pastor Ludwig Antz (1765–1837). His twin brother Ludwig Ullmann (born April 15, 1872; † July 22, 1943) was also an architect. 1891-1893 and 1894-1896 he studied at the Technical University of Munich , among others with August Thiersch , 1893/1894 at the Technical University (Berlin-) Charlottenburg . During his studies he became a member of the AGV Munich . In 1896 he passed his first state examination. In the following three years he completed a traineeship at the Landbauamt Kaiserslautern . From 1899–1905 he was a building authority assessor at the Landbauamt Speyer . 1904–1910 he was on leave in the district service for the construction of the sanatorium and nursing home Homburg , in addition he worked 1908–1910 as a government building assessor extra statum . When he returned to the Speyer agricultural department, he became its director on May 1, 1910. With effect from January 1, 1914, he became director of the Rosenheim agricultural office . On September 1, 1915, he was appointed to the Supreme Building Authority in the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, where he remained until he was retired on June 30, 1937. Since 1920 he was in the rank of ministerial councilor .

In Munich he was responsible as a consultant for the Ministry of Culture for the processing of church, university, school and theater buildings, especially for questions of monument preservation , homeland and nature conservation. He worked in the Bavarian National Association for Homeland Security . He had to go on numerous business trips, during which he took a lot of photos. He photographed and painted in the Altmühltal, especially during vacation periods, and during a trip to Italy in 1925 . The importance of his drawings as documentation of the Altmühl Jura House , which he worked to preserve until the end of his life, should be emphasized . The spectrum of his artistic techniques ranged from pencil, pen and chalk drawings , watercolors (often with chalk heightening) and linocuts to oil paintings . With his work he is one of the most important artists of his time, even if he did not go public and was therefore not as well known as his colleagues. His carefully created photographs also meet the highest artistic standards.

In 1983, a major Heinrich Ullmann exhibition took place in Eichstätt for the first time , after he was represented in an exhibition in the Haus der Kunst in Munich in 1942 and had already exhibited some works in Eichstätt in 1949. Another exhibition followed in 2003 in Eichstätt and Pappenheim . 1986 pictures of him could be seen in Bad Windsheim ; In 1988 his pictures of Italy were shown in Eichstätt.

Heinrich Ullmann had been with Johanna born in 1899. Giessen married, with whom he had two children. In 1919 he bought the Schlösschen Inching , built by the Eichstätter court builders Jakob Engel and Gabriel de Gabrieli , as a summer residence; it is still family-owned today. Since his retirement he lived in Munich- Obermenzing . He is buried in the local cemetery.

His twin brother Ludwig Ullmann (1872–1943) also worked as an architect. He was the son-in-law of the Palatinate Forestry Council Karl Albrecht von Ritter and designed a. a. the Luitpold Tower in the Palatinate Forest .




District court and district court building in Landau in the Palatinate ; 1900-1903

Fonts and illustrations

  • The limestone roof in the Altmühl area. In: Bayerischer Heimatschutz , 17th year 1919, no. 11-12.
as reprint in:
Josef Elfinger, Peter Leuschner, Brun Appel: The Altmühl-Jurahaus with the reprint "The lime slab roof in the Altmühl area" by Heinrich Ullmann 1919. Eichstätt o. J.
  • Eichstatt. (with foreword by Hans Karlinger ) In: Heimatbilder , 1st episode (1921), 3rd issue. (4 pages of text, 8 photographic plates)

In addition, Ullmann published numerous photographs in magazines, especially in Das Bayerland and Bayerischer Heimatschutz , as well as in the publication series Kunstdenkmäler von Bayern .
The photos of his trip to Italy were published posthumously:

  • Erika Böhm, Robert Böhm (Ed.): Memories of Italy. A photo trip to the south 1925. (with an introduction by Rembrant Fiedler) Ludwig, Pfaffenhofen 1988, ISBN 3-7787-2095-3 .


  • Heinrich Ullmann in memory. In: Donaukurier from June 24, 1953.
  • Landscape painter and photographer. Exhibition with works by Heinrich Ullmann. In: Eichstätter Kurier of March 24, 1983.
  • Rembrant Fiedler, Brun Appel, Siegfried Schieweck-Mauk: Heinrich Ullmann. Architect - landscape painter - photographer. (Booklet accompanying the exhibition) Eichstätt 1983.
  • Erika Böhm, Robert Böhm (Ed.): Heinrich Ullmann. In the Altmühl valley. (Title addition in the first edition: “Before the destruction” ) 1. Edition, Nördlingen 1986. / 2. Edition, Inching 1993.
  • Peter Leuschner: Favorite motif “Almosmühle”. The monument conservator, architect, painter and photographer Heinrich Ullmann (1872 to 1953) has depicted no other Jura house ensemble as often as the Almosmühle near Pfünz (Eichstätt district) on the Altmühl. In: Das Jura-Haus , 5 (1999/2000), pp. 78–81.
  • Jurhahaus association reminds of its "spiritual father". In: Eichstätter Kurier from February 20, 2003.
  • Passion Jura House. Heinrich Ullmann (1872 to 1953). Architect, preservationist, painter, photographer. On the 50th anniversary of his death with the reprint “The limestone roof in the Altmühl area” from 1919. Hofstetten 2003.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Association of Alter SVer (VASV): Address book. Membership directory of all old men. As of October 1, 1937. Hanover 1937, p. 187.

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