Hontianske Tesáre

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Hontianske Tesáre
coat of arms map
Coat of arms of Hontianske Tesáre
Hontianske Tesáre (Slovakia)
Hontianske Tesáre
Hontianske Tesáre
Basic data
State : Slovakia
Kraj : Banskobystrický kraj
Okres : Krupina
Region : Poiplie
Area : 35.42 km²
Residents : 911 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 26 inhabitants per km²
Height : 155  m nm
Postal code : 962 68
Telephone code : 0 45
Geographic location : 48 ° 12 '  N , 18 ° 55'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 12 '6 "  N , 18 ° 55' 16"  E
License plate : KA
Kód obce : 518425
Community type : local community
Structure of the municipality: 4 parts of the community
Administration (as of November 2018)
Mayor : Dana Kohútová
Address: Obecný úrad Hontianske Tesáre
96268 Hontianske Tesáre
Website: www.hontiansketesare.sk
Statistics information on statistics.sk

Hontianske Tesáre (German Dessir , Hungarian Teszér ) is a municipality in central Slovakia.

It is located in the valley of the Štiavnica north of Dudince and, in addition to the main town Hontianske Tesáre, also includes the places Báčovce (German Bachsdorf ), Dvorníky and Šipice , which were incorporated in 1971.

Hontianske Tesáre was first mentioned in writing as Tezer in 1279 and was called Hontianske Tesáry in Slovak until 1948 , and only Tesáre / Tesáry until 1927 .

Until 1918 the community in Hont County belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary and then came to the newly formed Czechoslovakia .

The Romanesque church from 1332, which is dedicated to St. Michael, and a nearby cave with eight chambers are worth seeing.

Web links

Commons : Hontianske Tesáre  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Karner, P. Lambert: Artificial Caves from Old Time, Vienna 1903, reprint 2018, ISBN 978-3-96401-000-1 , pp. 208–209