Joe R. Hanley

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Joseph Rhodes Hanley (born May 30, 1876 in Davenport , Scott County , Iowa , † 1961 ) was an American lawyer and politician ( Republican Party ).


Joseph Rhodes Hanley served in the US Army during the Spanish-American War in 1898 . In this context, he later held the post of Commander-in-Chief of the United Spanish War Veterans in 1941 and 1942 .

Hanley was a member of the New York State Assembly between 1927 and 1931 , where he represented Wyoming County . He was then a member of the New York Senate from 1932 to 1943 . During this time Perley A. Pitcher , the Majority Leader in the New York Senate, died, so that Hanley was elected as his successor on February 27, 1939. When Charles Poletti succeeded the resigned Governor Herbert H. Lehman in 1942, Hanley served as acting lieutenant governor of New York for four weeks.

Then when Thomas W. Wallace died on July 17, 1943 in his office as lieutenant governor of New York, Hanley acted again as acting lieutenant governor. In the subsequent by-election ( special election ) for the office of lieutenant governor, he defeated the Democrat William N. Haskell in November 1943 . He was re-elected in 1946 and held the post of lieutenant governor until the end of 1950. During this time, he participated as a delegate in 1944 and 1948 to the Republican National Conventions .

In the spring of 1950, Governor Thomas E. Dewey announced that he would not seek another term as governor. Hanley was the leading candidate to succeed him, but Dewey decided to run and was re-elected. Hanley officially claimed that he had voluntarily dropped out of the election campaign to pave the way for Dewey. But in a letter to US MP William K. Macy , he wrote that Dewey had convinced him to run for the US Senate . He also made him a promise of a post in the event of defeat. In the subsequent Senate election, he was beaten and shortly thereafter appointed special advisor to the State Division of Veterans' Affairs .

Individual evidence

  1. Commander-in-Chiefs of National Encampments United Spanish War Veterans ( Memento of the original from March 18, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. "A Legacy of Kings" by Michael Dorman on
  3. ^ Postscript in TIME Magazine from January 15, 1951