Johann Deutschmann
Johann Deutschmann , also Johannes Deutschmann (born August 10, 1625 in Jüterbog , † August 12, 1706 in Wittenberg ) was a German Lutheran theologian .
Johann Deutschmann was a son of the court assistant Jeremias Deutschmann († 1655) and his wife Anna (née Langen). He first attended the city school in his hometown. In 1639 he moved to the then well-known grammar school in Halle (Saale) , continued his studies in 1641 in Wittenberg and matriculated on June 21, 1645 at the University of Wittenberg , where he initially devoted himself to philosophical studies.
After acquiring his master's degree in philosophy at Easter 1649, he became an adjunct at the philosophical faculty on October 18, 1653 and held philosophical and theological lectures. During this time he was preparing for an academic journey that would take him from the spring of 1655 through the university centers and libraries of Germany , Holland , Denmark and Belgium . Returning to Wittenberg in 1656, he obtained a licentiate in theology in 1657 , held further lectures and was appointed associate professor at the theological faculty in 1657.
After promotion to the doctorate in theology in 1658 he moved after the death of Andreas Kunad 1662 to the ordinary fourth theological professorship and took over the Ephorie the electoral fellows. In 1681, after the death of Johannes Meisner, he was promoted to the third professorship in the theological faculty, and after the death of Johann Andreas Quenstedt in 1688 he became the highest professor in the theological faculty. As the elder of the theological faculty, he took over the post of provost at the Wittenberg Castle Church . After being elected dean of the theological faculty several times , he assumed the office of rector of the university seven times (in the winter semester of 1670, 1676, 1682, 1688, 1692, 1698 and 1704).
Deutschmann, who, as Calov's son-in-law, adhered closely to the latter, developed a tremendous hustle and bustle after receiving the full theological professorship. He completed a large number of lecture hours, conducted extensive disputations, distinguished himself as a preacher and fervently took on the administration of academic offices.
In the universal church ideas of the Calixtian " syncretism " he saw the independence of Lutheranism threatened, and he attacked the Pietist Philipp Jacob Spener . By demonstrating doctrinal errors, he attempted to prove Spener 284 deviations from the Lutheran doctrine, albeit without having any effect. His lack of Latin earned him the mockery of his students, and an offensive event, namely the performance of a rough student comedy directed against Friedrich Ulrich Calixt , which took place in Wittenberg on October 18, 1676 to celebrate the inauguration of the rectorate by Deutschmann, left the reputation of the Wittenberg faculty dwindle.

Johann Deutschmann is also mentioned on the monument to Abraham Father in the Wittenberg Castle Church .
Deutschmann had Anna Catharina on June 2, 1657 (born March 9, 1639 in Königsberg (Prussia); † March 22, 1667 in Wittenberg), the daughter of Abraham Calov and his wife Barbara († August 18, 1639), the eldest daughter of the electoral Brandenburg council, court and higher court secretary Christoph Martini and Judit Schulze, married.
From this marriage are known:
- Regina Dorothea Deutschmann; mated 1681 with Christian father
- Catharina Elisabeth Deutschmann; mated 1684 with Dr. Michael Heinrich Krause , pastor, superintendent and inspector in Schalkau .
- Anna Coecilia Deutschmann; mated with the Wittenberg professor for higher mathematics Michael Walther the Younger
- Johann Abraham Deutschmann, died as a student
- Polycarp Abraham Deutschmann, died immediately after birth
- Abraham Heinrich Deutschmann, (born March 9, 1667 in Wittenberg); died as a deacon in Jessen before his father
- Abraham Polycarp Deutschmann (died at the age of 4)
In addition to a myriad of programs, Deutschmann left tracts and dissertations (see also Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : Allgemeine Gelehrten-Lexikon. Volume 2, column 99). Today we assume around 500 publications, but these are largely unknown.
- Apologia Augustanae Confessionis
- Methodica repetitio Confessionis Augustanae
- Synopsis Theologiae Biblicae 1684
- Examen controversiarum Socinianarum. Disp. XX 1671
- Explicatio Symboli Apostolici
- Consideratio liborum Symbolicorum s. Symbolographia in IX. Dispp.
- Theologia Positiva
- Panoplia Augustanae Confessionis 1693
- Abelis Theologiae Compendium Biblicum
- Controversiarum Papisticarum secundum Augustanae Confessionis methodum examen, Dispp. XXV. 1671
- Harmonia Evangelico Mosaica
- Festum genethliacum protoplatorum 1693
- Methodica praeeipuorum articulorum fidei secundum ordinem symbolicum Articulorum Smalcaldicorum repetitio
- Meditationes sacrae in historiam Dominicae Passionis 1669 (1678)
- Compendium Theologiae Hutteranum, Analytico-Exegeticum 1665
- Dissertations IX. De attributis divinis 1653
- Exercitationes biblicae de veris & genuinis Christianis 1685
- De mysterio SS. Trinitas ante Christi publicatum praeconium a primis NT Fidelibus cognito & Credito Dissertationes X. 1685
- Absurda Novatas 1667
German writings
- The theologians zu Wittenberg Christ = Lutheran conception in clear doctrines and incorrect contradictions by D. Spener 1695
- The answer to D. Spener's sincere agreement with the Augspurgische Conference against the Wittenberg Theologos 1696, coerced from the Theological Faculty in Wittenberg
- The theologians at Wittenberg peace of grace and joys full conscience in salvation. Mind about the really unpleasant and restless conscience of Hernn Phillip Jacob Speners, 1696
- The christ = Lutheran Church preacher's confession and confessional made by the great Jehovah Elohim in Paradise in 1698
- Rejection of the opinion imputed to him about the date of grace in 1700
- Appendix from Termino peremtorio 1701
- de conscientia bona & mala 1655
- de sepultura Jesu 1661 (1668)
- de patriarchali Mesliae desiderio ad Gen. XLIX 1662
- de sessione Christi ad dextram Dei 1654 (1668)
- de persona Christi ad Col. II. 9. 1664
- de mysterio incarnationis ad Gen. III. 5th 1664
- Examen synopticum mataeologiae Socinianorum 1664
- De legitimo B. Lutheri ministerion 1665
- De predestinatione 1665
- De syncretismo Paradisiaco 1667
- De Deo uno 1667
- De baptismo principali, ad Matth. III. 15.1667 (1672, 1680)
- Examen mataeologiae Reformatorum 1667
- De fecta Naturalistarum 1667
- De Deitate Spiritus 1667
- Examen apologeticum castigationis Calixtime Deo uno 1667
- Votum Patriarchae Jacobi Gea. XXVII. 20th 1668
- De peccato in filium hominis & Spiritum p. 1668
- De proprietatibus passionis & mortis paradisiacis 1669
- De Goele resusciato 1669
- Anti-Crocius s. Apologia Augustanae Confessionis Anti Crociana 1670
- Ordo filiorum Noae Sem, Cham & Japher 1671
- De sceptro Jehudae non auferendo ante adventum Mesliae 1673 (1699)
- De oraculis Mosaicis cum Evang. Dom. XVL. XVII. XIIX harmonicis 1673
- De nativitate Salvatoris nostri 1674
- In Habac III. 15-17 1674
- De mendis Scripturae SV & NT 1675
- Vindiciae Pomarianae de incarnatione filii Dei quoad divinam τοϋ λόγου naturam 1676
- De reciminandi more 1676
- De derelictione Christi in cruce 1677
- De luce ministerali ad Matth. V. 14. 1677
- De tribus tentationibus, quibus Christum Satanas aggressus est. 1679
- Dissensus Lutheranorum & Pontif. Circa nonnulla fidei christianae Capita 1679
- De petra ecclesiae 1679
- De porta angusta 1680
- De elencho nominali contra haereticos 1680
- Apostiolica resurrectionis Christi mnemosophia 1681
- De libris Scripturae S. Apocryphis. 1682
- De novissimis in genere 1682
- De custodia angelorum 1682
- De custodia angelorum 1682
- De oraculo divino, Apoc. V. 5-7. 1682
- Christologia prophetica, ad Isa. LXI. 1-3. 1682
- De ordine ecclesiastico 1683
- De bonis operibus 1683
- De gloriosa damnatione filii hominis 1683
- De solicita christianorum in Deo 1683
- De mysterio SS. Trinitas ex articulo creationis 1683
- De Luthero, angelo apocalyptico 1683
- Divinae benedictionis promptuarium, Num. VI. 24. fq. 1684de corona fidelium immarcessibili 1684
- De Jehovah Elohim provisore, Gen. II 18. 1685
- Theologia Melchizedechiana 1685
- De scrutinio sacrae Scripturae 1685
- Theosophia & Triadosophia 1685
- De aulae humanae fundatore, ad Gen. I. 9. 10. 1686
- Paradisiaca Adami Theologia ex Dei nomine Jehovah Elohim, Gen. II. 1-7. 1686
- Antropologia Mosaico Theologica ad Deut. VI. 4th 1686
- De Judicibus a Deo per Mosen constitutis. 1686
- Διχαςοσο Φία Mosaica s. Doctrina sacra de Mosis symbolo 1686
- De baptismi doctrina 1686
- De mysterio electionis 1686
- De libris in judicio extremo aperiendis 1686
- De cognitione Dei naturali in genere 1687
- De verbo Dei naturali in genere 1687
- De verbo Dei primario & perpetuo, christianae reformationis principio 1688
- Christologia ante Christologiam 1688 de scripturae potestate interpretandi & normandi 1688
- De generatione filii Dei a parte 1688
- Δείπυου ίδιου Corinthiorum s. Communio privata, ad I. Cor. XI. 20-22. 1688
- De voluntate Dei ad I. Thess. V. 18. 1688
- De firmitate pariter & fidelitate Scriptuarae p. 1688
- Unitrinitas Deitatis personalis 1689
- De passione & morte Christi 1689
- De immensitate Dei 1689
- de Adamo primo & catholico Theologo, vereque Paradisiaco & Lutherano, in schola Dei formato & informato 1689
- de animae nobilitate quaestionum quadriga, 1690
- de vita spirituali Adami Gen. III. 20th 1690
- de veris & genuinis Christianis 1690
- de justisicationis in V & NT ratione una eademque, ad Psalm XXXII. 12 & Rome IV.7.8. 1691
- Mons domus Domini praeparatus & elevatus ad Isa. II. 2-4 1691
- De confessione Thomae 1691
- De Christo legislatore non novo 1692
- Pentecostalis Pnevmatologia Paradisiaca 1692
- De causa justsicationis nostrae organica ad Gen. XV. 6. 1692
- Triadosophia, Matth. VI. 9-12. 1692
- Consicta gratiae convertensis irresistibilis 1692
- De lege Dei paradisiaca, Gen. II. 16. 17. 1693
- De porta clausa soli Jehovae pervia, Ezech. XLIV. 2. 1693
- De primaeva mentis humanae persectione 1693
- De vera pietate ejusque promissione 1693
- De panacaea officinae farcae ad I. Joh. I. 7. 1693
- Symbolum apostolicum Adami protoplasti 1694
- Antiquissima Theologia Positiva primi Theologi protoplasti 1694
- De Christo Jesu, sacerdote aeterano 1694
- De Spiritus S, regno gratiae 1695
- De viribus homnis animalis ad sui restitutionem 1695
- De amore, legis observatione conspicua 1695
- De Jehovah Elohim, spiraculum vitarum inspirante, Gen. II. 7th 1696
- De femine mulieris in viro Jehovah, Gen. IV. I. 1697
- Pansophiae christianorum speculum in Paulina Christi crucifixi pansophia, ad I. Cor. II.2.1697
- De fortibus biblicis 1698
- De christo homini communicata potestate remittendi peccata 1698
- De peccati natura 1699
- Harmonia harmoniarum in Jehovah Elohim ex historia creationis & benedictiones 1700
- De passionis & mortis Christi efficacia 1700
- De Jubilaeo catholicae benedictionis, ad Num VI. 22-26-1700
- Totius apostolici collegii solenne Christologias symbolum, ad Matth. XVI. 17/13/1700
- De justificatone fidei, quaejad omnes pervenit homines, ad Rom. V. 18. 1700
- De magistratu politico ceu ordine vere divino ejusque potestate 1700
- De Jubilaeum apostolicae praedestinationis, ad Eph. I.3.sq. 1700
- De peccato in Spiritum p. 1700
- Jubilaeum christologio- apostolico catholico ecclasiastico-symbolicum, ad I. Pet. III 18.sq. 1700
- Universa Christologia in notabili titulo silii homnis 1701
- Christologias slutiserae compendium, paradisiacum 1704
- Christologia passionalis 1704
- In Gen. XXXII.9.
- In Gen. XXII.24-30.
- De conservatione creaturarum
- Theologia Mosaica specialiter sic dicta
- Authenticum Mosaica legis compendium
- De providentia Dei circa hominem intuitu matrimonii
- De authentia Scripturae S.
- Secunda Triadosophia.
- De Trinitate, ad Psalm. LXVII. 7.8.
- De homine peccatore
- Theses authenticae sacramentales. Meritum destructum Christianorum.
- De conscientia intemerata ministri Spiritus S. Gemitu inenarrabili
- De onomatologia Theologica
- De festo adscensionis Davidico Paulini
- De defectione spirituali ad castra tenebrarum. Respect Ernst Heinrich Wackenroder
- Pyramis Wittebergensis
- Michael Ranfft : Life and writings of all Chursächsischen divine scholars. Wolfgang Deer, Leipzig 1742.
- Walter Friedensburg : History of the University of Wittenberg. Max Niemeyer publishing house, Halle (Saale) 1917.
- Hermann Schüssler: Deutschmann, Johann. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 3, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1957, ISBN 3-428-00184-2 , p. 625 ( digitized version ).
- Tholuck, Paul Tschackert : Deutschmann, Johann . In: Realencyklopadie for Protestant Theology and Church (RE). 3. Edition. Volume 4, Hinrichs, Leipzig 1898, p. 589.
- Kenneth Appold: Religion Past and Present . Volume 4, page 771.
- Julius August Wagenmann: Deutschmann, Johann . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 5, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1877, p. 93.
- Johann Samuelersch and Johann Gottfried Gruber : General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts. Part 24, page 299.
- Deutschmann (Joan). In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 7, Leipzig 1734, column 707.
Web links
- Literature by and about Johann Deutschmann in the catalog of the German National Library
- Works by and about Johann Deutschmann in the German Digital Library
- Publications by and about Johann Deutschmann in VD 17 .
personal data | |
SURNAME | Deutschmann, Johann |
ALTERNATIVE NAMES | Deutschmann, Johannes |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German Lutheran theologian |
DATE OF BIRTH | August 10, 1625 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Jueterbog |
DATE OF DEATH | August 12, 1706 |
Place of death | Wittenberg |