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Kašenec does not have a coat of arms
Kašenec (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Jihomoravský kraj
District : Znojmo
Municipality : Miroslav
Geographic location : 48 ° 55 '  N , 16 ° 20'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 55 '9 "  N , 16 ° 19' 42"  E
Height: 221  m nm
Residents : 127 (2011)
Postal code : 671 72
License plate : B.
Street: Znojmo - Pohořelice
Village green
Bell tower

Kašenec (German Kaschnitzfeld ) is a district of the city of Miroslav in the Czech Republic . It is located three kilometers southeast of Miroslav and belongs to the Okres Znojmo .


The village Kašenec, laid out as a longitudinal tangle village, is located at the foot of the Miroslavská hrásť ( Misslitzer Horst ) in the Thaya-Schwarza valley basin ( Dyjskosvratecký úval ). To the south rises the Na Kašenci (254 mnm), in the southwest the Dvorská ( Hofbergen , 270 mnm) and to the northwest the Paseka (289 mnm) and the Markův Kopec ( Markusberg , 300 mnm). On the eastern edge of the village, the state road I / 53 runs between Znojmo and Pohořelice .

Neighboring towns are Václavov in the north, Suchohrdly u Miroslavi in the northeast, Damnice in the east, Dolenice in the southeast, Ležák, Břežany and Mackovice in the south, Čejkovice , Mšice and Oleksovice in the southwest, Karlov, Vítonice and Želetice in the west and Chlupice , Hostšěradice and Mívice in the west Northwest.


After the dissolution of the monastery Bruck dominion fell Mislitz with the connected Good Lodenitz 1784 the religious fund to. In the following year, the Imperial Robot Abolition Court Commissioner Anton Valentin Freiherr von Kaschnitz zu Weinberg had the Kaschnitzfeld settlement named after him, occupied by 28 colonists, built in the course of the raabization . When in 1799 the settlers refused to pay interest on the land that had been emphatically transferred to them , the state property administration withdrew part of the grounds as a punishment and auctioned them off as free land. This reduced the area of ​​the settlement to 128 masons and five yoke gardens. In 1823 the Moravian-Silesian State Property Alienation Commission sold the Mislitz estate to Joseph von Hopfen. When the crushing riot erupted in 1831, eleven residents died.

In 1835, the village of Kaschnitzfeld or Kašenec , located in the Znojmo district on the post road from Znojmo to Brno , consisted of 30 houses in which 172 people lived. There was an inn for the carters on Poststrasse . The parish and school location was Mislitz. Until the middle of the 19th century, Kaschnitzfeld remained subject to the allodial rule of Mislitz.

After the abolition of patrimonial Kaschnitzfeld / Kašenec formed a municipality in the judicial district of Mährisch Kromau from 1849 . From 1869 the community belonged to the Mährisch Kromau district ; at that time Kaschnitzfeld had 172 inhabitants and consisted of 32 houses. In 1885 a German-speaking elementary school opened. In 1900 151 people lived in Kaschnitzfeld ; In 1910 there were 165. In the 1921 census, 164 people lived in the 36 houses in the village, including 117 Germans and 45 Czechs. In the course of the Czechoslovak land reforms in the 1920s, an agricultural colony for Czech settlers was created on the western edge of the town in order to increase the proportion of the Czech population, and in 1923 a new Czech minority school was opened. In 1930 Kaschnitzfeld consisted of 41 houses and 162 inhabitants, in 1939 there were 172. In 1930 the village was electrified. The volunteer fire brigade was founded in 1931. In 1934 the German school closed. After the Munich Agreement , the community was added to the Greater German Reich in 1938 and belonged to the Znojmo district until 1945 . After the end of the war, Kašenec returned to Czechoslovakia, and the old district structures were restored. Most of the German-speaking residents were expelled in 1946 . In 1950 Kašenec had 137 inhabitants. In the course of the territorial reform and the abolition of the Okres Moravský Krumlov, the village was assigned to the Okres Znojmo on July 1, 1960 . In 1961 it was incorporated into Miroslav . The Kašenec cadastral district was added to the Miroslav cadastral district in 1966. In the 2001 census, 191 people lived in the 59 houses in Kašenec.

Local division

The district of Kašenec is part of the cadastral district of Miroslav.


  • Bell tower on the village green, embedded in the wall is a memorial plaque for those who fell in the First World War
  • Stone cross next to the bell tower, donated in 1807 by Bartholomeus Kuderna and his wife
  • Cast iron cross from 1906, at the junction with the state road


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gregor Wolny : The Margraviate of Moravia, presented topographically, statistically and historically . Volume III: Znojmo District, Brno 1837, p. 393
  2. Chytilův místopis ČSR, 2nd updated edition, 1929, p. 502 Kasárna - Kašpar
  3. ^ OME lexicon
  4. ^ Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. Znaim district. (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  5. Část obce Kašenec: podrobné informace , uir.cz