Karl Christian Andreae

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Karl Christian Andreae

Karl Christian Andreae (born  February 3, 1823 in Mülheim (Rhine) , †  May 23, 1904 in Sinzig ) was a German painter from the Düsseldorf School .


According to family tradition, Karl Andreae was originally supposed to become a businessman. In 1833 he was therefore sent to Cologne to attend the higher middle school. However, he himself showed pronounced artistic inclinations at an early age. After he ended up in the dungeon because of some cartoons he made of teachers , he fled the school. Then the parents gave in to his inclinations and sent Andreae to the art academy in Düsseldorf . There he studied from 1839 to 1844 with Carl Ferdinand Sohn and Wilhelm von Schadow . After completing his training, Andreae stayed from 1845 to 1848 to study in Rome . Through von Schadow he came into contact with the local artist colony of the romantic-religiously oriented Nazarenes , in particular with Peter von Cornelius and Friedrich Overbeck . Andreae also met Karl Lindemann-Frommel , who was four years older than him , in Rome. This inspired him to study Italian landscapes. After returning from Italy , Andreae stayed for some time in Hanover in the spring of 1848 , where he met Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm through the von Arnswaldt family . From Hanover he wanted to continue to Berlin to work with Peter von Cornelius. However, due to the political events of 1848 , both decided to go back to Rome. After the siege and occupation of Rome by the French in July 1849, Andreae returned permanently to Germany. From 1849 to 1856 he lived in Berlin, where he married Maria Elvira Dilthey (1835–1907) from Rheydt in 1853 , with whom he had ten children.

In 1856 Andreae moved to Dresden, where he found Ludwig Richter , Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld , Eduard Bendemann and Julius Hübner, a large circle of painters who were friends. He founded an association for church art (which still exists today) and joined the Saxon antiquity association . Soon he came into contact with the queen widow Maria Leopoldine , the queen Amalie Auguste and finally with King John I of Saxony . In addition to numerous altarpieces for Saxon village churches, he also created a number of works for the Saxon court, including two watercolors for the King's Dante album. During this time Andreae also got in contact with Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II of Mecklenburg-Schwerin , who commissioned him with the restoration of numerous Mecklenburg churches, whereby he increasingly turned to wall and glass painting. After his mother's death in 1881, Andreae took over the Helenaberg estate near Sinzig, where he spent the last years of his life.


Lohmen village church, view of the choir 2011

Karl Andreae primarily created religious and historical paintings, but also numerous portraits. Through his Düsseldorf teacher, Schadow, and through his contact with Cornelius and Overbeck , he was close to the Nazarene style . In addition, the contact with romantics such as Lindemann-Frommel , Richter and Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld also influenced his work. In addition, through the lawyer and politician August Reichensperger , whom he had met in Düsseldorf, he came into contact with the Frankfurt painter Eduard von Steinle , from whom he learned, among other things, the wax tempera treatment for monumental wall painting.

The following works deserve special mention from Andreae's paintings:

  • Petri sermon (1843)
  • Portrait of his mother Johanna Theresia Andreae, b. Rhodius (1843)
  • Portrait of his cousin Pauline von Weiler, b. Andreae, and her husband Carl von Weiler (1844/45)
  • The alms of the widow and the rich man
  • Visit of Mary to Elisabeth
  • Portrait of Wilhelm Grimm

In addition to numerous individual paintings, Andreae devoted herself in particular to wall and glass painting, above all to painting and decorating churches. At the beginning of 1872 the architect Gotthilf Ludwig Möckel from Zwickau was commissioned with the interior restoration of the Lohmen village church in Mecklenburg . After the discovery of old wall and vault paintings, the history painter Karl Christin Andreae, proposed by Möckel, who worked in Dresden , was commissioned to restore the paintings with 111 figures.

Special mention should be made here:

Painting of the Bülow Chapel in Doberan Minster (1873)
  • four wall paintings in Sinzig Castle (1863–65)
  • two wall paintings and a ceiling painting in the Ev. Kapern Church, Lüchow-Dannenberg (1870)
  • Restoration of the wall and ceiling paintings from 1450 in the village church of Lohmen (1872–1874). Before that, he had not carried out such a large and extensive restoration in Mecklenburg.
  • Dreveskirchen village church , stained glass with two apostles as full figures in the three-window group in the choir around 1870, altar painting with a triumphant Christ and medallions of the apostles on the soffit of the triumphal arch between choir and nave 1873.
  • Sietow village church , altar painting with Christ and Peter in the Sea of ​​Galilee, 1873.
  • the Bülow Chapel in Doberan Minster
  • the Bad Doberan ossuary
  • Altarpiece Christ in Gethsemane 1878 in the village church Holzendorf near Müsselmow
  • the Cathedral of Fünfkirchen in Hungary (1886–92)
  • the chapel of the Mosdós castle in Hungary
  • the choir of the new Christ Church in Cologne

Illustrations (selection)


Andreae was appointed professor. He was also awarded medals by Austria, Saxony and Prussia in recognition of his medical services in the wars of 1866 and 1870/71.


  • Karl Christian Andreae: Restoration in the church in Lohmen in Mecklenburg. In: Christian art paper for church, school and home. No. 2, 1874, pp. 18-23.
  • Karl Andreae: Thoughts, studies and experiences in the field of glass painting. Leipzig 1879.
  • Andreae, Karl (Christian) . In: Ulrich Thieme , Felix Becker (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker. tape 1 : Aa – Antonio de Miraguel . Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig 1907, p. 467 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  • Carl Christian Andreae, a painter from the Düsseldorf Academy. Exhibition opening in September 2002 in the Sinziger Heimatmuseum, Sinzig 2002.


Unprinted sources

  • State Main Archive Schwerin (LHAS)
    • LHAS 3.2-3 / 1 Landeskloster / Klosteramt Dobbertin 7.25 Church and parish in Lohmen.
    • LHAS 5.2-11 Landtag negotiations , Landtag assemblies , Landtag protocols and Landtag resolution .
    • LHAS 10.9 L / 06 Lisch personal estate , Friedrich Church to lohmen and letters from Karl Andreae from Dresden.

Web links

Commons : Karl Christian Andreae  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Horst Ende : First order from the Lohmen village church. MKZ 2015, No. 43 p. 9.
  2. Minutes from the Malchin state parliament of November 13, 1872, Dobbertin Monastery No. 11.
  3. ^ Georg Dehio : Sietow, district of Müritz. 2000, p. 564.
  4. See the description in Deutsche Bauzeitung 11 (1877), p. 57f