Karl von Einsiedel

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Count Karl von Einsiedel , also Carl von Einsiedel (born March 9, 1770 at Wolkenburg Castle ; † March 25, 1841 in Nuremberg ) was a German diplomat.



Karl von Einsiedel was the son of Detlev Carl von Einsiedel (1737–1810) and his first wife Sidonie Albertine von Schönburg- Lichtenstein (1745–1787), daughter of Wilhelm Graf zu Schönburg-Lichtenstein (1714–1750) and his wife Wilhelmine Countess to Solms- Utphe (1723-1773); his siblings were:

  • Wilhelmine Charlotte Albertine (1765–1821), married since April 12, 1793 to Gottlob Heinrich von Lindenau (1755–1830), master of Polenz ;
  • Louise Henriette (1767–1797), married since February 18, 1791 to Christian von Wallwitz (1761–1832);
  • Detlev (1773–1861), cabinet minister , ironworks entrepreneur, married to Johanna Friederike Luise von der Schulenburg (1773–1832);
  • Ferdinand (1774–1833), entered the Prussian civil service and was Mining Captain of Silesia in 1819 ; married in first marriage on November 17, 1804 to Beate (1783–1849), daughter of Major General Karl Heinrich von Paczensky and Tenczin, and in second marriage on April 25, 1822 to Auguste Caroline (1781–1845), daughter of miner Karl Christian Septimus von Veltheim (1751–1796);
  • Friedrich (1772–1793), dragoon officer , he died in the battle of Morlautern ;
  • Adolf (1776–1821), Prussian colonel , married since July 5, 1811 to Franziska Augusta Clementine Countess of Reuss-Schleiz zu Köstritz (1789–1870), daughter of Count Heinrich XLVIII. (* 1759; † 1825), royal Bavarian colonel;
  • Juliane Erdmuthe (1779-1800);
  • Johanna (1783–1864), married since December 26, 1816 to August Graf von Haeseler (1761–1838), they were the parents of Alexis von Haeseler .

He was married to Sophie Augusta (born September 30, 1775, † February 16, 1797), daughter of Cabinet Minister Otto Ferdinand von Loeben , in his first marriage since May 31, 1796 ; their son was

  • Carl (born February 10, 1797, † February 13, 1797).

His second marriage was on March 15, 1800, Wilhelmine Luise Adelaide (* March 9, 1778; † February 16, 1830), daughter of Georg Ludwig von Edelsheim ; their children together were:

  • Friedrich Karl (born March 7, 1801 in Dresden ; † January 20, 1861 ibid), treasurer and captain of the Wellington Infantry Regiment No. 42, married to Anna (born March 7, 1809 in Pilsen ; † June 8, 1893 in Wolkenburg), Daughter of Freiherr Friedrich von Hardoncourt, captain;
  • Maximilian Friedrich (born March 18, 1805; † April 11, 1845 in Münchberg ), co-lord of Wolkenburg;
  • Juliana Caroline (born December 20, 1806 in Munich , † 1846 in Salzburg ), married to Lieutenant General Karl Theodor von Thurn und Taxis since 1827 .

Karl von Einsiedel died while visiting his son-in-law in Nuremberg.


Karl von Einsiedel enrolled at the University of Wittenberg on April 28, 1788 and continued his studies on May 25, 1791 at the University of Leipzig . Through his brother Detlev, who had been studying in Leipzig since 1790 , he made the acquaintance of the poet Novalis , who was studying law there at the time .


He was the owner of the manors Wolkenburg , Kaufungen , Bräunsdorf , Niederfrohna and Wolperndorf in the rule of Wolkenburg , cathedral provost in Bautzen , cathedral capitular in Meißen and Naumburg monastery , canon in Zeitz as well as chamberlain of the Electorate of Saxony , court and justice councilor and real secret council .

From 1802 to 1832 he stayed as the Saxon envoy at the Bavarian court in Munich. During this time in 1810, after the death of his father, he became the owner of Wolkenburg Castle.

Awards and honors

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ German biography: Veltheim, Karl Christian Septimus - German biography. Retrieved March 28, 2020 .
  2. Frankenstein-Historie.de - Texts - The last attack. Retrieved March 28, 2020 .
  3. ^ Christian Friedrich Jacobi: Des Genealogischen Hand-Buchs Zweyter Theil . in Johann Friedrich Gleditschen's Handlung, 1800 ( google.de [accessed on March 28, 2020]).
  4. ^ Genealogical pocket book of the German count's houses: 1838 . Perthes, 1838 ( google.de [accessed on March 28, 2020]).
  5. Family tree of Carl von Einsiedel. Retrieved March 28, 2020 .
  6. ^ The matriculations from the winter semester 1709 to the summer semester 1809. In: The younger matriculation of the University of Leipzig. Retrieved March 28, 2020 .
  7. ^ Theodor Berchem: Literary Studies Yearbook. NF, 38.1997 . Duncker & Humblot, 2019, ISBN 978-3-428-49271-8 ( google.de [accessed on March 28, 2020]).
  8. ^ Sächsisches Staatsarchiv: inventory overview - dominions - other dominions - 20578 Rittergut Wolkenburg with Kaufungen / introduction. Retrieved March 28, 2020 .
  9. ^ New Lusatian magazine: with the participation of the Upper Lusatian Society of Sciences . Die Gesellschaft, 1842 ( google.de [accessed on March 28, 2020]).
  10. General European State and Address Handbook: for the year 1811 . Verlag des Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, 1811 ( google.de [accessed on March 28, 2020]).
  11. ^ Augsburgische Ordinari Postzeitung von Staats-, schehrten, histor- u. economic news: 1822 . Moy, 1822 ( google.de [accessed March 28, 2020]).