State government Pühringer III

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The provincial government Pühringer III formed the Upper Austrian provincial government from the state elections 2003 to October 2009 in Upper Austria. The members of the state government were sworn in on October 23, 2003. For the XXVI. During the legislative period , the ÖVP agreed a coalition agreement with the Greens, who were represented in the state government for the first time; the first so-called black-green on a sub-national level in Europe. Due to the proportional representation system, members of the SPÖ are also represented in the state government.

Government members

Office Surname Political party Task groups
Governor Josef Pühringer ÖVP Finances, legal services, culture, cult, press, other presidential affairs, sport, statistics, constitutional service
Deputy Governor Erich Haider SPÖ Nature and landscape protection, traffic industry, traffic law, traffic engineering
Deputy Governor Franz Hiesl ÖVP Construction law, bridge and tunnel construction, geographic information and real estate, overall traffic planning and public transport, building construction, personnel objectification, personnel law matters, road maintenance and operation, road planning and network expansion, environmental, construction and plant engineering
Provincial Council Josef Ackerl SPÖ Municipalities, youth welfare, victim welfare, civil status, social affairs, social insurance, administrative police
Provincial Council Rudolf Anschober Green Energy and raw materials, groundwater and drinking water management, surface water management, price determination and price monitoring, sanitary service - food control, environmental academy, environmental law, environmental, construction and plant engineering, chemistry and air pollution control, environmental protection, water law
Provincial Council Hermann Kepplinger SPÖ Savings banks, housing subsidies
Provincial Council Viktor Sigl ÖVP Education and society, trade, regional planning, citizenship, elections, economy, community service
Provincial Council Josef Stockinger ÖVP Agricultural affairs, land reform, fire police and disaster control, forest service, forest law
Provincial Councilor Silvia Stöger SPÖ Medical service, medical law, veterinary service, veterinary law

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Schausberger: The controversial turn . Austria 2000-2006. Ed .: Robert Kriechbaumer; Franz Schausberger. 1st edition. Böhlau, Vienna 2012, ISBN 978-3-205-78745-7 , pp. 96 .