Bruno Franz Leopold Liebermann

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Bruno Franz Leopold Liebermann, as Vicar General of Strasbourg, lithograph with Liebermann's signature, from the biography of Joseph Guerber MdR, Freiburg, 1880

Bruno Franz Leopold Liebermann (born October 12, 1759 in Molsheim , Alsace ; † November 11, 1844 in Strasbourg ), sometimes with first names in sources as Franz Leopold Bruno and Franciscus Leopoldus Bruno or simply Leopold , was a German Catholic theologian .


After completing high school and seminary in Strasbourg and being ordained a priest, Liebermann became director of the Strasbourg seminary in 1783. After working as a minster preacher from 1784, he became pastor in Ernolsheim-Bruche in 1787 . He opposed the recommendation to Catholics to buy up secularized church property and refused to take the oath on the civil constitution of the clergy . In the First Coalition War , Bishop Louis René Édouard de Rohan-Guéméné, who fled to his possessions on the right bank of the Rhine, moved the Strasbourg seminary to the monastery of All Saints (Black Forest) , where Liebermann taught canon law and dogmatics .

In 1795 he came secretly to his pastorate and became 1801 again Munster preacher and secretary in the diocesan administration, but he returned to differences with Bishop Jean-Baptiste Pierre Saurine already in 1803 after Ernolsheim as pastor back. When the Mainz bishop Joseph Ludwig Colmar founded a seminary in the same year , he called Liebermann to its regens .

In 1804 Liebermann was arrested and released after about 234 days " en surveillance " (= under supervision). From 1805 he was a seminar rain and cathedral preacher in Martin's Cathedral . Police supervision was lifted in 1808. In addition to pastoral theology, he lectured in the following subjects: from 1805 to 1811 canon law, from 1812 to 1822 dogmatics and then church history and canon law. It was therefore natural that he should get involved in the Mainz district .

In 1824 he returned from Mainz to Strasbourg and became vicar general there in 1828 .


  • Institutiones theologiae dogmaticae , 1819–1827
  • Eulogy and funeral speech on the occasion of the very sad step ... Joseph Ludwig Colmars , Bishop of Mainz ... , presented by Franz Leopold Bruno Liebermann
  • Sermons by Bruno Franz Leopold Liebermann , Mainz 1851


Liebermann's students - later clergy as well as lay people - are very numerous; including many important personalities who passed on the spirit and methods of the teacher. As a result, he decisively shaped and influenced Catholicism in southwest Germany throughout the 19th century. Famous students of Liebermann should be mentioned in particular: Andreas Räß , Bishop of Strasbourg (Alsace), Johannes von Geissel , Bishop of Speyer and Cardinal Archbishop of Cologne, Nikolaus von Weis , Bishop of Speyer, Franz Xaver Remling , Cathedral Chapter, historian and writer in Speyer, Adam Franz Lennig , cathedral capitular and vicar general in Mainz (through him Liebermann also influenced his nephew Bishop Christoph Moufang , administrator of the diocese of Mainz), Simon Ferdinand Mühe , professor of pastoral care and famous cathedral preacher in Strasbourg, Johann Martin Foliot , cathedral dean and vicar general in Speyer, Johannes Peter Busch , cathedral provost and vicar general in Speyer, Franz Joseph Weiß , seminar regens, cathedral capitular and cathedral dean in Speyer, Anton Forch , cathedral provost in Speyer, Heinrich Klee , dogmatic professor in Bonn and Munich, Martin Krautheimer , dogmatic professor and writer, Caspar Riffel , Professor of Canon Law and Church History in Giessen , Joseph Kehrein , Gym nasal professor, pedagogue, and poet in Hadamar and Montabaur, Philipp Külb , historian and city librarian in Mainz, and Friedrich Lennig , brother of the aforementioned vicar general, native Rheinhessen writer.


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