List of the members of the Constituent Assembly of the Free City of Frankfurt

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This list includes the list of members of the Constituent Assembly of the Free City of Frankfurt in 1849, who were elected in the Free City of Frankfurt during the revolution of 1848/1849 .



Surname Profession, place annotation
Johann Georg Ackermann Watchmaker
Heinrich Carl Remigius Adelmann Book printer
Georg Everything Bonames
Johann Carl August Andreae-Goll Merchant Waiver of mandate April 23, 1849
Gustav Adolph Andreae-Graubner Merchant
August Theodor de Bary general practitioner Waiver of mandate January 5, 1850
Jacob Carl de Bary Merchant Waiver of mandate January 5, 1850
Johann Caspar Bauer Merchant
Johann David Behaghel general practitioner
Christian Benkard Carpenter
Johann Philipp Benkard City Office Assessor Election rejection
Caspar Franz Berninger Merchant By-election June 8, 1849
Georg Christoph Binding Lawyer, ord. Waiver of mandate January 5, 1850
Johann Siegismund Boch Master draper By-election on May 3, 1849
Johann Anselm Bock Master gardener
Josef Anton Franz Bolongaro Merchant Waiver of mandate May 14, 1849
Jacob Ludwig Bolongaro-Crevenna Merchant
Justian Brack Upper wheel
Ludwig Braunfels Lawyer, ord.
Lornz Gottlieb Brunner pharmacist By-election on May 3, 1849
Johann Jacob Büchsel Bornheim By-election on June 8, 1840
Carl Gerhard Büdinger Master gardener
Anton Burkard Fiscal.
Senator Ludwig Carl Emil Coester 0 By-election on 16./17. November 1848
Alexander Crailsheim general practitioner
Georg Dancker Advocat, ord.
Carl Danzer Hausen
Johann Hartmann Dauth Master gardener
Conrad Dedecke II Upper wheel
Friedrich Ludwig Franz Dietz Merchant Waiver of mandate in 1849
Bernhard Dondorf Lithographer Waiver of mandate in 1849
Philipp Christian Wilhelm Donner Merchant
Georg Heinrich Engelhard pharmacist
Adam Fauerbach Dortelweil
Johann Nicolaus Finger Merchant
August Christian Fischer-Dick Master saddler
Heinrich Flach Bonames
Carl Ludwig Franck jun. Master saddler Waiver of mandate in 1849
Johann Christian Michael Franck Master chimney sweep
Alexander Friedleben general practitioner
Johannes Jacob Julius Friedleben Lawyer, ord.
Heinrich Remigius Frieze Merchant
Philipp Heinrich Geyer Master gardener
Cornelius Adolph Giessen Merchant
Wilhelm Isaac Gillé Merchant Waiver of mandate in 1849
Carl Leopold Goldschmidt Lawyer, ord.
Heinrich Greiff II Niederursel
Franz Georg Carl von Guaita Lawyer, ord.
August Wilhelm Ernst Haase Merchant
Nicolaus Hadermann Teacher
Christian Hahn Teacher
Heinrich Helfrich IV. Bornheim
Johann Gerhard Henrich Master brewer
Friedrich Christian Herwig Trimmers master
Friedrich Maximilian Hessemer Professor of Architecture
Senator Georg Wilhelm Hessenberg 0
Johann Friedrich Hessenberg Silver workers
Georg Jacob Heussenstamm Mortgage bookkeeper
Johann Caspar Hock Master tailor
Balthasar Hofmann Bornheim
Heinrich Hoffmann general practitioner Waiver of mandate in 1849
Heinrich Jacquet Sr. Umbrella manufacturer
Friedrich Siegmund Jucho Lawyer and notary
Johann Georg Jung-Hauff Merchant
Friedrich Wilhelm Jungmichel Captain Waiver of mandate in 1849
Ferdinand August Kaysser Master mason
Philipp Andreas Kerstner Merchant
Senator Johann Jacob Conrad Kloss 0
Johann Christian Carl Knoblauch Merchant By-election on May 3, 1849
Gabriel Koch jun. Master plumber
Johann Koch I. Niederrad
Hermann Kratz Niederrad
Georg Ludwig Kriegk professor Waiver of mandate in 1849
Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Kugler Lawyer, ord.
Johann Philipp Friedrich Lindheimer Carpenter
Heinrich Wilhelm Christian Lorenz Oberrad, surgeon
Johann Balthasar Lorey general practitioner
Georg Lorenz Loew Bornheim
Johann Ludwig Upper wheel
Michael Manhayn Lawyer, ord.
Johann Michael Mappes Physicus, ord. By-election on 16./17. November 1848
Andreas May jun. Master butcher
Johann Martin May Master butcher
Martin May By-election on 16./17. November 1848; Waiver of mandate in 1849
Johann Valentin Meidinger Publishing bookseller
Carl Eduard Meyer-Osterrieth Merchant By-election on 16./17. November 1848
Johann Wilhelm Meyer Merchant
Carl Anton Minoprio Merchant
Alderman Samuel Gottlieb Müller By-election on May 3, 1849; Waiver of mandate in 1849
Siegmund Friedrich Müller Lawyer and notary
Senator Gustav Edmund Nestle
Alderman Sebastian de Neufville
Wolfgang Neukirch Lawyer, ord.
Carl Christian Friedrich Nitsche Master furrier
Johann Philipp Ohlenschläger Master fisherman
Anton Heinrich Emil von Oven Country bailiff
Friedrich Pfeffel jun. Merchant
Friedrich August Ravenstein Gym instructor
Maximilian Reinganum Lawyer, ord.
Joseph Aloys Renner Lawyer, ord.
Johann Conrad Rumbler Wine grower
Joseph Rütten Publishing bookseller
Wilhelm Peter Schäffner Lawyer, ord. Waiver of mandate in 1849
Julius August Scharff Lawyer, ord.
Johann Simon Schiele Merchant
Carl Schmidt vet
Christian Schmidt Master red tanner
Fritz Schneider Book printer
Johann Christoph Scholderer Teacher Waiver of mandate in 1849
Johann Adam Christoph Schott general practitioner
Friedrich Hannibal Schubert Master locksmith
Heinrich Schwarzschild general practitioner
Franz Söllner Niedererlenbach
Alderman Eduard Franz Souchay
Alexander Stein Lawyer, ord.
Hermann Stockhaus Bornheim Waiver of mandate in 1849
Wilhelm Carl Ludwig Supf Teacher
Wilhelm Carl Friedrich Textor Lawyer and notary
Georg Christian Thomas Lawyer, ord.
Johann Georg Varrentrapp general practitioner
Johann Albrecht Vogtherr Post auditor
Johann Heinrich Wagner Master gardener
Wilhelm Friedrich Wiesche Merchant Waiver of mandate in 1849
Wilhelm Wolf Niedererlenbach, Schultheiss


  • State and address handbook of the Free City of Frankfurt. 1849, pp. 4-8.
  • Matthias Weber: Constitution and Reform in the Vormärz and Revolutionary Period: the constituent assembly of the Free State of Frankfurt 1848–1850 . Dissertation . Frankfurt am Main 1996, OCLC 231709088 , p. 141-142, 145 .