List of nature reserves in the Bayreuth district

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In the district of Bayreuth there are 14 nature reserves . The largest nature reserve is the Muschelkalkgebiet nature reserve on Oschenberg, established in 2006.

Surname image Identifier

circle details position Area
Craimoos pond Commons-logo.svg Craimoosweiher.JPG NSG-00257.01
WDPA:  162685
Bayreuth district Schnabelwaid
A still water that is extraordinarily rich in plant and animal species.
18.84 1989
Haberstein Commons-logo.svg Haberstein granite blocks.jpg NSG-00020.01
WDPA:  81791
Bayreuth district Bischofsgrün
Blockmeer and granite towers with weathered forms.
10.63 1939
Rooster felt at Mehlmeisel Hahnenfilz.JPG NSG-00209.01
WDPA:  163478
Bayreuth district Flour
chisel Peeled former raised bog.
11.74 1984
Haidenaabtal and Gabellohe BW NSG-00549.01
WDPA:  318490
Bayreuth district Immenreuth
Wetland- bound habitat types with endangered animal groups.
75.44 1998
Knock at Obernsees Commons-logo.svg Knock at Obernsees.jpg NSG-00527.01
WDPA:  164167
Bayreuth district Obernsee
Valuable mixed deciduous forest with warmth-loving edges and areas of grassland on a hilltop of particular scenic beauty and character.
14.3 1997
Mixed deciduous forest in the upper Aufseßal Commons-logo.svg Aufseß valley 2.jpg NSG-00319.01
WDPA:  164392
Bayreuth district Sachsendorf
Natural and species-rich mixed deciduous forest with flora and fauna typical of this habitat.
20.71 1987
Moosbachaue BW NSG-00279.01
WDPA:  164684
Bayreuth district Fichtelberg
wetland with the only fossil pingo in Northern Bavaria (hollow terrain created during the Ice Age).
11.68 1986
Fichtelseemoor natural forest reserve Commons-logo.svg Fichtelseemoor natural forest reserve 01.jpg NSG-00155.01
WDPA:  82213
District of Bayreuth , the district Wunsiedel Fichtelberg
Former raised bog.
Bayreuth district : 107.41 ha
Wunsiedel district : 30.51 ha
137.92 1982

Muschelkalkgebiet on the Oschenberg Commons-logo.svg Oschenberg.JPG NSG-00739.01
WDPA:  378336
Bayreuth , district of Bayreuth Bayreuth
Ecologically very valuable biotope complex with lowland hay meadows and semi-arid grassland, as well as a variety of hedges, field trees and mixed deciduous forests.
Bayreuth : 246.2 ha
County Bayreuth : 78.34 ha
324.54 2006

Nusshardt Commons-logo.svg View from Nußhart.JPG NSG-00019.01
WDPA:  82263
Bayreuth district
Boulder sea hill and rock wilderness with forms of weathering.
7.36 1939
Pegnitzau between Ranna and Michelfeld Commons-logo.svg NSG Ranna 14.jpg NSG-00548.01
WDPA:  318939

Neuhaus , Auerbach , Pegnitz
valley meadows.
Area distribution:
District of Nürnberger Land = 99.34ha
District Amberg-Sulzbach = 79.83ha
District Bayreuth = 19.24ha
198.71 1998
Steinachtal with drawbar sticks BW NSG-00261.01
WDPA:  165670
Bayreuth district Döhlau
Semi-natural mixed deciduous forests, alluvial forests and natural running waters as habitats for typical plant and animal species.
11.97 1985
Devil's hole Commons-logo.svg Eckersdorf-Oberwaiz - Teufelsloch (nature reserve) 02.jpg NSG-00035.01
WDPA:  82703
Bayreuth district Eckersdorf A
meadow valley close to nature with ecologically important peripheral areas, wetland complexes and a largely natural course of water.
7.62 1941
Dry slopes around Pottenstein Commons-logo.svg NSG Trockenhaenge Pottenstein 06.jpg NSG-00496.01
WDPA:  165956
Bayreuth district Pottenstein
Valuable vegetation complexes made of rock heaths, semi-arid and dry grasslands, heat-loving edges, bushes and light forests.
51.87 1995
Legend for nature reserve

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Green list of nature reserves in Upper Franconia. (PDF; 106 kB) Bavarian State Office for the Environment, December 31, 2014, accessed on May 23, 2016 .

Web links

Commons : Nature reserves in the Bayreuth district  - collection of images, videos and audio files