List of street names in Frankfurt am Main / J

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Jacob-Schiff-Strasse , Dornbusch (1935–1945 Mummstrasse )

Jacob Henry Schiff (originally: Jakob Heinrich Schiff) (1847–1920), German-American banker of Jewish origin, philanthropist. Established a foundation to set up a full chair for Semitic philology at Frankfurt University (today the Oriental Seminar ). During the Nazi dictatorship, the city very quickly erased the honor of Schiffs in the streets that was given in 1921.

Jacobystraße , Ostend (1935–1945 Camphausenstraße )

Dr. Johann Jacoby (1805–1877), doctor of the Jewish faith from Königsberg , member of the Frankfurt pre-parliament . Radical Democrat. Frustrated, he wrote to a friend afterwards "The revolution ... taught the lesson that every revolution that allows the old, well-organized powers to continue to exist alongside it is lost."

Jahnstrasse , Nordend

Fresh, pious, happy, free was the maxim of the gymnastics father Jahn . Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778-1852) was the very nationalist founder of physical exercise, but also an advocate of civil liberties. 1848 Member of the German National Assembly in the Paulskirche .

Jakob-Carl-Junior-Strasse , Ostend

Building contractor (1859-1946), founded a rest home for Frankfurt children in Vielbach (Westerwald)

Jakob-Heller-Strasse , Dornbusch

Frankfurt patrician family, extinct in 1522. On behalf of the latter's last representative, Jakob Heller (approx. 1460–1522), a rich but childless cloth merchant and councilor, Albrecht Dürer created an altar painting for the Dominican monastery in Frankfurt after 1500 . He also donated altarpieces by Hans Holbein the Elder to him. Ä. , and Mathias Grünewald .

Jakob-Latscha-Strasse , Ostend

Jakob Latscha (1849–1912), Frankfurt merchant and patron, mennonite . Was heavily involved in social housing, u. a. in Offenbach-Lohwald and Dreieich . His grocery chain, which last appeared under the name HL-Markt, was taken over by the REWE Group in 1977 and gradually integrated by name.

Jakob-Leisler-Strasse , Westend

Jakob Leisler (1640–1691) was a colonialist presumably from Bockenheim. From 1689 on, he led an uprising in the British colony of New York. He was executed for high treason, but later rehabilitated by the English Crown, which did not bring him to life either. In a sense, his descendant is Walther Leisler Kiep , a former CDU leader.

Jakobsbrunnenstrasse , Fechenheim

Field names. It can be assumed that the owner of the corridor on which this spring originated heard the first name Jakob.

Jakob-Quirin-Weg , Harheim

Jakob Quirin (1922–1995), from 1948 to 1972 the last mayor of the formerly independent community of Harheim.

Jaspertstrasse , Preungesheim

August Jaspert (1871–1941), rector and city councilor, founded the children's village Wegscheide in Spessart in 1920 , a former prisoner of war camp from the First World War .


Jean-Albert-Schwarz-Strasse , Praunheim

Jean Albert Schwarz (1873–1953), teacher in Frankfurt and school politician

Jean-Gardner-Batten-Strasse , airport

Jean Gardner Batten (1909–1982), a New Zealand pilot, set numerous long-range and endurance records in solo flight in the 1930s

Jean-Kempf-Weg , Bergen- Enkheim

Jean Kempf, actually Johannes Kempf (1895–1960), SPD local politician, one of the initiators for the construction of the Volkshaus, in which he also ran the restaurant for some time. From 1946 to 1960 deputy mayor of the municipality.

Jean-Monnet-Strasse , Eschersheim

Jean Omer Marie Gabriel Monnet (1888–1979), French statesman and politician. He is considered one of the founding fathers of the European Communities.

Jean-Paul-Strasse , Dornbusch

Jean Paul (1763–1825), actually Johann Paul Friedrich Richter, German writer. The name change goes back to Jean Paul's great admiration for Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Jenaer Weg , Zeilsheim

Jena , university city in Thuringia

Jenny-Apolant-Weg , Ostend

Jenny Apolant (1874–1925), liberal democratic Jewish women's rights activist and social politician, city councilor in the first Frankfurt city council.


Joachim-Becher-Strasse , Westend

Johann Joachim Becher (1635–1682) was a German alchemist, doctor and cameralist (representative of cameralism ) and economic theorist who advocated the management of the economy with mercantilistic means (protective tariffs, factories) throughout his life .

Joachim-Biermann-Strasse , Bockenheim

Joachim (Jockl) Biermann (1942–2002), committed Rödelheim local politician and FDP city ​​councilor; At the beginning of the 1980s, head of department at the table tennis Bundesliga team FTG Frankfurt .

Johanna-Kirchner-Strasse , Praunheim

Johanna "Hanna" Kirchner b. Stunz (1889–1944), born in Frankfurt, was a German resistance fighter who was executed by the Nazis in Berlin-Plötzensee.

Johanna-Melber-Weg , Sachsenhausen

Johanna Maria Textor (1734–1823), daughter of Johann Wolfgang Textor and younger sister of Goethe's mother Catharina Elisabeth , married Georg Adolf Melber, privy councilor, in 1751.

Johanna-Spyri-Weg , Kalbach-Riedberg

Johanna Spyri (1827–1901), Swiss writer and the "mother" of the well-known fictional character Heidi , who did not feel comfortable in Frankfurt and longed for the Swiss mountains.

Johanna-Tesch-Platz , Riederwald

Johanna Tesch (1875–1945) was a Frankfurt social democrat . Member of the Weimar National Assembly and the Reichstag. Was murdered in the Ravensbrück concentration camp during the Nazi regime . The only street in the Riederwald named after a woman, all the others bear the names of men.

Johann-Beyer-Weg , Kalbach-Riedberg

Dr. Johannes Hartmann Beyer (1563–1625), Frankfurt physician, mathematician and founder

Johannesallee , Unterliederbach

after the local St. Johanneskirche

Johannes-Lamp-Strasse , Niederrad

Johannes Lamp (1881–1956), b. in Siershahn (Westerwald), was pastor in the Catholic parish of Niederrad for 37 years from 1917 to 1954. Under his direction the new Catholic church was built in 1932 and rebuilt in 1944 after its destruction

Johann-Georg-Elser-Strasse , Kalbach-Riedberg

Georg Elser (1903–1945), carried out the unsuccessful assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler in the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich in 1939 , was picked up at the Swiss border and taken to Sachsenhausen concentration camp , later to Dachau concentration camp, where he was to be tried after the end of the war . Shortly before the Allies arrived in Dachau, he was murdered

Johann-Georg-Fahr system , Kalbach

Johann Georg Fahr (1836–1916) founded the machine factory Fahr in Gottmadingen on Lake Constance in 1870 , which is today one of the largest tractor factories in Europe.

Johann-Halske-Allee , Bockenheim

Johann Georg Halske (1814–1890), German entrepreneur. Founded the telegraph company Siemens & Halske with Werner Siemens, which had long been part of Siemens AG.

Johann-Klohmann-Strasse , Sossenheim

Johann Klohmann (1827–1892), Mayor of Sossenheim from 1877 until his death.

Johann-Klotz-Strasse , Niederrad

The chief forester Johann Daniel Klotz and Johann Hermann Klotz made great contributions to the reforestation of the Frankfurt city forest during their service from 1739–1766.

Johann-Sittig-Strasse , Sindlingen

Johann Sittig (1894–1961), district head of the Sindlingen district

Johann-Usener-Strasse , Bergen-Enkheim

Johann Heinrich Usener, bailiff in Bergen from 1776 to 1815. His chronicle of the Bornheimerberg district , from 1796, still gives us a clear picture of what happened during his time in office. His son Dr. Friedrich Philipp Usener (1773–1867) became a Frankfurt senator and lay judge. Friedrich Philipp's pictures are valuable sources for historical research and can be found in the Historical Museum in Frankfurt am Main.

Jordanstrasse , Bockenheim

Wilhelm Jordan (1819–1904), poet and writer, born in Insterburg / East Prussia, was a member of the Mark Brandenburg in the German National Assembly that met in 1849 in Frankfurt . He then stayed in Frankfurt until his death.

Josbacher Strasse , Gallus

Niederjosbach, part of Eppstein or Oberjosbach, part of Niedernhausen , that is the question. The two places, which are only a few kilometers apart, are connected by the Josbach and not only separates a municipality but even a district boundary.

Josef-Bautz-Strasse , Kalbach

Franz Josef Bautz (1874–1953), 1890 co-founder of the now defunct Bautz AG, manufacturer of agricultural machinery and tractors in Bad Saulgau / Upper Swabia.

Josef-Benner-Weg , Nied

Josef Benner (1864–1933), former postmaster in Frankfurt-Nied

Josef-Dey-Weg , Höchst

Josef Dey (1874–1960), administrative director and co-founder of the construction association for Höchst and the surrounding area.

Josef-Eicher-Strasse , Kalbach

Josef Eicher (1906–1984), co-founder of the Gebr. Eicher tractor factory in Forstern / Upper Bavaria. 1947 Manufacturer of the first air-cooled diesel engine for use in tractors. Production in Germany has been discontinued since 1992.

Josef-Fenzl-Strasse , Höchst

Josef Fenzl (1957–1997), highest teacher and historian

Josef-May-Straße , Rödelheim (1935–1945 Treisberger Straße , formerly Spitalstraße )

The children of the Jewish couple Joseph Hirsch (1798–1865) and Hannchen May († 1872) founded a hospital and old people's home for Christian and Jewish citizens of Rödelheim in 1874.
  • Treisberg, district of Schmitten (Hochtaunus)

Josef-Wirmer-Strasse , Praunheim

Josef Wirmer (1901–1944), German lawyer and resistance fighter against National Socialism. Executed in Berlin-Plötzensee

Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Strasse , Kalbach-Riedberg

Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787–1826), German physicist and optician, founded scientific telescope construction . The Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research is named after him . V.

Josephskirchstrasse , Eschersheim

after the Catholic St. Joseph's Church, which was located there and consecrated in 1914 .


Juchostrasse , Ostend

Dr. Friedrich Siegmund Jucho (1805–1884), lawyer and notary, liberal advocate of a democratic Germany, for which he was taken into custody. Member of the Frankfurt National Assembly in 1848

Jügelstrasse , Bockenheim

Christian Carl Jügel (1783–1869), Frankfurt publisher. His foundation made the construction of the Jügelhaus , a main building of the Goethe University possible.

Jugenheimer Strasse , Niederrad

Jugenheim, part of Seeheim-Jugenheim in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district

Julius-Brecht-Strasse , Frankfurter Berg

Dr. Julius Brecht (1900–1962), German politician. From 1940 president of the Reich Association of German non-profit housing companies. From 1948 to 1950 director of the Association of North German Housing Companies. In 1951 he became director of the general association of non-profit housing companies. 1957–1962 member of the Bundestag for the SPD.

Julius-Heyman-Strasse , Nordend (1938–1948 Palmstrasse )

Julius Heyman (1863–1925), banker of the Jewish faith, bequeathed his house on Palmstrasse to the city of Frankfurt with an important collection of antiques and art
  • Johann Philipp Palm (1766–1806), bookseller, published an anonymous anti-French script in 1806, for which he was shot on orders from Napoleon.

Julius-Leber-Weg , Sossenheim

Julius Leber (1891–1945), SPD member of the Reichstag since 1924, but forced out of parliament by the Nazis in 1933 and sent to a concentration camp, executed in 1945 in Berlin-Plötzensee as a resistance fighter.

Julius Munk plant , Gallus

Dr. Julius Munk (1901–1945), inmate doctor in the former “ Katzbachsatellite camp and resistance fighter. The Katzbach concentration camp was very close, on the premises of the Frankfurt Adlerwerke between Kleyerstrasse and Weilburger Strasse, a memorial plaque on the listed factory building in Kleyerstrasse commemorates the place and the many victims (see also Golub-Lebedenko-Platz ).

Juliusstrasse , Bockenheim

Kommerzienrat Julius Wurmbach (1831–1901), industrialist, Vice Mayor of Bockenheim, member of the board of the Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce. Wurmbachstrasse is also named after him.

Junghofstrasse , city center

After a manor already mentioned in the 14th century, which belonged to a citizen named Jung.

Jungmannstrasse , Griesheim

Kaspar Jungmann (1818–1906), teacher in Griesheim

Jungstrasse , Bockenheim

Rudolf Jung (1859–1922), from 1887 director of the Frankfurt City Archives.

Jürgen-Ponto-Platz , Bahnhofsviertel

Jürgen Ponto (1923–1977), spokesman for the board of Dresdner Bank AG, was murdered by terrorists of the Red Army faction in his home town of Oberursel in 1977 . The space between the Silberturm skyscraper and Kaiserstrasse has been named after him ever since.

Justinianstrasse , Northrend

Justinian von Holzhausen (1502–1553), Stadtschultheiß in 1552, when Frankfurt was besieged by the princes of the Schmalkaldic League and his Holzhausen Castle was burned down.

Justinuskirchstraße and Justinusplatz , Höchst

The Justinuskirche is the oldest preserved architectural monument in Frankfurt, dating from the Carolingian period (around 850). Named after Saint Justin the Confessor from Rome. For tourists, the fact that it is not the Justinuskirche, but the (neo-Romanesque) Josefskirche in Justinuskirchstraße is a bit confusing .