Mehdi Hüseynzadə

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Mehdi Huseynzade
Surname Mehdi Hanifa oghlu Hüseynzade
Date of birth December 22, 1918
place of birth Nowchani, Baku, Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
Date of death (age) November 16, 1944 (25)
Place of death Vitovlje , Kingdom of Italy (now Slovenia )
Burial place Čepovan , Nova Gorica , Slovenia
Military career
Nickname Mikhаilo
Affiliation Soviet Union 1923Soviet Union Soviet Union Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia Socialist Federal RepublicYugoslavia 
status partisan
rank lieutenant
Years of service 1941-1944
unit 9. Association of the People's Liberation Army (Yugoslavia)
guides Reconnaissance and sabotage groups
Butcher World War II
German-Soviet War
Battle of Stalingrad
Honors Hero of the Soviet Union
Order of Lenin

Mehdi Hüseynzadə ( Миkhailo ) ( German  Mehdi Hüseynzade , Azerbaijani Mehdi Hənifə oğlu Hüseynzadə ; * December 22, 1918 in Nowchani ; † November 2, 1944 in Vitovlje ) was a Soviet lieutenant of Azerbaijani descent . During the Second World War he fought in the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia and in smaller partisan associations against the Wehrmacht . After his death, he was honored with the Order of Lenin and Hero of the Soviet Union .


Until the war

Mehdi Hüseynzade was born on December 22nd, 1918 in the small Baku village of Nowchani . From 1932 to 1936 he completed an art degree at the Azerbaijani Art School. A year later he began language training in French at the University of Foreign Languages ​​in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg ). In 1940 he returned to his homeland and continued his education at the Azerbaijani Pedagogical University .

Times of war

Mehdi Hüseynzadə, Səid Rüstəmov and Mürsəl Nəcəfov (from left to right), 1930
Mehdi (center) with comrades, 1944

Mehdi Huseynzadeh's family learned about the attack by the German Wehrmacht on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 in their garden in Shuvalan. Her younger sister, Hurriyat Azizbeyova, narrated that her grandmother tried to convince her nephew to stay in the garden. Mehdi, however, first hugged her and said goodbye by saying that the home country had to defend itself. He then moved into town and waited for a subpoena from the Soviet Military Registration and Recruiting Office. On August 9, 1941, Mehdi joined the Red Army .

Mehdi Hüseynzadə at the Tbilisi Military School, 1941

After graduating from the Tbilisi Military School, he was sent to the front in 1942, where fierce fighting was already taking place at the time. As a commander of a mortar train , he took part in the Battle of Stalingrad . In his last letter from Stalingrad to his younger sister, he wrote:

“I'm writing from the front. The battles are fierce. The atrocities committed by the Nazis are difficult to describe. They do not despise heinous methods themselves. Tomorrow we go on the offensive. I give you my word that I will fight to the last drop of blood. I will fight heroically and not disavow our family's honor. But if I should die, I will accept the hero's death. As long as I live you will still hear from me. See you soon!"

In August 1942 Mehdi was seriously wounded and taken as a prisoner of war near the town of Kalatsch . While in captivity, he was accepted into the Azerbaijani Legion along with Javad Hakimli and others . In mid-1943, the Wehrmacht soldiers brought a large number of Soviet prisoners of war , including Azerbaijanis, from the camp in Schtrans (Germany) to the regions of Yugoslavia , Trieste and Italy . During their time in the prison camp in Shtrans, the Soviet prisoners of war founded an anti-fascist underground organization that established connections with Italian and Yugoslav partisans. Mehdi Hüseynzadə was one of the active members of this organization. In October 1943, when the Azerbaijani prisoner-of-war camp was in northern Italy near Udine , he succeeded in forwarding a plan for a surprise attack by the Nazis to the "Garibaldi" partisan division at the headquarters of the Wehrmacht Command.

The partisan «Mikhailo»

In early 1944, Mehdi fled an Italian camp with a group of comrades and joined the Yugoslav partisans of the 9th Corps of the People's Liberation Army , which operated in Primorska , Slovenia . A "Russian" company of the 4th Battalion of the 3rd Slovene People's Liberation Brigade "Ivan Gradnik" was formed from the Azerbaijanis . The commander of the brigade was Cavad Həkimli , and the commissar was Меhdi. The company was located in the village of Otlitsa near a so-called "Angel Mountain", north of the town of Ajdovščina . From then on, Mehdi took an active part in the partisan movement in the region under the guerrilla pseudonym "Mikhailo". The Slovenian partisan and military historian Stanko Petelin described him as one of the best saboteurs in the entire 9th Corps. The partisan Mahar Mammadov also wrote in his memoirs:

“That was at the beginning of 1944. The Wehrmacht, the local population and the prisoners used the name Mikhailo very often, which we were not very aware of at the time. That was a mystery to us at the time. However, some things soon became clearer. We were honored hand in hand with Mikhailo to fight against the Nazis. "

"Mikhailo" as a partisan, 1944

In mid-January, Mikhailo and his fighters got hold of topographic maps of the enemy, which were of considerable importance. In the following month he went in the form of a Wehrmacht officer to a nearby barracks and blew up the central building with the mines placed on the fire extinguishers.

On April 2, Mehdi and Mirdamat Seyidov blew up a cinema during a film screening in the village of Opicina (Opčine) near the city of Trieste . After entering the cinema, they quietly installed a time bomb under an armchair and then left the building. In the explosion, 80 people were killed, 60 were seriously injured, 200 soldiers were slightly injured; 40 of them died from the wounds in the hospital. That same month, on April 22nd, Mikhailo performed his second major operation. In Via Carlo Ghega, Trieste, the building of the soldiers 'home restaurant, a soldiers' house, was blown up. After disguising themselves as soldiers of the Italian military, Mehdi and Mirdamat Seyidov entered the said restaurant. They divided the vials of the detonators into small bags and took two seats at the table, under which the bags of explosives were placed. They then left the restaurant under the pretext of buying coupons and ran out onto the street. After the explosion, the bodies could only be recovered from the rubble of the building after two days.

On April 23rd, an article was published in the Italian newspaper Il Piccolo , in which it officially stated: “Yesterday, Saturday, the communist elements carried out a terrorist attack on the municipal soldiers' barracks in Trieste, which killed some Wehrmacht soldiers and some Italians Citizens cost. ” The Gestapo men at the time were accused of having arrested and executed people from the hairdressing salon in the same building in relation to the explosion.

In the same Trieste, Mikhailo had blown up the editorial and printing works of the newspaper Il Piccolo. After a while, together with his comrade Ali Tagiyev and an anti-fascist Hans Fritz, he carried out another sabotage by blowing up a bridge near Postojna station , which caused a freight train with 24 wagons to crash.

Mikhailo and M. Seyidov executed the Gestapo man Major N. Kertner by order of the partisan's headquarters. In late summer, Mehdi carried out an operation against the retreating unit of the Wehrmacht on behalf of the division together with Akper Agayev at the head of the partisan platoon. Some soldiers and officers died in the attack and more than 10 enemy trucks were destroyed.

In September 1944, Mikhailo entered the enemy airfield in the form of a technical duty officer and destroyed 2 planes and 25 vehicles with time-lapse appointments. In the same month he succeeded in stealing a truck with ammunition in the city of Gorizia .

In October he succeeded in Gorizia with false documents and two other partisans, who pretended to be "prisoners", to open the gates of the city prison as a Wehrmacht officer. As a result of this sabotage, around 700 prisoners were freed, including 147 Soviet soldiers.

On behalf of the command of the 9th Corps of the People's Liberation Army , Mikhailo created and led a sabotage and reconnaissance group at the headquarters of the 31st Division. According to Javad Hakimli's surviving memoirs, the occupiers understood this group as a large division commanded by Mehdi. "The Wehrmacht command in Trieste set up a reward of 400,000 lire on his head, but this fact still left him elusive.


Mehdi Huseynzade died on November 2, 1944 in the village of Vitovlje , in the [[Province of Gorizia | Gorizia]] of the Slovenian coastal region, while returning from a mission to the headquarters of the 9th building, which is in the village of Chepovan, ten kilometers north found.

There are several statements about the circumstances of his death. One of the earliest versions is based on the story of the homeowner's son, into whom Mikhailo took refuge. He reports that their house was unexpectedly surrounded by enemies. M. Huseynzade had two hand grenades and a fifteen-round pistol on hand. When the enemy entered the house, Mikhailo threw the two grenades at them. Due to the resulting chaos, he jumped through the back window and hurried off. The soldiers who saw him went in search of him. In order not to be caught, he shot himself in the heart with a gun after a short time.

According to Slovenian tradition, Mikhailo and the three Slovenian saboteurs Ivan Sulič-Car, Adam Zorn and Jordan Gorjan stayed at the headquarters of the 9th Corps in the village of Vitovlje on November 1, 1944 . In Vitovlje and in the village of Ranziano , the partisans had secret bases from which they carried out missions to the area occupied by the Wehrmacht.

According to Adam Zorn, the stable of the headquarters in which the eight partisans were housed was unexpectedly surrounded by enemy soldiers at night. Mikhailo and the Slovenian Dreychek (real name: Andrey Komel) tried to break out of the encirclement, but were killed by machine guns. According to A. Zorn, the Italian military units carried out a search operation with the Wehrmacht in the entire village that night. A. Zorn himself was captured by the patrolling soldiers while inspecting the manger along with another partisan. The rest went undetected.

The story of Javad Hakimli, the chief of staff of the “Soviet” battalion of the Bazovitsky Brigade and close friend of Mikhailo, differs in a few details. According to him, partisans spent the night in the basement. When the soldiers surrounded them, Mikhailo was wounded trying to break through the cordon and shot himself to avoid captivity.

The body of Mehdi was buried by residents and the partisans of the 2nd "Russian" Battalion of the 18th Slovenian Shock Bazovitsky Brigade in the cemetery of the village of Chepovan. On his grave was a wooden pyramid with an attached iron plate with an inscription.

As can be seen in the report from the headquarters of the 30th Division to the command of the 9th NOAU Corps on November 9, 1944, the Wehrmacht soldiers planned on the eve of Mehdi's death, on the night of October 30th to 31st, systematically launched an offensive on the Trnovsky plateau for the subsequent attack on the area controlled by the partisans. The operation began on October 31 from the Goritsa - Aidovščina road with the transfer of advanced units to the villages of Vitovle and Šmihel. On the night of November 31st, a patrol of the 19th Slovenian Brigade detected the presence of German troops on the way from Vitovle to the Trnovo-Lokve road. At the same time, the patrol sent by the partisans to Vitovla itself met the troops here near the Church of the Assumption of Mary. From November 1 to November 2, the soldiers made several attempts to penetrate the ridge of the Trnovsky plateau. The fighting towards the village of Trnovo lasted until November 6th.

After his death

One of the memorial plaques in Baku

The role and activities of Mehdi in the ranks of the People's Liberation Army were for a long time unknown to the public in the Soviet Union. On May 31, 1956 , based on the memories of former partisan V. Sokolov, the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda published an article entitled "The Partisan's Courage", which was dedicated to the exploits of Mikhailo.

Later, in October of the same year, another former partisan - GA Zhilyaev - wrote down the so-called "Memoirs of Mehdi Huseynzade (Mikhailo)" and transferred the manuscript to the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijani SSR. The institute soon gathered a considerable amount of material on the partisan's exploits, after which the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, Imam Mustafayev, sent a secret letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU . The KGB of the Azerbaijani SSR launched a secret investigation that confirmed Mehdi's heroism in Yugoslavia and Italy during World War II. F. Kopylov wrote in the Central Committee of the SSR Azerbaijan: "The embassy of the USSR in Yugoslavia appealed to the competent Yugoslav authorities with a request to additionally check and document the activities of Huseynzade in the Yugoslav partisan formation." The investigation ended with information that confirmed the exploits of the Soviet lieutenant. The Yugoslav side also submitted additional documents. As a result, by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 11, 1957 , Mehdi was bestowed the title Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).

On December 7th, 2012 the writer P. Amelietti presented his novel in Slovenia with the title "One for All or Mehdi's Revenge".

Historians on Mehdi Hüseynzade

The publication “History of the Second World War 1939–1945” classifies Mehdi Huseynzade as a national hero of Yugoslavia.

The historian VNKazak quotes the former chief of staff of the 31st Division of the 9th Corps of the People's Liberation Army, Stanko Petelin-Voiko , according to which Mehdi Huseynzade alone destroyed around a thousand fascist invaders in various operations.

AM Sergienko, who studied the documents of the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation , writes: “Mehdi spoke very good German and penetrated the enemy's military facilities and brought valuable information. Of great importance for the Soviet command were the data that Rybachenkov had found out and documented about the transfer of the Wehrmacht units from Italy to Hungary. "

The Yugoslav military historian and partisan Stanko Petelin also devoted a separate chapter to Mehdi Huseynzade in his monograph “The Gradnikov Brigade”.

Information about the two largest acts of sabotage by Mehdi Huseynzade (April 2 and April 22, 1944) is also detailed in the “Chronology of the People's Liberation War from 1941–1945”.

The role of the Soviet secret service in relation to Mehdi Hüseynzade

From April 2, 1944 until the end of the war, a group of the Soviet military mission operated in the headquarters of the People's Liberation Army and in various partisan units in Slovenia. Colonel Nikolai Kirillovich Patrakhaltsev, who acted as senior assistant to the head of mission and personnel intelligence officer to the corporal of the General Intelligence Unit (GRU) and a specialist in sabotage and intelligence activities, led the mission. On June 6, this group was joined by another GRU officer, Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Petrovich Rybachenkov and the radio operator Leonidov. Rybachenko and Leonidov were attached to the headquarters of the 9th Corps. Their tasks were to organize the supply of supplies as part of the Soviet military aid, to consult Slovenian commanders on military issues and to gather information about the enemy. However, the respective roles of the representatives of the Soviet military mission in the activities of Mehdi's group remain vague.

His group acted as a separate sabotage unit of the 9th Corps. This information is also confirmed by Simon Vičič, who was charged with organizing a conspiracy liaison between the Mehdi Reconnaissance Group and the head of the Intelligence Group of the 9th Corps (Sabotažno-Skupino) in the Goriska region . Ivan Sulič, a Yugoslav partisan, carried the guerrilla pseudonym "Tsar". Vicic writes; “... Mehdi was a real boy scout. He was never called by his real name. He was always just Mikhailo ... Nobody knew where he came from ... He only spoke to the "Tsar" .

The Slovenian researcher of the People's Liberation War, Marijan F. Kranjc, analyzed the isolation of the Mehdi group and, on behalf of the Soviet secret service, presented a summary of Mehdi Huseynzade's missions.

Private life

Mehdi Huseynzade had two sisters - Pikya Alizade and Khuriet Azizbekova. The nephew of his older sister - Akshin Alizade - became a famous Soviet and Azerbaijani composer, folk artist of the Azerbaijani SSR.

Mikhailo was also a very good artist, playing tar and composing poetry. He was an excellent mine defuser and was very good at driving. According to a friend of M. Huseynzade, who later became Secretary of the Union of Soviet Artists of Azerbaijan, M. Tarlanov, his favorite poets were Huseyn Javid, Mikail Mushfik , Samed Vurgun and Suleiman Rustam.


  • A novel about Mehdi Huseynzade by Imran Kasumov and Hasan Seyidbeyli with the title “On the Distant Shores” (1954).
  • In 1958, based on the story in the film studio “Azerbaijanfilm”, the feature film “On the Distant Shores” (director: Tofig Taghizade) and in 2008 the documentary “Mikhailo” in the studio “Salnam” were shot.
  • In 1963 the memoirs of a comrade of Mehdi, Javad Hakimli, entitled "Intigam" (Revenge), which described Mikhailo's military exploits, were published.
  • In 1973 a memorial to Mehdi Huseynzade was erected in Baku.
  • The football stadium in Sumgait , the promenade in Mingəçevir , a secondary school in the village of Novkhany (Baku) [57], the streets in Baku , Gəncə and Terter are named after Mehdi Huseynzade.
  • On October 25, 2007 , the opening ceremony of the bust of the hero (sculptor: Akif Askerov) took place in the Slovenian village of Šempas near the Slovenian town of Nova Gorica , in whose area Huseynzade died.
  • On June 10, 2011, in the Slovenian city of Nova Gorica , an opening of the monument and museum for Mehdi Huseynzade took place. The President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev , and the Slovenian Danilo Türk attended the opening .
  • On December 12, 2013, the Azerbaijani Post issued postage stamp No. 1130, which was dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Mehdi Huseynzade.
  • On December 21, 2013, on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of Mehdi Huseynzade, a memorial complex was built in the Slovenian village of Čepovan, where Huseynzade was buried, with financial support from SOCAR and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan .
  • On November 17, 2017, a monument to the hero was unveiled in the Slovenian city of Maribor .
  • In 2018 a stamp was issued on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Mehdi Huseynzade in Ukraine .



Individual evidence

  1. Меһди Һүсейнзадә һаггында. - Бакы: Азәрбайҹан Ушаг вә Ҝәнҹләр Әдәбийяты Нәшрийяты, 1957. - С. 43.
  2. Stanko Petelin. «GRADNIKOVA BRIGADA». Монография - Любляна: издательство "Jože Moškrič" - 1983. - pp. 350–355.
  3. Ciril Zupanc. Mihajlo, obveščevalec in diverzant IX. corpusа. - Nova Gorica: Goriški muzej, 2007. - pp. 13-22.
  4. История Великой Отечественной войны Советского Союза, 1941-1945: Изгнание врага из пределов Советского Союза и начало освобождения народов Европы от фашистского ига (1944 год). - М .: Военное издательство, 1962. - Т. 4. - p. 495.
  5. Мадатов Г. Герой Советского Союза Мехти Гусейн-заде. - Баку: Гянджлик, 1975, p. 7
  6. Герои Советского Союза: историко-статистический очерк. - Военное изд-во, 1984. - С. 174.
  7. Григорий Жиляев. Записки партизана. Баку. 1957 с.82-85
  8. Станко Петелин Войко. Градниковская бригада (Stanko Petelin Vojko. GRADNIKOVA BRIGADA) - Beograd: Vojnoizdavacǩi zavod - 1968 - Стр.111
  9. Вугар Иманов, Илькин Иззет. В Баку отметили 100-летие командира легендарного разведчика “Михайло” - Баку: Trend Life - 20 ноября 2014 года.
  10. Gora: Časopis o Gori, Gorjankah in Gorjanih, letnik 14, številka 45, Predmeja, April 2010. - p. 23. - ISSN 1408-7855.
  11. Stanko Petelin. Gradnikova brigada. - Ljubljana, 1983. - p. 352.
  12. Шаламова Л. Великий Октябрь и Советский Азербайджан (Экспонаты рассказывают) - Баку: Элм, 1977. - С. 115-116.
  13. Materials on Azerbaijani History. - Baku, 1963. - Chap. 6. - p. 171.
  14. Абдул Гусейнов. В декабре Герою Советского Союза Мехти Ганифа оглы Гусейнзаде исполнилось бы 90 лет, Азкербаеджанскийербайсанскангя лет, 12/2008
  15. Мадатов Г. А. Азербайджан в Великой Отечественной войне. - Баку: Элм, 1975. - С. 359-360.
  16. Мадатов Г. А. Азербайджан в Великой Отечественной Войне. Институт Истории АН Азербайджанской ССР. - Баку: Элм, 1975. - С. 360
  17. Nəzirli Şəmistan. Əfsanəvi Mixaylo. - Baki: Qələm, 2013. - ISBN 978-9952-465-98-3
  18. Шамистан Назирли. Михайло и его соратники // Каспий: газета. - 5 декабря 2009. - С. 10-11.
  19. Ciril Zupanc. Mihajlo, obveščevalec in diverzant IX. corpusа. - Nova Gorica: Goriški muzej, 2007. - p. 16.
  20. Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda. - tom 6, knj. 17. - Beograd: Vojnoistorijski institut - 1970. - pp. 312-324.
  21. Гасанлы Дж.П. Хрущёвская оттепель и национальный вопрос в Азербайджане (1954–1959). - М .: Флинта, 2009. - С. 305-306. - ISBN 978-5-9765-0792-0 .
  22. Amalietti, Peter. Eden za vse ali Mihajlovo maščevanje. - Ljubljana: Amalietti & Amalietti, 2012. - knj. 1-2 - ISBN 9789616654814
  23. История Второй мировой войны 1939-1945. - Москва: Военное издательство, 1978. - том 9. - С. 230-231.
  24. Казак В. Н. «Побратимы: Советские люди в антифашистской борьбе народов балканских стран 1941—1945» - М. : Мысль - 1975. - С. 42, 157.
  25. a b Сергиенко А. М. АГОН - авиационная группа особого назначения. - М .: Андреевский флаг, 1999.
  26. Stanko Petelin. «GRADNIKOVA BRIGADA» . Монография - Любляна: издательство "Jože Moškrič" - 1983. - pp. 350–355.
  27. Stanko Petelin. Enaintrideseta divizija. - Ljubljana: Založba borec in partizanska knjiga, 1985. - p. 378.
  28. HRONOLOGIJA NARODNOOSLOBODILAČKOG RATA 1941–1945, Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd 1964.- pp. 737, 739.
  29. Колпакиди А. И., Прохоров Д. П. Все о внешней разведке. - Издательство: Олимп, АСТ, 2002. - ISBN 5-17-012895-9 , 5-8195-0577-8.
  30. a b КRANJC, Marijan F. Sovjetski, nemški in drugi obveščevalni vdori med primorske partozane 1941–1945. - Vojaštvo, 2013, [7] str.
  31. Primorski slovenski biografski leksikon. 15. snopič.  - Gorica: Goriška Mohorjeva družba, 1989. - pp. 483-484.
  32. Ervin Hladnik - Milharčič. Slovenski junak. // Dnevnik (Ljubljana, Slovenia): Časopis. - July 30th, 2011.
  33. На дальних берегах , 
  34. Е. РЗАХАНОВА: В Азербайджане снят фильм о легендарном разведчике и диверсанте , Герое Советского Союза Мехти Гусейнзаде , Информационное агентство ЦентрАзия. November 27, 2008. 
  35. Персона Герой с дальних берегов , Азербайджанские известия. 01/10/09. 
  36. Статуя и школа в селе Новханы , Сайт села Новханы. 
  37. Улучшается газоснабжение Тертерского района , Информационное Агентство "The First News". 29 October 2007. 
  38. Sevinj Ahmadova: В Словении открыли бюст легендарного азербайджанца "Михайло" , Информационное агентство. 29 October 2007. 
  39. ^ Mehdi's memorial in Slovenia
  40. ^ The monument in Maribor, Slovenia