Miguel Serrano

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Miguel Serrano on May 31, 1957

Miguel Serrano ( Miguel Joaquín Diego del Carmen Serrano Fernández ; born September 10, 1917 in Santiago de Chile , † February 28, 2009 ibid) was a Chilean diplomat who was known as a propagandist of "esoteric Hitlerism" as well as an anti-Semite and Holocaust denier .


On his mother's side, Miguel Serrano comes from the dynasty de la Sierra Bella , whose property was near Santiago near Las Condes; Well-known poets, political idealists and diplomats emerged from his father's family . His mother died when he was five years old; three years later he also lost his father. He then lived with his father's mother in Santiago and a mansion in the Claro Valley at the foot of the Andes. From 1929 to 1934 he attended the Internado Nacional Barros Arana , which had good relations with Germany.

After a friend was killed in a brawl with Chilean Nacistas , he began writing for left-wing magazines, but soon rejected Marxist teachings and communist realpolitik . After the failed coup d'état by the Nacistas on September 5, 1938, his aura of "heroic martyrdom" outweighed him. He sympathized with the Movimento Nacional-Socialista , wrote articles for the party newspaper and accompanied the “leader” of the Movimento on propaganda trips .

After the German attack on the Soviet Union , he devoted himself entirely to National Socialist propaganda . From 1941 he published biweekly political commentaries and literary reviews under the title “La Nueva Edad”. Serrano's propensity for conspiracy theories turned into an obsession in the fall of 1941 when he got his hands on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion who made him a fervent anti-Semite.

In 1951 he visited the ruins of the Führerbunker in Berlin and stayed for hours in front of the walls of the Spandau war crimes prison, where Rudolf Hess and other leading Nazis were imprisoned.

After the war, he was a member of the Chilean diplomatic corps in India from 1953 to 1962 , where he eventually became ambassador. From 1962 to 1964 he was Chile's ambassador to Yugoslavia , from 1964 to 1970 in Austria , where he worked as an ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency and to UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), until he left the government under the newly elected Marxist Salvador Allende was unexpectedly released. He then went into exile in Camuzzi in Montagnola (Canton Ticino), where he devoted himself to the literary processing of religious myths.

He maintained worldwide contacts with old and neo-fascists such as Léon Degrelle , Otto Skorzeny , Hans-Ulrich Rudel , Hanna Reitsch , Matt Koehl and Florentine Rost van Tonningen .

Serrano claimed that the German Antarctic Expedition in Queen Maud Land in 1938/1939 discovered a way to communicate with secret cities in the interior of the earth, to which the Hyperboreans fled from a catastrophe after a polar reversal. During the war years the National Socialists established a secret base there, into which Adolf Hitler escaped with a flying saucer in order to continue the “esoteric war” to this day.

Esoteric Hitlerism

In 1941 Serrano joined an esoteric order founded by a German who had allegedly sworn allegiance to a mysterious Brahmanic elite in the Himalayas and whose members united the ardent admiration of Hitler. Here he enriched his apocalyptic Nazi ideology with ideas from Hinduism and yoga . The group practiced ritual magic , tantric and Kundalini yoga . The master of the order related the “yogic experience of ascension” to Nietzsche's will to power ; he saw Adolf Hitler as a being of the highest willpower and an initiate of Vedic- Aryan teachings.

In the early 1940s he believed in the myth of a world conspiracy of Jews , secret societies and communists. After the war ended, Serrano assumed that Hitler was not dead but asleep, and in 1947 and 1948 he undertook two expeditions to Antarctica to find him.

Serrano could not accept the defeat of the Third Reich . He claimed that Hitler was still alive inside the hollow earth and that he planned to complete the Third Reich with the help of highly developed flying disks . He also imagined that he had made a stop in the warm oases of Antarctica on his escape , before returning to his archetypal home under the black sun . Alternatively, he speculated about parallel universes and "astral wormholes ". After the left came to power in Chile and after the abrupt end of his diplomatic career, Serrano turned again to Nazism , founded his "esoteric Hitlerism" and was chairman of the National Socialist Party of Chile for a long time . His 600-page philosophical legacy under the title Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar deals with the Thule philosophy. Serrano thought Hitler was the 10th avatar of Vishnu , the Kalki avatar, who had appeared in human form to usher in a new age. He thought Hitler was a voluntarily incarnated Tulku or Boddhisatva , who was beyond any criticism.

Establishing a Gnostic Religion

Serrano created a Gnostic religion, the core of which was based on visions that had been bestowed upon him by an invisible master to whom he was subordinate. Ideologically, he oriented himself on the dualistic implications inherent in Catharism , anti-Semitism and the Jungian concept of the projection of the “shadow”, and saw in the archetypes gods who ruled over their races . His cosmogony was based on the idea of ​​the fall of man as an originally divine being. His Gnostic teaching proclaimed the unearthly origin of the Aryans, whom he regarded as divine bearers of light, and warned of a worldwide conspiracy against them. He interpreted the collective unconscious biologically and racially as the "memory of the Aryan blood". He borrowed particularly clearly from CG Jung's theory of archetypes. The Aryan archetype recognized Hitler as a medium of influence on the world. Serrano referred to Adolf Hitler as " Messiah " and adopted Savitri Devi's idea of ​​Hitler as the Avatar Vishnus , Shivas or Wotan ; his goal was to restore the lost divinity of the Aryans.

Manichean dualism

In contrast to the spiritual unity and integration that was initially idealized in his poetic works, Serrano fell more and more into the idea of ​​two opposing archetypes of light and darkness. In a variation of Gnosticism, he postulated an original divine field of life from which some of the original God-men had descended, who would now have got caught in our physical sphere of being. In earthly exile, the fallen people would have to eke out their existence in an eternal downward spiral if they were not freed from captivity by descended divyas as part of a divine rescue plan. This doctrine is based on a sharp Manichaean dualism, in which the fall of the original divine beings is traced back to the rebellion of the demiurge who is a false, deceitful god.

References to the Cathars and the Demiurge

In Serrano's cosmology, the origin of evil is explained by the basic idea of ​​the fall of a part of humanity from an originally good divine field of life into our coexistent evil world. Among other things, he took from the gnostic of the Cathars the Manichaean dualistic idea of ​​a rebellious demiurge who formed a lesser kind of creation out of matter. Like the Manicheans, he identified the evil Demiurge with Jehovah , the God of the Old Testament , who had nothing to do with the true God, who was far above the earthly realm. With this doctrine, Serrano implied that Jehovah, the tribal deity of the Jews, was the god of evil and darkness, and consequently that the Jews were nothing but devil worshipers .

I death and self-annihilation for the purpose of transfiguration to superman

Serrano emphasizes again and again that the human being and the ego have to be destroyed in order to be able to transfigure into a “god-like superman ”. He is thus in the tradition of all Nazi visionaries and their heirs, who have built the "first I inheritance" into their "religious architecture" as an important building block and prerequisite for apotheosis as a God-man.

Otto Rahn and the "Montségur-Tibet Connection"

According to Serrano, the mountain Montségur offers spiritualistic contact possibilities to Tibet.

The SS-Obersturmführer and Romanist Otto Rahn is one of Serrano's most important and most frequently quoted people. Through Rahn's French contacts with Antonin Gadal and the environment of the Les Polaires , Serrano was inspired to speculate that there would be the possibility of coming into direct contact with Tibet from Montsegur .

The soldiers of Shambala: Argonauts, Grail Knights, Templars, Rosicrucians and SS

In the SS mysticism of Serranos, a distinction is made between an internal and an external SS protection squadron. The inner circle of the SS consisted of sun people, supermen, human gods and human magicians, all of whom were in contact with the underground kingdom of Shambala . According to Serrano, Shambala's soldiers include the fighters of the Bhagavadgita , the Argonauts , the Grail Knights , Templars , Rosicrucians and, finally, the SS elite . Only those who had gone through several initiation rites were allowed to belong to this inner esoteric circle of the Black Order . In addition to constant readiness for war, the ability to pre- remember the Aryan origin of the warrior monks is a discipline of the left-wing magical knighthood.

Anti-Semitism as theological doctrine

According to Serrano, the Jews are not an independent race, but a bastard people who have robbed the Hyperborean Aryans of their divine birthright. He accused the Jews of forcing their falsified national history and pseudo-religion on the rest of the world as a way of salvation. In Serrano's imagination, the blood of the divyas from the “Black Sun” flows in the veins of the Aryans, while the Jews, as antagonists , embody the evil archetypes, who as a counter-race are filled with the spirit of the Lord of Darkness. Some of the gods have descended into the material world and settled on Hyperborea , a ring-shaped continent around the North Pole. In order to spiritualize earth and nature, they arranged the colored races created by the demiurge in a fixed caste system . With the mixing of some God-humans with “animal-humans”, however, a cycle began, initially of the decline of the Hyperborean Golden Age , right up to the Kali-Yuga of modernity.

Serrano rejected Christianity , the Enlightenment and rationalism . He saw modernity shaped by an abstract, mechanistic “Jewish spirit” which led to the disintegration of a “unified Aryan universe” ( Julius Evola ), especially through a reduction of all existence to subatomic particles and mathematics . The driving force of this cycle of ages are conspiracy and war: Mythological wars as well as the Second World War are punitive actions against those who have contaminated their divine blood. Hitler's goal as an avatar was to bring about a new golden age. In Adolf Hitler, The Last Avatar (1984) Serrano also tells a cosmology of gods who live on the edge of the galaxy, outside under the "black sun", or beyond time and space in the green ray , about the power of the Vril and that Have third eye .

Esoteric ufology and Hitler's escape into the hollow earth

According to Serrano, Adolf Hitler did not die on April 30, 1945, but escaped through an underground passage designed by Albert Speer that connected the Führerbunker with Tempelhof Airport . From there he flew with a secret National Socialist Reichsflugscheibe first to the subterranean mythical kingdom of Shambhala and later to the Antarctic . From there, Hitler fled into the hollow interior of the earth, where he moved into his regular Hyperborean place to wait for his triumphant return. In Serrano's "esoteric ufology" there are extremely hierarchical structures and racist concepts. Concerning Hitler's escape to the South Pole, Serrano only spread the favorite topics of neo-Nazi and sensational literature, on the other hand he was so convinced that he joined the Antarctic expedition of the Chilean army as a journalist in 1947/48 in order to track down his idol. According to Serrano, Hitler was protected by his loyal SS warriors as the leader of an earthly paradise in the Hohlerde and was constantly busy with the preparations for his return. Hitler could return to earth at will, because as a liberator ( Jivamukti ) he was no longer bound to any karma and could reincarnate as Shambala prince on earth at any time. The German dictator may have lost the war, but through his sacrifice he saved the ideals of the original warrior caste from Shambala. Hitler is now preparing for the terrible final battle of Armageddon , in order to free the white race from the despot of darkness, the demiurge Jehovah, with his last battalion. In addition, Hitler will step out of the earth's interior at Serrano's side at the end of the Kali-Yuga with his UFO army to unleash the final battle.

Holocaust denial

Serrano considered the extermination of six million Jews in the Holocaust to be "one of the greatest cases of fraud in human history." The number of Jews killed had not yet reached one million at the end of the war. Serrano denied the Holocaust as purely symbolic. The number 6 is an archetype of the Jewish collective unconscious and the number of victims of 6 million is an invention, the roots of which lie in a " Kabbalistic world conspiracy of Jehovah". The reality of the Third Reich - tyranny, torture, and oppression - was systematically faded out and replaced by myths about imaginary SS heroes, their fantastic underworld and the Aryan millennium . As early as 1941, after reading the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, he had adopted the theory of a Jewish world conspiracy and viewed Zionism as a particular enemy. For Serrano, the Jews are to blame for all sins, suffering and chaos, because they pursued the goal of enslaving the earth and all creatures and ultimately wiping them out. Serrano revered the SS as an esoteric order in search of the Holy Grail of the Hyperborean blood. He had practiced yoga and secret rites at the Wewelsburg in order to restore the Aryan memory and to achieve a "great transmutation" in God-people.

Present influences

Serrano's works make up an important branch of the New Age industry and are exemplary for a whole series of similar publications under the name "Esoteric Hitlerism". Serrano's mystical neo-Nazism, his treatises on the Gnostic Cathars, the Rosicrucian Mysteries, Hindu Avatars, UFOs, extraterrestrial gods, his theories about a conspiracy of the Jews and his racial ideology of Aryan white supremacy seem like a pop mythology separate from historical contexts . His books have been received by neophytes , satanists , skinheads and NSBM fans in the USA , Scandinavia and Western Europe. Some satanist organizations take up Serrano's ideas. The difference between National Socialism and the New Right , which has partly learned from history and has received his works, consists among other things. a. therein: The goals and obvious consequences of the National Socialist worldview are camouflaged behind modern-sounding names and ostensibly democratic slogans that appear in modern varieties of occultism and that under the umbrella terms "New Age", "New Age" and "New Being" also refer to "ancient." Knowledge ”. Serrano's ideas and conclusions are seldom shared in esoteric groups and, even among the former National Socialists, they were mostly regarded as a fantasy. With younger neo-Nazis, however, it is well received that he fades out the reality of the Third Reich in favor of his mythology. He is thus influential on the fringes of right-wing esotericism , met Julius Evola and the aged Herman Wirth . Translations have also appeared in far-right publishers such as the Odinist 14 Word Press , and Serrano is featured in the Black Order's underground literature.

Publications in German translation

Web links

Commons : Miguel Serrano  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , p. 368f. Original Black Sun , 2002.
  2. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , pp. 367-371.
  3. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , pp. 370–373.
  4. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , pp. 394-396.
  5. Joscelyn Godwin : Arktos. The polar myth between Nazi occultism and modern esotericism. Ares-Verlag , Graz 2007, ISBN 3-902475-40-4 , pp. 156–157.
  6. J. Körber in Jungle World
  7. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , p. 371 f.
  8. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , pp. 392-393. and pp. 374-375.
  9. Joscelyn Godwin : Arktos. The polar myth between Nazi occultism and modern esotericism. Ares-Verlag , Graz 2007, ISBN 3-902475-40-4 , p. 84.
  10. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , pp. 367-378.
  11. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , pp. 380-381.
  12. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , p. 381.
  13. Victor Trimondi: Hitler, Buddha, Krishna - an unholy alliance from the Third Reich until today . Ueberreuter 2002, p. 492.
  14. Victor Trimondi: Hitler, Buddha, Krishna - an unholy alliance from the Third Reich until today . Ueberreuter 2002, p. 440.
  15. a b Victor Trimondi: Hitler, Buddha, Krishna - an unholy alliance from the Third Reich until today . Ueberreuter 2002, pp. 433-435.
  16. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , pp. 378-392.
  17. René Freund : Brown magic? Occultism , New Age and National Socialism . Picus, Vienna 1995, ISBN 3-85452-271-1 . Pp. 118-121.
  18. Victor Trimondi: Hitler, Buddha, Krishna - an unholy alliance from the Third Reich until today . Ueberreuter 2002, p. 433.
  19. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , p. 89.
  20. Joscelyn Godwin : Arktos. The polar myth between Nazi occultism and modern esotericism. Ares-Verlag , Graz 2007, ISBN 3-902475-40-4 , p. 159.
  21. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , p. 373.
  22. René Freund: Brown magic? Occultism, New Age and National Socialism . Picus, Vienna 1995, ISBN 3-85452-271-1 . Pp. 112-113.
  23. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , pp. 386-392 and pp. 394-397.
  24. René Freund: Brown magic? Occultism, New Age and National Socialism . Picus, Vienna 1995, ISBN 3-85452-271-1 . Pp. 109-113.
  25. Victor Trimondi: Hitler, Buddha, Krishna - an unholy alliance from the Third Reich until today . Ueberreuter 2002, p. 451.
  26. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: In the Shadow of the Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric National Socialism and the Politics of Demarcation. Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-86539-185-8 , p. 367, p. 394-397.