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Padochov does not have a coat of arms
Padochov (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Jihomoravský kraj
District : Brno-venkov
Municipality : Oslavany
Area : 249 ha
Geographic location : 49 ° 8 '  N , 16 ° 21'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 8 '4 "  N , 16 ° 21' 10"  E
Height: 285  m nm
Residents : 559 (2011)
Postal code : 664 91
License plate : B.
Street: Ivančice - Zbýšov
Main road
Statue of St. John of Nepomuk
Atonement stone
Pit Franziska bay , 1888

Padochov (German Padochau ) is a district of the city of Oslavany in the Czech Republic . It lies four kilometers north of Ivančice and belongs to the Okres Brno-venkov in South Moravia .


Padochov is located in the Boskovická brázda ( Boskowitz furrow ) on the left side above the valley of the brook Neslovický potok, which flows into the Balinka west of the village. To the east rise the Hranice (386 m nm) and the Staré hory (377 m nm), in the southwest the Kocoury (331 m nm).

Neighboring towns are U Mašinky, Anenská and Zbýšov in the north, Kratochvilka in the northeast, Neslovice and Špidleny in the east, Hlína in the southeast, Ivančice and Letkovice in the south, Oslavany in the southwest, Čučice in the west and Ketkovice , Mašínka and Lukovany in the northwest.


Padochov was founded in the 16th century; the village was first mentioned in a document in 1548 as part of the Oslawan rule, which was pledged to Wilhelm Kuna von Kunstadt . The following owners were from 1563 Johann Kraiger von Kraigk , his widow Esther von Weisbroch and from 1574 their heirs. From 1586 the Oslawan rule belonged to the Counts of Althan , in 1654 it came to the Lords of Mollart through marriage . During the Thirty Years' War Padochov became deserted, after the end of the war only four houses were still inhabited. Peter Ernst von Mollart sold Oslawan with all its accessories, including Padochau in 1712, to the Maria Saal Cistercian Abbey in Altbrünn. The oldest local seal dates from 1717 and bears the inscription DIEDINA PADOCHOWICE . In 1750 the village consisted of only eight houses. In 1760 a coal seam was discovered near Mašínka by the manorial estate manager Riedl. Three years later a saltpetre grave was started. After the abbey Maria Saal was abolished in the course of the Josephine reforms , the Oslawan estates fell to the religious fund in 1782 , which in 1789 leased them to Johann Nepomuk von Scharff. In 1783 the mining of hard coal began in the Oslawan rule, which was also the beginning of hard coal mining in Moravia. On March 17, 1785, the kk state property administration enfeoffed the trade union of the Oslawan hard coal, alum and vitriol works with the mining rights. In 1800 the rule was sold to Scharff by the union on the condition that the mine would always be owned undisturbed . In the same year Johann Baptist Müller acquired the mining rights.

In 1835 the village of Padochau or Padochow , located in the Brno district on a hill on the road to Brno , consisted of 23 houses in which 134 people lived. To the west, below the village, at the work yard ( Havírna ) was the Muller coal works with a residential building and a mill as well as a stately tavern. The Padochau coal mine, owned by the brothers Johann Baptist and Anton Müller, was built on three seams and was the most productive of the seven mines in the Rossitz-Oslawan district, four of which were on Oslawan territory and the rest of the Rossitz territory. The hill stretching as far as Eibenschitz was covered with plum and cherry trees, which were a lucrative source of income for the residents in favorable years. The parish was in Oslawan. In 1848 the Klein brothers , the Brno entrepreneur Ferdinand Löhner and Adolf and Franziska Petrziczek founded the Franciska Zeche trade union to mine coal on community land ; this led to disputes with the Müller coal works, which had the right to mine on manorial land. Padochau remained subject to the allodial rule of Oslawan until the middle of the 19th century .

After the abolition of patrimonial formed Padochov / Padochau 1849 a district of the market town of Oslavany / Oslawan in the judicial district Eibenschitz . In 1854, another mine was sunk west of Padochov opposite the work yard, the Franziska shaft ( Důl Františka ), and ventilation was provided via the Müller shafts. After four miners were killed in a methane explosion in the Franziska shaft in 1857, the borehole shaft was sunk between 1858 and 1860 as a driving and weather shaft for the mine by order of the mining authorities. On June 7, 1860, a devastating firedamp explosion occurred on the Franziska shaft, killing 53 people, in which almost the entire shift was killed. As a result, the new pit (later "Kukla pit") was added in the lower part of the mine field in August 1861. From 1869 the village belonged to the Brno District ; at that time Padochov had 503 inhabitants and consisted of 38 houses. In 1879 Padochov broke away from Oslavany and formed his own community. At the end of the 19th century, Padouchov was also used as a community name as an alternative . In 1898 the road to Eibenschitz was built. In 1900 there were 640 people living in Padochov; In 1910 there were 675. In 1904 the volunteer fire brigade was founded; the syringe house was inaugurated in 1910. In 1920 the municipality was assigned to the newly created Okres Brno-venkov . In the 1921 census, 955 people, including 947 Czechs, lived in the village's 130 houses. In 1930 Padochov again had 955 inhabitants and consisted of 159 houses. After the German occupation, the municipality of Padochov / Padochau belonged to the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia from 1939 to 1945 . In 1948 Padochov was reclassified to Okres Rosice. In 1950 there were 823 people in Padochov. In the course of the territorial reform and the repeal of the Okres Rosice, the village came back to the Okres Brno-venkov on July 1, 1960. Coal mining at the Františka mine was stopped in 1969, but the mine workings were still kept mobile as auxiliary structures for ventilating the Kukla mine . On June 26, 1980, Padochov was incorporated into Oslavany. The Františka mine was closed in 1991 and then stored. Businesses and a brewery settled in the opencast buildings. In the 2001 census, there were 553 people in Padochov's 215 houses.

Local division

The district Padochov forms a cadastral district.


  • Bell tower in the village square
  • Statue of St. John of Nepomuk, erected in 1818, it was a gift from Antonín Červinka
  • Baroque stone cross from 1804
  • Atonement stone from 1919, in the forest north of the village, it commemorates the murder of a woman by her son
  • Rybičková skála natural monument, northeast of the village on Neslovický potok

Sons and daughters of the place


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Katastrální území Padochov: podrobné informace ,
  2. ^ Gregor Wolny : The Margraviate of Moravia, presented topographically, statistically and historically . Volume II: Brno District, Division II, Brno 1837, pp. 254, 264
  3. Chytilův místopis ČSR, 2nd updated edition, 1929, p. 929 P - Padol