Pope visits to Germany

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Pope John Paul II during the Holy Mass at the Butzweiler Hof in Cologne on November 15, 1980
Pope Benedict XVI while driving through Cologne in 2005
Papal Fair Munich 2006 exhibition grounds

According to the German Bishops' Conference , the first papal visit to “German” territory took place in 799, when Pope Leo III. consecrated an altar in the Paderborn royal palace of Charlemagne .

By the beginning of the 21st century, fifteen visits from ten popes can be recorded, as well as the visits of the anti- popes Gregory VI. in 1012 and John XXIII. in 1414. The presence of popes in 1054 and 1417 was not counted because Viktor II and Martin V were in Mainz and Constance respectively at the time of their election.


Year / date Pope places
799 Leo III. Paderborn ; Visit to the royal palace and consecration of an altar
805 Leo III. Aachen ; Celebration of the Epiphany
1012 Antipope Gregory VI. Kaiserpfalz zu Pöhlde
1020 Benedict VIII Bamberg and Fulda
1049 Leo IX Cologne , Aachen and Mainz
1051 Leo IX Trier and Augsburg
1052/1053 Leo IX Mainz, Worms and Augsburg
1056/1057 Viktor II Goslar , Speyer , Aachen and Regensburg
1147/1148 Eugene III. trier
1414 Antipope John XXIII. Constancy ; Opening of the Council of Constance
1782 Pius VI Munich , Altötting and Augsburg
November 15-19, 1980 John Paul II Cologne, Brühl , Bonn , Mainz, Osnabrück , Fulda , Munich and Altötting
April 30 to May 4, 1987 John Paul II Cologne, Bonn, Münster, Kevelaer , Essen , Bottrop , Gelsenkirchen , Mülheim ad Ruhr , Munich, Speyer and Augsburg
June 21-23, 1996 John Paul II Paderborn and Berlin
August 18-21, 2005 Benedict XVI. Cologne and Bonn on World Youth Day 2005 (it was not an official visit to Germany)
September 9-14, 2006 Benedict XVI. Munich, Altötting, Marktl , Regensburg and Freising
September 22-25, 2011 Benedict XVI. Berlin , Erfurt , Etzelsbach , Lahr / Black Forest , Freiburg im Breisgau

See also

Web links

Commons : Pope visits to Germany  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files


  1. ^ Pope visits to Germany. (No longer available online.) In: kath.de. publicatio e. V., archived from the original on December 22, 2016 ; accessed on May 30, 2020 .
  2. ^ Apostolic journey of the Pope in Bavaria in 2006 (Vatican). (No longer available online.) In: vatican.va. Archived from the original on April 1, 2011 ; accessed on May 30, 2020 .
  3. Official website of the Pope's visit in 2006 (www.benedikt-in-bayern.de). Archived from the original .;
  4. Official website of the Pope's visit to Germany in 2011. German Bishops' Conference, 2011, archived from the original on March 18, 2011 .;