Petar Šegvić

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Petar Šegvić (left) with Mate Trojanović at the 1952 Olympic Games

Petar Šegvić (born June 25, 1930 in Split , Kingdom of Yugoslavia , † June 7, 1990 in Split, SFR Yugoslavia ) was a Yugoslav rower .

Šegvić started for the HVK Gusar club from Split. At the Olympic Games in Helsinki in 1952 , the Yugoslav four-man without a helmsman won the second heat and the second semi-finals with Duje Bonačić , Velimir Valenta , Mate Trojanović and Petar Šegvić. In the final, the Yugoslavs won 2.9 seconds ahead of the four from France and received the only Olympic gold medal for Yugoslav rowers at all.

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