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Pikelot Catholic Chapel (2009)
Pikelot Catholic Chapel (2009)
Waters Pacific Ocean
Archipelago Carolines
Geographical location 8 ° 6 '17 "  N , 147 ° 38' 47"  E Coordinates: 8 ° 6 '17 "  N , 147 ° 38' 47"  E
Pikelot (Federated States of Micronesia)
length 450 m
width 280 m
surface 12.6 ha
Highest elevation m
Residents uninhabited
Spanish nautical chart from Pikelot (1886)
Spanish nautical chart from Pikelot (1886)

Pikelot is a small uninhabited island in the Federated States of Micronesia and the easternmost island of the Micronesian state of Yap .


Pikelot is a flat coral island of oval shape and densely forested. The island is about 100 km northeast of Satawal , the easternmost inhabited Yapese island. The next eastern inhabited land area is on the atoll island of Ulul , which is around 220 km away and belongs politically to the neighboring state of Chuuk .


Pikelot once belonged to Lamotrek and later to Puluwat (in today's Chuuk state). The island is currently claimed by the municipality of Satawal , which also includes the also uninhabited island of West Fayu .


The insignificant island managed by the 2020 shipwreck of a boat in the international news. Three men were stranded on Pikelot and had spent several days there before an air patrol saw their lettering SOS, which had been laid on the beach with palm fronds .

See also

Web links

Commons : Pikelot  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Per Hage, Frank Harary: Exchange in Oceania: a graph theoretic analysis, Clarendon Press Oxford, 1991, p. 95
  2. [1]