Pulse of Europe

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Pulse of Europe e. V. (Pro-European Citizens' Movement)
legal form registered association
founding 2016, association since April 7, 2017
Seat Frankfurt am Main , Germany
purpose Developing a positive narrative about the European Union
method Rallies
people Daniel Röder , Sabine Röder, Jens Pätzold, Hansjörg Schmitt, Stephanie Hartung, Karl-Burkard Haus, Karin Haus
Website pulseofeurope.eu

Pulse of Europe ( English for " Europe's pulse is") a non-partisan and independent citizens' initiative , the 2016 in Frankfurt am Main was founded. Its aim is "to make the European idea visible and audible again". A public , pro-European movement is to counter a development that has been shaped by the UK's exit from the EU and the growth of right-wing populist and nationalist parties . Pulse of Europe has been a registered association since April 7, 2017.


According to a survey conducted by the Bertelsmann Stiftung in October 2015, “a majority of EU citizens [...] support the EU and the euro and even want greater political and economic integration. However, she is critical of the current policy of the community. "

Initiatives with pro-European objectives are not new: the Paneuropean Union, founded in 1922, is the oldest movement to promote the idea of European integration . A few years after the Second World War , further initiatives arose: The Europa-Union Deutschland was founded in 1946, the youth organization Young European Federalists Germany (JEF) in 1949. The European Movement Germany (EBD) was also founded in 1949 . Along with other pro-European initiatives such as Stand Up For Europe , WhyEurope , sounds Europeans , We are Europe or Who, if not us counts pulses of Europe to the newly formed grassroots movements with pro-European objective.

Origin and development


Daniel Röder

The citizens' initiative arose from an idea by the Frankfurt lawyers Sabine and Daniel Röder . The increasing success of nationalist and populist movements around the world made her circle of friends come to the decision that before the upcoming elections in the Netherlands , France and Germany in 2017 , which would be decisive for the continued existence of the European Union, one had to take action. The unexpected Brexit and shortly afterwards the election of Donald Trump were the decisive triggers not to wait for the next decisive event and then to come too late with a countermovement. Instead, they wanted to wake up the supposed silent majority of Europe supporters beforehand in order to prevent the possible destruction of the European Union. Above all, this is seen as a guarantor of peace between its member states, which in the eyes of the initiative makes its preservation absolutely necessary, despite all justified criticism and need for reform. On November 9, 2016, the day after the Trump election, the concepts and the name “Pulse of Europe” emerged, followed by ten basic statements, which were initially shared among friends and colleagues.


Pulse of Europe in Frankfurt am Main, April 9, 2017

Organized via private networks and social media, the first public rally took place in Frankfurt am Main at the end of November 2016 and was attended by around 200 people. Further rallies at weekly intervals followed from January 2017, on February 5, 2017 also in Frankfurt (with around 600 participants), Karlsruhe, Freiburg, Cologne and Amsterdam . Meetings were held in other German cities on February 12th. In Frankfurt on that day about 1700 people took part in the rally and a subsequent demonstration through the city center.

Since February 2017, rallies have been held in public spaces in numerous European cities on Sundays at 2 p.m. With Frankfurt am Main, Freiburg im Breisgau, Karlsruhe, Cologne, Berlin, Celle, Gießen, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Kassel, Munich, Essen, Wiesbaden, Passau, Halle a. d. Saale, Hanover, Hameln, Stuttgart and Bremen predominantly German cities, outside of Germany rallies took place in Amsterdam and Paris. Additional venues were added on Sunday, March 5, 2017: Aachen, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Darmstadt, Dortmund, Göttingen, Koblenz, Erfurt, Leipzig, Potsdam in Germany, Lyon, Montpellier, Strasbourg and Toulouse in France, and Bath in Great Britain. On March 5, 2017, Pulse of Europe was active in 34 European cities, with the number of participants increasing in total and in many places and ranging between 40 and 3000. On March 12, events took place in 36 German and 5 French cities as well as in Lisbon and Brussels with a total of more than 20,000 participants.

The events continued after the Dutch parliamentary elections on March 15, 2017. On March 19, a total of more than 20,000 people gathered in 61 European cities. On March 26, 2017, rallies took place in 11 European countries and 68 cities with - some according to the organizers - a total of more than 44,000 participants; on April 2, 2017, around 48,000 people took part in 12 European countries and 85 cities. According to location and number of participants, German cities continued to predominate, while the number of participants in other European countries ranged between ten and a few hundred people.

At an organizers' meeting at the end of April, it was decided to continue the rallies, but only on the first Sunday of each month from May 7th until the Bundestag election in September.

On June 4, 2017 , rallies were held in a total of 126 cities in 19 countries, including Albania , Kosovo and the Ukraine .

Pulse of Europe in Cologne, March 19, 2017


Donation stand in Munich, April 30, 2017

Following the example of Pulse of Europe, private individuals independently founded pro-European citizens' initiatives in other German and - on a smaller scale - other European cities and called for rallies. The activities are coordinated by a voluntary organization team in Frankfurt, supported by a permanent employee and students working part-time. Any costs incurred were initially paid out of pocket, donations are collected by the respective organizers on site, and in some cases also acquired and documented as part of local projects. Donations are also received by the initiators in Frankfurt. A registered association was entered in the register of associations of the city of Frankfurt am Main on April 7, 2017. The non-profit status is provisionally certified. Mostly the donations are currently financing a temporary office used in Frankfurt.

In order to protect the basically open movement from abuse, the name "Pulse of Europe" was registered as a trademark .

Goals and Topics

Basic statements

Basic statements of Pulse of Europe
(here only the headings of the basic statements)
1. Europe must not fail
2. Peace is at stake
3. We are responsible
4. Stand up and vote
5. Fundamental rights and the rule of law are inviolable
6 The European fundamental freedoms are non-negotiable
7. Reforms are necessary
8. Take mistrust seriously
9. Diversity and
what we have in common 10. Everyone can participate - and should too

According to its own understanding, the initiative “does not pursue any party political goals”, but has formulated ten basic statements that guide its actions. These include, first and foremost, the call to publicly acknowledge the European idea and to stand up for the safeguarding of European fundamental freedoms , in particular the freedom of the press . The preservation of the European identity includes the preservation of regional and national diversity , which is understood as an enrichment.

Programmatic openness

The programmatic focus of Pulse of Europe is on preserving the European Union:

“At the moment, Pulse of Europe primarily wants to motivate the silent supporters of Europe. In addition, however, it is also important to us to approach those who harbor concerns, fears or anger against the European institutions. "

- Daniel Röder in an interview with Legal Tribune Online, February 18, 2017

Above all, however, she believes the initiative “has a large part of the population behind them who wants to hold on to Europe.” She wants to stimulate this “hitherto silent majority” with her movement “to make pro-European ideas visible to the public ". The initiators do not strive for goals such as founding a political party. The aim is to "create a space in which European citizens can develop ideas and solutions for the undisputed problems, regardless of political requirements."

With a view to the parliamentary election in the Netherlands on March 15, 2017, the presidential election in France on April 23, 2017 and the federal election on September 24, 2017, “as many people as possible should gather in Europe who stand up for Europe and thus contribute to ensuring that pro-European forces can govern with a majority after the elections. ”In cooperation with the pro-European initiative WhyEurope , many cities took over their Blijf bij ons campaign aimed at the Netherlands . After the Dutch parliamentary election on March 15, 2017, Pulse of Europe put a focus on the French presidential election. The early parliamentary elections in Bulgaria were also discussed. In addition, in an interview on March 17, 2017, the political situation in Great Britain, Scotland , on the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland and the relationship between Europe and Turkey were discussed as topics for Pulse of Europe.

Pulse of Europe is "deliberately broadly based" and addresses "the broad masses who think pro-European." The aim is not to present a concrete plan for reforming the EU, but to raise awareness of the importance of the upcoming elections and people to get them to “go to the polls and vote pro-European”. You can reach “over a million people” on the Internet via social networks. The rallies differ fundamentally from the appearance of right-wing populist initiatives: confidence is compared to fear, right-wing populists receive less public attention.

Non-partisan character

Hans-Jochen Vogel (SPD), Munich, April 9, 2017
Theo Waigel (CSU) and Margarete Bause (Greens) as visitors to Pulse of Europe Munich on March 26, 2017
Joint appearance of the district administrators of Auschwitz and Dachau at Pulse of Europe Munich, April 30, 2017

According to an interview with one of the organizers in Wirtschaftswoche on March 27, 2017, “Pulse of Europe” deliberately retains a non-partisan character; With the exception of mayors as the “first representatives of their city”, contributions from party politicians to Pulse of Europe events are not welcome. Independence “from all parties and also from the European Parliament” is seen as essential for the credibility of the initiative. An offer of financial support from the European Commission was rejected.

The organizers are critical of speeches by former supporters of movements known as right-wing populist such as Pegida at public rallies by Pulse of Europe. Cooperation with party foundations is accepted in order to be able to use their contacts, for example to Poland. The initiative's first rally took place there on April 16 in Warsaw. The development of a more differentiated program is seen as insignificant, the goal remains to “redirect perception to the good sides of European unity” and “inspire people for Europe”. The pan-European small party Volt shares many goals with Pulse of Europe; therefore, members of Volt are trying to make their party better known on the sidelines of the Pulse of Europe demonstrations and to encourage people to vote in the European elections.

Before the 2017 federal election

In an open letter on May 22, 2017, Pulse of Europe put three questions to the “German parties” with the request for a short, generally understandable answer. The question was asked about the views of the parties with regard to the “three greatest challenges” for Europe and the European Union and the “concrete measures or proposals” with which the respective parties intend to meet these. The initiative also asks for three aspects of the Rome Declaration of March 25, 2017 to be singled out and to explain how the party intends to implement it programmatically or that it does not support it. In addition, Pulse of Europe asks for measures to counteract the “democratic deficit criticized by many” and the “feeling of being unable to exert too little influence”, as well as the need for institutional reforms with the request that these be named.

Relationship to other pro-European initiatives

In January 2016, the pro-European initiative WhyEurope called several times to attend the first demonstrations in Freiburg and Frankfurt. With a view to the Dutch parliamentary elections in March 2017, members of WhyEurope designed the “Blijf bij ons” campaign, which Pulse of Europe soon took over in numerous cities.

On the part of other initiatives, the Europa-Union Germany and the Young European Federalists called on February 17, 2017 to take part in the rallies. The European Movement Germany also warned to be cautious about possible one-dimensionality and spoke out in favor of “reliable sustainability, broad discourse and diverse proposed solutions”.

In the English city of Bath, the organizers called on March 5th to support the “Unite for Europe” initiative, which was planning a protest march against Brexit to the British Parliament on March 25th, 2017. The organization Stand Up For Europe organized a “March for Europe” on the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome on March 25, 2017 in Rome.

In contrast to the longer existing pro-European groups, Pulse of Europe conducts public relations work with simple means. At the meetings is the European flag carried, a microphone is open, the final human chain heard the European anthem . Reports in public media emphasize that this is a way of addressing people who would otherwise not demonstrate publicly, do not attend conferences or are not reached by information campaigns.

The initiators of Pulse of Europe do not fundamentally rule out a merger with other pro-European initiatives, but according to their statements this is not yet planned.


The initiative received attention in the European press outside Germany and the EU from February 2017.

On March 5th, Mayor Feldmann (SPD) and Mayor Becker (CDU) of the City of Frankfurt am Main spoke during the meeting on the open microphone. On March 8, Offenbach's Mayor Schneider (SPD) called on the citizens of his city to take part in the rally in Frankfurt on March 12.

In a speech to the German Bundestag on March 9, 2017, MP Oppermann (SPD) described the initiative as “politicizing those who do not want democracy and Europe to be ruined.” MP Özdemir (B90 / The Greens) mentioned in at the same meeting the motto “Pulse of Europe” and the weekly meetings as an example of the assumption of collective responsibility for the future of Europe.

In an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on March 11, 2017, political scientist Sandra Eckert saw increasing voter interest in specific questions about the social and economic consequences of European integration , the challenges of a common refugee policy and how to deal with the current trend towards disintegration. The initiative could be seen as an expression of disaffection with politics “in the sense of dissatisfaction with existing possibilities of political participation ” on a transnational, European level. The "hitherto tacit approval of the EU" is now gaining "a voice". Pulse of Europe benefits from the great public interest in view of the elections in several European countries and can influence voter turnout and voting shares through its actions. The extent to which the commitment based on private initiative can be maintained in the future is currently open. The question of the EU's future relationship with the United Kingdom, the relationship with the United States and Turkey, but also internal European tensions with Poland and Hungary remained relevant topics for discussion even after the elections. The pro-European orientation of the initiative was not a sufficient unique selling point from which a political party could develop. “Because of its success and its visibility as a voice for Europe”, the initiative “can no longer be ignored anyway”.

On March 13, the spokesman for the Central Committee of German Catholics praised the initiative in a press release and called on Catholics to take part in the rallies. Vatican Radio reported on March 23, 2017.

The sociologist Simon Teure from the Berlin Institute for Protest and Movement Research was quoted on March 17 in the newspaper Neues Deutschland as saying that the protests “primarily address those people who benefit from the status quo Europe: internationally oriented, better educated and better earners. ”A“ Europe euphoria ”fades over the structural problems of Europe, such as“ the lack of socio-political orientation, the helplessness towards the authoritarian developments in individual member states and the isolation from the outside ”. Clara Stinshoff made a similar statement on March 23, 2017: Pulse of Europe mainly addresses educated people from the upper middle class who are particularly benefiting from the advantages of the European Union, such as freedom of movement or the Erasmus program . If Pulse of Europe wants to spread the idea of ​​European unification and want to change the political landscape in Europe, it is of great importance who it reaches with its message. The votes of the upper middle class alone were not enough to win elections. If Europe is to be “saved”, it is necessary to involve people who are not necessarily aware of the ways in which they can benefit from the Union.

The Berlin sociologist Dieter Rucht sees "the goals formulated too broadly", the "demands too abstract." Through continuous presence and "clearly formulated intermediate stages" a citizens' initiative can influence political developments. On March 30, 2017, Rucht commented critically on the "heterogeneous collection of people" who are currently held together due to the general statements of the program, but are basically guided by different interests. This carries the risk of “fraying” the initiative. Rucht assesses the situation in France in such a way that the voters there link the European question with the presidential candidates and therefore do not consider it necessary to "take to the streets."

In his swearing-in speech on March 22, 2017, Federal President Steinmeier expressed his joy at the "people who are taking to the squares these days and making us feel the pulse of Europe again".

On March 25, 2017, the political scientist Ulrike Guérot criticized the initiative 's “ten-point program” as being too vague and suggested that Pulse of Europe could demand “ equal suffrage for the European Parliament - one man, one vote ” in the European elections , to strengthen the legitimacy of the European Parliament . Equal electoral law enables “social, political and ideological coalescence to form a European republic.” Following the historical model of the German pre-march , which was followed a few years later by the unification of the small German states, Pulse of Europe could “be the beginning of a European pre-march”. In the April 10 daily newspaper , Guérot further elaborated her criticism: In neighboring European countries, people do not understand that there is a difference “between German citizens and politics”. The German citizens have long gone further than politics and made up for the failure of politics to "reach out to other Europeans in reconciliation". The approval for Europe remains vague because the "details of the EU" remained unknown. At which points the EU specifically needs to be reformed remains unknown. Therefore, even abroad, a deeper understanding of the concerns of German citizens cannot be expected. For the initiative, Guérot sees the task of formulating politically: “Europe yes, but EU no.” In addition, it must be conveyed to other European countries that citizens are demonstrating in Germany who have not recognized Germany's responsibility for the current crisis in the EU.

According to a report by the Tagesschau on April 9, 2017, political scientist Tanja Börzel sees Pulse of Europe as a “counter-movement to the attempts to mobilize right-wing populist forces across Europe.” The fact that the initiative comes from citizens and not from politicians makes them all the more effective: “The Right-wing populists always say we are the people - and the majority don't want to go back to the nation state. ”According to Börzel, studies show that the majority of Europeans are in favor of an open and democratic Europe. Pulse of Europe mobilizes this majority, which is of the opinion that the EU should get more powers.


The Berlin team of Pulse of Europe was awarded the European Blue Bear Prize on May 9, 2017 . With this award, the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the Representation of the European Commission in Germany have been honoring Berlin initiatives, associations, projects and individuals who have contributed to the growing together of Europe with their civil society engagement and who advocate common European values.

Pulse of Europe received the European Citizens Award 2017 of the European Parliament on September 18, 2017 . The reason given is: "With Pulse of Europe the initiators are making an important contribution to a united and democratic Europe."

Pulse of Europe received the special prize of the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize 2017 from the city of Osnabrück on September 22, 2017 . With this, "the jury supports the aim of 'Pulse of Europe' to maintain the European Union as an alliance of peace".

On December 3, 2017, Pulse of Europe was awarded the Marion Dönhoff Prize for international understanding and reconciliation .

On March 14, 2018, the initiators of the movement, Daniel and Sabine Röder, were awarded the citizens' prize of the German daily newspapers .

On May 22, 2018, the initiators of the movement, Daniel and Sabine Röder, were awarded the Federal Cross of Merit.

On March 18, 2019, Daniel and Sabine Röder were awarded the Erich Fromm Prize .

Web links

Commons : Pulse of Europe  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Patricia Andreae: Show the flag for Europe . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung . April 2, 2016, p. R1 .
  2. a b c d e f g Dr. Daniel Röder, Jens Pätzold: #PULSEOFEUROPE. Setting an example for the future of Europe. 2017, accessed February 11, 2017 .
  3. ^ Ludger Fittkau: Protest movement against new nationalism. (No longer available online.) In: deutschlandfunk.de. January 23, 2016, archived from the original on March 1, 2017 ; accessed on February 14, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.deutschlandfunk.de
  4. Information about the association and fee-based access to the register documents. Retrieved April 14, 2017 .
  5. ^ Catherine de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann: What Do the People Want? Opinions, Moods and Preferences of European Citizens . 2015 ( bertelsmann-stiftung.de [PDF; accessed on March 13, 2017]).
  6. Stand Up For Europe. Retrieved February 2, 2018 .
  7. Home | WhyEurope. Retrieved March 25, 2018 .
  8. Marco Karp: Action against right-wing populism - “Why Europe” sets the mood for Europe. zdf.de, November 9, 2017; accessed on March 25, 2018
  9. ^ Website of the “Loud Europeans” initiative , accessed on February 18, 2017.
  10. Website of the “We are Europe” initiative ( Memento of the original from May 10, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed February 18, 2017 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / we-are-europe.org
  11. Website of the “Who, if not us” initiative ( Memento of the original from February 19, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed February 18, 2017 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.whoifnotus.eu
  12. Helena Kaschel: Grassroots Movements: "Now Europe will be saved". In: dw.de. Deutsche Welle, April 2, 2017, accessed April 2, 2017 .
  13. ^ Initiative Pulse of Europe: For Europe on the road. In: WDR . March 9, 2017. Retrieved March 15, 2017 . Interview with “Pulse of Europe” co-founder Hansjörg Schmidt
  14. "Pulse of Europe": We are against pessimism. In: Frankfurter Neue Presse . March 9, 2017, accessed March 6, 2017 . Interview with Pulse of Europe co-founder Hansjörg Schmitt and Karl-Burkhard Haus
  15. a b c Friederike Haupt: Days of Unity . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung . February 5, 2017, p. 4 .
  16. a b Friederike Haupt: You take to the streets for Europe. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. February 8, 2017, accessed February 11, 2017 .
  17. ^ "Pulse of Europe" demonstration for a strong Europe in Cologne. Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger , February 6, 2017, accessed on February 11, 2017 .
  18. Christian Scheh: Pulse of Europe: Citizens' Movement learns more and more popular. In: Frankfurter Neue Presse. February 13, 2017. Retrieved February 13, 2017 .
  19. Vera Kern: The pulse of Europe. (No longer available online.) In: Deutsche Welle. February 12, 2017, archived from the original on February 14, 2017 ; accessed on February 14, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.dw.com
  20. ^ Mouvement Européen-France: Laetitia Mougenot et Pulse of Europe: "Les candidats à la présidentielle n'ont pas d'idées pour l'Europe". (No longer available online.) In: Vox europ. February 27, 2017, archived from the original on February 28, 2017 ; accessed on February 27, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.voxeurop.eu
  21. Table: Cities in which rallies took place - Wikipedia table with individual records per city and date
  22. Hannes Koch: EU supporters are forming. In: TAZ archive. March 10, 2017. Retrieved March 11, 2017 .
  23. Bayerischer Rundfunk: "Pulse of Europe": EU supporters demonstrate for the European idea . March 19, 2017 ( br.de ( memento of March 22, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) [accessed on March 19, 2017]).
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  26. Friederike Tinnappel: Pulse of Europe wants to continue. In: fr.de. Frankfurter Rundschau, April 24, 2017, accessed on April 24, 2017 .
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  31. "Pulse of Europe": Europe demonstration at Wilhelmsplatz. In: op-online.de. March 24, 2017. Retrieved March 24, 2017 .
  32. Pulse of Europe: Initiative for Democracy and Community has arrived in Worms. In: wormser-zeitung.de. March 24, 2017. Retrieved March 24, 2017 .
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  38. Pirmin Breninek: Demo for borderless Europe brings committed people to borders. In: http://hessenschau.de/ . April 2, 2017. Retrieved April 4, 2017 .
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  40. a b Isabelle Beaucamp, Pia Lorenz: Pulse of Europe - Demonstrating for Europe. In: Legal Tribune Online. February 18, 2016, accessed February 21, 2017 .
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  42. Duitsers demonstreren tegen 'nexit': blijf bij ons! ( nos.nl [accessed May 5, 2018]).
  43. a b Ira Schaible: Thousands take to the streets for Europe: With "Pulse of Europe" a new, pro-European grassroots movement has been founded. Neues Deutschland, March 17, 2017, accessed on March 17, 2017 .
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  60. ^ Jean Philippe Lacour: Ça se passe en Europe: Francfort, berceau d'une mobilization citoyenne pro-Europe. In: Les Echos. February 6, 2017. Retrieved February 11, 2017 .
  61. «Pulse of Europe»: Ένα νέο κίνημα υπέρ της Ευρώπης . In: Newpost.gr . ( newpost.gr [accessed March 19, 2017]).
  62. " 추가 탈퇴 는 안돼"유럽 ​​40 개 도시 서 親 親 EU 집회 . In: 뉴스 1 . March 12, 2017 ( "추가 탈퇴 는 안돼"… 유럽 40 개 도시 서 親 EU 집회 ( Memento of March 12, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) [accessed on March 12, 2017]). "추가 탈퇴 는 안돼"… 유럽 40 개 도시 서 親 EU 집회 ( Memento of the original from March 12, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / news1.kr
  63. Europeans demonstrate so that the EU does not fail. In: srf.ch. Swiss Radio and Television, March 14, 2017, accessed on March 17, 2017 .
  64. Patricia Andreae: "Pulse of Europe": Hymns to Unity. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , March 5, 2017, accessed on March 7, 2017 .
  65. ^ Jean Philippe Lacour: Mayor Schneider calls for a demo. In: Frankfurter Rundschau online. March 8, 2017. Retrieved March 9, 2017 .
  66. Thomas Oppermann on the government declaration by the Chancellor to the European Council on March 9, 2017. In: German Bundestag, shorthand report, 221st session. Berlin, Thursday, March 9th, 2017. March 9th, 2017, accessed on March 14th, 2017 : “I think we now have to fight for Europe with more courage - like a movement that is“ Pulse of Europe ”. In over 35 cities in Germany people now demonstrate for Europe every Sunday: [...] families, young people as well as older people. These are still small groups. In my hometown of Göttingen 150 people took part last Sunday. But there are more from week to week. This can become a real grassroots movement. And the remarkable thing about it is: You are not demonstrating against something, but, dear people, you are demonstrating for something, for the European Union, [...] for the advantages of an open Europe, for freedom of travel, for a community that provides security in the world. In the past year we have seen a politicization from the right in this society. What we are now experiencing is a politicization of those who do not want democracy and Europe to be ruined. And that's exactly what we need, ladies and gentlemen. "
  67. Cem Özdemir on the government declaration by the Chancellor to the European Council on March 9, 2017. In: German Bundestag, shorthand report, 221st session. Berlin, Thursday, March 9, 2017. March 9, 2017, accessed on March 11, 2017 : “I'm also happy [...] that we now see people every weekend, young people taking to the streets in European cities go and gather, and the number grows every week. The motto "Pulse of Europe" under which they gather means: We are all responsible for the future of Europe, each and every one of us. "
  68. Patricia Andreae: "You have the potential to influence elections." Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, No. 60, March 11, 2017, p. 39.
  69. Signs for Peace: Catholic Committee recognizes the “Pulse of Europe” initiative. In: mk-online.de. KNA press release , March 13, 2017, accessed on March 17, 2017 .
  70. ZdK: “We like to be Europeans!” In: de.radiovaticana.va. Vatican Radio, March 23, 2017, accessed March 25, 2017 .
  71. ^ The Filter Bubble of Gendarmenmarkt: Reflections on a Pulse of Europe Demonstration. In: The Governance Post. Hertie School of Governance , March 23, 2017, accessed April 6, 2017 .
  72. "The demands are too abstract". Bonner Generalanzeiger, March 17, 2017, accessed on March 18, 2017 .
  73. Sebastian Gubernator: Is it enough today just to be for Europe? In: welt.de. Welt / N24, March 30, 2017, accessed April 6, 2017 .
  74. ^ Swearing in of the Federal President. www.bundespräsident.de, March 22, 2017, accessed on March 23, 2017 : “I will also take sides for Europe! And I am happy about the many, especially young people, who are taking to the streets these days and making us feel the pulse of Europe again! Those who gather there remind us of how much we Germans owe to the united Europe: the return of our country to the world community; Reconstruction, growth; Prosperity. And above all: 70 years of peace! We owe this to the mothers and fathers of Europe, who after 1945 had the courage to learn the right lessons from centuries of wars. "
  75. Maria Christoph, Martin Pfaffenzeller: "Pulse of Europe": Powerful, but without a plan. In: spiegel.de. Der Spiegel, March 24, 2017, accessed March 25, 2017 .
  76. a b c Patricia Hecht: Ulrike Guérot on Pulse of Europe: “A kind of bourgeois coffee drinking”. In: taz.de. Die Tageszeitung, April 10, 2017, accessed on April 12, 2017 .
  77. ^ A b Caroline Ebner: Demonstrations for the EU: They celebrate Europe - but what kind of one? In: tagesschau.de. Tagesschau, April 9, 2017, accessed on April 15, 2017 .
  78. Press release from the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe about the Blue Bear award ceremony on May 9, 2017
  79. ^ Senate Department for Culture and Europe: Berlin Blue Bear European Prize
  80. European Parliament - Information Office in Germany , accessed on June 24, 2017.
  81. Press release of the city of Osnabrück from May 19, 2017
  82. Deutschlandfunk Kultur: “New York Times” receives Marion Dönhoff Prize.
  83. BDZV press release of March 14, 2018: Prime Minister Armin Laschet: Big changes often begin with a few people who do the right thing , accessed on March 15, 2018
  84. ↑ Office of the Federal President: Award ceremony on the Constitutional Day May 22, 2018 , accessed on May 23, 2018
  85. Erich Fromm Prize: Previous winners , accessed on December 4, 2019